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In October 2000 the US Department of Labour organised a major symposium on Teleworking. The papers are now available on the web with an executive summary. The symposium covered economic (productivity and organisational issues), and social (effect on children, isolation, empowerment). 30/01/01
URL: http://www.dol.gov/
At the recent Diplomatic Conference to revise the European Patent Convention (EPC), the 20 member states of the European Patent Organisation voted against changing the current patent law to allow software and business patents. The question has not been closed however, there is a recommendation to reopen it for a final decision after the current consultations are over. 30/01/01
URL: http://www.european-patent-office.org/news/pressrel/2000_11_29_e.htm
A new report on the Internet Economy in the US from the University of Texas updates two earlier studies. It is based mainly on data for the first half of 2000 and records an accelerating contribution to economic growth and employment. The study also has information about the global Internet, including Europe.
It will be interesting to see the next report which will cover the slide in dotcoms in the second half of 2000 and show whether this is primarily a stock market phenomena or has also cut employment growth. 30/01/01
Kaon Interactive has released its Activate! customisation tool for use with Kaon's free HyperSpace 3D viewer. Offered at no charge, the Activate! tool enables users of Kaon's HyperSpace Java viewer to adjust lighting and compression settings, create shadows, add 2D and 3D hotspots, specify rollover images and sounds, add hotlinks, and more, for all types of Web-enabled 3D content. The Activate! tool can be accessed for free via Kaon's web site. 30/01/01
URL: http://www.kaon.com/
GEO Interactive Media Group has developed "optimised video code of its Emblaze Wireless client technology for the new Intel XScale microarchitecture to deliver top quality video for mobile wireless devices". Emblaze Wireless is a solution for streaming MPEG-4 video over 2G, 2.5G, and 3G wireless and IP networks. The Intel XScale microarchitecture, maintains low power consumption while providing a wide range of performance. 30/01/01
EPIC and Privacy International have launched Privacy.org, a site for news, information, and action on privacy issues. The web site contains brief summaries and links to news items appearing both in the US and the international press. Its database of news stories is searchable by text, and it extends back two years. Privacy.org also features the EPIC-Digest, a weekly e-mail digest of news, information, and action items. 30/01/01
The final release of XML Spy 3.5 includes a number of upgraded features in the areas of XML Schema support, repository interfaces, and scripting. Visit the web site for further information. 30/01/01
URL: http://www.xmlspy.com/
URL: download http://www.xmlspy.com/download
XML.com has published:
- an article by Jon Bosak, the instigator behind the effort to create XML 1.0, which considers the proliferation of proposed XML standards, and also organisations to manage them. In his article, "A Scalable Process for Information Standards", he describes how OASIS can provide the right framework for XML standards working groups.
URL: http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/01/17/oasisprocess.html- an article,"XPointer and the Patent" - does a Sun patent threaten the future of hypertext on the web, or are XML developers getting unnecessarily alarmed by the licensing terms on the XPointer spec? 30/01/01
URL: http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/01/17/xpointer.htmlURL: http://www.xml.com/
Included in the Portugal Media 2001 programme (May 10-13, 2001), the International Interactive Film Festival aims to attract specialists in interactive cinema and the production of content digital television. The entries submitted must be works of fiction with a maximum duration of 15 minutes and at least one level of interactivity, (defined that: the viewer must be given the opportunity to choose how the film develops). All the films must be spoken or sub-titled in Portuguese, Spanish or English which are the official languages of this festival.
Three prizes shall be awarded in three categories: the Interactive Film Festival Gold Award, the Innovation Award and the Public's Award. The works must be presented on CD-ROM or DVD enabling on the spot navigation of the contents and corresponding access to global connections.
All applications should be received at the head office of EXPONOR, ATT. Festival do Filme Interactivo, Feira Internacional do Porto, 4450-617 Leça da Palmeira, Portugal by 18.00 hours on 31st March 2001. 30/01/01
Email: mailto:eventos@exponor.pt
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox for January 21 is now online and contends that "although measuring usability can cost four times as much as conducting qualitative studies (which often generate better insight), metrics are sometimes worth the expense. Among other things, metrics can help managers track design progress and support decisions about when to release a product". 30/01/01
AxKit is an XML Application Server based on mod_perl. The software's developers claim that all programming carried out in an AxKit server is based around XML, with the advantage of requiring one set of techniques to learn leading to more rapid development. The other major advantage claimed is the ability to separate content, presentation and logic, into clearly defined layers. Further information is available from the AxKit web site. 30/01/01
URL: http://axkit.org/
The British Computer Society Electronic Publishing Specialist Group, is holding a meeting on 14 February 2001, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London entitled: "Communities on the Internet". This meeting will look at why and how communities have been created on the Internet. It will include informed analysis from organisations that have created successful communities, covering the education, professional and academic spheres. The presentations will also address the technology behind successful community building.
This one-day seminar will be invaluable for anyone involved with or contemplating setting up a community as part of their electronic publishing programme. For more and updated information, as well as registration details and a booking form, visit the web site below. 26/01/01
UK broadcaster, the BBC, has defined a Standard Media Exchange Framework (SMEF) to support and enable media asset management ("MAM") as an end-to-end process across its business areas, from commissioning to delivery to the home. One aspect of this is the SMEF Data Model (SMEF-DM) consisting of a set of metadata definitions for the information required in production, distribution and management of media assets, currently expressed as a data dictionary and set of Entity Relationship Diagrams.
The BBC intends to use the SMEF-DM as a means of integrating key information systems; with an appropriate systems architecture, and harmonising other related systems as appropriate to improve commonality of data. The SMEF-DM will also be used to manage data definitions across media applications, and embedded metadata definitions in media formats.
SMEF-DM will evolve and grow over time, covering more of the BBC's business, and absorbing richer detail as a result of collaborative working between the BBC Media Data Group (custodians of SMEF) and BBC project teams. New versions will be baselined and change will be managed through Media Data Group only. The next update of SMEF-DM is due to be released mid-January 2001 as version 1.6.
Although SMEF is the subject of a patent application, the BBC has decided to make the SMEF Data Model available to enquirers without charge, subject to a no-signature licence incorporated in this web site. If you are a supplier, broadcaster or standard-setter, you may wish to access the following documents: "SMEF-DM" Introductory note; Current version of the Entity Relationship Diagrams; Current version of the Entity and Attribute Definitions; available via the web page below. 26/01/01
URL: SMEF http://www.bbc.co.uk/guidelines/smef/
The Internet Document Transfer Project is being developed under Open Source to provide a implementation for use in accounting systems to transfer business documents via email. Further information via the project's web site. 26/01/01
Nigel Bevan, a much respected authority on usability has recently alerted us to very comprehensive guidance on cost effective user centred design produced by the European Commission sponsored TRUMP project. The resources on the site include case studies, lists of books and standards and information on usability assurance and justifying User Centred Design. 26/01/01
O'Reilly Network's latest technology web site, openp2p.com, includes technical, analytical, and news coverage of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology. Best known because of the music file-sharing site Napster, Peer-to-Peer encompasses a broad collection of technologies with far-reaching implications for Internet and computer usage in general. Key technologies related to P2P include Microsoft's .NET, Java, and XML.
The site aims to appeal to P2P application developers and also to the management/executive levels who need to understand the directions that P2P is going, and how those directions will impact information services over the Internet. A weekly email newsletter along with a directory of P2P companies are also available via the site. 26/01/01
URL: http://openp2p.com/
TRAIN-IT is an IST support measure offering a six-day hands-on crash course on how to write an investor winning business plan. The course is directed at entrepreneurs-to-be who plan to start-up a business in the field of micro- and Internet technologies, sensors, medical- and biotechnology, multimedia, e-commerce.
TRAIN-IT is free of charge for participants of completed or ongoing IST projects. Non-IST participants are charged the course fee of 3,000 euro. Further details via the URL below. 26/01/01
Macromedia has formed what it is calling the Flash Advertising Alliance, comprising a number of advertising agencies, advertisers, ad serving networks, publishing sites, technology vendors and interactive services. The alliance is seeking "to build standard practices around Macromedia Flash by both improving the user experience and delivering compelling experiences for advertisers".
The first initiative of the alliance was the creation of a Flash Tracking Kit, which "provides a standard way to track clickthrough and other elements of Flash-based ads". The Alliance plans to meet quarterly, consult the web site for joining instructions. 26/01/01
URL: Flash Tracking Kit http://www.macromedia.com/solutions/richmedia/tracking
URL: Flash Advertising Alliance http://www.macromedia.com/solutions/richmedia/mfaa/
RTZ Virtual Worlds of Spain, recently acquired by Superscape, has won its largest ever contract to visualise eleven Spanish royal palaces and associated monuments. The project is being funded by Fundacion Telefonica and supported by Patrimonio Nacional, the organisation responsible for the administration and preservation of Spanish heritage buildings. The project will involve the design and build of all the Spanish royal palaces using detailed plans, maps and photographs to ensure accuracy and high visual acuity.
The completed "virtual buildings" will be available on the web for a worldwide audience to explore and enjoy. According to Mr Roberto Velazquez, CEO at Fundacion Telefonica: "For some four centuries from 1600 onwards, Spain was a dominant worldwide force in architecture and the arts, and millions of visitors come to Spain every year to see the work that was undertaken. We are committed to providing access to these treasures to the widest possible audience and with the advent of technologies such as the web and i3D, this can now become a reality." 26/01/01
ESRI has joined forces with Sun Microsystems to develop a web site providing users with information about the development of location services based on Java-inspired technology. The Java Location Services web site has been re-launched to promote the importance of Java and GIS technologies as foundations to successful location services. 23/01/01
Two reports from the last quarter of 2000 have been released on the web for free. The first from Sands Bros. covers content delivery networks and in particular the systems being developed by Akamai, Digital Island and iBEAM. "Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are providing a solution to the problem of increasing Internet congestion. The increase in overall Internet traffic as well as the impending surge in the use of streaming media, which includes its own specific delivery challenges, promises to drive the use of CDNs by content providers", says the summary.
The second is from Durlacher and covers digital local storage - PVRs, home media servers and the future of broadcasting. "Durlacher believes that the development of affordable high capacity consumer storage technology linked to the new digital broadband distribution systems will rank amongst the handful of the most significant technological developments of the next decade in broadcasting", are amongst the conclusions. 23/01/01
URL: http://www.sandsbros.com/Research.nsf/RHotTopics!OpenView&Start=1&Count=30& Expand=2#2
URL: http://www.durlacher.com/registration/reg_storage.asp
A posting to the XML developers list has announced the RSL Project, which aims to promote the concept of structured information sharing. The goal is to "create a concrete framework for the authorship and utilisation of strongly-typed data. An XML-like language is defined as well as a set of supporting software components and communication protocols". Essentially, RSL is an effort to create a "web" from a data-centric point of view. Further information from the web site below. 23/01/01
URL: http://inxar.org/rsl
Context-Based Research Group has published what it calls a "global ethnographic study of wireless use" and claims that the findings provide "key lessons for companies making wireless products and services". The study was based on 180 participants in nine major cities in the US, China, Japan, Sweden, France and the UK. In addition to observing wireless users in action, the researchers examined the expectations of wireless users, explored how wireless use has changed behaviour among certain groups, interacted with non-wireless users, and analysed how wireless is advertised and communicated in the media. 23/01/01
The January 2001 issue of D-Lib Magazine is online and includes:
- a review of the book, "The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization";
- an opinion piece entitled "Commercial Digital Libraries and the Academic Community: How New Firms Might Develop New Relationships between 'Publisher' and Higher Education"
Articles this month include:
- "Keeping Dublin Core Simple: Cross-Domain Discovery or Resource Description?",
- "First Steps in an Information Commerce Economy: Digital Rights Management in the Emerging E-Book Environment",
- "Interoperability: Digital Rights Management and the Emerging EBook Environment",
- "Searching the Deep Web: Directed Query Engine Applications at the Department of Energy".
There are also seven "In Brief" items which focus on: the use of Z39.50 in a demo digital library project; the Open Working Group on Agents in Digital Libraries; and how museums may develop in the 21st century in-line with the changing requirements of users. 23/01/01
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/01contents.html
Singleimage Limited are holding two workshops in the UK aimed at organisations wishing to take part in European Commission funded project work. Workshop One - "Proposal Writing" on 14 March 2001 is aimed at those preparing an RTD proposal for submission to the European Commission's IST Programme in April 2001. It will explain the evaluation process and criteria, the content required in the main sections of the proposal, examples of good and bad practice, and presentation tips.
Workshop 2 - Managing EC Research Projects" on 15 March 2001 is aimed at all who intend to participate in EC-funded RTD projects, and in particular those who intend to take on the role of project co-ordinator and manage the project. It explains how these projects are managed and how good practices can be built in to support successful delivery of results.
The workshops will be held in Cambridge, UK and for more information and booking form contact Sue Greig at Singleimage Limited. 23/01/01
Email: mailto:singleimage@compuserve.com
URL: http://www.singleimage.co.uk/
A note to the XML developers list suggests a visit to the SVGspider web site which is believed to be one of the first "all SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)" web sites. The site is intended as a "proof of concept" (and is not claimed to be of "production quality"). A number of simple SVG animations can be viewed on the site. XLinks can be used to navigate among the pages. An SVG viewer is required to view the site (Version 1.0 of the Adobe SVG Viewer can be downloaded from the URL below). 23/01/01
URL: Adobe SVG Viewer http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html
URL: SVGspider http://www.svgspider.com/ or http://www.svgspider.com/default.svg
Business Europe a company providing "business content and e-commerce services tailored for SME's" has adopted an XML based-publishing system based around SoftQuad's XMetaL 2.0, XML authoring suite. Business Europe is hoping that an XML-based information infrastructure will enable it to provide a variety of delivery channels (including the web, wireless, and Palm-based AvantGo) for the same content. 23/01/01
URL: Business Europe http://www.businesseurope.com/
URL: SoftQuad http://www.softquad.com/
Online music seller Licensemusic.com is to provide online licensing of the DreamWorks Demo/Master series of recordings to the film, advertising, television, online, and other audio/visual industries. This is the first time that DreamWorks Music Publishing has made this collection available online for instant licensing, suggesting commercial online publishing models of music are becoming "more robust". 23/01/01
URL: LicenseMusic.com http://www.licensemusic.com/
Macromedia and Allaire have announced that they intend to merge, the combined company addressing a "united web design and development community". The merged company will retain the Macromedia name. The merger will bring together Macromedia's web authoring and display software including Dreamweaver and Flash with Allaire's ColdFusion web application serving software. 23/01/01
The Visions project sponsored by the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector of the European Commission's IST Programme (and the sponsors of El.pub) have been instrumental in setting up an International Conference on digital storytelling. Called, the International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2001 "Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling", the event has been co-organised by the French Virtual Reality Working Group.Scheduled to run during September, 27-28 2001 in Avignon, France, a call for papers is open with the deadline of March, 30 2001.
The conference aims to address the the practical aspects of topics such as, how to:
- acquire the story elements (objects, decors, environments, etc.) from reality
- create virtual actors and model their geometry and physical behaviours in real time
- animate the virtual actors (e.g. their faces, clothes, and hairs, etc.) in real time
- populate virtual environments and manage their interactions
- include lifelike elements in the virtual environment and manage non-linear scenarii
- create "realistic" behaviours and emotions; storyboards from virtual environments; real-time special effects (explosion, fire, snow, rain, layered fog, etc.)
- simulate the production (lighting, actors direction, etc.) and the shooting (camera trajectory)?
- use Virtual Reality interfaces (force feedback systems, stereoscopic or immersive display, 3D sound) for creating and telling virtual stories
- render or broadcast virtual stories in real-time
In addition it will explore the new narrative forms allowed by Virtual Storytelling and how Virtual Storytelling can be compared with traditional storytelling, exploring the impact of non-linear and collaborative working or playing environments (authoring and production) on the creativity. It will also attempt to identify concrete examples of using Virtual Storytelling.
Details concerning paper submission procedures are available via the web site, though only physical paper submission is being supported. 19/01/01
URL: http://www.virtualstorytelling.com
URL: Interactive Electronic Publishing projects base12.htm
The European Commission's DG Information Society, are organising the "Euro-China Co-operation Forum on Information Society", in Beijing on April 16-20, 2002. This major event will include a conference, an exhibition and pre-arranged business meetings. A limited number of European companies and research institutes will be able to exhibit, to express interest fill-in the the form available on the event web site. 19/01/01
The Hypergeo project (supported by the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector) has created a forum designed to stimulate debate, gain feedback and access to other developments on the subject of mobile Internet and location based services. The project is keen to focus the debate on subjects that are central to it's own research such as:
- location based services standardisation (OpenLS specification of the OGC for instance);
- wireless communications issues including the future of GSM, GPRS, UMTS and those relating to network performance relating to bandwidth, packet based transmissions, etc.). 19/01/01
URL: Hypergeo and forum http://www.hypergeo.org/
URL: Interactive Electronic Publishing projects base12.htm
"From Convergence to Consolidation - What's Next in the Information Market?" is the title of a conference being organised by the IST Diffuse Project, on March 7, 2001 in Brussels. The conference intends to explore standardisation initiatives in digital content dissemination particularly in relation to convergence.
The aim is to deal with the issues raised by the converging marketplace from the perspective of those developing, implementing, and using products and services based on standards and specifications. A full programme is available via the project's web site. 19/01/01
URL: Diffuse http://www.diffuse.org/
E-books 2001 is a one day conference sponsored by UK academe and Dawson Books to be held on March 20, 2001, in London, UK. The event will bring together information service mangers, librarians, publishers and booksellers to explore the opportunities and challenges created by electronic books.
Speakers will examine some of the different hardware and software technologies and standards in use; and offer evaluations of varying business models for the different market players. How are electronic books going to change the publishing industry? The conference will also look at how e-books might affect library acquisitions, and consider what service benefits and problems they might create. A panel session will discuss economic models and use scenarios. The event costs 65 UK pounds and includes lunch. 19/01/01
The Organising Committee for the ELPUB2001 (ICCC/IFIP - 5th Int. Conf. on Electronic Publishing) - "2001 the Digital Publishing Odyssey" conference are seeking exhibitors and sponsors from the relevant industries. Opportunities exist for exhibitions stands to be set up in the conference foyer and for sponsorship of events and activities within the conference.
This series of conferences attracts a wide international range of attendees, with a greater representation from Eastern Europe than is normally found in international conferences. Further details of the conference can be found on the web. 19/01/01
Abstracts and short papers from the "Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts" conference in Moscow in November 2000 are available along with an exhibition catalogue and photoalbum. The conference had sessions on cooperation between Russia and the EU in the area of cultural heritage, standards and metadata, Russian cultural multimedia etc. The site is in both Russian and English. 19/01/01
OTLAND OTLand is a Web service exclusively dedicated to IT professionals interested in all aspects of object technology for business. It is located on the web site of LogOn the official representatives of OMG in continental Europe. 19/01/01
URL: http://www.ltt.de/
The new version of FiLMBOX, Kaydara Inc's real-time character animation system, will support Mac OS X. FiLMBOX for Mac OS X will provide both a hub for 3D data and a set of real-time 3D authoring tools, allowing Mac users to pre-visualize, storyboard and develop character animation. 19/01/01
6.5 NewTek is to release a version of LightWave 3D (6.5) for the Apple Mac OS X operating system. LightWave (6.5) for OS X Public Beta is available through NewTek's worldwide distribution channel and also by download from the NewTek web site. The software is free of charge for any LightWave (6) Macintosh owners. 19/01/01
Viewpoint Corp has formed partnerships with 3D authoring vendors Curious Labs, NewTek and Alias|Wavefront to make Viewpoint Media Player compatible with the Mac. Poser 4 Pro Pack will enable Mac and PC users to create animated 3D characters for use on their Web sites. The Pro Pack will use the Viewpoint Media Player's new mesh morphing capabilities. Viewpoint Media Exporters will be released for NewTek Lightwave within the next few months, and for Alias|Wavefront Maya as soon as the Mac version of Maya is available (see next item). A free browser plug-in will be available for the Mac and will support Mac OS X upon its final release. 19/01/01
Alias|Wavefronts Maya Complete 3 software for Mac OS X is scheduled to ship in the second quarter of 2001. The Mac version of Maya 3 will be entering the beta phase of its development within the next 30 days. Maya's rebuild as a Macintosh application will help traditional graphics artists bridge the gap between 2D and 3D. Maya Complete 3 for Mac OS X will become available in Q2, 2001 for US$ 7,500. 19/01/01
Cycore and bioVirtual, a provider of technology for photo-realistic 3D human models, characters and avatars, have released 3DmeNow with Cult3D Exporter. This software program converts animated 3D humans into interactive 3D images for use on the Web and in multiple applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint presentations and Adobe Acrobat.
bioVirtual's 3DMeNow product range offers real-time 3D rendering, digital human modeling and animation capabilities. The companys worldwide patent application, originally filed in August 1999, is scheduled to publish in 2001. The product is available now to order or download via the URLs below. 19/01/01
URL: http://www.cult3D.com/
URL: http://www.biovirtual.com/
URL: http://www.cycore.com/
Freeserve a major UK ISP (Internet Service Provider) which provides free Internet connections is apparently partnering with a European Internet telephony provider, Callserve, to offer its 3.8 million unique users low cost calls "to any telephone in the world from their PCs". To help promote the new Webphone, Freeserve is co-launching with Callserve a new lower starting cost, at 10 UK pounds half the previously required pre-payment level. Freeserve claims the new telephone rates will be up to 75% below market leader BT's rates. 19/01/01
URL: Freeserve http://www.freeserve.com/
URL: Callserve http://www.callserve.com/
Two recent presentations to XML conferences from David Cleary at Progress Software are available for download as zipped files.
- "XML Schema Extension Mechanisms" documents the two methods for extending XML Schema with application specific information. It includes examples of real world uses of these extensions today.
URL: http://www.freeframework.org/downloads/xml/schemaext.zip- "4th Generation XML Application Development" discusses an application development methodology that relies on molding XML instance data to your application as opposed to writing your application based on the XML vocabulary used. It details how Progress Software uses schema annotation to map XML data to business logic and includes a example of using this methodology to map XML instance data to existing Java classes.
URL: http://www.freeframework.org/downloads/4thgenxml.zipThe slides and examples are available for those who may be interested. 19/01/01
UKISHELP a UK government sponsored help group is running an information event for those organisations interested in the Multimedia Content and Tools (MMCT) part of the European Information Society Technologies Programme. Running on the afternoon of 16 February, 2001 in London, the meeting is designed to help proposers of projects across the entire IST Key Action Line III, covering: heritage for all, next generation digital collections, self learning for work, e-Learning futures, natural and multilingual interactivity, x-Content futures.
Presenters will include members of the European Commission. More details and registration from the web site. 16/01/01
URL: http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/elink.cfm?PathID=08385641&TypeID=0
The W3Schools web site provides free online tutorials in all aspects of web technology from HTML to SOAP, and JavaScript to Flash. Tutorials are either self-contained or link to other sites. There are lists of books and links to other resources for students and examples of successful coding. The tutorials cover the general design and management of web sites as well as technical aspects and there is extensive reference material on standards and other aspects of the web. 16/01/01
According to a new report from IDC, demand for digital books will build quickly over the next several years. From US$9 million in 2000, US consumer digital book revenue may leap to US$ 414 million in 2004. According to Malcolm Maclachlan, senior analyst for IDC's eMedia program, "Book publishing is the next big media industry to go digital. Publishers are signing alliances with technology providers, and well-known authors are throwing their weight behind promotions offering their works in digital form."
The report concludes that publishing companies have very strong incentives to jump-start the market for digital books, such as lower distribution costs and the ability to offer a wider variety of content to reach more readers. It suggests that various electronic distributions strategies are likely to be used, including publishing as downloads, print-on-demand, and online reading. "Electronic Publishing Forecast and Analysis, 2000-2004: Digital Books and Print on Demand" is available for purchase from IDG. 16/01/01
URL: http://www.idc.com/
Franklin Electronic Publishers, has announced that the EBM-911-504, a special developer edition of the company's eBookMan reader and multimedia content player, is now available to developers. Franklin made its Software Developers' Kit (SDK) for eBookMan publicly available to developers on November 13, 2000, and the release of these special developer units is intended to make third-party applications for eBookMan available before full retail launch, scheduled for around March 2001.
Three retail versions of eBookMan readers are planned (all with 240 x 200 pixel LCD screens) beginning at an 8MB model with a suggested retail of US $129.95. 16/01/01
URL: http://www.franklin.com/devzone/
URL: Franklin Electronic Publishers http://www.franklin.com/
IBM has developed a number of remote web site analysis services available through it's SurfAid Analytics Business Intelligence unit. The analysis offered is based on the customers web server log data. 16/01/01
Microsoft has announced key elements of its Xbox manufacturing and logistics plans which include working with Flextronics International Ltd. to establish Xbox manufacturing facilities in several regions of the world. If everything goes to plan XBox, Microsoft's games console, will be launched in North America and Japan in Autumn 2001 and in Europe in the first quarter of 2002.
The company has apparently signed more than 200 of the world's top game developers and publishers to create Xbox games. For example, it announced last week that Electronic Arts will provide up to 10 titles during the Xbox launch period. 16/01/01
URL: Xbox http://www.xbox.com/
SoftQuad Software has announced that Microsoft has purchased an enterprise license for its XMetaL 2.0, XML authoring suite. 16/01/01
Jonathan Borden and Tim Bray (instigator of the XML specification) have announced that they have integrated their proposals for a Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL). As outlined in the announcement:
"A Resource Directory provides a text description of some class of resources and of other resources related to that class. It also contains a directory of links to these related resources. An example of a class of resources is that defined by an XML Namespace. Examples of such related resources include schemas, stylesheets, and executable code. A Resource Directory Description is designed to be suitable for service as the body of a resource returned by deferencing a URI serving as an XML Namespace name. The Resource Directory Description Language is an extension of XHTML Basic 1.0 with a new element named resource. This element serves as an XLink to the referenced resource". 16/01/01
We have received an announcement of a free daily e-mail newsletter which covers the wireless industry business and technology. To see a sample visit the URL below. 16/01/01
According to an OFX consortium press release more than 1000 financial institutions around the world have implemented the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) specification, aimed at providing the "open" exchange of financial information over the Internet. 16/01/01
URL: http://www.ofx.net/
IBM plans to package enhanced e-support solutions on its personal computer product using technology licensed from Support.com, Inc. According to the companies, this web-based support "can independently identify and correct systems problems by automatically performing diagnostics to their existing software configuration and applications, enabling them to have better support."
The online support will offer IBM customers help with identifying and installing drivers, system upgrades, performance tools and other information relevant to their PCs, and guiding them through steps to perform self-service problem diagnosis and repair. 16/01/01
URL: IBM Personal System Group http://www.pc.ibm.com/
Users of Macromedia's Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 are now able to download content from Wrox Press' "Professional Active Server Pages 3.0" and "Professional JSP" publications through a free extension for UltraDev 4 available for download today from Macromedia Exchange. This announcement follows a similar one which bundled O'Reilly developer books with Dreamweaver 4.0 software.
Wrox Press also runs an online "Programmer to Programmer community" (P2P resource) - aimed at programmers wishing to share their problems and expertise. A variety of mailing lists cover all modern programming and Internet technologies. Links, resources and archives also provide a comphrehensive knowledge base. 16/01/01
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/exchange/
URL: Wrox http://www.wrox.com/
URL: Wrox P2P resource http://p2p.wrox.com/
The ASP Resources Channel is a newsletter published by the online publisher, internet.com. ASP Island offers a free partnership programme that allows ASPs and other service providers to publish a company profile along with detailed information on the Application Services that they offer. Currently there are more than 800 service providers enrolled in this program. 12/01/01
URL: ASP Resources Channel http://www.aspresourceschannel.com/
URL: ASP Island http://www.aspisland.com/providers/
A report on the European Commission sponsored Workshop on the Semantic Web has been published on the Diffuse project web site. 12/01/01
The PROACTe News Service, provides a useful email-based news update service with emphasis on the Education and Training Technologies community. A couple of items from the most recent issue, with a potentially broader appeal to interactive electronic publishing community:
- details of a European Commission memorandum on lifelong learning, with the aim of developing a coherent overall strategy for education and lifelong learning in Europe.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/life/index.html- a report on the US Department of Education's new national educational technology plan , proposing a national strategy for the effective use of technology in elementary and secondary education.
URL: http://www.ed.gov/Technology 12/01/01URL: PROACTe http://www.proacte.com/news/
Info2Clear has announced that readers of the Belgian financial newspaper, De Financieel-Economische Tijd and the Danish, Copenhagen Post may now purchase the right to distribute and reprint articles printed in both newspapers, on line, using Info2Clear's Internet Copyright Management Services. 12/01/01
The Object Management Group (OMG) is considering ways to implement an OMG standard representation for XML documents and data in Corba applications. The specification will be based on translating the structure and content of an XML document into Corba types according to the W3C's Document Object Model (DOM). 12/01/01
URL: http://www.omg.org/
URL: http://www.corba.org/
URL: OMG Japan http://www.omgj.org/
The BUILDER Hybrid Library Project (funded under the UK Government's eLib programme) has just released its final evaluation report. BUILDER aimed to develop a working model of the hybrid library within both a teaching and research context, seamlessly integrating access to a wide range of printed and electronic information sources, local and remote, using a web-based interface, and in a way which will be universally applicable. 12/01/01
Beta testers for XML Spy 3.5 Beta 3 are being sought by the developers. The latest beta release, of this XML editing software, contains:
- support for Microsoft Source-Safe and compatible repositories (integrated within XML Spy project view);
- new Scripting Environment and Form editor for creating custom XML applications;
- improved COM-based API (more functionality and better conformance with COM naming conventions);
- complete rewrite of the XML Schema generation functionality with many enhancements.
The software (8.5MB) is available for download, along with a quick introduction to the new XML Schema Design View online. If you are interested in working with XML Schema, visit this URL, which explains the new XML Schema related features in detail. 12/01/01
URL: Beta download http://www.xmlspy.com/beta
URL: XML Schema http://www.xmlspy.com/features_schema35.html
The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) in the US has published online the "Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access". Aimed at museums, libraries, and archives digitising collections, the handbook covers: project management, copyright, technical issues, and guidelines. It can be downloaded in pdf format.12/01/01
In our day to day running of El.pub we find that the Google search engine provides a very powerful and useful search service. As the service grows it is expanding it's vocabulary to include a number of languages, you can now search using Google in Czech, Estonian, Greek, Latvian, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian and Icelandic.
According to its developers that brings the total number of languages Google supports to 25, including Russian (which is available in beta). The non-English language facility is available via the "advanced search" link on the Google home page. 12/01/01
URL: advanced search http://www.google.com/advanced_search
URL: Google http://www.google.com/
The W3C XML Core Working Group published the latest working draft of the XML Information Set (Infoset) on December 20, 2000. Infoset's purpose "is to provide a consistent set of definitions for use in other specifications that need to refer to the information in a well-formed XML document ". Comments on the darft are invited and are to be sent to the public mailing list (see link below). 12/01/01
URL: Infoset draft http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/
URL: archive http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-infoset-comments/
Email: comments mailto:www-xml-infoset-comments@w3.org
US-based, Tibco Software has released XML Canon/Developer (XCD), the first product in a planned series, aimed at providing XML-encoded information management. The company are offering selected organisations limited early access to a beta programme via the URL below. 12/01/01
URL: beta programme http://www.extensibility.com/tibco/solutions/xml_canon/
URL: TIBCO Extensibility http://www.extensibility.com/
Artificial Life's Mobile Computing subsidiary has announced ALife-BotMail, which according to the company allows senders to deliver "an interactive character (intelligent bot) that can converse with the recipients and present the contents of the email instead of sending a plain document". The company believe that with the potential increase in email based marketing, such technology will provide marketeers using BotMail with an advantage of capturing the potential customer's attention. 12/01/01
The journal Informing Science endeavors to provide an understanding of the complexities in informing clientele. Fields from information systems, library science, journalism in all its forms to education all contribute to this science. These fields, which developed independently and have been researched in separate disciplines, are evolving to form a new trans-discipline, Informing Science. 09/01/01
A note to the XML developers list informs of the publication of a VoiceXML Reference, see the URL below. The same author, Miloslav Nic has also announced the publication of a "complete XHTML 1.0 reference". 09/01/01
URL: VoiceXML Reference http://zvon.org/xxl/VoiceXMLReference/Output/index.html
URL: XHTML 1.0 reference http://zvon.org/xxl/xhtmlReference/Output/index.html
The XML.com website has published a couple of articles on the two organisations central to the development of the XML standards, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). The "StandardisationUpdate" outlines their current involvement and the prospective development of XML. 09/01/01
URL: http://www.xml.com/
A new release of Open Business Objects for EDI (OBOE) has been posted on the American Coders web site. OBOE (formerly known as DEDIOUX - Dynamic EDI Objects Using XML) translates between several Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) document formats and EDI/XML files. The package is targeted at legacy EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the Internet quickly and easily using standards based technology. The OBOE engine comes with an Open Source license. 09/01/01
OCLC 's Co-operative Online Resource Catalog (CORC) is a web-based service that provides librarians with the tools for the management of web-based electronic resources. As well as a toolkit, CORC provides a high quality, library selected database of web-based electronic resource descriptions.
OCLC are running a one-day workshop (in London on January 25, 2001) which aims to introduce participants to the CORC service examining metadata record creation and the creation of pathfinders. Participants will have hands-on experience of the automated tools provided in CORC. Areas to be covered include: Searching CORC; Using MARC and Dublin Core resource descriptors; Creating original metadata descriptions (MARC and Dublin Core); Using the web-based Dewey Decimal Classification; Editing existing pathfinders; Creating original pathfinders; Exporting pathfinders. To particpate in the workshop contact Eileen Sharp at OCLC. 09/01/01
If you are developing, or you have contributed to, projects incorporating Virtual Reality then you are invited to participate in the 2001 Laval Virtual Trophies Competition. These are awards given in the following fields: Art and Culture, Medicine, Car industry, Aerospace and Transport, Engineering, Industrial Design and Simulation, Trade and Distribution, Science and Education, Architecture and Design, Video Games and Attractions.
An international jury made up of specialists in these different areas will select submitted creations and award the Trophies. Participation in the competition is free of charge, and the deadline for entry is March 15, 2001. The awards will be presented at "Laval Virtual" - the third International Virtual Reality Conference being held from 17-20 May 2001, in France. 09/01/01
The new sections in the second version of Microsoft's ASP Guide include three .NET video presentations, the evolution of Windows DNA to .NET, the business value of the .NET enterprise servers, and a new Microsoft ASP Strategy white paper on the "Market Opportunities CD" in addition to the content from the previous version. 09/01/01
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/ISN/IndOutlook_Trends/guide.asp
Webreference Update Newsletter from December 26, 2000 includes a report on the 49th Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting held in San Diego, during December 2000. Minutes from this and previous conferences are posted on the IETF's web site. 09/01/01
URL: Webreference Updatehttp://www.webreference.com/
URL: article http://www.webreference.com/new/001226.html
URL: IETF http://www.ietf.org/
IBM's plans for enhancing its web services include a UDDI registry for developers, updates to the Web Services toolkit and the XML and Web Services Development Environment, integrated Web services support in runtime environments, and enabling Tivoli software to manage applications composed of sets of Web services across multiple platforms. 09/01/01
IBM article which explains how "interactive television (iTV) is about to change the broadcast model of TV into a personal, on-demand interaction that will open new frontiers for entertainment, commerce, and consumers". 09/01/01
URL: http://www.ibm.com/services/feature/interactive_tv.html
Perl.com, the site which focuses on the needs of the users of the Perl scripting language, has an article entitled: "What every Perl programmer needs to know about .NET". 09/01/01
URL: .NET article http://www.perl.com/pub/2000/12/net.html?wwwrrr_20001220.txt
Agent News a useful email service with news clippings and resources on agent-based technology included a note on Topicmaps.Org. The organisation is an independent consortium of parties interested in developing the applicability of the Topic Maps Paradigm to the web, by leveraging the XML family of specifications as required. 09/01/01
URL: Agent News http://agents.umbc.edu/
URL: Topicmaps.Org http://www.topicmaps.org/
There is a new version of Sablotron XSLT processor available which will run on Linux, Windows, and Unix. The software is available for download via the URL below. 09/01/01
ForeWord Magazine, a Canadian magazine and online source for information for the independent publishing community, plans to use the RightsPublish product to implement an on-line subscription model. The arrangement will enable the secure management and distribution of this full colour print magazine in an online environment, available in Adobe PDF format and protected by RightsPublish. ForeWord will use RightsMarkets complete hosting service on a monthly licensing fee basis. 05/01/01
URL: Foreword Magazine http://www.ForeWordMagazine.com/
URL: RightsMarket http://www.rightsmarket.com/
GEO Interactive is to conduct trials with the UK's Independent Television News (ITN). ITN provides syndicated television news to the UK's leading commercial terestrial broadcasters. Under the agreement, ITN will trial streaming its video reports to handheld wireless devices via MPEG-4 compliant clips - using GEO's Emblaze Wireless technology. Further, ITN will provide live video feeds, as well as video-on-demand headlines, to customers chosen by GEO to participate in the trials. 05/01/01
URL: ITN http://www.itn.co.uk/
URL: Emblaze http://www.emblaze.com/
Eight companies involved in the wireless location industry from US, Europe and Canada have joined together to announce today the creation of the Wireless Location Industry Association (WLIA), located in Washington, DC. The WLIA plans to "work to promote the location based industry by consulting with government, administrative and regulatory bodies on behalf of the industry and create a forum to develop self-regulating policies, network and share information among members of the industry".
It also wants to provide references and information about the industry to the public and to policy makers, internationally. The founder members wish to ecourage other wireless location companies to join the association. 05/01/01
URL: (site currently under construction) http://www.wliaonline.com/
The latest issue of VR news published on El.pub is a bumper issue and features over 40 news items. We have republished below a selection of the items which have an interactive publishing flavour. If you are interested in receiving the regular VREfresh email newsletter, subscribe via the VR news page link below. 05/01/01
URL: base02vt.htm
TV meets the Web recently ran a broadband content design seminar. The seminar is now on the web as a streaming video event. The key note speech by Simon Birell of Silicon Artists is a "must watch" experience if you want to know about what works in broadband. From experience with a VR roadshow touring small towns in Spain in the mid-1990s, to why 3D shopping malls don't work, to collaborative environments for children in hospital, the presentation covers the results of continuous experience with what works and what doesn't in broadband content design. Simon is one of the people who has moved from videogame design to broadband and transferred ideas from one area to the other. 05/01/01
URL: http://www.tvmeetstheweb.com/broadbandseminar/webcast.php
DecomValencia, a VR integrator/supplier in Spain and Portugal, has installed an eight WindowsVR at the "Camino de Santiago Virtual" exhibit in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The VideaLAB group of the University of A Coruña, Spain has developed an application that allow the user to perform a virtual tour to all the European Cultural Cities for the year 2000. 05/01/01
URL: http://www.decom.es/
Cycore Cult3D product visualisation technology has been added to the Titleist and Cobra golf web sites. Titleist will use Cult3D to exhibit its market-leading golf balls, whilst Cobra will use it to demonstrate an array of golf clubs. Research from Datatech and Golf World indicates 71% of all serious golfers, (those who play more than 15 rounds per year) use the Internet to gather information about the golf industry and 61% of serious golfers get product information online. "With a majority of potential customers using the Web as a research tool, it is essential to differentiate and detail our products in the best manner possible," says Ed Hebert, interactive marketing manager for Titleist and Cobra. 05/01/01
URL: http://www.cycore.com/
URL: http://www.titleist.com/
URL: http://www.cobragolf.com/
Since the agreement between the vertical portal for 3D and multimedia design, Dup.com, and DeEspona Infografica, free distribution has started at Dup.com (see link below) of broadcast quality 3D models for special effects in movies, television broadcast and advertising spots. 3Dup.com expects monthly professional and non-professional visitors to be around 240,000 around the world, by offering as samples quality products used in Hollywood's productions. 05/01/01
URL: free distribution http://3dup.com/highmodels
URL: http://3dup.com/
URL: http://www.deespona.com/
ClockWise Technologies has signed a strategic agreement with King com SpA, an Italian telecommunications service provider. Under the terms of the agreement, ClockWise will create a customised version of its Win3D product - a 3D interface for the Windows environment - for King com. King com will circulate Win3D to all its current and future subscribers as the standard application for accessing its Internet services.
Explains Giuseppe Di Leo, CEO of King com SpA. "Satisfying our subscribers and building out a new fiber optic network across Southern Italy are our primary objectives. We are constantly looking to provide our subscribers with the most advanced and interactive Internet experience." 05/01/01
URL: http://www.clockwise3d.com/
URL: http://www.kingcom.it/
MultiGen-Paradigm Inc, has announced SiteBuilder 3D, a geographic information systems (GIS) product. As an extension to ESRI's popular ArcView GIS desktop mapping program, SiteBuilder 3D transforms 2D map data into realistic and i3D environments allowing users to conduct virtual fly-throughs while simultaneously tracking their position in ArcView. SiteBuilder 3D is expected to ship Spring 2001 and will be priced at US$ 1,995. 05/01/01
bioVirtual has launched 3DmeNow Lite, a free program that allows both non-artists and 3D modelers to create color 3D models of anyone, directly from photographs or artwork and then to send them as talking e-mail. After a once-only download of the bioPlayer users can view messages by clicking on the bio icon attached to the body of the mail. 3DMeNow technology is also being used to develop solutions in human identification for Police and Security applications, as well as in computer games and internet/multimedia. 05/01/01
URL: http://www.biovirtual.com/bioPlayer/
URL: http://www.biovirtual.com/3DMeNowLite/index.htm
Eastman Kodak Company's Commercial & Government Systems (C&GS) business unit and Skyline Software Systems have entered a strategic agreement where Kodak will offer to its customers Skyline 3D earth imagery products and services. Under the agreement, Kodak will feature Skyline's 3D earth visualisation technology exclusively on its new Kodak Earth Imaging Products (EIP) web site.
Kodak also recently announced an acquisition of Research Systems Inc, a designer of software used by scientists, engineers and others to extract information from images captured by sources such as satellites, aircraft and meteorological devices. 05/01/01
The latest issue of the on-line newsletter of the IPR-Helpdesk, IP-Wire Issue 22, has been published and includes the usual extensive array of news items on IPR issues. It highlights recent developments in electronic patent filing - the first online filing of a European patent application, via the Internet took place on December 8th. Another article refers to the adoption of a proposal by the European Commission to create a registry to run the Internet top level domain ".eu". It also reports that the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is holding a conference in Geneva to discuss a treaty for the protection of performers rights. Subscribe to the newsletter via the URL below. 05/01/01
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