Electronic journals and news
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| Electronic Journals
El.pub News |
A free email alerter of the latest news items and associated URLs. |
CONTENTS: Lists of electronic journals and newsletters | Electronic journals and newsletters | Mailing lists and online forums
The aim of this page is to provide links to electronic journals, newsletters and news groups with interests in the area of interactive electronic publishing.
Only journals and newsletters whose contents is available online are listed in this section.
Many journals and newsletters offer email alerting services, announcing publication along with brief synopses of articles, subscription is usually from the welcome page URL quoted with each entry below.
Lists serial publications available via the Internet, includes journals and newsletters. |
Scholarly Electronic Publishing
Detailed bibliography of articles, books and sites concerned with scholarly publishing. |
Directory of Electronic Journals
and Newsletters
Complied by the Association of Research Libraries in the US, the directory currently contains over 1700 entries. |
The Internet Scout Project |
US National Science Foundation sponsored, includes lists of electronic newsletters. |
Digital Libraries Electronic Journal and Text Archives |
List of resources that hold indices of electronic journals particularly concerned with electronic publishing. |
Serials in Cyberspace |
Links to sites with electronic journal collections and services in the US and worldwide. |
NewsDirectory.com |
A guide to English-language media online: all sites listed must provide English-language content and publish a printed paper version. The site provides links to over 7,800 newspapers and magazines worldwide, which meet these criteria. URL: http://www.ecola.com |
The ASP Community is a web resource sponsored by organisations active in the fledgling Application Service Provision marketplace. The aims of the site, which provides a number of interesting ASP resources, are twofold: to educate and inform potential users of the benefits and arguments supporting an ASP solution and to support those who wish to become an ASP or an ASP enabler.
Provides news and resources on the Appplication Service Provider (ASP) industry.
ASPstreet.com provides news, events, publications and other information about the application service provider industry.
News notes on Agent-based Computational Economics (ACE) news notes (sent via email) include announcements regarding a new ACE survey paper, journals, books, software, web sites, and miscellaneous news items that might be of interest to people interested in ACE-related research. An archive of previous notes is also available via the ACE web site. ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents.
URL: ACE website http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
Jakob Nielsen, the usability guru, produces a monthly column on web design called Alertbox, users can subscribe to an alerter service on the site.
Ariadne, published by the UK Office for Library & Information Networking (UKOLN) contains a number of articles, regular columns and reviews (of events and books) concerned with the deveopment and management of digital libraries.
ASPnews.com provides news and analysis for the Application Service Provider (ASP) industry. It publishes a monthly e-mail newsletter along with other online publications.
Information and downloads for Beta test versions of software. News about beta development.
Biometric Digest
French language Internet and techo-economy e-zine from Canada.
Broadcastnow is an online service from Broadcast, a UK weekly newspaper for the TV and radio industry. To get the full benefit of Broadcastnow, you need to be a subscriber. However, certain services are available free to all Broadcastnow users, including an online job search service, headline news service, discussion forum and an industry events diary. Users can sign up for free weekly news and jobs emails.
In his introduction Jim Flanagan, the inspiration behind technology news site, The Bubble Chamber, says: "most of what passes for technology news on the web recently seems to be technology business news - which company bought which other company, IPO announcements, etc. I'm a technologist, not an investor, and so I'm much more interested in the Web of Ideas".
Bubble Chamber is his attempt to share science and technology news which contains "catalysts to thought and new ideas which people can use in their own intellectual travels". The author is always on the look out for contributions. Incidentally, the site is implemented using Zope, an open source web content management system.
Business 2.0, is a monthly magazine and web site, from Time Magazine, and is the essential tool for navigating today's relentlessly changing marketplace, particularly as it's driven by the Internet and other technologies.
URL: http://www.byte.com/
Looking for the most in-depth and up-to-date information on cable modems? Visit the Cable Modem Info Center for the latest news.
Includes lists of Canadian developers.
CEN/ISSS standardization newsletter
Email-based newsletter includes news on meetings concerned with standardisation and European standards developments emanating from CEN/ISSS.
URL: CEN/ISSS newsletter http://www.cenorm.be/isss/newsletter/
CIT INFOBITS is a free electronic service published by The University of North Carolina's Center for Instructional Technology. Each month the CIT's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a number of information and instructional technology sources and provides brief notes for electronic dissemination to educators. The notes (effectively brief articles) include links to further sources of online information and debate. Sample notes from a recent issue include:
"Does the Internet Foster Shallow Learning?",
"Student Citation Behavior",
"The Next Major Wave of Change in US Higher Education",
"Learning Communities",
"Creative Commons and Copyright",
"Recommended Reading"To subscribe to INFOBITS, send an email to mailto:listserv@unc.edu with the following message: "SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS firstname lastname" (substitute your own first and last names), or use the web subscription form. The newsletter is also available online, and welcomes readers' contributions.
URL: subscription http://listserv.unc.edu/cgi-bin/lyris.pl?join=infobits
URL: online newsletter http://www.unc.edu/cit/infobits/
A journal about broadband developments with coverage of cable developments, digital TV, set-top boxes etc. Market and technology news.
A journal, more oriented to practical applications and commercial products. The web site mirrors the content of the magazine with information, pictures, models, software, and vendor lists.
URL: http://www.cgw.com
Monthly US journal providing news in the field of library information technology.
Online version of the magazine covering computing technologies.
The Computing Research Association's electronic bulletin provides information that is of "interest to computing researchers".
URL: http://www.cra.org/
Collection Management and Scholarly Electronic Publishing Resource is a bibliography of STM library and publishing that is updated monthly. It is thus a hybrid between an e-zine and a resource. The resource has been divided into two complementary areas: Collection Management and Scholarly Electronic Publishing. Scholarly Electronic Publishing contains general references as well as sub-sections on Authority and Digital Signatures; Charging, Licences and Copyright; and Preservation and Legal Deposit and Practical Aspects of Electronic Publishing.
An web site devoted to international copyright law, digital property, media, and other intellectual property issues.
An interesting web-zine about content development for online media.
A straight forward e-zine takes "tired of lame web sites" as its guiding principle. Through cataloguing user annoyances when using the web, such as indecipherable error messages, the e-zine highlights the problems facing developers of web sites and the technologies that support them.
Free security newsletter.
An e-zine funded under the European Commission's DIGICULT programme, aimed at the European cultural heritage community including IT staff, information professionals, researchers, managers, policy makers, libraries, museums, archives, galleries, non-profit making organisations.
URL: Cultivate web site http://www.cultivate-eu.org/
URL: Cultivate Interactive e-zine http://www.cultivate-int.org/
A bi-monthly printed journal (with online subscriptions), that explores the psychological and social effects of interactive technology, on users. According to the publicity, the articles are peer-reviewed. A free sample issue is available on the web.
Business and technology for the builders, designers, and operators of mission-critical networks.
URL: http://www.data.com
CAD and simulation for the virtual factory.
Netscape's on-line developer magazine
Commercial, advertising supported, journal for software developers. Includes news, articles and software downloads.
IBM's DeveloperWorks features "zones" of interest, focussed on: Linux, Unicode, web architecture, Java technology, security, and XML. The developerWorks site provides an online resource for developers working on "open, cross-platform applications".
D-Lib magazine is published as part of a research project to promote the exchange of information, research and standards development in the field of digital libraries. Published monthly, this is a good source of up to date articles on technological developments and current projects in scholarly electronic publishing.
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
RLG DigiNews is a bimonthly web-based newsletter, published by the Research Libraries Group (RLG) intended to: focus on issues of particular interest and value to managers of digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale; provide filtered guidance and pointers to relevant projects to improve awareness of evolving practices in image conversion and digital archiving; announce publications (in any form) that promote a deeper understanding of digital issues.
DMN is primarily focussed on the market, with corporate and product news of AV and digital creation in the US.
Digital Media Wire is a US-based free daily email briefing on entertainment, the Internet and technology. Comprising of brief comments, with links to original news items on the web, the focus is on market news relating to commercial activities.
News, tools and techniques for content creation.
DOI News is a free public news release and information service published by the International Digital Object Identifier Foundation to increase awareness of important developments to enable digital copyright management of intellectual property.
URL: http://www.doi.org/
The Dr. Dobb's Journal has a web site covering a wide range of topics including: XML, Java, C++, Linux, graphics, algorithms, networking, computer security, data compression. Each topic includes a discussion group.
URL: Programmers Resources http://www.ddj.com/topics/
URL: Dr. Dobb's http://www.ddj.com/
URL: XML topic section http://www.ddj.com/topics/xml/
eBookAd is an ezine about eBooks and features news about hardware and software and lists of eBooks and vendors. Also includes basic information on the eBook market and standards.
The eBook Directory Update Newsletter, published monthly, includes information and reviews on the latest free eBooks and eBook related resources online. The eBook Directory is an extensive directory of ebooks and texts online, including he following categories: business, self improvement, marketing, computers, literature, novels. To subscribe to the newsletter send a blank message to the email address below.
URL: subscribing mailto:ebooklist-subscribe@onelist.com
URL: eBook Directory http://www.ebookdirectory.com/
eBookWeb aims to be the eBook movement's community hub. You'll be able to learn about the latest developments in information displays, compare today's eBook hardware and software options, catch up on the best new content for e-reading, and see how digitization is transforming the arts of writing, publishing, and bookselling.
E-Marketer focuses on online marketing, providing statistics and reports on surveys carried out into the evolving online population.
Analysis service from the publishers of El.pub. Published approximately bi-monthly these essays consider digital content RTD perspectives - looking at different aspects of the industry and areas where RTD is needed to overcome barriers to service deployment. These important, and at times controversial essays, help in defining the current state of digital content and interactive electronic publishing, suggesting the role that research and development has in developing its use and application in the emerging information society.
An email service is available which will deliver the latest issue of El.pub Analytic as soon as it is published, FREE to your desktop in the format of your choice (ASCII text, HTML, MS Word, PDF). To be added to the electronic distribution list sign-up using the simple form on the El.pub web site.
URL: subscribe http://www.elpub.org/
URL: Analytic archive http://www.elpub.org/analytic.htm
Weekly news alerter service of what's new on the El.pub web site, providing news and resources on interactive electronic publishing.
URL: elpubform.htm
An online journal which provides news, resources and feature articles on the technologies and techniques required to implement e-commerce solutions. A free e-zine can be subscribed to at the site and is delivered either daily or weekly.
e-Service Journal is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research on the design, delivery, and impact of electronic services using a variety of computing and communication technologies. Online access is free with a paid-for print subscription.
URL: e-Service Journal http://iupjournals.org/eservice/
URL: Subscription info. http://www.catchword.com/activate.htm
Provides insights into the move from traditional paper-based publishing to the on-line variety.
Editor & Publisher Online is a web-based publication dedicated to electronic and new media publishing.
A peer-reviewed online journal available in both HTML and PDF versions. Includes papers which consider the impact of technology on distance learning and education.
Educational Technology Review is a peer-reviewed online periodical is devoted to the issues and applications of educational technology to enhance learning and teaching. The publication is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss all aspects of educational technology in all learning environments.
Although the main focus of this weekly e-zine is on components and hardware, there are also articles on e-commerce and the impact of technology on applications.
Spanish language ezine of new media and cyberspace. Available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician and English.
EPIC Alert is an electronic newsletter published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), Washington, D.C. which publishes news items to focus public attention on emerging privacy issues. EPIC pursues Freedom of Information Act
litigation in the USA and conducts policy research.URL: http://www.epic.org/
A technology journal which contains a number of in-depth articles on products and technological developments from Ericsson, considering future developments in mobile communications. Subscribe to the print version or view the online version at the web site below. Subscriptions are free.
Euroabstracts is published six times a year (a web site is also available) by the European Commission's Innovation programme. It provides summaries of a wide range of publications and reports (available as printed and/or online versions) which would be of interest to readers of El.pub. An electronic subscription form for Euroabstracts is available from the web site.
Free weekly news report covering "developments in the European online markets".
URL: Europemedia http://www.europemedia.net/
Published monthly, the journal includes peer-reviewed papers which provide excellent coverage of the impact of technology on the emerging information society.
Free newsletter with tips for finding "reliable" web sites. Written by "information professionals", and supported by advertising, it contains reviews and articles, as well as search guidance and marketing advice.
The online journal: "Game Studies" includes a number of games related research articles.
E-zine for emerging new technology artists (audio), also has MP3 tracks from bands that are starting to sell via the Net.
By the author of the now defunct The Rapidly Changing Face of Computing (Digital/Compaq). Styled as two-weekly musings: insight, analysis, and commentary on the innovations and trends of contemporary computing, and on its growing number of related technologies.
Fresh news about the craft of hypertext - on the Web and off. Updates almost daily!
Newsletter published by IBM which gives excellent background into software developments from the company. Published every two weeks the free ezine can be subscribed to at the web address given below.
URL: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/mailing-lists/newsletter/
German language new media news service and Press1 media, music and telecom press cutting bot.
The UK's IEE runs an electronic forum which provides news and an on-line library for visitors who pre-register a profile in exchange for a password. The profile ensures that subscribers receive targeted email updates concerning the site.
A web site that includes reprints of articles with the embedded web links to enable readers to easily link to the resources and examples cited.
A news site which covers IP telephony. It provides news on daily basis and also provides other IP telephony industry information. There is a daily and weekly email digest service which can be signed-up for on the web site.
Indie Magazine is a publication aimed at UK games and interactive media retailers and is published as a monthly print publication (providing product information and analysis), and also "real-time news" on the associated web site.
An online, quarterly, for which an email notification service is available at the site. The journal is published by University Sheffield, UK; Pennsylvania State University, USA; University of Tampere, Finland; and the University of Vilnius, Lithuania.
Online version of the US newspaper targeting the information professional.
Managing technology in business.
News, opinion and reference materials to IT professionals, students, and corporate users focusing on: programming, databases, web publishing, networking, operating systems, and certification.
The journal Informing Science endeavors to provide an understanding of the complexities in informing clientele. Fields from information systems, library science, journalism in all its forms to education all contribute to this science. These fields, which developed independently and have been researched in separate disciplines, are evolving to form a new trans-discipline, Informing Science.
German language Swiss IT news magazine.
Intel Technology Journal
The Intel Technology Journal, available in .pdf format, is a quarterly journal which considers the developments in computing and communications technologies. The coverage is technology oriented and each issue tends to focus on a theme. The November 2002 concentrates on the "Digital Home". There is an online archive available.
Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer Enhanced Learning (IMEJ) is a new-ish (vo.1 no.2) e-zine that covers experience with the use of IMM in educational environments. The zine is an academic journal but includes lots of demo files in QT and Shockwave, and is oriented to practical review of the results of trials.
URL: http://imej.wfu.edu/
International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research (JITSR)
JITSR aims to present and discuss the broad variety of aspects that make up IT standards research. This includes contributions from the disciplines of computer science, information systems, management, business, social sciences (especially science and technology studies), economics, engineering, political science, public policy, sociology, communication, and human factors/usability. In particular, the journal wants to both support and promote multi-disciplinary research on IT standards.
URL: http://www-i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~jakobs/standards_journal/journal_home.html
URL: http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=497
Graphic design e-zine with how to articles - eg. How to paint with Flash 4 - lots of tutorials (Adobe, Metacreations and Corel, plus others), reviews, news.
A free, weekly e-mail newsletter that provides updates on developments within Microsoft, concerning mobile services and related telecoms news. The newsletter provides the latest Microsoft Internet product and technology news for commercial network operators, and also provides information on resources and industry initiatives related to the sector. Subscribe to the newsletter from the ISN web site.
URL: ISN http://www.microsoft.com/isn/telco/
The Web Reference section of on-line publication, internet.com, publishes articles of general interest to those concerned with website development and management.
The Internet2 project is developing next generation Internet. Reports issued by the project are available as monthly email bulletins.
Enterprise oriented news.
Commercial, advertising supported, journal for intranet developers. Includes news, articles and software downloads.
US IP law news service.
"IP-Wire" is the free monthly online newsletter of the IPR-Helpdesk - an EC-sponsored activity aimed at helping European organisations address the Intellectual Property Rights issues associated with an Information Society.
An information resource for Internet Service Provider (ISP) professionals. The ISP-Planet web site provides daily news, opinion, and advice from all quarters of the ISP community.
ITU News is the official magazine of the International Telecommunication Union, published 10 times a year in English, French and Spanish. First published in 1869 as the Journal télégraphique international, ITU News renders a first-hand account of the Union's activities and the global issues of concern to people from all areas of the telecommunications industry. The magazine is published online and is downloadable in PDF format.
German language IT magazine
Commercial, advertising supported journal concerned with Java. Includes news, articles and software downloads, now part of Earthweb.
Spanish / portuguese language South-American Information Society portal. La Sociedad Digital (r) es una organización civil no gubernamental destinada fundamentalmente a la investigación de la Sociedad de la Información y sus efectos políticos, económicos, comerciales, sociales, culturales y educativos.
French language Internet journal.
Journal on Applied Signal Processing (EURASIP)
Peer reviewed journal which publishes special issues on the subject of Signal Processing.
Peer-reviewed electronic journal for the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation.
To promote communication among educators and researchers in the design disciplines who are involved with teaching and research in design communication including sketching, drawing, verbal and written communication, CAD, internet, multimedia, and other design communication tools.
Includes a wealth of articles on developments in electronic publishing.
Journal of Game Development (JOGD)
Conceived as a peer-reviewed journal the intended editorial coverage includes "all game development related areas, such as artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics, networking (eg. massively multiplayer online games), programming, graphics, audio, simulation, polygonal techniques, real-time issues. Other areas of importance and application for these findings include robotics, visualization, and grid computing". Further information is available from Jenifer Niles of Charles River Media.
URL: Jenifer Niles mailto:jniles@charlesriver.com
URL: Charles River Media http://www.charlesriver.com
URL: press release http://www.charlesriver.com/PressRel/JOGDPR.pdf
Provides an entertaining but often irreverent view of information management and web technologies.
Refereed articles, commentaries, information papers and book reviews on a wide spectrum of subjects relating to the information society, regulation and technology.
Published monthly, papers can be searched by category and cover the entire area of "computer science".
Journal of Web Engineering
The first issue of the quarterly Journal of Web Engineering (JWE) was published in October 2002. The aims and scope of the journal are described:
"Web Engineering uses scientific, engineering and management principles and systematic approaches to successfully develop, deploy and maintain high quality web-based systems and applications. The Journal of Web Engineering (JWE) provides a forum for distribution of information in all areas of Web Engineering. Original articles, survey articles, reviews, tutorials, perspectives, and correspondence are all welcome."
The Journal is published by Rinton Press, NJ, USA and will be published spring, summer, autumn and winter. Further information concerning the Journal and paper submission guidelines are available via the link below.
KidScreen is an international trade magazine serving the information needs and interests of all those involved in reaching children through entertainment. News and analysis articles about new media and other aspects of advertising and promoting to children. Good coverage of Europe as well as US.
News and resource site of the Wharton School of the Univ. of Pennsylvania (a leading economics / management centre)
The David Skyrme Associates site publishes a series of articles on knowledge management, along with an e-zine.
Electronic law journal covering a range of topics relating to legal issues surrounding the impact of globalisation on social development and justice around the world. The Journal contains a diversity of materials including peer reviewed and non-refereed articles, commentaries, book reviews, and conference reports and papers, as well as information papers, news and details of global conferences.
URL: Scope of the Journal http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/global/scope.html
French language search engine and portal.
URL: http://www.lmi.fr/
French computing web site that is updated daily with news items.
LTTF has been founded on the premise that emerging technology has the potential to dramatically improve learning. The purpose of this task force is to contribute to the field of Learning Technology and to serve the needs of professionals working in this field. The quarterly publication is disseminated in two ways: content list by email and in HTML and PDF form on its website.
A site developed to provide free news, articles, a forum, and product information for developers of embedded Linux applications.
The Lotus Developer Domain, a community for developers of Lotus software. Publishes a monthly jurnal LDD Today.
The MPEG-4 News Digest is published by the MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) and provides an email update of news published on the organisations web site. This includes the latest developments in MPEG standardisation, resources relating to the standard and also links to the latest news releases from member organisations.
URL: News home http://www.m4if.org/news/
URL: News May 14, 2003 http://www.m4if.org/public/documents/vault/m4if-digest-30019.php
The developers of MediaChannel.org, claim that it is "the first web portal dedicated to global media issues". The site intends to become a leading resource for analysis and information about the media, exploring areas such as freedom of expression, citizen access to media, trends in media ownership, media arts, and the intersection of media and politics.
METAe-news is a regular web-based newsletter intended to focus on issues, articles and news about the Metadata Engine Project. The European Union R&D project METADATA ENGINE focuses on the digitisation of printed material such as books and journals.
Information And Tools For The Service Provider Industry is a free Microsoft e-zine which reports on, and provides links to, Microsoft resources on a wide variety of technologies in the interactive electronic publishing domain.
Spanish language technology section of El Mundo news service.
E-zine which provides regularly updated details on Internet related surveys.
Netimperative is an e-commerce and e-market e-zine concentrating on the European market.
Web development articles, news and resources.
NewMedia.com e-marketing part of Internet.com.
Links to a wide range of news services, summarising their news coverage. Subject categories provide, digests of links to related news items on other news sites. Email informers of updated digests can be subscribed to free of charge. The ten or so subject categories range from business news to web developer news. Also includes discussion lists.
Provides a wealth of information concerned with online newspapers, providing links to their sites alongside analysis of developments
News, analysis, and articles about distributed object technologies, particularly concentrating on J2EE and Microsoft's .Net.
Free email newsletter for online community builders which includes details of software releases and market developments.
Online Journalism Review, a Web-based journal produced at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California. News briefs from around the world give you the latest developments that affect online journalism.
A site providing everything you always wanted to know about .pdf and more including tips, news, and downloads.
Published by Johns Hopkins University Press with support from North Carolina State University, Kent State University, and the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities.
Publish.net is dedicated to providing graphic designers, Web designers, digital content creators and publishing professionals with an effective competitive edge in today's challenging environment.
Publishers Mall is a publishing news and resource site for traditional publishing. It has good coverage of news on European publishers like Havas and Lagardere, despite being American.
RLG DigiNews includes articles and reports of particular interest and value to managers of digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale. The electronic newsletter provides filtered guidance and pointers to relevant projects to improve our awareness of evolving practices in image conversion and digital archiving.
ResearchBuzz is news and information about search engines and databases, mainly US and content oriented.
French language e-zine of the major paper magazine.
Rightscom News Briefing offers a daily summary which keeps you up to date with major developments in digital rights management. Published by Rightscom Ltd., a digital strategy consultancy based in London, the free newsletter specialises in digital rights management (DRM), identification and standards.
URL: http://www.rightscom.com/subscribe.html
URL: http://www.rightscom.com/cms/news.php
The European Commission sponsors an awareness activity related to research and development projects focused on the subject of: "tackling the controversial issue of illegal, harmful and racist content on the Internet". To raise awareness of the issues involved, the Internet Action Plan (IAP) publishes a free newsletter (available in pdf format) which provides news clips on: EU initiatives in the area, Global developments, software and technical developments concerning protection of minors, along with a calendar of events.
Published by the University of Houston libraries department, this selective bibliography presents over 1,550 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The bibliography has the following sections: Economic Issues, Electronic Books and Texts, Electronic Serials, General Works, Library Issues, New Publishing Models, Publisher Issues (including Digital Rights Management).
News online from the printed monthly newsletter which covers the developments of technology and markets in the European multimedia industry, mainly advertising the journal.
Provides reviews and resources on Web search engines. Of particular interest are the notes concerning how different commercial Web search engines index web pages - giving suggestions as to how best to design websites to take advantage.
Billed as the "magazine for database professionals" it is aimed at the professional database searcher.
Shift is a Japanese monthly cool site review e-zine that features work from many of the most creative groups like Me Company (winners of awards for their promos and albums for Bjork). All sorts of designs are reviewed. They seem to have coined the term "web jockey" to describe the authors of link sites (like El.pub).
Newsletter of the ACM: Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce
The Silicon service provides IT professionals with newswire content, analysis, debates and interviews in a combined text and video-on-demand format (Real Player 5.0 or NetShow 3.0 required to run the video). Users can subscribe to the service free of charge, in exchange for some basic profile information.
A free e-zine covering audio issues in the emerging multimedia environment. To subscribe, send message with, subject: Subscription Newsletter.
Surveillance & Society Journal is a fully peer-reviewed transdisciplinary online surveillance studies journal.
The journal for UNIX systems administrators.
Provides electronic access to tenders contained in the European Commission's Official Journal's 'S' series, is available in all European languages.
Techknowlogia, is a US-based education technology magazine. All articles are published online in .pdf format and viewable using the Adobe Acrobat reader.
Technology news headlines
The Center for the Study of Technology and Society publishes a useful weekly newsletter.
Business and technology for next-generation service providers.
Daily updates of telecomms news at their publication web site.
URL: daily news http://www.cit-online.com/
German language net news magazine.
Thinkmobile Headlines is a free (email-based) weekly summary of mobile technology news.
Total Tech offers informative, usable content for all involved in the IT and developer communities. More haardware than software oriented.
Top XML is an XML community where developers can contribute content, share source code and learn.
A free email newsletter published by Van Dusseldorp & Partners. The editorial mission states that the newsletter aims to "help clients in Europe position themselves for media convergence". The unit responsible for publishing the newsletter monitors broadcasters' use of the Internet, the use of video online, the integration of PC functionalities within the TV set, and additional developments related to broadband communications infrastructures and content. The news letter includes details of events, news, and links (with comment) to news stories and articles published on the web.
ACM weekly IT discussion e-zine has an associated alerter that can be subscribed to, from the web site. Contributors to the first edition include Vint Cerf and Gordon Bell.
Variety EV is a supplement to the famous entertainment title, Variety, and carries the sub title: "Entertainment and the digital economy". The full colour tabloid includes a good mix of articles and analysis focusing on the convergent entertainment industries, slanted very definitely towards network publishing applications.
e-zine for video professionals - product reviews, articles, editorial.
URL: http://www.vidy.com
VREfresh, is an electronic newsletter, aimed at existing and prospective buyers and suppliers of Virtual Reality (VR) and interactive, three-dimensional products and services. Subscribe by sending a note to the email address below.
Web software news and scripts.
The site provides news and reviews on web development tools, techniques and trends.
The Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL) provides a wealth of resources for web developers. The site provides articles, tutorials and advice on web development technologies, their application and use. Users can also subscribe to a weekly email newsletter which updates subscribers with details of the latest information added to the site.
The Web Intelligence Newsletter is the official electronic publication of the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) and includes news of interest to consortium members, conference announcements and journal call for papers. Subscribe free via the link below.
The Web Reference section of on-line publication, internet.com publishes articles of general interest to thoses concerned with Website development and management.
Web Semantics Journal
Elsevier is publishes The Web Semantics Journal which covers the following technology areas: the semantic web, knowledge technologies, ontology, agents, databases, semantic grid and peer-to-peer technology, information retrieval, language technology, human-computer interaction, knowledge discovery, web standards. The main application areas that are covered by the journal include: e-business, electronic communities, knowledge management, e-Learning, digital libraries.
URL: http://authors.elsevier.com/JournalDetail.html?PubID=671322&Precis=DESC
The WebServices.Org Newsletter is a free e-zine providing new and commentary on developments in the web services marketplace which are also published on the web site.
XML.com runs this sister site and email newsletter, WebServices.XML.com, to "give more room to the exploration and coverage of web services, and move outside the scope of purely XML-related matters". WebServices.XML.com examines the infrastructure, application, and fun of web services and aims to seek out innovation and controversy as well as mainstream topics. You can sign-up to an update e-zine at the site.
URL: introduction http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2003/03/04/index.html
URL: http://webservices.xml.com/
Free e-zine looks at the issue of web site promotion.
German language media ezine with specific coverage of interactive and media news.
URL: http://www.wuv.de/
xmlhack.com is a web site covering news, issues, opinions and programming advice from the XML developer community. It aims to provide succinct and informative summaries of current issues and emerging technologies in the XML world, and promote XML, and its uses, among developers.
URL: http://xmlhack.com/
Web site developed to: "act as a key resource and nerve center for XML developers and users" and includes email alerter service.
URL: http://www.xml.com
XML Times which will provide news and educational resources on XML. News for the site will be sourced from a number of news agencies, with feature articles and tutorials commissioned by Charles Goldfarb, widely acknowledged as the "father" of SGML. The site also intends to provide online discussion fora for both technical and non-technical readers. There is a daily news headline alerter service also available, sign-up at the site.
News, reviews, products, downloads.
URL: http://www.zdnet.com
eModerators is a mailing list focussed on facilitating computer-mediated discussion. It takes in discussion lists used in the widest variety of environments including academic, commercial, and professional development, indeed all discussion lists where moderating is used.
Web developments discussion forum
HowToWeb, an online resources for web masters and web application developers has launched a beta test of a number of discussion forums which aim to cover: web development, web marketing, web site design and technology. Some of the initial discussions include: E-thrombosis: a health threat to computer users, cleaning hard drives, PC home networking, stopping spam, Internet copywriting, using Flash, web site credibility.
Rights-L is a mailing list on digital rights management (DRM) designed to provide a forum which will centre on proposed collaborations between the ViDe VideoAccess Working Group and the Internet2 Video Middleware (VidMid) Video-on-Demand group as part of the US National Science Foundation's (NSF) Middleware Initiative.
A moderated bilingual (German and English) mailing list which focuses on cultural heritage with particular emphasis on museums and evolving information and communications technologies.
An email list concerned with digital preservation has been established on jismail (successor to the UK Mailbase service). This list will carry announcements and information on activities relevant to the preservation and management of digital materials in the UK. It will be used to disseminate information on the work of JISC Digital Preservation Focus, the Digital Preservation Coalition and related initiatives. Topics will include: digital archiving, management and preservation; electronic records management; emulation, migration, long-term access; research projects; national, international and institutional initiatives in relevant areas.The archive and a joining the list web-form is available at the URL below.
URL: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/digital-preservation.html
We have been sent news of a "discussion list community for Application Service Providers (ASP) to talk with peers on such things as the life cycle of an ASP, from software development, to product launch, to IPO (for the lucky ones!), to sales and management". Subscription instructions via the URL below.
A number of discussion lists focusing on web authoring software have been brought to our attention. Each of them are styled as venues for sharing tips, techniques and user-to-user support for each of the products listed, providing the latest information pertaining to product itself and companion products. Lists are available for:
- Adobe's GoLive, the web site authoring software product;
URL: http://www.blueworld.com/blueworld/lists/golive.html- Macromedia's Dreamweaver web site authoring software product;
URL: http://www.blueworld.com/blueworld/lists/dreamweaver.html- Adobe's forthcoming InDesign page layout software product.
URL: http://www.blueworld.com/blueworld/lists/indesign.htm
- XML and hypertext discussion list - in a posting to the XML.dev list, Simon St.Laurent observes that "conversations about XML and hypertext have been scattered for a long time", being discussed periodically in a number of different online fora. He goes on to note that "although hypertext is far from a dominant application of XML, there still seems to be plenty of interest in the subject". It is with this in mind that an xml-hypertext list is being promoted. "The xml-hypertext@xmlhack.com list is designed to bring these many discussions together into a forum that focuses more squarely on hypertext. xml-hypertext is an unmoderated list, though only subscribers may post".
URL: archives http://lists.usefulinc.com/pipermail/xml-hypertext/
URL: subscribe http://lists.usefulinc.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/xml-hypertext
Email: Simon St.Laurent mailto:simonstl@simonstl.com- A mailing list concentrating on the development of Simplified Markup Language (SML) has been set up. For further details, and to sign-up to the list, see the SML-DEV eGroup pages on the web.
URL: http://www.egroups.com/group/sml-dev/info.html- The Mozquito Project was formed to support web authors working with the XHTML standard. The project runs a mailing list, providing the latest news on the project and its XHTML authoring environment, moderated by members of Stack Overflow AG, a member of the W3C. To subscribe to the mailing list, send a message to the address below and insert SUBSCRIBE MISC firstname lastname in the body of the message.
URL: mailto:majordomo@mozquito.org
URL: http://www.mozquito.org- A discussion group at XML-RPC.COM has been started to present new ideas concerning XML-RPC. The organisers of the group plan to "post some specs for a couple of protocols in the next few weeks, one to enable a 'network computing' model for desktop text editing tools (ie. WPs, outliners, spreadsheets) and another for a distributed user preferences system"
URL: http://www.xmlrpc.com/discuss/- xml-mol, is a mail-list for the discussion of issues concerning the implementation of XML-based biological and chemical applications and data, with particular reference to sequences and structure. Specific fields of interest include: Parsing legacy data into XML; Document Object Model (DOM) handling of biodata; developing open frameworks for XML-aware bio applications. To (un)subscribe to the list send an email with the text "(un)subscribe xml-mol" in the body.
URL: mailing list majordomo@ala.vsms.nottingham.ac.uk
URL: archive http://ala.vsms.nottingham.ac.uk/biodom/xml-mol/- XML Query Language (XQL), the list is intended to answer questions concerning the definition of the language, how to implement it, and who has implemented it in what products. At the same time it will be used to try and reach consensus, within the XQL community, concerning future directions, such as the requirement for extensions to the standard.
URL: mailing list http://franklin.oit.unc.edu/cgi-bin/lyris.pl?enter=xql
URL: XQL FAQ http://metalab.unc.edu/xql/- XML developers list (xml-dev) Visit the web site to sign-up. Weekly digests and an archive are available.
URL: XML-DEV list http://www.xml.org/xml/xmldev.shtml- Agents and XML is a mailing list set up to gather requirements, ideas, and directions for laying out a specification for platform independent agents that can take advantage of XML. There is also an introduction to what the list is about and a draft of a specification that the list moderator has written to kickstart discussions.
URL: http://www.jxml.com/xmlagent.html- VRML, XML, DHTML and DOM - synergy explored, "subscribe vrml-dhtml" in the body of the message.
URL: mailto: majordomo@vrml.org- XML discussion list (French), send the message: "subscribe"
URL: mailto:xml-request@trisome.com- Perl-xml mailing list, low traffic, join via web.
URL: http://www.activestate.com/lyris/lyris.pl- XML Exchange, a forum for creating and sharing industry-specific document type definitions (DTDs) for XML.
URL: http://www.xmlx.com- XML/Python
URL: Python XML SIG mailing list xml-sig@python.org
URL: Python XML SIG home page http://www.python.org/sigs/xml-sig/- Extensible Log Format (XLF) discussion list, send message to join.
URL: mailto:donpark@quake.net- European XML/EDI Pilot Project email discussion group (join at the website)
URL: http://www.cenorm.be/isss/workshop/ec/xmledi/isss-xml.html- XML/EDI group
URL: http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/5815
The oais-implementers discussion list is intended for individuals and institutions who are actively working with the Open Archival Information (OAIS) Reference Model as a part of an overall effort to model, build, and manage their own digital archive or repository. The list moderator believes that list members will come from a variety of disciplines including (though not restricted to) libraries, archives, space data centers, corporations, universities, and others.
To subscribe to the new list: Send the following message to listmanager@lists2.rlg.org: Subscribe oais-implementers (FirstName LastName). The welcome message will provide you with further details. If you have any information about this new list, please contact Robin Dale.
Email: Robin Dale mailto:Robin.Dale@notes.rlg.org
URL: http://www.rlg.org/longterm/oais.html
List name: oais-implementers@lists2.rlg.org
The Search Tools web site editor Avi Rappoport moderates a mailing list for search engine developers. Topics for discussion include open source code options, robot spidering and web crawling, index compression, file format conversion, metadata indexing and searching, Boolean and Intranet search operators, index speed and size, stopwords, relevance ranking algorithms, stemming, categorised search results, search form and results page user interfaces, search log analysis, security, peer-to-peer search.
URL: mailing list http://www.searchtools.com/dev/index.html
Discussion mailing list on agent technology.
URL: http://www.opensesame.com/agents/agenttop.html
URL: information mailto:AgentLink@qmw.ac.uk
Send message with: "subscribe comp-object-corba" in body.
Send message: "sub DCOM (and your name) in body.
ObjetosDistribuidos is a discussion list in Spanish for professionals and students interested in distributed object technologies (CORBA, DCOM) and related tools. The list's history is published on the web. Subscribe by sending an empty mail in plain text (not HTML) to the email below.
URL: history http://es.ONElist.com/community/ObjetosDistribuidos/
URL: subscribe mailto:ObjetosDistribuidos-Subscribe@ONElist.com
An unmoderated electronic mailing list devoted to "sharing government information worldwide." The list will serve as a forum for librarians, researchers, and information professionals to discuss topics such as: "freedom of access to government information, trends in government publishing, and announcements of new government publications of note, including indexes, web sites, and other tools that assist in accessing government information." The list is sponsored by the International Documents Taskforce of the American Library Association's Government Documents Round Table.
A mailbase especially for those involved in developing electronic collections of information in the UK (and beyond). The organisers are looking for archivists, librarians, museum professionals, or other types of educational service providers to join and share experiences/information about ongoing e-collection development activities.
Topics include collection development strategies, identifying/assessing/acquiring content, collaborative collecting at local/regional/national levels, and other topical aspects of electronic collection management.
To join, send a message to: mailto:mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk which says: join e-collections Your Name stop [Note - replace 'Your' with your first name and 'Name' with your last name]. You will then receive a confirmation message from mailbase. Just cut the code it sends you out of this message, and email it back to mailbase to confirm that your address has been recorded correctly. For additional information about this new list, please contact Stuart Lee or Alicia Wise.
URL: electronic collections mail list mailto:e-collection@mailbase.ac.uk
URL: Stuart Lee mailto:stuart.lee@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
URL: Alicia Wise mailto:alicia.wise@kcl.ac.uk
Called EDI-L, to subscribe send message with the line subscribe edi-l firstname lastname.
A mailing list to discuss all versions of Microsoft's FrontPage web authoring package - to provide help, to all levels of users, in using this package and in web design in general.
An online forum for software developers which hosts discussions covering topics including: Java, e-business, and IBM technologies. The group also provides links to additional IBM resources.
For those interested in Internet-EDI transport mechanisms. Server: Majordomo@imc.org; List: ietf-ediint; List Address: ietf-ediint@imc.org.
URL: List Request mailto: ietf-ediint-request@imc.org
URL: List Admin mailto: phoffman@imc.org
URL: Archive http://www.imc.org/ietf-ediint/
AudetteMedia has announced the I-Wireless Discussion List, to provide a global forum for the discussion of wireless issues. Published twice weekly in digest format the list is moderated and is designed to help Internet professionals build their knowledge of wireless technology, wireless devices, programming for wireless and delivering to wireless users.
As with all AudetteMedia publications, the list is advertiser supported and subscriptions are free.
URL: I-Wireless http://www.audettemedia.com/i-wireless/
URL: AudetteMedia http://www.audettemedia.com/
Forum for sharing information on European programmes, projects and funding opportunities of interest to the UK library and information sector. Send a message inthe body "Join lis-european-programmes FirstName LastName".
Send message: SUBSCRIBE in the subject field
Send message: subscribe idl-users in the body.
The Machine Learning mailing list is an unmoderated mailing list covering various learning algorithms; data pre-processing; variable selection mechanism; instance selection; and applications to real-world problems. Subscribers can choose to receive messages as individual emails, daily summaries, daily full-text digest, or read them on the web.
The dc-general@mailbase.ac.uk list is the mailing list for discussion of all issues relevant to the development, deployment, and use of Dublin Core metadata.
URL: http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/dc-general/
The rdf-def@mailbase.ac.uk list is a general mailing list for developers who are deploying systems that use RDF. The list focusses especially on the application of RDF to Internet resource discovery issues.
Mailing list for discussion of mobile agents, remote programming, active packets, mobile code, and related ideas.
URL: http://mobility.lboro.ac.uk/
URL: subscription mailto:mobility@media.mit.edu
An online newsletter that includes announcements, support and general discussion about Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) computers such as PalmPilot, Windows CE, Psion and Newton. Discussion is about PDAs in general as an information technology tool. This includes news & new developments, future directions, potential uses and comparisons of different models. To subscribe send a message to the email below.
Moderated discussion list on Internet development trends including issues such as loyalty, community, building brands and effective online marketing. Send a message to the email below to join the list.
URL: discussion list mailto:trendmuncher-request@nua.ie
The creators of this site are interested in VR as a publishing medium and believe that the games creators have much to teach us. We have set up a VR publishing discussion community on the new Excite beta community site. If you are interested in VR publishing please join the group.
URL: http://comm.excite.com/comm/area/pw/welcome/main.asp?cid=.O7pErTkBruP
A new XHTML mailing list dedicated to discussing XHTML, the next generation of HTML has been created. XHTML recasts the familiar HTML vocabulary into a stricter XML syntax, opening up new possibilities for both HTML and XML.
While it's a minor change in some ways, the implications and new potentials are enormous and largely uncharted. Simon St.Laurent, the instigator, is hoping that this list can bring together people from both the HTML and XML communities and shed some light on what XHTML has to offer to both groups.
Webmasters, software developers, and anyone who might be interested in XHTML is welcome to join. To subscribe, send an email to the address below or visit the site.
URL: mailto:XHTML-L-subscribe@egroups.com
URL: http://www.egroups.com/group/XHTML-L
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Edited by: Logical Events Limited - electronic marketing, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, search engine optimisation, website optimisation consultants in London, UK. Visit our website at: www.logicalevents.org
Last up-dated: 16 February 2024
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