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The view of Information Engineering as a value chain:
Creation / design -> Storage / distribution -> Retrieval / use
provides a basis for identifying the building blocks that are used in the development of Interactive Electronic Publishing projects and the binding required between them.
We have used this chain to provide the basis of the topic sections of El.pub. Topic sections provide links to further sources of information.
User centred design and usability testing
Business models and the market (including: open source software)
Electronic commerce (E-commerce)
Networked payment mechanisms and digital cash
Security and cryptography (including: biometrics)
Intellectual property rights and their protection (including: copyright)
Integration and platform independence
Interoperability and standards
Advanced authoring systems (including: web-based collaboration - WebDAV)
Graphics, animation, games & multimedia (including: games, digital TV, DVR and MP3 audio)
Hypermedia application development (including: digital storytelling)
Virtual reality (including animation)
User interfaces: visual and haptic (including, visualisation)
Web and web-like technology
Computer Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW (including: knowledge management, teleworking, distributed learning)
Electonic books (e-books) and e-journals
Digital libraries (including digital archives, museums and heritage)
Multimedia and object oriented databases
Telecommunications / Data Communications (including: IP, ATM, 3G mobile, UMTS, Cable, xDSL, optical networking, DWDM, Internet telephony, Wireless Internet Protocol, broadband, fixed wireless, peer-to-peer networking)
Mobile computing (including: mobile web, wireless computing, WAP, Bluetooth, wireless data communications)
User behaviour (including: computational anthropology and information ecologies)
Information retrieval (including: imaging)
Natural language processing (including: speech processing)
Intelligent agents
Application Service Provision (ASP) and P-2-P (including peer-to-peer (P-2-P) networking and applications)
- Digital Publications and Electronic Libraries
- Publishing and Multimedia
- Publishing and Commercial Providers
- Educational Publishing and the Academic
- Digital Libraries, Multimedia, and Special Collections
- Teaching Online
- The WWW as a Teaching Tool
- Virtual Learning Environments
Information infrastructure futures and the information society
Social aspects (including: electronic/online communities and privacy)
This list is based on analysis carried out in developing the idea of information engineering. It is important that it should be developed further by users of the web site - please send us your suggestions (mail to: webmasters@elpub.org)
Downloads - Please note
File downloads from the El.pub site are currently suspended - the links however have not been updated to reflect this. If you would like access to a particular download file - please email webmasters@elpub.org with a suitable request confirming a description of the file you wish to download. |
El.pub - Interactive
Electronic Publishing R & D News and Resources
We welcome feedback
and contributions to the information service, and proposals for subjects for
the news service (mail to: webmasters@elpub.org)
Edited by: Logical Events Limited - electronic marketing, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, search engine optimisation, website optimisation consultants in London, UK. Visit our website at: www.logicalevents.org
Last up-dated: 16 February 2024
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