EP Topic News: 6 and 3 April 2001
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EVA Florence describes itself as, "The foremost European Electronic Imaging and Visual Arts Event" and so it was fitting that it provided the facility for the largest Interactive Electronic Publishing Concertation meeting of the year (see the news item below). In addition we have summarised a number of sessions which were run by, or on behalf of, the Interactive Publishing sector, providing where appropriate links to further information and downloads available from the El.pub site. Contact the EVA secretariat for details of the published proceedings.
We have also highlighted a number of projects that presented at the event which will be of interest to El.pub readers (a few more will feature in next week's issue). EVA events run throughout the year with the next ones scheduled for: Glasgow, Scotland on 25-28 July; Berlin, Germany on 14-16 November; and in Moscow on December 3-7, 2001. 06/04/01
URL: EVA Florence http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/florence/
URL: EVA Florence http://lci.det.unifi.it/Events/Eva2001/eva2001.htm
URL: EVA Glasgow http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/scotland/index.htm
URL: EVA Berlin http://www.gfai.de/pinboard/eva
URL: EVA Moscow http://www.artinfo.ru/eva/
URL: EVA Moscow http://www.vasari.co.uk/eva/moscow.htm
Well over 100 delegates crowded the main conference room to hear presentations from around 30 new, or "soon to be started", projects sponsored by the European Commission's IST Programme. The projects were listed under a number of convenient headings including:
- virtual reality,
- socio-economic of multimedia content and tools,
- audio/video-crossmedia,
- geographic information systems,
- personalisation,
- accompanying measures,
- thematic networks
- digital heritage.
Each project gave a very brief introduction to the research they were planning to carry out. The presentations (mostly available as PowerPoint slides) are available for download as zipped files from El.pub. Where we have them, we have also provided links to the projects' web sites for further information. 06/04/01
URL: agenda21.htm#epc
"Secure Asset Management in the Digital World" was a workshop day designed to provide valuable, concise and up to date information and advice to organisations embarking on the development of information services. The session was moderated by Chris Barlas of Rightscom Limited and featured presentations and panel discussions on security and watermarking and copyright access and licensing.
Abstracts along with the PowerPoint slides for all the presentations are downloadable from El.pub, these include:
- "Online Content Delivery The experience from the field - Usability is Key", Peter Kumik, Managing Director, Sealed Media, UK
- "IPR Protection using Watermarking Technology", Jean Barda, Netimage, France & MIGRATOR
- "Music Distribution and Protection", Paolo Nesi, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italy & WEDELMUSIC Project
- "Video Watermarking", Xiamu Niu, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany & BONAFIDE Project
- "Proof of Authorship for Copyright Protection in OPELIX", Markus Schneider, GMD, Germany & OPELIX Project
- "Intellectual Property Rights and Internet", Tarja Koskinen-Olsson, Kopiosto, Finland & INDECS Project
- "Beyond the Multimedia Database Concept: A Cultural Heritage-Specific Application Server", Stefano Cuomo, Director of R&D, Space Spa, Italy & OPEN HERITAGE Project
- "Making Images Work - creating an equitable market for the visual arts", Panel Discussion. 06/04/01
URL: agenda21.htm#ids
EPIFOCAL arranged a special session on exploitation plans which also included a section on usability issues. Chaired by Pascal Jacques, the head of the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector of DG INFSO, the session provided some valuable insights into how technology-based projects could approach raising venture capital.
Of particular interest were the explanations of the differences between venture capital companies, business accelerators (previously termed incubators) and business angels. The speakers provided excellent aide memoires on the relative strengths and weaknesses of these three mechanisms for raising capital and exploiting research in commercial markets. Slides from the session will be available for download from El.pub, check the link below for the latest. 06/04/01
URL: agenda21.htm#epm
Elke-Maria Melchior and Miles Macleod presented a brief overview of the VNET5 project which is a "thematic network" committed to providing usability support to IST projects. VNET5 is very keen to hear from projects who are undertaking usability excercises and would like to discuss the progress of these with usability experts who make-up the project. In addition the project is planning:
- the VNET5 website, which is due to go live this week, aiming to provide projects with a number of expert resources on usability testing.
- a number of events providing hands-on coaching, knowledge sharing and exchange of experience in user-centred product creation. The first of these free user validation workshops is scheduled for Porto, June 11-12, 2001.
Contact VNET5 for further information. 06/04/01
The ARTISTE (An Integrated Art Analysis and Navigation Environment) project is creating web based applications and tools for the automatic indexing and retrieval of high resolution art images by pictorial content and information. It will give content providers, restorers, publishers, distributors, rights protectors and end users of art images information, as well as the multi-media information market as a whole, a more efficient system for storing, classifying, linking, matching and retrieving art images.
"Content providers" in the project include: the Uffizi Gallery in Italy, the Victoria & Albert Museum and National Gallery in the UK, and the Central Museum Service of France. The system will be used in publishing, collection management, decision making and life long training applications in the on-line information society of the new millennium.
The project has also announced the formation of the Artiste Interest User Group (AIUG), open to all interested parties, which plans to publish a newsletter, develop discussion forums and run workshops related to the project and image-based search and retrieval issues in general. To join the AIUG contact: Margaret Cecil-Wright via the email address below. 06/04/01
URL: ARTISTE http://www.artisteweb.org/
Email: AIUG contact mailto:mcw@it-innovation.soton.ac.uk
The European Heritage Network is a programme that was implemented under the aegis of the Council of Europe, with the support of the European Union and of a consortium of public and private associates. It aims to provide a "permanent information system to keep authorities, professionals, researchers and training specialists in touch with heritage developments in other countries".
Opened in June 1999, the web site offers free access to:
- a comparative databank on cultural heritage policies in Europe, covering: Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, Estonia, France, Hugary, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, UK, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.
- a trilingual thesaurus on cultural heritage policies - a portal to resources on cultural heritage.
- a developing vocational training section and Heritage Discovery, a section of interests to the general public. 06/04/01
"Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow's Cultural Economy" is the title of a study being carried out by the Digicult project on behalf of the European Commission's Cultural Heritage applications sector (KA III Multimedia Content and Tools). The objectives and scope of the study, which will be based on developments in the past three years and assess the likely evolution for the next five years, include:
- provision of a "roadmap" for the cultural sector in Europe with focus on archives, libraries and museums;
- explanation of the developments necessary to build and exploit a digital cultural landscape within the Information Society in the context of RTD;
- publication of a clear set of recommendations for action for both private and public sectors;
- for the EC Information Society DG the study will serve as a reference for future activities.
If you are interested in the progress of the study and/or would like to make results of your projects known to the research consortium please contact the Digicult project manager, Andrea Mulrenin. 06/04/01
Email: mailto:andrea.mulrenin@salzburgresearch.at
URL: http://www.salzburgresearch.at/fbi/digicult/
Funded under the KA III Multimedia Content & Tools the DELOS Network of Excellence aims to provide a reference point for all digital library projects funded under the IST programme and stimulating R&D knowledge exchange. The project also wishes to establish close contacts with "application communities" (eg. electronic publishing, libraries, cultural heritage, archives).
DELOS organises its activities under five fora: research, evaluation, standardisation, training and technology transfer, international cooperation. Further information on the project and, in particular, the scope and work programmes of the fora is available on the web. 06/04/01
URL: DELOS http://www.ercim.org/delos/
The BioAPI Consortium announced the release of Version 1.1 of the BioAPI Specification and the associated Reference Implementation software. This represents the "final" release, incorporating feedback received since the publication of Version 1.0 of the Specification in March of last year and the beta version of the Reference Implementation released last September. Both the specification and the software are available for download from the Consortium's web site.
The BioAPI Consortium was formed to develop a widely available and widely accepted API that will serve for various biometric technologies. The intent is to: "work with industry biometric solution developers, software developers, and system integrators to leverage existing standards to facilitate easy adoption and implementation; develop an OS independent standard; make the API biometric independent; support a broad range of applications". 06/04/01
A couple of XML related software modules have been announced.
XML Schema for XSLT 1.0
webMethods has announced the availability of an experimental version of XML Schema for XSLT 1.0. Further information is available on their website, with additional information on XSLT from the W3C site. 06/04/01
URL: W3C XSLT 1.0 http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt
URL: webMethods http://www.webmethods.com/PowerXML Pro beta program
PowerXML Pro is an XML-centric Rapid Application Development tool, which allows the creation and deployment of complex XML-based "pipelines" using a GUI tool. Pipelines developed using PowerXML Pro can be deployed under PowerXML server and accessed directly via web-browsers or other servers. Those wishing to enroll in the PowerXML Beta Program can join from the web site below. 06/04/01
Preserving accurate digital records is a problem for government, industry and archivists generally. The InterPARES Project is a major international research initiative in which archival scholars, computer engineering scholars, national archival institutions and private industry representatives are collaborating to develop the theoretical and methodological knowledge required for the permanent preservation of authentic records created in electronic systems.
The InterPARES Project is based in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. The web site contains information on workshops of different working groups, research papers and other resources. In view of the attempts by the publishing, record and film industries to limit copying of digital content and the subsequent likelihood of permanent loss of content unless it is properly archived (a well known example is the loss of early Dr Who TV episodes many of which were only recovered from "illegal" copies made by fans), this research is of importance to everyone working in the content industry. 06/04/01
Edd Dumbill, the editor of XML.com, follows up on his own article: "Building the Semantic Web", with an interview with Tim Berners-Lee about the new W3C programme to develop the concept of the Semantic Web. The interview outlines the vision behind the new activity, and how it relates to XML in general.
There is also an article: "Overcoming Objections to XML-based Authoring Systems" which considers how to address common misconceptions when deploying an XML-based content management system. 03/04/01
URL: Semantic Web http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/21/timbl.html
URL: XML authoring systems http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/03/21/xmlauthoring.html
ParallelGraphics have released the latest beta version of Pocket Cortona, a wireless 3D viewer aimed at 3D and data visualisation, virtual field manuals, online entertainment and a range of e-commerce applications. In addition Pocket Cortona supports automation interface so that developers can now start writing 3D applications on pocket platforms using Cortona SDK. 03/04/01
The PROACTe News Service, provides a useful email-based news service focused on the Education and Training Technologies community. The latest issue includes details on:
- the European Commission's adoption of a Communication on the Impact and Priorities of the e-Europe 2002 Initiative, an initiative which aims at "accelerating the uptake of digital technologies across Europe and ensuring that all Europeans have the necessary skills to use them".
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/index_en.htm- a report of a scoping study on the technical standards for online education and training commissioned by the Education Network Australia (a Word document)
URL: http://standards.edna.edu.au/reports/IMStechupdate.doc- news of a the European Commission's 'GoDigital' initiative aimed at helping small businesses to make the most of electronic business opportunities.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ecommerce/godigital/ 03/04/01URL: PROACTe News http://www.proacte.com/news/
Gerry McKiernan, of Iowa State University is interested in identifying additional 'Synoptic' and 'Virtual' e-Journals for inclusion in EJI, his registry of innovative e-journal features, functionalities, and content.
A 'Virtual' e-journal is defined as "an organised collection of articles from other e-journals relevant to a narrow or broad subject field (eg. the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (VJNST) - a weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems)."
'Synoptic' e-journals may be defined as "e-journals that provide synopses or summaries of articles from other e-journals that relate to a broad field (examples of synoptic e-journals in medicine are those issued by the Massachusetts Medical Society in its Journal Watch Online series".
El.pub readers are being requested to send Gerry other examples to add to his archive. 03/04/01
URL: EJI http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/EJI.htm
URL: VJNST http://www.vjnano.org/nano/
URL: Journal Watch Online http://www.jwatch.org/
Microsoft along with a number of leading IT vendors have submitted the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) specification to the W3C, proposing that the XML Protocol activity take on the work of standardising it. WSDL is a web services technology, implemented in Microsoft's .NET Framework, that provides an XML grammar for describing the capabilities of a web service.
WSDL joins other related specifications aimed at enabling the development and implementation of web services including:
- the Universal Description Design and Integration (UDDI) initiative that provides a comprehensive directory of businesses operating in the online world and the web-based services they offer.
- the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) - technology that enables integration of applications over the Internet irrespective of operating system or platform.
There is further information on WSDL on Microsoft's Developer Network site. 03/04/01
URL: Developer Network http://msdn.microsoft.com/
URL: Web Services Description Language (WSDL) http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/general/wsdl.asp
Version 2.0c of iXSLT, Infoteria's XML transformation tool has been released. XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) processors are generally used to convert XML to HTML, since many applications do not fully support XML and XSL files. The software is also promoted for facilitating the transformation of single source XML data into the appropriate layouts for PCs, PDAs and other wireless devices. 03/04/01
URL: http://www.infoteria.com/
URL: iXSLT Version 2.0c http://www.infoteria.com/en/contents/pressroom/articles/pr010308b.html
The introduction of NetObjects Fusion MX, marks the evolution of this desktop web design application by adding a monthly subscription-based software and online services for small businesses. The announcement claims that "small businesses can build a web site and subscribe to a range of online services, such as web site hosting, marketing, and promotion, from inside of the NetObjects Fusion MX application".
Customers pay an initial fee of US$ 99.95 and additional monthly subscription fees for online services they choose to subscribe to from inside NetObjects Fusion MX. Dell Computer will be one of the first NetObjects partners to offer a customised version of NetObjects Fusion MX pre-loaded onto its PCs. 03/04/01
Digital Creations, developers of Zope, an Open Source web application server have released the latest of its Content Management Frameworks (CMF). The intention of CMF is to make it easier for "non-technical users to build Zope-based content creation, management and publishing systems".
According to the developers CMF integrates with many standard tools, components and protocols, including XML, WebDAV, RPC, SOAP, and LDAP. It also works with Oracle, Sybase and other ODBC-compliant relational databases. CMF runs on most versions of Windows and Unix, including Linux. The beta version of CMF is available for download. 03/04/01
URL: CMF download http://cmf.zope.org/
URL: Zope http://www.zope.org/
URL: Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com/
Franklin Electronic Publishers have launched a French, German, and English multi-lingual edition of their eBookMan multimedia device. The new international editions offer localised user experiences, including the availability of select digital books in French and German languages. The handheld, eBookMan device, includes an eBook reader, music player, audible book player and full function organiser using natural handwriting recognition. It comes in three models: EBM-900 (8MB), EBM-901 (8MB with backlit display) and EBM-911 (16MB with backlit display). 03/04/01
InterTrust's digital rights management (DRM) technology is being incorporated into the latest release of Adobe's software, Acrobat 5.0. Adobe are hoping that the inclusion of DRM technologies will enable customers to "secure, manage, and sell Adobe PDF content for e-commerce". 03/04/01
URL: InterTrust http://www.intertrust.com/
URL: Acrobat 5 http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/main.html
Adobe, has released its first i3D web-authoring tool, Atmosphere. A beta version of the software (for Windows - Mac is to follow) is to be available for free public download and according to the company allows designers to create 3-D web pages where visitors can interact and chat with each other in real-time, as if they were in a virtual store or showroom. 03/04/01
The SCHEMAS Project is an accompanying measure under the European Commission's IST programme. The aim is to support metadata schema implementers and designers by making available information about the proper use of new and emerging metadata standards and by providing guidance on adapting multiple standards for local use in customised schemas. One of the major goals of the SCHEMAS Project is to promote harmonisation and coordination among designers and implementers of services and projects. To this end SCHEMAS is encouraging projects to publish their metadata vocabularies through a SCHEMAS Forum Registry.
Publication of standards-conformant metadata in an open and distributed web environment is a key aspect of the Semantic Web. As of 2001, it seems likely that the infrastructure of the Semantic Web will build on the enabling technologies Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description Framework (RDF). For further information, see the SCHEMAS web site.
SCHEMAS workshop
The project is running a SCHEMAS workshop, which aims to examine how projects can publish and manage their vocabularies using RDF schemas in a form that is readily harvestible and searchable. Participants will gain an understanding of how to go about creating and publishing application profiles for their own projects, as well as how these may be publicised and shared through the SCHEMAS Forum Registry.
Participation is being encouraged from domains such as digital preservation, rights management, e-commerce, collection description. The workshop will be held on 10-11 May 2001, Budapest, Hungary. Booking details can be found via the web site below. 03/04/01
URL: SCHEMAS web site http://www.schemas-forum.org/
URL: workshop http://www.schemas-forum.org/workshops/ws3/
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