EP Topic News: 18th April 2002
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training in entrepreneurship
Museums and the Web papers
First Monday April 2002
Mobile data - insufficient knowledge?
Early indicator of broadband pick-up
Mobile research in FP6
Art Museum Image Consortium
Hypertext Criticism CFP
Europemedia features
IST Conference - call for ideas
Search developers mailing list
Safer Internet Action Plan extended
ICRA content rating filter
Digital Behaviour 2002
Knowledge Management CEC resources
eEurope: SMEs GoDigital
JASSS latest issue
IP Freedom
LangTech 2002
Apache Cocoon 2.0.2 released
O'Reilly Network resources
"Digital Divide" - ITU action plan
VXML articles
MPEG-4 AAC licensing
IBM developer resources
From Content to Knowledge Conference
TRAIN-IT is an Accompanying Measure in the IST Programme, designed to aid participants from European cooperation projects (IST, ESPRIT, eContent) who plan to start-up a business based on their research work. The 6-day intensive training course, provides participants with the necessary background to write an effective business plan through:
- lectures and individual coaching from high-profile international experts;
- hands-on training by experienced entrepreneurs;
- presentational training: "elevator pitch";
- writing sessions at individual, state-of-the-art PC stations;
- follow-up support and access to business networks.
Courses are given on a regular basis, the next is scheduled for 21-27 April, 2002. All courses are held in the facilities of IZET Innovationszentrum, Itzehoe/Hamburg, Germany. Further information is available from the project web site.
URL: TRAIN-IT http://www.train-it.org
URL: IZET Innovationszentrum http://www.hightech-itzehoe.de
Papers to be presented at Museums and the Web 2002 Conference, to be held on April 17-20, 2002 in Boston, USA are now available online. Follow the links from the speakers list or click on any highlighted title in an Abstract to find the full paper text. A printed volume of selected papers is also available.
URL: papers online http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/speakers/index.html
URL: printed volume http://www.archimuse.com/publishing/new.html
URL: Conference home page http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/
The April 2002 issue of First Monday (volume 7, number 4) is now available and includes the following papers and a series of book reviews:
- "Uncloaking Terrorist Networks";
- "Second-Level Digital Divide: Differences in People's Online Skills";
- "Crisis Communication and the Internet: Risk and Trust in a Global Media";
- "Independent Media Centers: Cyber-Subversion and the Alternative Press";
- "The Impact of Democratic Deficits on Electronic Media in Rural Development".
The Mobile Data Association, a non-profit global association for vendors and users of mobile data and their advisors, believes that the biggest barrier to implementing mobile data projects is "insufficient knowledge".
Corning-the worlds biggest maker of fiber-optic cable-brought four of its manufacturing plants back on line after a three-month hiatus. In an interview with McKinsey Quarterly, Wendell P. Weeks, president of Corning Optical Communications, explains why he thinks broadband has a long term future, why NTT DoCoMO is a success and why video-conferencing still hasn't taken off. He also reveals, "I have yet to see an innovative monopolist." The Quarterly also has a roadmap for Telematics.
URL: the future of fibre (registration required) http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/article_page.asp?tk=543885:1175:38&ar=1175&L2=38&L3=98
URL: McKinsley Quarterly http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/home.asp?tk=543885::
On 20 March, 2002 the European Commission published a call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) concerning the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The EoIs can be seen as a first step towards an EC Research and Development proposal. The Commission will use selected EoIs to define the scope of the first Call for Proposals under FP6.
A seminar is being held in the Netherlands to develop EoIs on "Mobile and wireless systems and networks beyond 3G". It will give an overview of FP6 and possible topics for EoIs. Speakers from the European Commission, Ericsson, GMD and Lucent will lead the discussion. Participants will be encouraged to contribute to the debate and help develop EoIs. They can also submit ideas for EoIs or organisational profiles which will be made available to other participants on the day of the seminar.
The event is scheduled to take place on 6 May 2002, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam. Attendance is free but places are limited. For more information, agenda, registration and presentation form, please contact Sue Greig of Singleimage Limited.
URL: http://www.singleimage.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1480 497712
Fax: +44 (0)1480 497714
The Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO) is an independent non-profit corporation, founded in 1997, and is made up of over 35 major museums in the USA, Canada, and the UK. It's described as "an innovative collaboration - not seen before in museums - that shares, shapes, and standardises digital information regarding museum collections and enables its educational use". Membership is open to any institution with a collection of art.
Together AMICO Members build The AMICO Library a compilation of multimedia documentation of works in their collections. The 2001 edition of The AMICO Library documents over 78,000 different works of art, from prehistoric goddess figures to contemporary installations; new works are added annually. More than simply an image database, AMICO Library works are fully documented and may include curatorial text, detailed provenance information, multiple views, and other related multimedia.
Subscribers find The AMICO Library valuable because it combines the immediacy and accessibility of the web with the persistence and academic weight of traditional library reference sources. Over 100,000 works of art will be represented in The AMICO Library's 2002 edition, to be released July 1, 2002.
The AMICO Library is accessible over secure networks to licensed subscribers such as universities, colleges, libraries, schools, and museums. A subscription to The AMICO Library provides rights to use works for a broad range of educational purposes.
URL: http://www.amico.org
The Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) is publishing a special issue, entitled: "Hypertext Criticism: writing about hypertext". The editors of the issue have issued a call for papers and note that: "criticism of hypertext literature and electronic literature is in many ways less well developed than both the works themselves and the more general theoretical discussions around hypertext in general".
The editors wish to encourage a broad and inclusive discussion of hypertext criticism, and encourage contributors with experience as authors of electronic literature, as critics and as observers of the field. This issue will be a hypertext linked by the editors. Instead of requesting full length papers, they are therefore soliciting short texts that will become the nodes of the hypertext. The submission deadline is 31 May, 2002, details via the link below.
The Europemedia.net weekly newsletter, published by Van Dusseldorp & Partners European Internet Strategies, is a free weekly news round-up covering the main developments in online markets around Europe. Feature articles, from a recent issue of interest to El.pub readers include:
"Could pigeons pave the way for a flock of niche market services?" in which the author reviews how a high degree of computerisation and low cost of distribution could signal the move from mass media, to micro media and how it may be possible to develop an economically-viable model concerning information that is interesting to small groups.
URL: http://europemedia.net/showfeature.asp?ArticleID=9945
"The search engine: a mix of partners", a two part article, based on interviews with the UK versions of several leading search engines, which summarises the emerging trends and looks at future developments.
URL: http://europemedia.net/showfeature.asp?ArticleID=9808
"The trouble with turning 'free' into 'fee'" which contends that there is a good argument for Internet content providers to start charging for their services, but questions, whether there is a strong enough argument for users to pay.
Subscribe to the weekly email service via the web site below.
The organisers of the IST 2002 Conference have issued a request for interested parties to submit ideas for conference workshops, single contributions and research exhibits. IST 2002: "Partnerships for the Future" is scheduled to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 4-6 November 2002, and is the major annual event where the results of European and worldwide research are presented and discussed in order to support the creation of the future Information Society within the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6), which is to be launched at the end of 2002.
This year the IST conference will feature a completely different layout and organisation, aiming at stimulating discussion and networking between Europe's top researchers and decision-makers from the information and communications industries and public sectors. The general theme is "Partnerships" with the aim is to help Europe's researchers and industrialists build networks for collaboration, at a time when the IST priority within the EU's FP6 for research and technological development is getting underway. Submit your conference and exhibition ideas on-line via the link below. The deadline for submitting ideas is May 31, 2002.URL: IST2002 http://2002.istevent.cec.eu.int
URL: Current IST Research Programme http://www.cordis.lu/ist
URL: FP6 instruments http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/nfp/networks-ip.html
The Search Tools web site editor Avi Rappoport is moderating a new mailing list for search engine developers. Topics for discussion include open source code options, robot spidering and web crawling, index compression, file format conversion, metadata indexing and searching, Boolean and Intranet search operators, index speed and size, stopwords, relevance ranking algorithms, stemming, categorised search results, search form and results page user interfaces, search log analysis, security, peer-to-peer search.
URL: mailing list http://www.searchtools.com/dev/index.html
URL: Search Tools http://www.searchtools.com/
The European Commission is to extend the Safer Internet Action Plan for an additional two year period. The Safer Internet Action Plan has provided a cornerstone to the EU's fight against illegal and harmful content on the Internet since 1996. The new phase of the current Action Plan will focus on raising awareness of safer Internet use, particularly for personalised, interactive (such as chatting and on-line games) and mobile applications and for other new applications that have emerged since the inception of the initial Action Plan.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/start/cgi/guesten.ksh?p_action.gettxt=gt&doc=IP/02/465|0|RAPID&lg=EN
The Internet Content Rating Association, ICRA, has launched its ICRAfilter. The filter builds on earlier work involving the creation of an international syntax to describe content used for labelling over 50,000 sites. The ICRAfilter enables end-users to select categories and levels of information to filter via their browser.
URL: http://www.icra.org
Digital Behaviour 2002, described as "the first European Forum for Digital Content Creation, Management and Distribution", will take place in Cologne, Germany on 4-8 June, 2002. The event features a bilingual conference (German and English) alongside an exhibition.
The European Commission's DG INFSO has published details of a number of initiatives promoting "best practice" in the area of knowledge management.
On May 14 2002, DG INFSO will host a workshop with Mick Cope on Personal Knowledge Management. Mick Cope is author of "Know Your Value? Value What You Know: Manage Your Knowledge and Make It Pay" published in 2000. The workshop will focus on understanding the interactions between personal and corporate knowledge in the business environment. For further information and registrations, via the web site below.
URL: http://www.knowledgeboard.com/community/zones/ec.html
On June 21, 2002, the WISE project and DG INFSO have organised a one-day workshop focussing on multidisciplinary approaches to knowledge management in engineering companies. The workshop will cover aspects relating tools, processes and human factor aspects of knowledge sharing in industrial organizations.
URL: workshop http://www.knowledgeboard.com/community/zones/ec.html
URL: WISE project http://www.ist-wise.org/DG INFSO, CEN (the Comité Européen de Normalisation), BSI (the British Standards Institution), and the European Knowledge Management Forum plan to publish a European Guide to Good Practice in Knowledge Management. This guide aims to help European organisations, notably SMEs, to make the cultural and organisational adaptations necessary for successful knowledge management. A kick-off meeting for this work is provisionally proposed in Brussels on 24th June 2002, hosted by DG INFSO. Readers interested in participating in this initiative are asked to register their interest in the first instance by email to Paul Hearn.
Email: mailto:paul.hearn@cec.eu.int
The eEurope: SMEs GoDigital Conference, co-organised by DGs Information Society and Enterprise will be held in Brussels on 16th May 2002. The main aim of GoDigital, Europes eBusiness support campaign, is to: Encourage SMEs to go digital through co-ordinated networking activities for the exchange of knowledge on best practices, e-commerce readiness and benchmarking. Reference centers could help SMEs to introduce e-commerce into their business strategies, with the close collaboration of the European Commission, Member States, and Regions".
The main aim of the Conference is to share results and experiences of one year of the GoDigital initiative, and to outline potential future actions for continued European, national and regional level eBusiness support for SMEs. Major participants at the event will include national innovators, leading regional chambers of commerce, sectoral and industrial associations, leading business schools and academics, and key officials from the European institutions including the Commission. Further information on the GoDigital web site.
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) published the second issue of Volume 5 on March 31, 2002. JASSS is a free electronic, refereed journal devoted to the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation.
This issue features two articles on using simulation to understand the evolution of language. There are also two papers examining cultural conventions. There are also a forum and book review sections.
Ridgeway Systems has launched: IP Freedom, VoiceFreedom and VideoFreedom. According to the company, "IP Freedom enables end-to end IP voice and video by securely traversing network firewalls and NATs (Network Address Translation)". The company believes that one of the biggest obstacles stalling the widespread adoption of end-to-end IP voice and video is that "the vast majority of installed firewalls and NAT routers simply don't support real-time IP communications protocols, such as H.323 or SIP". IP Freedom supports both SIP and H.323 protocols.
Ridgeway is currently offering a 30-day free trial of the software, which can be downloaded directly from our web site and offers a client solution for individual workstations or large-scale deployments.
LangTech 2002 is one of Europe's first dedicated forums for people and organisations involved in the development, deployment and exploitation of spoken and written language technologies. To be held in Berlin on September 26-27, 2002 the event will feature the latest developments in all aspects of speech and language technology and will offer three "streams" covering the key language technology sectors:
- Voice Solutions: for the control of software and machinery, customer relationship management, systems for the handicapped and multimodal communication in an ambient intelligence setting.
- Knowledge Solutions: for information and knowledge management, content management, e-learning, document authoring and management.
- Multilingual Solutions: for software localisation, automatic text translation, translation memories, interactive speech translation and crosslingual information retrieval.
The programme will feature keynote talks from leading players, presentations from a wide range of developers and solution providers, panel discussions of key issues affecting the market in Europe and beyond, and an exhibition of applications, products, services and research prototypes. Special "pitch" sessions will enable SME's and start-up companies to promote their products and services and explore funding possibilities.
Registration for LangTech 2002 is available via the official conference website along with updated information on programme and speakers. Registrations received before July 1, 2002 will benefit from a discounted "early bird" delegate fee. Companies and institutions wishing to take advantage of the LangTech 2002 exhibition area should contact Khalid Choukri, via the email below.
URL: http://www.lang-tech.org
Email: exhibition enquiries mailto:exhibition@lang-tech.org
Apache Cocoon is an XML framework that raises the usage of XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level. Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX processing, Cocoon offers a flexible environment based on the separation of concerns between content, logic and style. A centralised configuration system and sophisticated caching "offer developers a solution for creating, deploying and maintaining stable XML server applications".
This release of Cocoon is a maintainance release focusing on improved performance and robustness and also includes a number of bug fixes and new features. Further information about Apache Cocoon 2.0.2 via the URL below.
The O'Reilly Network has published a couple of interesting features:
"Opening Up the PlayStation 2 with Linux" - a review of Sony's plans to sell Linux kits for PlayStation 2. The kits are on sale in Japan, and are scheduled for release in the US later this spring. For game developers, the US$ 200 kits are a way to get into development for PS2 without laying down thousands of dollars for a professional developer's license. Sony doesn't plan to get rich selling the kits, but it may be an attractive way for it to tap into a new talent pool and bring more games onto its platform.
URL: http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/03/21/linuxps2.html
"Emerging Technology Briefs: WebDAV", which explores the benefits of the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning.
URL: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/webservices/2002/03/26/webdav.html
The O'Reilly Network publishes a free email update service, subscribe via the link below.
The ITU's World Telecommunication Development Conference, held in March 2002, focused on new strategies which can be deployed to improve the level of access to telecommunications throughout the developing world. The Conference reviewed current major policy issues, determined actions to narrow the "Digital Divide" in all its dimensions (technical, societal and economic), adopted a common vision and strategy for achieving a balanced telecommunication development, setting goals and objectives for the next four years. Articulating this as the Istanbul Action Plan.
Based on six programmes, the Plan seeks to "empower all stakeholders in telecoms development to enable them to bring applications and services for the benefit of all whether it be through capacity and competency-building in regulatory matters, relevant technology and ICTs solutions, human resource development, information sharing, mutually reinforcing financing schemes or simply greater awareness of the potential of ICTs".
A more detailed report on the Istanbul Declaration and Action Plan is now available online.
URL: http://www.itu.int/newsroom/press_releases/2002/11-idap.html
VoiceXMLPlanet.com has published two reports from the VoiceXML Planet 2002 conference and exhibition. It also announced the publication (on subscription) of: "VoiceXML for Business Managers: A Briefing" which is described as: "a key reference for developments in VoiceXML (VXML) technologies for e-commerce business professionals, marketers, managers and others who want to help decide if VXML is right for their business". The report includes benefits of VXML technology, the basic elements of VXML programming and how to implement a VXML business strategy.
URL: show report http://voicexmlplanet.com/conf/vxml2002day1.html
URL: show report http://voicexmlplanet.com/conf/vxml2002day2.html
URL: "VoiceXML for Business Managers" http://www.intmediaresearch.com
The MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) has welcomed the licensing programme for MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) patents, that was announced by Dolby Labs on 26 March. The M4IF believes that the license terms "will support broad adoption of ISO/IEC's MPEG-4 AAC in both audiovisual and audio-only applications". According to M4IF, "MPEG-4 AAC provides coding that is roughly 35-40% more efficient than MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), which is important when available bandwidth needs to be shared between audio and video bits".
The Forum expect that the terms of the license will allow MPEG-4 AAC to be adopted across markets and hope that this step will lead to a programme that will include essential patents from more patent owners, offering the market easy access to as many licenses needed to implement complete MPEG-4 Profiles as possible. Being able to implement complete Profiles is essential in ensuring interoperability among encoders and decoders from different vendors.
M4IF have launched an open discussion forum (open to all interested parties) for all issues that affect the uptake of MPEG-4, licensing being the first discussion topic.
URL: discussion list subscribe http://www.m4if.org/public/publiclistreg.php
URL: M4IF http://www.m4if.org
The IBM Developer Works news service includes articles entitled:
"XML encryption Part 1" which explains how XML and security are proposed to be integrated in
the W3C Working Draft for XML Encryption.URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-encrypt/?n-x-3282
"The Speed Demon: A high-level architecture study of 3G and UMTS" which takes the reader through through the layers of 3G and the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wi-speed/?n-wi-3282
"Peer-to-peer communications using XML" in which a peer-to-peer analyst looks at cutting-edge efforts intended to create a unified P2P fabric based on adaptations of existing XML technology.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-peer.html?n-x-442
"Managing structured Web services metadata" - the resource description systems for the Semantic Web and Web Services models have their own ways of identifying what is available. This article reports on how the RDF (Resource Description Framework) working group is addressing some of the issues behind this relationship.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-wsdlrdf/?n-ws-442
A conference being organised by the INFORM project, with a focus on the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector, and will explore the principles associated with: "From Content to Knowledge". This high profile event will be used by the European Commission to both publicise and develop their thinking on how multimedia content and tools will develop prior to the launch of the next EC funding programme, FP6, which will focus on this sector.
Scheduled to take place on May 30-31, 2002 at the DTI Conference Centre, Victoria Street, London, UK the conference will be of particular benefit to business development directors, technology directors, technology operatives - anyone with an interest in information and knowledge systems and how they may affect their business - as well as those interested in applying for funding from the European Commission for their work in this area.
The draft programme has been published on El.pub (see link below). Attendance at the event is free of charge. The event is open to any interested party. However, only a limited number of places remain available so a quick indication of your interest is essential. (Please note: Registration is strictly necessary if you wish to attend this event due to the security procedures at the DTI).
To register, send an e-mail or fax to Jo Bingham, Project Manager at EPS, including the following information: name, job title, organisation name, email address, telephone number, fax number.
URL: Conference agenda agenda23.htm
Email: registrations mailto:kmevent@epsltd.com
Fax: +44 (0)20 7837 8901
Tel: +44 (0)20 7837 3345
The INFORM project, responsible for the El.pub information services, is please to announce that we are currently working on the latest in the series of VR World Congresses. VR World Congress V is scheduled for Paris, France on September 10-11, 2002 and the agenda for will soon be published.
A copy of the current working draft of the programme is available via the web site below, and a call for papers focusing on innovative VR/i3D technologies, techniques or applications is currently open. If you wish to make a submission, contact the Congress Chair, Roger Frampton via the email below.
The event will provide a remarkable opportunity for organisations wishing to identify prospective project proposal partners for the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), in addition to providing an outstanding networking opportunity. The number of places will be limited. The cost of participation, (€150 or $150) at this not-for-profit event, covers the cost of refreshments. To reserve your place now, email Sophie Lafond the Congress Manager, confirming your: name, organisation, postal address, email, fax and telephone numbers.
URL: Congress draft programme http://www.VREfresh.com
Email: CFP (Roger Frampton) mailto:roger_frampton@cyber-wizard.com
Email: Congress bookings (Sophie Lafond) mailto:slafond@mva.co.uk
VNET 5 - the user-centred design project funded by the IEP sector of the IST Programme have issued a call to all participants involved in projects in the Interactive Electronic Publishing domain to attend their workshop on user-centred design. The workshop, scheduled to take place in Lugano on 4-6 June 2002, is free of charge for IST project participants and will provide three days of coaching and hands-on experience in methods and tools for user-centred product creation and user validation planning.
"The vision of the IST program is user-centred." A user-centred approach is essential to create successful products. This workshop is a chance to help your project meet that vision by building key competences. Participants will gain a good understanding of:
- best-practice in user-centred product creation
- how to manage user validation in your project
- major steps involved
- real life examples
- hands-on experience of selected methods and tools.
If you would like to attend the workshop, or would like further information, please contact Elke-Maria Melchior, VNET5 Project Coordinator. To register send an email to the address below and include your name, project name and number, organisation, postal address, email, phone and fax numbers, stating which of the following issues you would prefer to concentrate on during the workshop (please choose up to 4 topics):
- User-centred product creation
- Getting started with user validation planning
- Managing user validation for projects in-progress
- User requirements analysis
- Inspection methods
- User testing
- User satisfaction measurements
- Other (please describe)
Email: workshop registration mailto:workshop@vnet5.org
Email: Elke-Maria Melchior mailto:emm@vnet5.org
URL: VNET5 http://www.vnet5.org
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