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This final section leads you to services that provide information about research and development, including ongoing and completed projects and archives, and to individuals undertaking research. See also the related topic on Information Retrieval.
Sally Roy from has developed a very useful Guide to Open Access Journals.
Traditionally, college students have spent long nights in campus libraries thumbing through leather bound volumes of academic journals and research reports. The importance of these publications has remained intact over the years, but most of today’s tech-savvy students opt to access this information using online databases.
These sites generally fall into two categories. Some databases require a paid subscription in order to access materials. In many cases, students who enroll at brick-and-mortar institutions are granted complimentary access to these sites while enrolled. Other sites, known as “open-access” databases, allow users to delve into journal entries free-of-charge. These sites are ideal for online students who would otherwise be required to foot the subscription bill themselves.
This guide looks at some of the most reputable open-access journal websites, as well as paid subscription databases that are still widely used by traditional college students
JAKE (Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment)
JAKE provides information about the publishers and services providing digital versions of journals, including full text, abstracting, citation and contents page services. Currently, 194 databases contribute information about the journals they provide digitally, including the RLG, OCLC, Gale Group, Proquest, Ovid, EBSCO Industries and more. The software supporting JAKE - Openly Jake - is freely available from the project, and libraries or other information providers can incorporate this into their digital services. JAKE is hosted by the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at the Yale University School of Medicine.
Pre-print services provide access to a wealth of research material, and further information about these is available in the topic on Education Publishing and the Academic. Other services facilitate access to grey literature - material not distributed by commercial publishers:
EAGLE (European Association for Grey Literature in Europe)
EAGLE is a network of major libraries and information centres in Europe providing information about grey literature produced in the countries represented in EAGLE. This is made available through SIGLE (System of Information for Grey Literature in Europe), access to which is provided through different services in each member country.
GrayLIT Network, based in the USA, provides access to federal government reports, including material from the USA's Government Printing Office portal GPO Access and NASA. Warnick, W.L. et al. (2001). Searching the deep Web. D-Lib magazine 7 (1). Warnick and colleagues at the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, US Dept of Energy, describe their Directed Query Engine, which can search across the 'invisible' Web - material held in databases, as PDF files and so on. Their first Directed Query Engine drives the GrayLIT Network.
G-Compendium - a database of grey literature on business, management and economics. This is a subscription service provided by EAGLE, MCB Press, Grey Net and others.
Many services are now available to support you in locating current (and completed) research and development around the world, and in some cases to access datasets.
CRIS (Current Research Information Systems)
CRIS has been running for more than a decade, and brings together information scientists from around Europe. Its home page has links to other current research information systems in and beyond Europe.
COS (Community of Science)
COS collects information on research professionals, projects, and funding opportunities around the world. It is a subscription service.
This service provides news on research and development within the UK, and its databases of research schemes and links to research bodies are freely available.
NERC (National Environmental Research Council, UK)
NERC has several data centres curating research material for environmental sciences. The fees set for re-using datasets vary.
AHDS (Arts and Humanities Data Service)
The AHDS provides digital archiving services for the UK academic community through five service providers: the Archaeology Data Service, the History Data Service, the Oxford Text Archive, the Performing Arts Data Service, and the Visual Arts Data Service. The AHDS and its service providers undertake research in encoding, preserving, cataloguing and distributing digital resources, and follow and develop national and international standards in these areas.
NDAD (UK National Digital Archive of Datasets)
The NDAD holds catalogues and material from UK government departments and agencies. The holdings of the NDAD are taken from the Public Record Office's extensive collections, which selects material for digital preservation. The NDAD has been in operation since March 1998.
MESA (Meta Email Search Agent)
MESA is managed by the Computer Centre of Lower Saxony, University of Hannover. As the expanded acronym suggests, MESA is a meta-search engine specifically for email.
Robust referencing is a means of enhancing URLs by adding a textual signature to the address, thereby helping users to locate pages when they are moved. University of California Berkeley, part of the Digital Libraries Initiative (phase 2) project Re-inventing Scholarly Information Dissemination and Use.
European RTD Insight is published monthly, and has information on research and policy in the EU.
Severiens, T. (2000). PhysDoc - a distributed network of physics institution documents. D-Lib Magazine 6 (12). Severiens and colleagues describe how they set up and populated a global information service for the physics community.
Please note that this page was authored during April 2001, and apart from a few minor amendments since that date has remained as it was. Therefore some of the links may have changed or no longer link to the resources indicated. Please contact the concerning broken links and he will attempt to direct you to a suitable alternative link. (January 2003)
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