EP Topic News: 2nd May 2002
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The Berkman Center has opened registration for its third Internet Law Programme, which brings top cyberlaw experts together with participants from around the world to explore today's most pressing Internet issues - including intellectual property (IP) rights online, the evolution of copyright, privacy vs. security on the Net, the future of peer-to-peer, and more.
The programme kicks off with online instruction starting on June 3, followed by the core residential programme at Harvard Law School July 1-5. It concludes with an opportunity for participants to continue interacting in online moderated discussion forums for the remainder of July.
The program is geared towards a broad audience; no prior experience with Internet law is necessary. Past participants have included professionals in law and business, government representatives, tech entrepreneurs, educators, and journalists who cover information technology. There are special rates for public interest lawyers, government officials, educators, past programme participants, and students.
For more information, and to register, see the web site below. See also TechTV's coverage of last summer's programme, including video interviews with the faculty, via the link below.
URL: Internet Law Program http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/ilaw
URL: TechTV's coverage http://makeashorterlink.com/?I151120C
A call for potential European hosts for the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications in June 2004 (ED-MEDIA 2004) has been issued. If you, or your organisation are interested in hosting the event, please email for an information pack and include your name, email, possible conference location, possible sponsoring institution. Deadline for proposals is June 20, 2002.
Email: Jennifer mailto:conf@aace.org
This executive summary, from O'Reilly Research's report, "Planning for Web Services", gives a high level overview of the promises and pitfalls of Web Services.
URL: http://oreillynet.com/pub/a/webservices/2002/04/12/execreport.html
Volume 6, Number 2 of RLG DigiNews is the fifth anniversary issue of the bimonthly web-based newsletter providing information on digital resource R & D. The issue includes a piece which reviews developments over the past 5 years in the digital management/preservation arena.
URL: http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/
URL: current issue http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/diginews6-2.html
According to Adobe the latest version of Photoshop, 7.0 is now shipping. A major enhancement is the inclusion of a "File Browser", an image organiser providing thumbnail views enabling users to browse, rotate, sort, rank, and batch rename images. The retail price is £450 plus VAT and an upgrade costs £100 plus VAT.
Ericsson and Westel have launched commercial, full-scale Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) based on Ericsson's MMS technology for mobile subscribers in Hungary. With this launch, MMS will be available to almost 2.75 million subscribers to the Westel network. The network operator believes that MMS will provide the natural evolution of the extremely popular "texting" provided by the Short Message Service (SMS).
URL: http://www.ericsson.com/mobileinternet/articles/mms.shtml
"Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL", published by O'Reilly, attempts to "show how to combine two of the most important building blocks available to web developers to create compelling web sites. Both open source technologies, MySQL is a database query language and PHP a server-side, cross-platform, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamic web content".
The book focuses on understanding and developing application logic that brings databases and the Web together. An article by one of the coauthors, "Tips for Building Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL", is available online along with an excerpt from Chapter 8, "Sessions".
URL: article http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2002/04/04/webdb.html
URL: "Sessions" chapter http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webdbapps/chapter/ch08.html
URL: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webdbapps/
Aurora from Digital Element is described as "a plug-in for Photoshop that allows users to add various 3D nature effects, such as clouds, sky, lighting, and water with reflections". Available for use with Photoshop 6.0 or higher, on both PC and Mac, the software is available for download at US$ 129.
A number of announcements and resources relating to Microsoft and mobile technologies.
Details of the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework beta release which apparently "brings the power of XML Web services to smart mobile devices".
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/news/xml_mobileP118332.asp
A download of the Microsoft Outlook Mobile Manager which is described as "cutting-edge add-in for Outlook users that delivers customised notifications from the Outlook desktop to wireless devices capable of receiving text messages."
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/downloads/omm_download_P112875.asp
"Security for Web Services - a proposed architecture and roadmap", is a document which proposes a technical strategy and roadmap whereby the IT industry can produce and implement a standards-based architecture that meets the Web services security needs of real businesses. According to Microsoft, they and IBM have collaborated on this proposed plan and roadmap for developing a set of Web Service security specifications that address how to provide protection for messages exchanged in a Web service environment.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/whitepapers/web_sec_P118230.asp
Version 42 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 1,550 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.
URL: HTML version http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
URL: Acrobat version http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf
New figures published by The European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA), sourced from Chart Track, show a continuing increase in sales of computer games in the UK with 11 million units of software sold in the first quarter of 2002. This is a 6 per cent rise on the same period last year. The value of games sold, across all formats, rose by 20% from £219 million in the first quarter of 2001 to £262 million in the first quarter of this year.
According to ELSPA, the market is being fuelled by three key factors: the new breed of consoles, launches of hugely popular "blockbuster" games and the ever widening appeal of video games and leisure software to a more diverse audience. They also confirmed that the age range of gamers continues to stretch - 56% of gamers are in the 25 to 44 year old bracket, with an increasing number of female gamers.
URL: ELSPA http://www.elspa.com/
URL: Chart-Track http://www.chart-track.com
"Locally Controlled Scholarly Publishing via the Internet: The Guild Model" is a research paper which is available as a .pdf download. The abstract for which reads as follows:
"Many librarians and scholars believe that the Internet can be used to dramatically improve scholarly communication via research articles. During the last decade there has been substantial discussion of four major publishing models where readers could access articles without a fee: electronic journals, hybrid paper-electronic journals, authors' self-posting on web sites, and disciplinary repositories where authors post their own unrefereed articles. There have been numerous practical projects within each of these models, as well as extensive discussions about their strengths and limitations. While some of these projects have become important scholarly resources in specific disciplines; none of them has become commonplace across numerous disciplines.
There is a fifth model that has been quietly adopted and developed in a number of disciplines - the research publication series that are called working papers or technical reports that are sponsored by academic departments or research institutes. Many of these manuscript series are now made available to readers, online, and free of charge. This model - which we call Guild Publishing - has a distinct set of advantages and limitations when compared with the other four publishing models. This article explains the Guild Publishing Model, provides some examples, and discusses its strengths and limitations."
URL: http://www.slis.indiana.edu/csi/WP/WP02-01B.html
URL: paper .pdf http://www.slis.indiana.edu/csi/WP/Kling02.pdf
The CSShark web site, sets itself the task of providing "What you always wanted to know about CSS". Cascading Style Sheets provides the means to separate the presentation of web pages from their structural markup. This site attempts to answer frequently asked questions concerning CSS, explains some of the basics, and also has a tutorial concerned with "positioning" - explaining the principles of web page layout without the use of tables. There is also a an interesting links page.
Researchers at Florida International University's High-Performance Database Research Center (HPDRC) have developed TerraFly, an Internet-based technology that makes it possible for users to "fly over" vast land areas using only an ordinary web browser. By using high-resolution imagery collected by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and other sources, users can experience an overhead view of almost any location in the United States at a one-meter resolution-without the expense of standard GIS application software.
Supported by NASA, the National Science Foundation, USGS, and IBM, TerraFly is "one of the largest, if not the largest, publicly accessible databases on the Web," according to Dr. Naphtali Rishe, head of the research group behind the service. "TerraFly now delivers imagery for the entire United States, and we're excited about incorporating additional areas around the world."
Palm's Wireless Database Access Server (WDBAS) is aimed at developers and systems integrators wishing to create wireless applications that access corporate databases in real time.
URL: WDBAS http://www.palm.com/enterprise
The Siemens Information and Communication Mobile Group (IC Mobile) and Cambridge Positioning Systems (CPS) plan to cooperate to support IC Mobiles development of mobile location solutions. The five-year deal will involve CPS licensing its Cursor software to accurately locate mobile phone handsets within mobile networks. Siemens IC Mobile will integrate the Cursor software into its mobile network product portfolio which is used by mobile operators to rollout mobile location services.
The Cursor software utilises the E-OTD (Enhanced Observed Time Difference) technology that offers GSM operators location accuracy to within 100 metres. Siemens plans to rollout E-OTD enabled location-based network equipment and handsets to the growing US and other worldwide markets. CPS is also working with, or has licenced its technology to Ericsson, Nortel Networks, Siemens and Lucent Technologies.
URL: Siemens IC Mobile http://www.siemens-mobile.com
URL: Cambridge Positioning Systems http://www.cursor-system.com/
If you are interested in the development of significant technological events, take a look at a timeline published by Ian Pearson and Ian Neild of BTexact Technologies (an offshoot of British Telecom). The authors have published their views of possible dates when, in their opinion, significant technological events will take place. It records examples of developments from a wide range of disciplines including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, business and education, computer electronics, demographics, the environment, home and office technology, living in a Cyberworld, machine senses, robotics, interesting and instructive. A few examples from the timeline:
- 2003: first synthetic organic life form
- 2005: computers that write their own software
- 2015: machine use of human-like creativity
The full paper is available online as a pdf file via the link below.
URL: http://www.btexact.com/white_papers/downloads/WP106.pdf
Link Mensch is a web site providing articles and resources related to link building strategies and tactics.
O'Reilly reports that, "if you ask author Marshall T. Rose what is really new and innovative about BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol), he'll say, 'Not much'." As Rose explains in his new book, "BEEP: The Definitive Guide", BEEP is a toolkit that can be used for building application protocols. Its goal is simple: BEEP allows a protocol designer to focus on protocol details while BEEP handles other details, such as framing messages, encoding data, negotiating capabilities (versions and options), negotiating connection release, correlating requests and responses, finally, integrating all these things together into a single, coherent framework. Chapter 3, "Tuning" is available free online.
URL: Chapter 3 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/beep/chapter/ch03.html
URL: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/beep/
Nokia have developed a wireless authoring module for Adobe GoLive 6.0 that enables designers and developers to easily create web content for Nokia mobile phones. Built in support of the Symbian operating system, it is believed by its developers to be "the first visual authoring application for Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) wireless technology".
Using the Nokia Developer's Suite for MMS developers can use GoLive to can create services that can now include audio, images, and video with text using SMIL content and MMS message components. The software add-in is available for free download from the Nokia site.
URL: Adobe GoLive http://www.adobe.co.uk/golive
URL: Nokia download http://www.forum.nokia.com
There is a new version of the MPEG-4 Overview, with considerable revisions, available online. It contains, a complete overview of all profiles and levels and updates on the most recent extensions underway. It is available online and can also be downloaded as a zipped MS Word document.
URL: http://mpeg.telecomitalialab.com/standards/mpeg-4/mpeg-4.htm
URL: zipped MS Word http://www.m4if.org/resources/w4668.zip
The Chief Engineers of Facilities Forum (ChEFF), the UK broadcasting facilities trade body plans to launch a "unified broadcast delivery specification". Currently, each UK broadcaster publishes its own delivery specification resulting in subtle but important differences between them. With the proliferation of broadcast channels, facility companies have to take extra care to deliver programmes that meet the broadcasters' individual requirements. The ChEFF document will be the first result from a year long initiative to harmonise these various specifications.
ChEFF is working on a companion document which will deal with commercials. The EBU Production Technology Management Committee is to discuss the ChEFF Broadcast Delivery Standards document at their next meeting in June and there is a possibility that an EBU recommendation could result.
ChEFF represents the views of the UK TV facilities industry on engineering and operational matters. It provides a focal point for dialogue with the broadcasters, standards bodies, manufacturers, and equipment suppliers as well as between its own member companies.
CORDIS, published on the Internet by the European Commission's Innovation-SMEs programme, is a service designed to provide information on a vast range of research and development and innovation activities at European level. At the same time, it aims to keep the European research community up-to-date on the implementation of Community Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development.
Users of the CORDIS service are being requested to take part in this User Feedback Survey in order to help the service providers better meet the needs of it's users. The questionnaire, in five language versions and two formats (HTML and .pdf), is available online and should take "no more that 10 minutes to complete".
URL: questionnaire http://www.cordis.lu/usersurvey/en/userq_en.htm
URL: CORDIS http://www.cordis.lu/
Documentum and Easypress plan to provide "out-of-box integration between the Documentum enterprise content management (ECM) platform and QuarkXPress, the page layout software" The intention is to use Easypress Technologies' Atomik product to facilitate the integration thereby enabling QuarkXPress generated content to be converted into XML for publication on the web and storage in a Documentum repository. The software is expected to be available in June 2002.
URL: Easypress http://www.easypress.com
URL: Documentum http://www.documentum.com
Peter Pappamikail, Head of Information Resources Management, European Parliament writes: "Subject to contract and specific conditions, I have an opening for a temporary assignment (based in Brussels, with some travel in Europe), starting May and until end August (with a possible extension beyond that). The domain is in data standards and interoperability, and I am looking for someone with:
- excellent working knowledge of English or French, and good understanding of the other;
- good grounding in XML standards, Dublin Core and RDF;
- background in or a least appreciation of knowledge management and business process management;
- understanding of multilingual, public sector environment;able to work autonomously with little briefing or support.
The pay scale for this post has not been fixed but is expected to be somewhere over 4,000 Euros per month, net of tax. If readers of El.pub are interested in this position (or know of anyone who might be), please contact Peter via the email below.
Email: Peter Pappamikail mailto:ppappamikail@europarl.eu.int
Europemedia.net features an interview with Frank Boyd, Director of Creative Services at the BBC's Innovation & Learning department, in which he discusses the digitalisation of media, interactivity in the digital content industry and shares his thoughts on the direction the BBC will pursue in the future.
URL: http://www.europemedia.net/showfeature.asp?ArticleID=10161
URL: http://www.tvmeetstheweb.com/news/showleader.asp?ArticleID=10094
The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) is "dedicated to facilitating simulation interoperability across a wide spectrum, SISO provides forums, educates on implementation, and supports standards development". The Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) originated with a small conference held April 26 and 27, 1989, called, "Interactive Networked Simulation for Training". The conferences soon developed into the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Workshops and focused on creating standards based on the major project SIMNET which was established as the baseline standard from which SISO developed. The organisation publishes a newsletter, subscribe online.
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