EP Topic News: 8th November 2001
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symposium on the Web
Site for System Admin System
Mobile advertising to grow
DSL expansion in Europe
Euractiv - EU policy portal
ANSI approves Dublin Core
SimSoc V workshop notes
Active-ad project workshop
E-serials collection management
Call to host DRH 2003
Web - back to the future
EU funding briefing, Dublin
DVD growth continues
Xerces2-J beta
Email attachments to mobiles
E-learning growth in business
French won't pay for online info.
Digital rights management list
Multi-access CDMA2000 demo
GSDI 2002 Conference
Brainhat VoiceXML/web server
Eastern Europe to boost cinema?
European historical children's books
First Monday November 2001
Software AG - XML-based software
text-e, claims to be the "first entirely virtual symposium dedicated to investigating the impact of the Web on reading, writing and the diffusion of knowledge". Originating in France the symposium is also available in English.
Toolbox is a web site dedicated to System Administrators, covering many different Server Operating Systems run on a variety of platforms. It provides news and resources and a multitude of links to additional information.
A report, "Mobile Advertising - new business models and interactive branding" from the UK consultancy ARC Group predicts strong growth in Europe for mobile advertising. According to ARC leading brands from companies such as Nestle, McDonald's and Procter & Gamble are already carrying out campaigns which "exploit the immediacy and interactive potential of mobile advertising, and are extending the boundaries from sales promotion into longer-term brand building exercises with substantial budget allocations". The report includes analysis and market forecasts on:
- New business models and revenue streams.
- How to implement a successful campaign. Lessons learned from the leading global players.
- Comprehensive market forecasts by technology and region 2001-2006 including: mobile advertising revenues, total operator revenue streams, m-commerce and mobile Internet user forecasts, mobile subscribers, handset device forecasts.
- Detailed profiles of 20 market leaders from Europe, USA and Asia.
Further information and to order the report from the URL below.
URL: Arc Group http://www.the-arc-group.com/
Digital subscriber line (DSL) penetration in Europe will overtake US within five years, according to "DSL Future Prospects in Europe", a report from UK telecoms consultancy BWCS. "Pressure form national regulatory authorities is finally clearing the way for DSL roll out, at the same time companies like Telefónica are gearing themselves to be major content suppliers in this new age", claims the report's author. The report details the revenue opportunities and outlines the likely rollout of services as well as giving detailed assessments on the costs faced by operators in each European market.
URL: http://www.bwcs.com/
EurActiv facilitates efficiency and transparency of a large number of industry and civil society organisations taking part in EU policy making. The Euractiv portal provides news monitoring, policy positions of institutional and non-institutional "EU Actors" on selected EU affairs and issues. It also provides discussion forums and contact data, complementing the existing institutional web sites.
EurActiv's objective (voluntarily in French), to stress its multicultural character (the portal will become multilingual): "Faciliter efficacité et transparence de la Communauté des Acteurs Européens".
NISO, the National Information Standards Organization and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) have announced the approval by ANSI of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (Z39.85-2001). DCMI began in 1995 with an invitational workshop in Dublin, Ohio that brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources. The original Dublin Core emerged as a small set of descriptors that quickly drew global interest from a wide variety of information providers in the arts, sciences, education, business, and government sectors.
The current standard defines fifteen metadata elements for resource description in a cross-disciplinary information environment. Commenting on the approval, Stuart Weibel, Executive Director of DCMI, said: "The approval of Z39.85 formalizes a long period of consensus building representing the efforts of hundreds of people, and all participants can take pride in what this community has built."
URL: DCMI http://dublincore.org/
URL: NISO http://www.niso.org/
The papers and presenters slides from the recent Simulating Society V (SimSoc V) Workshop in Poland are available online. SimSoc V was a small workshop organised around scientific themes concerning the application of simulations to social sciences. It continued the tradition of previous workshops in Guildford 1992, Certosa 1993, Florida, 1995 and Cortona, 1998.
On 15 November 2001, the Active-ad project members will gather in Brussels to present the final results of various studies carried out by the partners in a one-day conference. The presentations will provide a detailed overview of the online advertising market and its current situation. Some of the key issues to be reviewed are:
- the standards for interactive advertising;
- auditing, rich media etc.;
- the main market players and their strategies as well as ways to measure the effectiveness of banner advertising.
Examples of innovative campaigns in different advertising platforms will also be presented.
David C. Fowler, Assistant Professor, Electronic Resources Coordinator at Iowa State University is editing a book for Haworth Press entitled: "E-serials Collection Management: transitions, Trends and Technicalities". The book is a volume in the series: "Haworth Series on Serials Librarianship and Continuing Resources", and will be a collection of essays by various library and publishing professionals, concerning the current environment in libraries for the acquisition, processing and presentation of e-journals.
The editor has published a list of 20 suggested topics, available to those interested by email. Readers of El.pub interested in writing a paper for inclusion in the book are requested to submit outlines via email to the editor. Manuscripts are expected to be completed by the end of February 2002.
Email: David Fowler mailto:dfowler@iastate.edu
The Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH) conference is an annual international conference for bringing together the creators, users, distributors, and custodians of digital resources in the Humanities. The conference promotes the creation, management, dissemination, use and preservation of high quality humanities digital resources.
The term "humanities" in this context has a wide definition which encompasses the work of the cultural industries, epitomised by museums, galleries, archives, and heritage management; as well as subjects like art, design, architecture, film, radio, television, performance, music, dance, literary and linguistic studies, history, archaeology, religion and classics.
The Digital Resources for the Humanities (DRH) Standing Committee is inviting proposals from organisations within the British Isles to host the DRH conference in 2003. The document, "Hosting a Digital Resources for the Humanities Conference" available online, provides background information to the conference, answers some of the commonly-asked questions about hosting a DRH conference, and outlines the requirements of a bid. The document should be read together with the DRH Protocol, also online. Expressions of interest should be submitted by email to Michael Fraser by 23 November 2001.
URL: http://www.drh.org.uk/
Email: Michael Fraser mailto:mike.fraser@oucs.ox.ac.uk
The Internet Archive, a comprehensive library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form, has launched the "Wayback Machine", a free service allowing people to access and use archived versions of past web pages. For the first time, all members of the public will be able to search and view the Internet Archive's enormous collection of web sites, dating back to 1996 and comprising over 10 billion web pages. Impressive stuff, the archive for the El.pub site (www.elpub.org) goes back to December 1998 and all the links seem to work!
To use the Wayback Machine, visitors simply type in a URL in the provided search box, select a date, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the web. Apparently, The Internet Archive comprises of 100 terabytes of data and is growing at a rate of 10 terabytes per month.
URL: Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/
URL: press release http://www.archive.org/wayback/press_kit/press_release.html
This half-day briefing (on November 15), hosted by Object Management Group at its technical meeting in Dublin, Ireland focuses on potential projects considering applying for funding under FP5 Key Action 2, "New methods of work and Electronic Commerce". The next call for proposals under this action line opens on 15th November 2001 and closes on 19th February 2002. The briefing will provide a useful opportunity to find out about the current state of the 5th Framework Programme, and to find partner organisations for collaborative projects.
European consumers insatiable demand for music CDs, computer games and videos will power a predicted 34 percent growth in the home entertainment market by 2005. But it is e-commerce entertainment retailers that will see the largest expansion, with on-line sales set to increase by 300 percent to reach US$1.8 billion by 2005.
The forecast by media analysts, Screen Digest, is part of a new report: "Entertainment E-commerce: Market Assessment and Forecasts". The report predicts that the best performing entertainment software medium will be video boosted by the new DVD technology. On-line sales of DVD video are set to rise by 566 percent by 2005 compared to 271 percent growth in online sales of computer games and 184 percent growth in on-line music CD sales.
The full report costs US$ 1,595, and can be ordered via the Screen Digest web site.
The third beta release of Xerces2-J, is the next generation of high performance, fully compliant Java XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family. The latest beta includes a number of bug fixes, introduces some changes to the Xerces Native Interface, and is the first Xerces2 release to include XML Schema validation support (though this should be considered as alpha code). Source and binary distributions of the release can be downloaded through the Xerces2-J homepage.
The Outside In Wireless Attachment Server is the latest extension of Stellent's Outside In viewing and conversion technologies. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server has been designed to allow mobile workers to immediately access email attachments in more than 225 file formats on their wireless devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones.
The product "integrates into existing email infrastructures and automatically converts email attachments authored in a variety of formats, such as word processing, spreadsheets and PDF files, to popular wireless formats, including WML, cHTML and xHTML". The server then delivers the attachments in the particular format appropriate for the wireless device, eliminating the need for an attachment's native application to reside on the device. AvantGo a developer of mobile applications software is planning to use Stellent's technology in its product line.
URL: Stellent http://www.stellent.com/
URL: AvantGo http://www.avantgo.com/
OnlineLearning magazine, in conjunction with IDC, have carried out a survey of their readers to generate a state-of-the-industry report. The report shows a growth in the percentage of organisations using e-training from 16 to 24 percent between 2000 and 2001 and a fall in traditional instructor-led courses from 65 percent to 57 percent. The full results are available on the web site.
A new study by Taylor Nelson Sofres of French Internet users shows that whilst 38 percent use the web as a news source at least once a day, only 12 percent would be prepared to pay a subscription to access the information as private individuals. The main study results can be downloaded from the Sofres web site.
URL: http://www.sofres.com/etudes/interactive/311001_info.htm
Rights-L is a mailing list on digital rights management (DRM) designed to provide a forum which will centre on proposed collaborations between the ViDe VideoAccess Working Group and the Internet2 Video Middleware (VidMid) Video-on-Demand group as part of the US National Science Foundation's (NSF) Middleware Initiative.
Ericsson and Verizon Wireless have demonstrated seamless, high-speed packet data services with a multi-access demonstration via Ericsson's CDMA2000, 802.11b Wireless LAN (WLAN) and Bluetooth-based technologies at the CDMA Americas Congress in the US. The companies claim that: "multi-access solutions enable the end-user to have an 'always best connected' experience when working in local area network environments such as airports, conference centers, offices or other 'hot spots'."
Ericsson's CDMA2000 solution is optimised for mobility and coverage in wide area networks - while 802.11b WLAN is optimised for high-speed data services within local area coverage. The links below provide a number of resources and pointers to explain the development and application of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) based technologies.
URL: Bluetooth http://www.ericsson.com/bluetooth
URL: CDMA Americas Congress http://www.cdma-americas.com/
URL: Ericsson CDMA Systems http://www.ericsson.se/cdmasystems/pressroom.shtml
URL: Verizon Wireless http://www.verizonwireless.com/
URL: CDMA Development Group http://www.cdg.org/
"From global to local" is the theme of the next Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) conference to be held in Budapest from September 16-19, 2002. The conference will be hosted by the EUROpean umbrella organisation for Geographic Information, EUROGI together with the Hungarian national geographic information (GI) association, HUNAGI.
Topics to be covered will include regional and national Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) in the context of eGovernment, state/provincial/ metropolitan SDI experiences, financing SDI development, data sharing initiatives and decision support systems.
URL: EUROGI http://www.eurogi.org/
Brainhat have released a VoiceXML/web server, which the company claims, "will interpret natural language requests". The software is based on the Brainhat Operating System, and it's developers believe that it has application in many industries, including retail and e-commerce.
A report from Screen Digest predicts that:
- European cinema box office revenues will reach Euro 6.2 billion by 2005;
- Multiplex facilities will grow by 31 per cent across Europe.
The report, "Cinema Exhibition and Distribution in Europe" forecasts that the potential of Eastern Europe will fuel continued growth in the European market as a whole, though Germany, UK and Sweden will see the lowest box office growth rates.
Experts from the UK's Buckinghamshire County Council are hosting a free one day symposium on attracting EU funding for historic children's books and also to discuss the establishment of a European network of historic children's book collections. The event, to be held in Brussels on 4 December 2001 and will involve representatives from the European Parliament's Culture Committee and the European Commission's culture directorate as well as bringing together a range of experts in the field.
It follows on from the successful CHILDE project (Children's Historical Literature Disseminated throughout Europe) which has been led by Buckinghamshire County Council and funded by the European Commission's Culture 2000 programme. This one year project, also involving organisations from Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy as well as the UK, has established a digitised European collection of historic children's books available for view on the CHILDE web site, a European education programme, and a best practice report.
If you would like to attend the Brussels symposium please contact Claire Herbert via the email below.
Email: mailto:cherbert@buckscc.gov.uk
URL: http://www.bookchilde.org/
The November 2001 issue of First Monday is available online and includes the following feature articles:
- "Unexploited Resources of Online Education for Democracy - Why the Future Should Belong to OpenCourseWare";
- "Can the Internet Help Slow Global Environmental Decline?";
- "Management and Virtual Decentralised Networks: The Linux Project";
- "The Napster Network Community";
- "Computer-Mediated School Education and the Web".
Software has re-launched its suite of EntireX products - composed of three major components:
- an integration broker for hooking together disparate back-end applications and data sources;
- "wrapping" technology to help in web-enabling established business processes;
- "Adapters" to enable software integration with "standard applications" from Siebel, SAP, PeopleSoft and databases from Microsoft, Oracle and IBM.
URL: http://www.softwareag.com/corporat/products/default.htm
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