EP Topic News: 23 and 21 March 2001
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The March 2001 issue of D-Lib Magazine is available online, with articles that include:
- "Growing a National Learning Environments and Resources Network for Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education: Current Issues and Opportunities for the NSDL Program",
- "Open Linking in the Scholarly Information Environment Using the OpenURL Framework",
- "The HeadLine Personal Information Environment: Evaluation Phase One". 23/03/01
URL: D-Lib http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march01/03contents.html
ITU World Policy Forum closed with the adoption by government and industry of four "Opinions" that reflect the common understanding on Internet Protocol (IP) Telephony. The Opinions highlight the shared views that:
- the deployment of IP-based networks and applications has the potential to benefit users, industries, and the economy at large;
- IP Telephony and other IP-based applications can provide a significant opportunity for all countries to evolve their networks in order to expand the availability and use of a broader range of modern communication capabilities service sectors;
- the flexibility of IP technologies will contribute to an integration of voice and data networks, enabling the provision of new innovative services and applications; - mobile wireless systems are expected to migrate towards an IP-based architecture in order to deliver integrated voice, data and multimedia services, as well as access to the Internet;
- although IP Telephony has created some negative impacts on voice revenues generated by a number of telecommunication operators, there could also be a revenue gain for other communication operators and service providers.
Additional information on the Forum can be found on the WTPF website. 23/03/01
URL: WTPF website http://www.itu.int/wtpf/
URL: presentations and statements http://www.itu.int/newsroom/wtpf/Statements.html
URL: executive summaries of case studies http://www.itu.int/newsroom/wtpf/CaseStudies.html
URL: summaries of the four Opinions http://www.itu.int/newsroom/wtpf/Opinions.html
CRUMPET is an EU sponsored project developing a framework to provide users with tourism-related content, that supports "intelligent, anytime, anywhere communication". The project is developing an open-source standards-based middleware intelligent agent framework, that is being extended to support nomadic applications, devices, and networks.
Currently the system runs on a number of alternative 'lower' middleware layers, including CORBA, Java, and TCP/IP. 23/03/01
The IBM developerWorks Newsletter (March 15, 2001) includes a special topic section which focuses on "Usability, Web Architecture, and Web Services". The section includes:
- articles, columns, tutorials, and tips aimed at helping in the design of usable, accessible, and user-centered applications.
- "Usability - Debunking Myths" in which a UI expert explores a range "of erroneous beliefs about user-interface design".
- "Web Architecture - Measuring Web Traffic", the first of two articles which explains the potential benefits of measuring web traffic, explores the importance of web metrics and describes various approaches to collecting web data. 23/03/01
URL: usability http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/usability/
URL: web traffic measurement http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wa-mwt1/?n-w-3151
The latest addition to the O'Reilly Network, JavaScript and CSS DevCenter, provides developers with JavaScript and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) resources. 23/03/01
URL: O'Reilly Network http://www.oreillynet.com/
The March 15, 2001 issue of InternetWorld focuses on .NET, providing coverage from both an "insiders and outsiders" perspective. The articles are available online. 23/03/01
URL: http://www.internetworld.com/dotnet/03.15.01dotnettoc.jsp
Corbis a leading provider of digital stock photography and imagery, is planning to use WAM!NET's global managed network, data storage and hosting services, to provide a new online image delivery service. The new service will make available the more than 25,000 royalty-free, or non-licensed, photographs and images within the Corbis Collection, on a subscription basis to corporations, publishers, agencies and other creative professionals.
Currently, Corbis delivers its royalty-free images on a set of more than 250 CD-ROMs and multi-resolution single images delivered to customers, or through the Internet at corbis.com. 23/03/01
URL: Corbis http://www.corbis.com/
URL: WAM!NET http://www.wamnet.com/
IBM developerWorks is running Java and XML sessions recorded at the recent International Conference for Java Development in New York on February 26 - March 2, 2001 . These two programs, downloadable as MP3 files, cover XML and web services:
- the first is an expert panel which discusses XML, Web Services, SOAP, their co-existence with Java, their suitability for messaging, distributed computing, transaction processing, and building thin clients for mobile devices;
URL: http://www.developer.ibm.com/multimedia/north.mp3- in the second Steve Holbrook of IBM discusses the future of web services and the application model of XML, SOAP, Web Services and UDDI;
URL: http://www.developer.ibm.com/multimedia/holbrook.mp3 23/03/01URL: Java Conference http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/conferences/
The editor of VREfresh (the VR news service published on El.pub) reports from Internet World, Los Angeles that the presence of a number of exhibitors at the show indicated a growing awareness and demand for 3D. Companies catching his eye at the exhibition included:
- 2CE with CubicEye, a 3D navigational tool, avaailable for free download;
URL: http://www.2ce.com/- Be Here Corp, 360-degree photo system;
URL: http://www.behere.com/- DDD with OpticBOOM 3D, plug-in available via the component download feature of Apple's QuickTime 5;
URL: http://www.ddd.com/- DigiScents incorporating scent into media;
URL: http://www.digiscents.com/- Kiwilogic with Lingubot, a program using AI to understand and answer questions in natural language;
URL: http://www.kiwilogic.com/- LifeFX, photorealistic, digital faces that interact in real-time being tried by Whirlpool Corp in the creation of "innovative solutions for the home";
URL: http://www.lifefx.com/- Phoenix Tools, creating, profiling and managing i3D elements of a web site;
URL: http://www.phoenixtools.com/- 3D-Online, i3D for the web without plug-ins
URL: http://www.3D-Online.com/ 23/03/01URL: VREfresh on El.pub base02vt.htm
IP-Wire the online newsletter of the IPR-Helpdesk features as it's European Patent of the Month the technology behind a digital pen incorporating Bluetooth technology. According to the item: "Christer Fahraeus, a Swedish inventor and owner of a patent (WO9960467), was the first to combine a ballpoint pen, which incorporates Bluetooth technology, with digital paper. Users can send hand-written messages to a computer, mobile phone or other wireless device via the Internet".
To view a beautifully crafted site, visit Anoto.com. 23/03/01
URL: Anoto.com http://www.anoto.com/concept/general/
URL: IPR-Helpdesk http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/
XML.com includes an article by Tim Bray, the co-editor of the XML 1.0 specification, in which he presents TAXI, "a Web application architecture that utilises the power of XML to deliver a responsive user environment". 23/03/01
During his keynote address "Enabling the Semantic Web" at the KT-2001 (Knowledge Technology 2001) Conference, world renowned computer scientist Douglas B. Lenat Ph.D., founder and President of Cycorp, Inc. announced that a greatly expanded version of the Cyc Common Sense Knowledge Base will be made available in open access form under the name OpenCyc.
In addition, Cycorp will, for the first time, provide the Cyc Inference Engine and a suite of tools for creating knowledge-based applications. OpenCyc 1.0 will be released on July 1, 2001. 21/03/01
URL: http://www.cyc.com/
We carry out periodic checks of the "visibility" of El.pub to search engines on the web. As our regular readers will know, El.pub is a site run by the EPIFOCAL project which receives support through the European Commission's IST Programme under KA Line III Multimedia Content and Tools. More specifically we are working in a sector entitled: Interactive Electronic Publishing.
Our most recent brief assessment of a number of major web search engines was extremely encouraging. On a free text search for the term: "Interactive Electronic Publishing", links to El.pub from the indices produced were ranked as follows: Google 1, Nothern Light 1, Hot Bot (Lycos) 2, MSN 3, Alta Vista 8, Excite 13.
We are sure that our readers have favourite web search engines not featured above. Please would you email them through to EPIFOCAL, as we are interested in expanding the list of search engines we poll. 21/03/01
Email: webmasters@elpub.org
A call for presentations for the XML track of Developers' Day at the 10th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10) has been issued with the deadline for submissions fixed for March 28, 2001. Proposals, sent directly to the chair of the XML track, Eve Maler, should be in plain text; include a short title suitable for the conference programme and web site; provide one to three paragraphs of description, suitable for use as a programme abstract.
Because this track is specifically intended to showcase the latest XML developments, presentations will not be required to be submitted in advance. However, presenters whose proposals are accepted must be prepared to submit their presentation in electronic form immediately following their appearance at the conference. 21/03/01
Email: Eve Maler eve.maler@east.sun.com
URL: WWW10 http://www.www10.org/
An interesting CNET Investor report on the agreement between the developers of ebXML (OASIS) and of SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol (W3C) to compromise in order to avoid duplication of effort in the development of their respective e-business standards. 21/03/01
URL: CNET Investor http://investor.cnet.com/investor/news/newsitem/0-9900-1028-4919016-0.html
URL: W3C http://www.w3c.org/
URL: OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/
URL: ebXML http://www.ebXML.org/
RightsMarket has released Version 2.0 of RightsPublish, an end-to-end digital publishing and digital rights management product aimed at content owners using "peer-to-peer distribution for PDF and MP3 files", who wish to prevent unauthorised access. 21/03/01
URL: RightsMarket http://www.rightsmarket.com/
US-based research firm, Vision3G, has launched "The Blue Herald", a subscription-based industry newsletter focused on Bluetooth. Published bi-monthly the newsletter intends to provide information for "investors, developers and marketers involved in bringing Bluetooth-enabled products to market". 21/03/01
XML.com, a mine of information on the evolving XML standard and it's applications, features a report from GCA's Knowledge Technology Conference held in Austin, Texas which apparently brought together members of the Web, Topic Maps, Knowledge Management and other related communities.
There is also an article based on the closing keynote, entitled: "Building the Semantic Web" which explores some of the practical points that need to be considered in "constructing the next generation of the web". 21/03/01
URL: conference report http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/07/kt1.html
URL: Building the Semantic Web http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/07/buildingsw.html
The Object Management Group has endorsed the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) as its architectural direction. The initiative broadens the scope of the OMG's work with a particular focus on the evolving concept of enterprise integration. MDA is an attempt to pull together the a number of OMG-sponsored efforts including: Unified Modeling Language(UML); Meta-Object Facility (MOF); XMI Metadata Interchange (XMI), and Common Warehouse Meta-model(CWM), and at the same time relating these to CORBA.
Further information about the MDA is available on the OMG's web site. 21/03/01
URL: MDA http://www.omg.org/mda
URL: OMG http://www.omg.org/
URL: CORBA http://www.corba.org/
The Stockholm Challenge Award is a non profit initiative whose task is to spread knowledge and encourage the use of information technology (IT). They organise an annual event, inviting cities and organisations worldwide to participate in a contest that focuses on the benefit that IT can generate for their community.
The essence of the challenge is "to reduce barriers and make information available... through IT-projects which engage and inform people and offer them a new way to develop and improve their common life". The contest is free (deadline is April 1) and projects are being sought in seven categories: New Economy, Education, Health and Quality of Life, Public Services and Democracy, Culture and Entertainment, Environment, a Global Village. Sign-up via the link below. 21/03/01
UMBC AgentNews reports on an article in New Scientist, (March 10, 2001 issue), which provides a popularist overview of peer-to-peer. 21/03/01
URL: New Scientist article http://www.newscientist.com/features/features.jsp?id=ns22812
URL: AgentNews http://agents.umbc.edu/06/09/
The Scout Report (March 9, 2001) from the Internet Scout Project at the University of Wisconsin Department of Computer Sciences included an interesting item on the Museums and the Web conference which was held on March 14-17, 2001 in Seattle. Over 60 presentations from the conference are available online, even to conference non-attendees, along with links to papers from previous conferences. 21/03/01
URL: 2001 papers http://www.archimuse.com/mw2001/speakers/
URL: past conference papers http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/mw.html
The W3C has released the proposed Recommendation versions of XML Schemas 1.0, the final step before the final Recommendation is published. 21/03/01
URL: http://www.w3.org/
The W3Cs DOM Working Group, has announced that it is working with the US National standards organisation, NIST, to develop DOM Conformance Test Suites. The collaborators hope to produce a DOM Level 1 Test Suite (based on the NIST DOM Test Suite) and a DOM Level 2 Test Suite. The DOM Level 3 Test Suite will be addressed after the publication of the DOM Level 3 Candidate Recommendation. The DOM Conformance Test Suites Process Document is now available online. If you want to participate or send comments, please use the DOM TS mailing list. 21/03/01
URL: test suites process http://www.w3.org/DOM/DOMConformanceTS-Process-20010316
URL: mailing list www-dom-ts@w3.org
URL: mailing list archive http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom-ts/
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