El.pub Topic News December
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Java Message Service
URL: Chapter 2 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javmesser/chapter/ch02.html
URL: Table of Contents http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javmesser/
Ericsson/Microsoft mobile news
URL: http://www.em-mobileventure.com/
JISC National Electronic Resource
URL: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/dner/
dtSearch version 6.0
URL: http://www.dtsearch.co.uk/
URL: XML search demo http://www.dtsearch2.com/
DrawingSearcher V2.0
URL: http://www.docu-point.com/
SoftSeal DRM software
URL: http://www.sealedmedia.com/
URL: events mailto:events@sealedmedia.com
3D/2D models for sale
URL: http://www.replicanation.com/
Sony's AnycastWorld
URL: http://www.AnycastWorld.com/
Avid ePublisher
URL: http://www.avid.com/
Discreet 3D Studio MAX 4.0
URL: Animation Zone http://www.discreet.com/animation/
Cult3d virtual campus
URL: http://www.cult3d.com/education/virtual.html
Syndication working
URL: TravelNow Inc. http://www.travelnow.com/
URL: iNEXTV http://www.iNEXTV.com/
December D-Lib Magazine
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december00/12contents.html
IP telephony industry survey
URL: http://www.ilocus.com/global00.htm
Digital library research register
URL: http://www.literaticlub.co.uk/research/registers.html
Broadband Internet predictions
URL: Screen Digest http://www.screendigest.com/
URL: Van Dusseldorp & Partners http://www.vandusseldorp.com/
XHTML Basic Recommendation
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/
URL: press release http://www.w3.org/2000/12/xhtml-basic-pressrelease
Web developer articles
URL: http://www.earthweb.com/redirects/softwaredev_2.cgi
URL: http://www.earthweb.com/redirects/software_dev_1.cgi
Metadata good practice
URL: http://www.schemas-forum.org/
Mozilla developer site
URL: http://www.mozdev.org/
PHP - Personal Home Page
URL: Official PHP site http://www.php.net/
URL: PHP resources http://www.perfect.co.uk/do/develop/apachephp/
URL: PHP resources http://www.devshed.com/
ITU moves on 3G mobile
Email: mailto:jvisser@nortelnetworks.com
URL: ITU http://www.itu.int/
Securing microbrowsers
URL: EzWAP http://www.ezos.com/
URL: RSA Security http://www.rsasecurity.com/
Agent-based news
URL: UMBC AgentNews http://agents.umbc.edu/agentnews/5/33/
Ericsson sponsors 4G research
URL: http://www.ericsson.com/
Philips Blueberry Bluetooth
URL: http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/Bluetooth/
Organic EL Displays
URL: Samsung SDI http://samsungsdi.com/
URL: NEC Corporation http://www.nec-global.com/
Wireless resources site
URL: http://www.searchwireless.com/
URL: TechTarget http://www.techtarget.com/
SyncML final spec.
URL: SyncML http://www.syncml.org/
URL: http://www.nokia.com/
Sun's Java APIs for XML
URL: APIs http://java.sun.com/jdc/
URL: Sun XML pages http://www.sun.com/xml/
SVG receives product support
URL: ILOG http://www.ilog.com/
URL Apache Batik http://xml.apache.org/batik
URL: announcement http://xml.apache.org/batik/pr.html
Web site usability critical
URL: Modalis http://www.modalis.com/
RSS 1.0 released
URL: http://meerkat.oreillynet.com/
URL: http://moreover.com/
URL: http://my.netscape.com/
URL: http://my.userland.com/
URL: http://www.xmltree.com/
Broadband content design
URL: http://www.tvmeetstheweb.com/broadbandseminar/webcast.php
Eprints software available
URL: download http://www.eprints.org/
URL: Open Archives protocol http://www.openarchives.org/
Email: Stevan Harnad mailto:harnad@cogsci.soton.ac.uk
Interactive publishing resources
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/education/r-s2.html?n-j-12140
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/education/r-wacc1.html?n-w-12140
URL: http://www.jguru.com/ibm
Nielsen discounts WAP
URL: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20001210.html
XML for analysis beta
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/data/
UK IP portal
URL: http://www.intellectual-property.gov.uk/
qbSearch - metasearch
URL: http://qbsearch.com/
Variety EVU
URL: http://www.variety.com/ev
Ultradev/Fireworks 4 Studio
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/software/studio/
URL: online store http://www.macromedia.com/store/
E-Journal features registry
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/EJI.htm
Email: Gerry McKiernan mailto:gerrymck@iastate.edu
eLib's experiences with Z39.50
Email: Matthew Dovey mailto:matthew.dovey@LAS.OX.AC.UK
VoiceXML developer competition
URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/speech/contest/
URL: IBM Voice Systems http://www.ibm.com/software/voice/
Compact HTML
URL: Motorola http://www.motorola.com/
URL: ACCESS http://www.access-us-inc.com/
URL: ACCESS http://www.access.co.jp
Intuit's online collaboration tool
URL: http://www.quickbase.com/
URL: http://developer.quickbooks.com
MMI-DC Workshop to continue
URL: MMI-DC homepage: http://www.cenorm.be/isss/Workshop/MMI-DC/
Email: Luc Van den Berghe mailto:luc.vandenberghe@cenorm.be
EVA 2001 - "Electronic Imaging in the Visual Arts"
URL: http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/florence/
URL: http://lci.det.unifi.it/
XML Schema discussed
URL: tutorial http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/11/29/schemas/part1.html
URL: Schema Structures http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/11/29/schemas/structuresref.html
Embedded WAP server
URL: Bluetooth SIG http://www.bluetooth.com/
URL: http://www.ericsson.se/
XML specific database
URL: X-Hive http://www.x-hive.com/
URL: Objectivity http://www.objectivity.com/
Metadata for Education
URL: MEG http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/education/
URL: MEG Concord http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/education/documents/concord.html
URL: mailing list http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/uk-meg.html
Flash and Explorer integration
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/
Flash usability addressed
URL: Usability Initiative http://www.macromedia.com/go/usability/
URL: Accessibility Kit http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/productinfo/accessibility/
UK - patents discussed
URL: http://www.patent.gov.uk/snews/notices/softcons.html
Information Security: call for papers
URL: http://litc.sbu.ac.uk/publications/vframe.html
HTML document conversion utility
URL: http://www.easysw.com/htmldoc
MPEG-21 Outreach programme
URL: http://www.cselt.it/mpeg/public/mpeg-21_pdtr.zip
URL: http://www.cselt.it/mpeg/cfp/digital_item_declaration.zip
URL: http://www.cselt.it/mpeg/cfp/digital_item_identification_and_description.zip
Internet Action Plan CFP
URL: call http://www.qlinks.net/iap/2001calls.html
URL: information day and benchmarking workshop http://www.qlinks.net/iap/2001inforeg.html
URL: study http://www.qlinks.net/iap/benchmark_announce.htmlNews items from December 8, 2000
3G standardisation moves
URL: 3GPP http://www.3gpp.org/
URL: MWIF http://www.mwif.org/
URL: 3G.IP http://www.3gip.org/
URL: ITU http://www.itu.int/
Multicast conference presentations
URL: http://www.linx.net/multicast/
IPR-Helpdesk seminars and training
URL: slide presentations http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/a_002_en.asp
URL: seminar expression of interest http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/a_003_en.asp
URL: training expression of interest http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/a_004_en.asp
.NET developer centre launched
URL: .NET Developer Centre http://msdn.microsoft.com/net/
URL: announcement http://www.microsoft.com/ISN/news/net_developer_centerP64277.asp
Batik - SVG beta software
URL Apache Batik http://xml.apache.org/batik
URL: announcement http://xml.apache.org/batik/pr.html
Internet restrictions feared
URL: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filter/
First Monday December
URL: http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue5_12/
Games for MicrosoftTV
URL: Two Way TV http://www.twowaytv.com/
URL: Microsoft TV http://www.microsoft.com/tv/
UK Government information accessible
URL: ICIA http://www.icia.co.uk/
URL: UK Department of Trade and Industry http://www.dti.gov.uk/
URL: HMSO http://www.hmso.gov.uk/
Location Interoperability Forum
URL: http://www.locationforum.org/
IBM web catalogue software
URL: http://www.ibm.com/ibmlink/usalets&parms=H_200-407
Canadian e-publishing articles
URL: Publish or Perish Says Software Firm (RightsMarket) http://news.globetechnology.com/archive/gam/News/20001130/TWPUBLS.html
URL: Publishers Struggle with e-Book Bind (Future of e-Books) http://news.globetechnology.com/archive/gam/News/20001130/TWPUBL.html
URL: Content Makers Need New Models (Business Models for Selling Electronic Content) http://news.globetechnology.com/archive/gam/News/20001130/TWMODE.html
Celluloid or Silicon?
URL: Analytic No. 3 analytic03.htm
URL: GFORS project http://www.g-fors.com
URL: Interactive Electronic Publishing projects base12.htm
URL: Interactive Electronic Publishing on Cordis http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/iep/home.html
IP-Wire - focus on patents
URL: IPR-Helpdesk http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/
URL: Seminars http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/a_002_en.asp
Web usage - client-side monitoring
URL: http://www.speed-trap.com/
SDK for WAP development
URL: http://www.altConsulting.com/
Dreamweaver / Fireworks 4 available
URL: http://www.macromedia.com/software/studio/
Microsoft's future home
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/ISN/IndOutlook_Trends/Microsoft_homeP63990.asp
CORDIS goes mobile
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/news-service/
Motorola teams with Sega
URL: Motorola http://www.motorola.com/
URL: iDEN http://www.motorola.com/iden
URL: Sega http://www.sega.com/
Flash developer resources
URL: http://exchange.macromedia.com/
Mobile on web sites
URL: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2000/11/28/voxeo.html
Cisco - business Net resources
URL: http://www.cisco.com/offer/iq/v651-531
IBM web developer resources
URL: http://www.topica.com/partner/dwjoin/developerworks
Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
URL: meeting http://www.openarchives.org/DC2001/OpenMeeting.html
URL: Open Archives Initiative http://www.openarchives.org/
Digital preservation mailing list
URL: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/digital-preservation.html
IST 2001 Work Programme
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/ist
Audio "restoration" at Abbey Road
URL: http://www.abbeyroad.co.uk/
Managing metadata
URL: MMI-DC http://www.cenorm.be/isss/Workshop/MMI-DC/
URL: DCMI Administration Working Group http://purl.org/dc/groups/admin.htm
URL: "The A-Core: Metadata about Content Metadata" http://metadata.net/admin/draft-iannella-admin-01.txt
"A Programmers Heaven"
URL: http://www.programmersheaven.com/
Glassbook Reader 2.0 Beta
URL: http://bookstore.glassbook.com/store/
URL: download page http://bookstore.glassbook.com/store/getreader.asp
Digital "convergent consumers"
URL: http://www.digiscope.net/
Mobile phone e-book
URL: WAP link to RoamingReader http://wap.roamingreader.com/
URL: RoamingReader.com http://www.roamingreader.com/
Perl documentation/resources
URL: Perldoc.com http://www.perldoc.com/
URL: CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) http://www.cpan.org/
Children's e-book format
URL: http://www.tumblebooks.com/
Authoring on-line teaching material
URL: Learning Resource Center http://www.macromedia.com/learning
3D and a Scottish Island
URL: Eolas Media http://www.eolas.co.uk/
IP voice for World Online
URL: World Online http://www.worldonline.com/
URL: Callserve http://www.callserve.com/
Ericsson - new Bluetooth company
URL: http://www.ericsson.com/
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