Application Service Provision
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CONTENTS: Application Service Provider (ASP) Resources | Microsoft tools for ASPs | ASP "Buyers Guide" | ASP news | ASP business examples | Games via an ASP | More ASPs for design | ASP market projections | ASP resources | ASP resources online | ASP discussion list | Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking and applications | Microsoft .NET | IBM's distributed s/w architecture | Content alliance and content peering | Focus on Peer-to-peer
The Microsoft Internet Services Network publishes a periodic email newsletter called "ISN News". A recent special edition, "ISN News for ASPs" informs readers of resources and news on the company's products aimed at the Application Service Provider community, under the headings:
- Application hosting roadmap - the Microsoft strategy for ASPs
- Exchange hosting for ASPs -ASPS working with Microsoft
- ASP licensing -ASP hosting certification programme
- The Microsoft Guide to developing and hosting web applications 01/08/00
URL: Microsoft Internet Services Network
URL: Microsoft ASP Guide
The ASP Industry Consortium has produced a brochure designed to "help everyone from IT managers to business owners make an informed decision about purchasing ASP services".
A free copy of the "Application Service Provider Buyers Guide" is available to anyone through the ASP Industry Consortium's web site. The site also provides common definitions for the ASP industry, a list of member companies, frequently asked questions and industry news and analysis. 04/08/00
ASP provides news and resources on the Appplication Service Provider (ASP) industry. IThe current issue includes a company and product directory which provides a list of over 1200 providers, vendors, and products and an article considering how network-based VPN technology may cut costs for ASPs. 22/09/00
URL: directory
URL: VPN article,2350,4451_456281,00.html
A report on West European Internet growth from ISP Planet predicts a doubling of Internet users from 70 million to 140 million by the end of 2000. The highest levels are in UK and Germany. In the business sector ISPs are seeking to add ASP to their range of skills. The report provides detailed breakdowns of penetration by country (from Analysys) and views on the changing revenue models supporting ISP activity. 17/11/00
IBM and Intel plan to collaborate to: "support a significant and growing number of independent software vendors (ISVs) that want to migrate to the benefits of the ASP business model, and develop web-hosted applications", on the Intel powered IBM servers. This agreement extends the capacity of IBM's existing ASP Prime program which helps ISVs prepare their applications for the web, giving developers access to technical consulting at solution centers throughout the world. 10/11/00
URL: ASP Prime
URL: Intel
UK research firm Analysys is about to publish a new report focusing on mobile portals and wireless application service providers (ASPs) which explores the potential demand for mobile portal and wireless ASP services, analyses the relative strengths and weaknesses of various types of mobile portal and wireless ASP, and evaluates the strategies they are adopting to build sustainable revenue streams.
The new report examines the key issues for companies entering these markets and provides forecasts of potential market size. It also includes 30 detailed profiles (from companies worldwide) spanning operators, web portals, software developers, and fixed ASPs, as well as specialist mobile portals and ASPs. Further information is available from the Analysys web site. 29/09/00
URL: Analysys
While small and mid-sized companies currently represent the majority of Application Service Provider (ASP) users, by 2004, larger companies with more than 2,500 employees will account for 56 percent of the ASP market according to a study from The Phillips Group, a US-based research and consulting firm.
In addition to the ASP study, The Phillips Group will hold the Network Hosted Application Fall Conference 2000, San Francisco, on October 18-20, 2000. 29/09/00
Yummy Interactive a consumer focused ASP site has finalised agreements with game publishers, Infogrames, Activision, Ripcord Games and Eidos that will allow Yummy to offer their titles during its beta program. Currently in internal beta testing, Yummy will be able to offer games titles such as Eidos' Tomb Raider free of charge to up to 2,000 users per game during its public beta.
The intention is to launch a paid online software subscription service later in 2000 which will offer games on a pay-per-use or subscription basis. 20/10/00
URL: Yummy Interactive
Two more ASPs in the EP / eCommerce area have come to our attention: an online collaborative design service exclusively on the Internet, with 3D solid modeler from Alibre, and the provision of ASP software for collaborative design-to-order between producers. suppliers and customers, from Alventive. 22/08/00
The ASP Resources Channel is a newsletter published by the online publisher, ASP Island offers a free partnership programme that allows ASPs and other service providers to publish a company profile along with detailed information on the Application Services that they offer. Currently there are more than 800 service providers enrolled in this program. 12/01/01
URL: ASP Resources Channel
URL: ASP Island
We have been sent news of a "discussion list community for Application Service Providers (ASP) to talk with peers on such things as the life cycle of an ASP, from software development, to product launch, to IPO (for the lucky ones!), to sales and management". Subscription instructions via the URL below. 31/10/00
Microsoft has announced its roadmap for the "next generation Internet", branding it's future software development efforts, dot NET (.NET). To coincide with the launch, a number of resources are available via the .NET web site (see URL below), including a white paper, a web cast of the Forum 2000 event, at which the announcement was made, and transcripts of speeches made at the event.
"The .NET platform: what it is"- details of Microsoft's views of what software developers, artists, publishers, hardware manufacturers, and service providers will demand from the Next Generation Internet. The .NET Platform is being developed specifically to enable this integration across disciplines and industries. 27/06/00
URL: .NET web site
URL: .NET introduction
URL: white paper
URL: Forum 2000 speakers
URL: "The .NET platform: what it is"
IBM developerWorks has released an interview with Rod Smith, VP of IBM Emerging Technologies which Introduces IBM's Web Services, a distributed software architecture of service components. It covers the fundamental concepts of Web Services architecture, explores which types of developers Web Services targets, how Web Services reduce development time, and "what developers could be doing with Web Services now". 15/09/00
The Content Alliance has been established to develop open standards and protocols to advance content networking and deliver key technologies such as content peering, which enables the content services networks of multiple service providers to work in cooperation.
A key initiative of the Content Alliance, the Content Peering Working Group (see below) is designed to develop standards for content peering between separately administered content delivery networks. The Content Alliance has also announced that the first group of working documents will be available for review as of September 25, 2000 on the web. 15/09/00
URL: working documents
URL: Cisco press release
NetworkWorldFusion reports on the inauguration of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) working group - a consortium for "advancement of infrastructure standards for peer-to-peer computing". The group defines P2P computing as sharing of computer resources and services by direct exchange. Their goal is to develop infrastructure standards to enable peer-to-peer computing everywhere. The software that powers Napster and Gnutella is often held up as the best example of the power P2P can harness.
Tim O'Reilly raises some concerns relating to the views expressed at the inaugural meeting (attended by over 300 people), and is suggesting some alternatives to the proposed remit of the group in a paper entitled: "How the Peer-to-Peer Working Group Ought to Be Organized". 20/10/00
URL: NetworkWorldFusion report
URL: P-2-P working group
URL: "How the Peer-to-Peer Working Group Ought to Be Organized"
Peer-to-peer (P2P) services are receiving increasing attention. O'Reilly recently hosted a group of 20 leaders of the emerging P2P industry in an examination of the technology's promise and limitations. The participants agreed that peer-to-peer is much more than file sharing - "it's a range of technologies that unlock the latent power of the network and make more effective use of Internet resources".
The summit participants were practitioners involved in this latest evolution in distributed computing (ie. SETI@Home, Popular Power), Web services (Eazel, SOAP, and Microsoft .NET), content syndication (Meerkat), pervasive computing via internet enabled devices (Sun, Intel, Red Hat), and instant messaging (Jabber).
O'Reilly is following the Summit with the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer Conference, February 14-16, 2001 in San Francisco and "Peer-to-Peer: The Disruptive Potential of Collaborative Networking", a book of essays by peer-to-peer projects including Gnutella, InfraSearch, Jabber, Freenet, Popular Power, MojoNation, Publius, FreeHaven, Red Rover, and SETI@Home. 05/10/00
URL: conference
URL: summit report
URL: Byte article by summit participant - Interactive
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