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Academic Press provides electronic editions of the full text of its print journals and datasets through its IDEAL Online Library. is establishing a section on digital publishing - Barnes and Noble Digital. It will publish existing and new works. ZDNet Interactive has an article on this development in their January 4, 2001 issue.
Bell + Howell purchased Chadwyck-Healey in 1999, to become one of the largest suppliers of research and reference material in digital and other media. Chadwyck-Healey has a vast collection of literature and linguistic resources, largely relating to English and American studies, and delivered online or on CD-ROM. One of its largest resources is Literature Online, containing more than 290,000 English and American literary works and secondary sources. Texts are encoded in SGML to support full-text searching.
Blackwell Publishers specialises in print and electronic publications for academia. Most of its journals are available in electronic form to institutions subscribing to the print editions, through its online journals service.
Bowker publish reference works in print, on microfiche, on CD-ROM, and online. These are aimed at information specialists, including librarians, and business and academic researchers.
Brepols, based in Belgium, is a major publisher of academic works in print and digital forms. Its electronic publications are large reference works, including Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature, Tombeur, P. (ed.) Cetedoc Index of Latin Forms, and Schieffer, R. Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
Cambridge University Press sell some digital publications, on CD-ROM, and access to the full texts of its journals through the Journals Online service. All users can search through the tables of contents for 122 of CUP's journals for free, and subscribers have access to the full texts of all articles to which their institution subscribes. CUP has joined up with ebrary to provide online access to some of its publications (LTWorld 28/03/01).
The Davka Corporation specialises in software on Judaic history, languages, and culture.
Through its Digitale Bibliothek, Directmedia Publishing issues a range of titles on CD-ROM, in particular on philosophy, literature, history, and psychology.
Eastgate specialises in works of hypertext, particularly those making use of the Storyspace environment. Hypertext fiction by authors such as Stuart Moulthrop, Michael Joyce, Tim McLaughlin, and Shelley Jackson abound but so do a selection of non-fiction works such as Christiane Paul's Unreal City: A Hypertextual Guide to T. S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land' and George P. Landow's The Dickens Web. The Eastgate WWW site also provides links to sites by or about authors published by them and to a multitude of sites dealing with hypertext writing.
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
ELRA provides a validation, management and distribution service for a wide range of language tools, including more than 60 databases of spoken language, written texts, lexica, and software for interrogating these resources. Material marketed through ELRA conforms to a range of standards for spoken and written corpora.
Franklin Electronic Publishers
Franklin have released eBookMan, an e-book reader that can work with multimedia documents. French, English and German eBookMan readers are available.
Ingenta provides online access to abstracts and articles from periodicals, journals, and reports. Access to the abstracts and bibliographic information is free, though a fee is charged for the full text of articles. Ingenta supports institutional subscription to individual journals, and pay-per-view access. Articles are delivered as pdf files.
LinguaLinks is run by SIL International (formerly the Summer Institute of Linguistics). LinguaLinks specialises in software and digital resources for language learning and linguistic work.
Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)
The LDC is a consortium made up of universities, companies and government research agencies that aims to create, collect, validate and distribute a wide range of language tools. The collection can be accessed over the Web (or individual resources delivered to users). LDC Online enables users to search across all the corpora. Free access is available to a limited collection.
Micronet has a small but growing collection of multimedia resources for reference, education and research (in Spanish). Resources are available on CD-ROM and DVD.
Oxford University Press (OUP) publishes many digital resources. One major area is its academic journals. All OUP journals have a WWW page providing table of contents and subscription information. Sample electronic issues are available for a few titles and others offer the possibility of subscribing to the electronic edition instead of (or as well as) the print edition. Electronic journals offer the possibility of hyperlinks and full colour images often impossible in the print editions. The latest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary is now available in print, on CD-ROM, and online.
Elsevier Science, the world's largest publisher of scientific journals, has collaborated with other publishers to create ScienceDirect. This service provides full-text access to 1,100 journals in the sciences and social sciences. ScienceDirect is working on a new gateway to provide links between articles (to which libraries subscribe) and other resources held by Elsevier Science and its collaborators.
Taylor and Francis has expanded over the past few years, and has offices around the world. In 1998 it acquired the Routledge Group, and is a major publisher of traditional and digital resources. Many of its journals are available electronically, as pdf, VML and RealPage files. Other electronic titles are largely made available through Routledge. These are major reference works and teaching resources, for example, Craig. E, & Floridi, L. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998).
Thomson is one of the largest publishers and suppliers of professional and academic resources in the English language. Its publications cover many areas: finance, health care, reference, science, law and regulation, and learning. Thomson Learning caters for schools, university, corporate and lifelong learning, and offers subject-specific resources and generic teaching tools. Another major supplier of digital resources within the Thomson Corporation is the Gale Group. Although most of the resources are in English, Thomson also has material and tools in other languages, through its partner and subsidiary companies.
The University of Michigan Press has a small but growing collection of digital publications, available on CD-ROM and online. Its publications include Healey, A.P. (ed.) (1998) The Dictionary of Old English Corpus in Electronic Form and Kiernan, K.S. (2000) The Electronic Beowulf. has a special section on Electronic Publishing for Writers, with articles on e-publishing, business developments, and user needs surveys.
Neylon, E. (2001). First steps in an information commerce economy: digital rights management in the emerging eBook environment. D-Lib Magazine 7.1 provides a short introduction to eBooks, copyright, and access to information.
Please note that this page was authored during April 2001, and apart from a few minor amendments since that date has remained as it was. Therefore some of the links may have changed or no longer link to the resources indicated. Please contact the concerning broken links and he will attempt to direct you to a suitable alternative link. (January 2003)
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