EP Topic News: 21st February 2002
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and IPR
Bioninformatics background notes
LangTech2002 conference announced
Computer games for learning
Web personalisation workshop
Europe - search engine paid placements
Phibot - search for scientists
Using cascading style sheets
Language modeling toolkit
Java game development tutorial
Web Services Interoperability
XML for E-Journals Examples
Gartner research summary
Safer Internet News published
ACE February 2002 published
Web Services - online conference
UK - content production awards
XML Security Version 1
Managing EC projects workshop
Linux for PlayStation 2
Voice Web Application Platform 5.0
Windows media for movies
Java to C# conversion
D-Link wireless Internet camera
Actrellis content conversion/delivery
Flash for iTV
The current issue of Knowledge@Wharton, looks at the valuation of IPR in the context of the Enron collapse. It says,"... it is a symbol of a growing trend that is forcing attorneys, accountants and others to consider how to handle a bankruptcy when the debtor companys possessions are largely composed of intangible assets like intellectual property, patents, licenses and/or contracts." The newsletter also looks at the failure of Global Crossing and lessons for the broadband market. Registration is required.
URL: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/articles.cfm?catid=1&articleid=513
Bioinformatics is a discipline which lies at the cross roads of computer science and research biology. It's proponents believe that it provides the potential of "bringing a new kind of discipline to open source project development". The O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference coverage page includes news, weblogs, photos, and related articles to help provide background to bioinformatics.
LangTech2002, is billed as Europe's first event devoted to the global language and speech technology market. Scheduled to be held in Berlin on 26-27 September, 2002 and organised by the Euromap project, the event will bring together technology suppliers, applications integrators, researchers and venture funding organisations to debate key issues facing the speech and language industries, and to showcase new speech and language technology projects and products.
The Euromap Language Technologies monthly newsletter (available in English and French), published by the Euromap project, reports on developments in the field of Human Language Technologies (HLT), and provides information on upcoming events and European Commission Research calls in the HLT area. The February issue includes a feature article on the "State of Machine Translation in Europe and Future Prospects".
URL: LangTech2002 http://www.lang-tech.org
URL: Euromap newsletter subscribe http://www.hltcentral.org/lists/subscribe.php
URL: Euromap newsletter online http://www.hltcentral.org/newsletter
The UK government's education department (the DfES) is funding an event which will explore the potential of computer games for teaching and learning. Scheduled for London on March 20, 2002 the organisers have issued an invite to register an interest in attending. Presentations will include Becta's Computer Games for Education research, the TEEM research (which has a home/school games focus) and speakers from the DfES, DTI and NESTA. To provisionally book your place at the conference send an email to the address below and include your full contact details. Further information will be circulated to those that register an interest within two weeks.
The Becta (British Educational Communications & Technology Agency) web site has a good range of information on "business models" currenly in use by developers.
Email: register mailto:gamesseminar@becta.org.uk
URL: British Educational Communications & Technology Agency (Becta) http://www.becta.org.uk
URL: Becta Developers information http://www.becta.org.uk/technology/software/curriculum/developers.html
URL: Ceangal http://www.ceangal.com/gaming
We've received a request to publicise the Workshop on Personalisation Techniques in Electronic Publishing on the Web which is scheduled to take place in Malaga, Spain on May 28, 2002. The Workshop is part of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems which runs from May 29-31, 2002. A call for papers is open until March 25, topics include:
- personalization strategies in EP;
- ephemeral (short term) and persistent (long term) personalization
techniques for EP;- innovative personalized information services for EP portals and mobile Internet;
- information architectures, quality issues and evaluation criteria for EP portals;
- new business models for personalized EP web sites
The workshop will be made up of presentations from EP expert speakers, 5-7, 15 minute talks by authors of accepted papers and a presentation by the EU IST TIPS (Tools for Innovative Publishing in Science) Project. Manuscripts of paper submissions should be sent to Stefano Mizzaro by March 25, 2002.
Email: Stefano Mizzaro mailto:mizzaro@dimi.uniud.it
URL: TIPS http://tips.sissa.it
URL: workshop http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~mizzaro/AH2002/
URL: conference http://sirius.lcc.uma.es/AH2002/
According to Search Engine Watch, a search engine e-zine, paid placement listings on search engines in the United States are by now well established, and the clear leader there is Overture. By opening a single Overture account, you can get guaranteed placement on every popular search engine but Google.
Search Engine Watch reports that "things are heating up in Europe, and unlike in the US, Overture faces competition for major partners in the form of United Kingdom-based Espotting. Espotting's success against Overture is unprecedented, when you compare it to the US experience". Search Engine Watch publishes two reports (Europe's Paid Placement Warriors), a shorter summary is freely available, the second longer version of the article is available to Search Engine Watch members.
URL: http://searchenginewatch.com/sereport/02/02-europe.html
URL: subscribers version http://searchenginewatch.com/subscribers/articles/02/02-europe.html
URL: Search Engine Watch join http://searchenginewatch.com/about/subscribe.html
Phibot.org is a collaborative research project of the University of Mainz, the German Research Center of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and brainbot technologies AG which is aiming to produce a new web search engine for scientists. As part of the Adaptive Read Project, phibot is a web-based experiment for collaborative information retrieval attempting to carry out research into query reformulation on a large scale Internet search engine. The developers are requesting El.pub readers to use the engine as they want "as many search requests as possible, in order to test out new ideas".
URL: Phibot http://www.phibot.org/
URL: University of Mainz http://www.zdv.uni-mainz.de/
URL: German Research Center of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) http://www.dfki.de
URL: brainbot technologies http://www.brainbot.com
URL: Adaptive Read Project http://www.adaptive-read.de
A tutorial from the Webreference web site, which provides useful resources for web masters and developers, which explains how to use CSS for page layout.
URL: http://www.webreference.com/authoring/style/sheets/layout/advanced/
Language modeling provides a framework for text information retrieval (IR), leveraging work on language modeling from other areas such as speech recognition and statistical natural language processing. The Lemur Toolkit is designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval, where IR is broadly interpreted to include such technologies as ad hoc and distributed retrieval, cross-language IR, summarisation, filtering, and classification.
The toolkit supports indexing of large-scale text databases, the construction of simple language models for documents, queries, or subcollections, and the implementation of retrieval systems based on language models as well as a variety of other retrieval models. The system is written in C and C++, and is designed as a research system to run under Unix, although it can also run under Windows. The toolkit is being developed as part of the Lemur Project, a collaboration between the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts and the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
URL: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~lemur/
Java game development tutorial
This tutorial purports to provide "a very detailed introduction into the development of online games using Java". An understanding of Java is required, though much of the tutorial focuses on Java Applets, "because everyone has a Internet browser, so everyone is able to play these games without installing the JDK". The first 5 chapters concentrate on the basic structure of a applet to the development of a simple, complete game. The remaining chapters consider artificial intelligence (AI), level editors, and random generation of landscapes. At the end of every chapter there is a link to a download of the sourcecode of the applet that has been programmed in that chapter along with a link to the working applet.
URL: http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/Java_Game_Programming/
The Web Services Interoperability Organisation (WS-I) is attempting to promote Web Services interoperability across platforms, applications, and programming languages. All organisations "interested in promoting Web services interoperability" are being encouraged to join the community which will develop tools, resources, and other guidance to support Web service implementation. The organisation is planning to set-up working groups with deliverables, such as interoperability profiles (drawing on established standards such as XML Schema, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI ) and implementation guidelines, targeted at the web services development community.
WS-I plans to develop "strong, complementary relationships between the WS-I and other organisations committed to the growth of Web Services, including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)". WS-I plans to provide an expanding set of white papers, guidelines, and other documentation.
URL: http://www.ws-i.org/
Gerry McKiernan, of Iowa State University has sent El.pub a request based on his interest in e-journals that have implemented the use of XML for markup, display, and navigation. Gerry writes: "As many are aware, XML is envisioned as the Next Generation framework for electronic journal publication. Yet, while there are literally *hundreds* of books on the topic, I am not cognizant of the e-journals (or e-journal publishers) that have actually *applied* this technology".
He is aware of one example and listed it in EJI, his registry of Innovative E-Journal features, functionalities, and content, and is requesting El.pub readers who know of others to forward the details.
URL: EJI http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/EJI.htm
Email: Gerry McKiernan mailto:gerrymck@iastate.edu
A promotional email received, includes a couple of interesting snippets gleaned from a number of new research reports published by the GartnerG2.
- Broadband Internet development is slow in Europe due to the lack of "killer" applications and aggressive pricing from providers.
- Penetration of digital TV in European households is increasing (UK 35%, France, Sweden and Spain 12%). However, GartnerG2 said that despite the sales opportunities this presents retailers, such sales are not taking off.
GartnerG2 is a new research and consultancy service aimed at business strategists.
The latest Safer Internet News newsletter has been published and is available online. Published by the EU-supported Safer Internet Action Plan, the newsletter carries news clippings on how Internet policy is being modified throughout Europe. There is also a note of an EU call for project evaluators and reviewers required to evaluate or review projects under the Safer Internet Action plan. To apply, sign-up electronically to the eContent expert database, where you will also find information about evaluating and reviewing European Commission projects.
URL: newsletter archive http://www.saferinternet.org/news/archive.asp
URL: EU evaluator http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/evaluators.htm
The news notes on agent-based computational economics (ACE) for February 2002 are now available online. ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents.
The February 2002 ACE news notes include announcements regarding a new ACE undergraduate course, journals, books, software, web sites, and miscellaneous news items that might be of interest to people interested in ACE-related research. These notes are also archived (along with all past distributed news notes) at the ACE web site.
URL: ACE February 2002 http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace0202.htm
URL: ACE http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
Intellor Group's Web Services Reality Spring 2002 Conference will run from April 1 - June 30, 2002 and plans to and feature nearly 100 individual sessions. The free conference registration is open which provides access to the conference venue, exhibit hall, attendee forums. Registered attendees can then enroll in a single session or purchase an iPass and build their own curriculum. Tracked conference sessions, keynotes, tutorials and an exhibition hall will all be accessible online over the 90 day period that the event runs.
The B+ Young Talent Awards (sponsored BBC Resources) is a UK event designed to recognise and showcase TV and film-making talent in the UK, under the age of 30. The B+ Awards Evening will take place on 22 May 2002 in London when the winning entries will be screened and winners presented with a specially commissioned award. Entries are invited in the following sectors: Visual Effects Artist, Animator/Graphic Artist, Editor, Audio Engineer, Camera / Lighting Person, Interactive Designer, Director, Writer and Company Development Award.
The awards are part of the Production Show which includes an exhibition, conference and tutorials and which takes place in London from 21-23 May 2002.
Full details including how to submit nominations via the event web site.
The final release of Version 1.0 of the XML Security package, created by the XML Security project, is an implementation of security related XML standards. Currently, it includes implementations of W3C recommendations "Canonical XML" and "XML Signature Syntax and Processing". Basically, this means that the software can be used for creating and verifying digital signatures which are expressed in XML and sign both XML and/or arbitrary contents.
URL: XML Security project http://xml.apache.org/security/
URL: XML Signature http://www.w3.org/Signature/
URL: XML Security v1.0.0 download http://xml.apache.org/security/dist/
URL: XML security links http://www.nue.et-inf.uni-siegen.de/~geuer-pollmann/xml_security.html
Singleimage Limited is running a one day workshop on "Managing EC Projects" on March 14, 2002 in Cambridge, UK. This workshop explains how European Commission funded research projects really work and is aimed at all who intend to participate in EC-funded RTD projects, and in particular those who intend to take on the role of project coordinator and manage the project. It explains how these projects are managed and how good practices can be built in to support successful delivery of results.
Sony plans to release "Linux (for PlayStation 2)", targeted toward the Linux development community in North America. Designed as a hobbyist development environment, users can not only run the wide variety of computer applications written for the Linux operating system, but also create original programs and applications designed to run on "Linux (for PlayStation 2)." The company expects the kit to sell for about $199 USD when it is made available in May 2002 exclusively through its web site.
A Linux Beta Version Kit was made available to approximately 7,900 enthusiasts in Japan in July 2001. According to Sony, since then, overwhelming numbers of requests have continued on Linux community web sites all over the world, with approximately 9,500 people joining the movement.
URL: US PlayStation 2 Linux http://www.playstation2-linux.com/
URL: http://www.us.playstation.com/
URL: http://www.playstation.com/
According to Telera, its Voice Web Application Platform 5.0, enables wireline and wireless service providers to develop voice services that can be deployed over packet and traditional networks. Version 5.0 includes several enhancements such as support for IP-centric technologies allowing carriers to deploy next-generation VoIP services. Important new functionality includes:
- an open platform that supports the evolving VoiceXML standard;
- integration with the latest speech technologies, including Nuance 7.0 and SpeechWorks 6.5 SE speech recognition software and Speechify text-to-speech engine;
- support for telephony interfaces including T1 and E1.
ContentFilm, Magnolia Pictures and Microsoft have announced the commercial release of "Wendigo". This is the first full-length independent film to be released to theaters using Microsoft Windows Media - and will be shown using a preview of the upcoming version of Windows Media Audio and Video technology code-named "Corona".
The trial release aims to "reduce costs associated with traditional film-based distribution while retaining the picture and sound quality that film demands". Digital Cinema Solutions (DCS) will provide infrastructure and technology services to support the release of "Wendigo". The first screenings of the film using Windows Media will begin in Seattle March 1 and in Dallas March 15. The movie also is being released in traditional 35mm format in New York and Los Angeles.
Microsoft have released a beta version of the Java Language Conversion Assistant (JLCA), a tool for Java language developers that provides "a smooth transition to building XML Web services on the Microsoft .NET platform". Apparently the JLCA, "automatically converts most existing Java language source code into C# (pronounced C-sharp), migrating language syntax and library calls". According to Microsoft the JLCA, which will enable developers to take advantage of existing investments in the Java language to target the .NET Framework, is available for download and will be a feature in forthcoming versions of Visual Studio .NET.
URL: JLCA download http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/jca/default.asp
The D-Link Air DCS-1000W Wireless Internet Camera is described as a versatile wireless Internet camera with VGA quality resolution, ideal for remote security monitoring or broadcasting of live events over the Internet. The camera features "built-in web and email servers which support the most common Internet protocols to make certain that it can be managed from any PC". Available now, the quoted retail price is US$ 449.
Actrellis from ScreamingMedia, aggregates information from a variety of repositories, filters it based on the needs of target audiences, and delivers it via multiple devices including PCs, cellular phones or hand-held devices. Aimed at organisations wishing to integrate multiple information management platforms the Actrellis Integration Server will be of particular interest to applications from information-intensive industries, such as financial services, healthcare, technology and publishing.
Microsoft and Macromedia plan to provide broad support to interactive TV (iTV) developers interested in using Macromedia Flash for creating iTV content and services for the Microsoft TV platform. Qualified members of the Microsoft TV Developer Program will be offered a 15% discount on Macromedia Flash, and the two companies also plan to create additional tools and training that will be available to Microsoft TV Developer Program members. The tools will include custom training modules and content development guidelines for authoring iTV applications for the Microsoft TV platform with Macromedia Flash.
URL: Microsoft TV Platform http://www.microsoft.com/tv/
URL: Macromedia http://www.macromedia.com/
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