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This section provides annotated references to ways of creating or using multimedia to present information for educational purposes. The section is less concerned with the content of multimedia resources than it is with the principles underlying the content. We are particularly interested in resources where the use of multimedia makes a substantial difference to the presentation of the information than if a traditional print medium was used.
There are numerous definitions of multimedia (as well as the related hypermedia and hypertext). At the broadest level multimedia are a combination of two or more media types - sound, text, audio, animation, still images, and potentially those using one's sense of smell, taste and touch - bundled into a single presentation. In practice, educational technology defines multimedia as complex, interactive presentations delivered on a computer that can be controlled by the user. Increasingly, new technologies are enabling the user to manipulate, through the computer, remote resources, and even to control experiments from a distance. Web developments are also supporting effective delivery of complex resources, with teaching packages developed for dissemination on Intranets and the Internet, as well as on CD-ROM and related media.
Education and training is a growing industry world-wide. Universities, other education institutions, and businesses are investing extensively in new tools and frameworks to support flexible and distance learning, as well as traditional training and teaching. Libraries, archives and museums are investing in digitizing their collections, and increasing access. Education provision is in many ways at the forefront of technological and strategic advances in the creation, delivery and monitoring of online resources. The following pages link to some of the latest projects and tools to support changes in education.
- Digital Publications and Electronic Libraries
- Publishing and Multimedia
- Publishing and Commercial Providers
- Educational Publishing and the Academic
- Special Section: Digital Libraries, Multimedia and Special Collections
- Special Section: The WWW as a Teaching Tool
- Special Section: Teaching Online
- Special Section: Virtual Learning Environments
- Special Section: Finding Resources
Please note that this page was authored during April 2001, and apart from a few minor amendments since that date has remained as it was. Therefore some of the links may have changed or no longer link to the resources indicated. Please contact the concerning broken links and he will attempt to direct you to a suitable alternative link. (January 2003)
This section is maintained by: Humanities Computing Unit, University of Oxford. Edited by: Logical Events Limited - electronic marketing, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, search engine optimisation, website optimisation consultants in London, UK. Visit our website at:
We welcome feedback and contributions to the information service, and proposals for subjects for the news service.
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Last up-dated: 16 February 2024
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