EP Topic News: 7th February 2002
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Framework Programme - Innovation
Commission Conference to launch FP6
European patents
Protecting software developments
New features from Cordis
Electronic proposal submission
Tools for project evaluators
IST 2002 Conference
Innovation & Technology Transfer
IST prize opens
Cordis goes Greek
Texterity supports MobiPocket
Handspring for Europe
MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary news
VoiceXML quickstart guide
Web site design tool - final version
Apache Cocoon 2.0.1 released
European e-learning policy conference
Win a copy of Visual Studio .NET
GPSml V0.5
Java API for SiberSafe XML server
Pixel Power Seminar
VNET5 at Milia 2002
Database in a pocket
Zope v2.5 Final Released
Plans for the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) which is intended for launch at the end of 2002 continue to develop. Innovation is seen as a key driver of a successful and competitive knowledge-based economy supported by the research carried-out under FP6. The Innovation Help Desk web site monitors how the programme is developing.
The European Commission is planning to hold a major conference to mark the launch the 6th Framework Programme (FP6). Scheduled for Brussels from 11-13 November 2002, the event will provide the forum to present the objectives and priorities for the next Framework Programme and explain the rules for participation.
There will be plenary sessions addressing all the main thematic priorities of FP6 which will run from 2002 - 2006. In addition the conference and exhibition will feature presentations of results from research projects carried out under previous EU research programmes. A call for proposals for topical sessions will be published shortly.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/2002/index_en.html
Email: further information mailto:rtd-conference2002@cec.eu.int
Jointly staged by the European Commission and the European Patent Office, the biannual Patinnova event and the Epidos annual conference bring together intellectual property rights (IPR) specialists from around Europe to discuss IPR issues relating to the emerging information economy. The conclusions of Pattinova conference, as outlined by Heinz Zourek, European Commission Enterprise DG, Deputy Director general are available online.
URL: (pdf format) http://www.european-patent-office.org/epidos/conf/pat_eac01/pdf/pres/hzourek.pdf
URL: Patinnova http://www.european-patent-office.org/epidos/conf/pat_eac01/
The European Commision has published a brief guide for software developers, particularly those in small or medium enterprises (SMEs), entitled: "Your software and how to protect it". The guide, available for download, outlines the benefits, costs and risks associated with both formal and informal software protection.
Cordis, the European Commission's Research and Development Information service has announced a that it has developed online training presentations for users. Described as practical and tailored online training presentations on its services and features for new and regular users, the presentations are available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian and will help users better understand and navigate the Cordis site.
A redesigned interactive service on ProTool, the Proposal Preparation and Electronic Submission Tool is available online. Protool is the free, downloadable software package which is aimed at easing the preparation and delivery of project proposals in accordance with Commission requirements. The service provides information and guidance on using the software in the form of tutorials, news, support and download facilities.
Cordis has launched a a redesigned interactive feature for experts to submit applications to act as evaluators. The Commission regularly uses experts and specialists to evaluate and assess research proposals or projects. Interested candidates are invited to submit their profiles online, the site also offers the option for experts on the database to modify or update their profiles online or via email.
An IST 2002 Conference on Mobile Communications is scheduled to take place in Thessaloniki, Greece on June 16-19, 2002. Whilst the conference will have as its main theme mobile and wireless technologies, it will also provide a focus for R&D projects carried-out under the IST Programme. The conference is expected to act as a showcase for successfully completed projects or those that are at an advanced point in their development.
A number of news items featured in this week's issue of El.pub Weekly have their origin in the very useful: "Innovation & Technology Transfer" publication. Available free from the European Commission's Innovation Help Desk, the bimonthly publication is available in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Acting as a periodic update service to EU actions relevant to innovation and technology transfer it includes general policy news, news from the Innovation and SMEs programme, results and activities of the research programmes, case studies, up coming conferences, new publications. Subscribe via the project's web site.
The European Commission has opened the competition for the 2002 Information Society Technologies (IST) prize which will be awarded at the IST Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in December. Now in its eighth year the prize is awarded to products which in the opinion of the panel of judges represents the best in European innovation in information technology.
The 20 finalists receive 5,000 euro with three grand prize winners each winning 200, 000 Euro. Entries, which must be at the least demonstrable prototypes, must be submitted by 15 May, 2002.
The European Commission's Cordis R&D web-based information service has been available in Greek since December 2001. Developed jointly by Cordis and the Greek national documentation centre (EKT) the service aims to provide a comprehensive picture of Greek innovation-related policies, infrastructure, services and initiatives.
eBooks Texterity, a provider of electronic publishing services, has announced its support for MobiPocket, software that enables the reading and secured distribution of electronic text across multiple mobile delivery devices (PDAs). Support for the MobiPocket format expands the number of formats supported by the TextCafe Logistics Service - which enables automated conversion, creation, and secure distribution of eBook content to multiple devices. Texterity provides such conversion and distribution services to trade publishers.
URL: Texterity http://www.texterity.com/
URL: press release http://www.texterity.com/about/news/MobiPocket.html
URL: MobiPocket http://www.mobipocket.com
mm02 will distribute and market Handspring's Treo family of compact communicators in Europe. The companies plan to launch Treo via mmO2 networks in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland (Digifone). Treo is described as an integrated Palm OS wireless communicator product which integrates voice and data services. Treo includes SMS messaging, the Blazer web browser along with standard Palm OS features like desktop synchronization with email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes, and compatibility with Palm OS applications.
URL: Handspring http://www.handspring.com/
URL: mmO2 http://www.mmO2.com/
URL: press release http://www.handspring.com/company/pr/pr_mm02_1152002.jhtml;jsessionid=XULZVTF4ALLGDQFIAE0SFFWAVAAUIIV0
The indecs2rdd Consortium has adopted the indecs2rdd as baseline technology for the MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary standard. The MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary, based on indecs2rdd principles, will provide a key part of the architecture required to deliver interoperability between digital rights management (DRM) systems.
Rightscom who announced the news notes that, "the adoption of the indecs2rdd proposal marks the beginning of the collaborative phase of this very important work in MPEG, which is scheduled for International Standard in March 2003. The MPEG Rights Data Dictionary and the accompanying Rights Expression Language specs. will allow interoperable large-scale exchange of digital media, including subscription services, trusted peer-to-peer services and a wide variety of other distribution models".
The current indecs2rdd Consortium, Melodies and memories Global, the Motion Picture Association (MPA), the recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) are actively discussing further funding for the continuation of the indecs2rdd initiative.
URL: indecs2rdd http://www.rightscom.com/tech_indecs2rdd.html
URL: Rightscom http://www.rightscom.com
URL: MMG http://www.m-m-g.net
URL: EDItEUR http://www.editeur.org
URL: International DOI Foundation http://www.doi.org
URL: IFPI http://www.ifpi.org
URL: MPA http://www.mpaa.org
URL: RIAA http://www.riaa.com
If you want to develop VoiceXML applications but don't know where to start, this guide is for you. "This 8-step guide contains all the information you need to start developing and deploying VoiceXML applications -prior experience is not required", it says.
URL: http://voicexmlplanet.com/articles/VoiceXMLQuickstartGuide1.html
Last year we pointed to the DENIM project at The Group for User Interface Research at UC Berkeley. They have now released DENIM 1.0, a full version that helps web site designers in the early stages of design. DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming. Versions for Windows, Mac and Linux/Solaris are available.
Although the system is designed for pen based sketching it can be used with a mouse. The underlying sketching tool kit SATIN (Java based) is also available for download. Other projects in information analysis, speech interfaces and interface design.
URL: free download http://guir.berkeley.edu/denim/download/
URL: http://guir.berkeley.edu/projects
The announcement of the new release of Apache Cocoon (2.0.1) claims it "is the an XML framework that raises the usage of XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level. Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX processing, Cocoon offers a flexible environment based on the separation of concerns between content, logic and style. A centralised configuration system and sophisticated caching top this all off and help you to create, deploy and maintain rock-solid XML server applications". Further details via the web site below.
The European Parliament and European Schoolnet are holding a day-long conference to debate: "Innovation and Excellence in School: Moving Europe Ahead". Experts in eLearning, schools and the political field are being invited to discuss which political actions should increase the use of ICT in European schools.
The event takes place on 18 February 2002, in the Eastman building of the European Parliament in Brussels. To join the debate contact the conference organisers via the links below.
URL: debate http://www.eun.org/ahead
URL: European Schoolnet http://www.eun.org
Microsoft are running an audience survey for potential web-based service providers. Limited to residents of the US, Canada, or UK, respondents will be entered into a draw for one of 16 copies of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer edition.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/sp_janfeb_survey.asp
The company are also running a series of monthly webcasts, (beginning on January 29) focussed on .NET, Visual Studio .NET, and the tools from Microsoft aimed at helping developers build software featuring web services capabilities.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/support/vsnet_webcast.asp
The author of the GPSml XMLSchema for GPS (Global Position System) has posted a beta release in the hope of receiving feedback from interested parties. The design goals for GPSml are to:
- act as an XML format for all GPS-generated data, both real-time position related data and collections (such as waypoints, tracks, routes);
- be easy to generate in software, even applications without XML understanding;
- be easy for modern XML parsers to parse and feed in to applications;
- let a single file contain real-time position information and arbitrary collections (such as waypoints, tracks, routes);
- scale gracefully to handle both simple and complex requirements;
- be flexible and extensible since the GPS arena is evolving rapidly;
- follow current XMLSchema best practices (where known).
The distribution contains a detailed readme file, XMLSpy generated documentation and the full GPSml schema. It also contains sample instance documents that were generated by the open-source Chaeron Java-based GPS Access Library demo program. Comments to Andrzej Jan Taramina of Chaeron Corporation.
URL: GPSml V0.5 http://www.chaeron.com/gps.html
URL: GPS Access Library demo program http://www.chaeron.com/gps
Email: comments Andrzej Jan Taramina mailto:andrzej@chaeron.com
URL: Chaeron Corporation http://www.chaeron.com
SiberLogic have developed the SiberSafe API, a Java-based interface providing access to SiberSafe XML 3.0 Server, SiberLogic's XML Content Management Platform. SiberLogic describe their XML server as: "TCP/IP, HTTP and WebDAV-enabled multithreaded, load-balanced XML repository server that provides XML content management".
SiberSafe can run on any JDBC-compatible database but is configured for Microsoft Access, by default. SiberSafe XML 2.2 evaluation version is available for 30-day free evaluation, requests for evaluation copies of version 3.0 can also be made.
URL: SiberSafe XML 3.0 http://www.siberlogic.com
The British Computer Society Electronic Publishing Specialist Group is holding the one day "Pixel Power Seminar" on 20 March in London. The educational seminar will examine developments in the capture, manipulation, archiving and output of digital raster images. The seminar has been planned on the principle that the "second tier" of people involved in design, photography, reprographics and picture librarianship - often working inside corporations, universities, government departments, museums and publishing houses - can learn a lot from examining the arcane-seeming issues and expensive technologies employed by imaging professionals. Fees are £65 for members and £130 for non-members, with a special student rate of £30, including lunch.
Miles Macleod and Elke-Maria Melchior from the VNET5 team will be at Milia 2002 (European Commission stand) to answer your questions regarding user-centred product creation and user validation. Readers of El.pub who are attending Milia are invited by the VNET5 project to join them for a cocktail on 5 February at 17.00 on the stand.
The VNET5 project is a "thematic network" project, run under the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector, is committed to providing usability support to IST projects. VNET5 is very keen to hear from projects who are undertaking usability excercises and would like to discuss the progress of these with usability experts who make-up the project. In addition the project runs the VNET5 web site, aiming to provide projects with a number of expert resources on usability testing. The project also runs events which provide hands-on coaching, knowledge sharing and exchange of experience in user-centred product creation. Contact VNET5 for further information.
URL: VNET5 http://www.VNET5.org/
URL: Milia http://www.milia.com/
PocketSOFT.ca, has released the abcDB Database v2.0 for the Microsoft Windows-Powered PocketPC and Pocket PC 2002 software platforms. The company believe that abcDB Database will "give PocketPC users the ability to access corporate data, and to create data entry forms right from portable devices".
Zope Corp. has announced the general release of Zope v2.5. Zope is an open source web application server. The latest version includes Zope Page Templates (ZPT), the new model for dynamically generating pages. According to the company "ZPT embraces W3C standards by leveraging namespace attributes to insert page directives. This approach allows site designers and developers to work side-by-side, since the interim and final product remains valid HTML".
The 2.5 release also offers built-in session tracking, encrypted password support and performance improvements. Zope Corporation has also released version 1.2 of its Content Management Framework (CMF). If you'd like to know more about Zope, the Zope Community, which contributes to the software's success, runs a web site.
URL: Zope http://www.zope.com/
URL: Zope Community http://www.zope.org
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