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5th Virtual Reality World Congress
OMG Information Day
Storytelling in Virtual Environments
Mobile security workshop
Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0
Content & Metadata Management Seminar
Internet Librarian Int. 2003 CFP
4th VNET5 Workshop
MILIA 2003 - New Talent Competition
D-Lib July/August 2002
MPEG licensing agreed
KA II latest news on FP6
ARTISTE prototype improved
DigiCULT.Info Newsletter published
Portal for museum professionals
Bluetooth alternative?
Virtual world assessed
Online Educa Berlin
VR and haptics CFP
WIPO's Domain Name database live
EU probes Microsoft Passport
OASIS Web Services Security TC
User Interface Markup Language
IC Online's XML Resources Pages
Multicast Working Group
Oracle mobile integration kit
Automated taxonomy generation
IPv6 network demo in Japan
eBook Reader optimised for Tablet PC

5th Virtual Reality World Congress

VR World Congress V, organised by the INFORM project, responsible for the El.pub information services, is to be held in Paris, France on September 9th and 10th, 2002 with the theme "Systems for Visionaries".

The Congress is timed to provide the opportunity to identify prospective partners to submit proposals for the European Commission's forthcoming Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The budget for the category including Virtual Reality (VR) is estimated to be worth 3.6 billion euros ($3.24 billion). VR/i3D applications will be a major feature of electronic publishing and of FP6.

Managers from the European Commission will be available to answer questions about the Information Society Technologies and FP6 schemes in addition to making a presentation to explain how procedures under the FP6 for research will be simplified. The Commission has proposed a "radical shift" in the current management model, with more flexible rules and contracts and a substantive reduction of administrative red tape. The Agenda includes demonstrations of existing VR projects as well as presentations of innovative and emerging technologies, techniques and applications of VR and interactive three-dimensional (i3D) systems.

Among the projects on show will be interactive speech activated avatars, narrative applications that mix the real and virtual worlds; a new form of multi-sensory content; strategic e-learning experiments for laboratory education; a system for assessing safety, for training of rescue personnel and for planning rescue scenarios; new ways of working over distance; a means to improve the process of building design and construction ... and more.

Chairman for VR World Congress V is Professor Robert J. Stone, BSc (Hons), MSc, C.Psychol, AFBPsS, MErgS, Eur.Erg, FIoN, FVRS and the opening Keynote Address will be delivered by Dr Louise Guay, founder and CEO of My Virtual Model in Montreal, Canada. Speakers from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the USA and the United Kingdom will be delivering papers.

Details including registration information are available from the web site below.

URL: Congress programme http://www.VREfresh.com
Email: Congress bookings (Sophie Lafond) mailto:Slafond@mva.co.uk

OMG Information Day

LogOn Technology Transfer and the Object Management Group (OMG) are holding an OMG Information Day in London on September 10, 2002. This one day conference and exhibition focuses on Enterprise Application Integration with Model Driven Architecture (MDA). The event will introduce MDA as a new framework for creating interoperability between multiple integration technologies, such as CORBA, EJB, XML, SOAP, and .NET.

In addition, the conference will feature presentations on UML 2.0, MDA tools, and some of the latest products and services for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). In parallel with the conference there will be an exhibition of products and services for enterprise distributed systems. This free exhibition will be open all day. For full program details including online registration follow the link below.

URL: http://www.ltt.de/omg-days.2002/london

Storytelling in Collaborative Virtual Environments Workshop

The "Workshop on Storytelling in Collaborative Virtual Environments", taking place at the ACM Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE2002) Conference, is scheduled to take place on September 30, 2002 in Bonn, Germany. Themes may include:

"What makes a good story - content vs. technology capability",
"Design issues in collaborative storytelling",
"Supporting the emergent story-who's story is it anyway?"

Position are likely to address one of the following topics:

• Which kinds of activities have been proven useful for representation in collaborative storytelling?
• How do we generate stories based on activities in shared spaces?
• How do we develop a storyline?
• What makes a 'good' story?
• Story development by characters vs. story development by script?
• What are the design issues in collaborative storytelling?
• How do we interact with narratives in shared environments?
• What is the role of narrative?
• Does all the storytelling have to take place within the environment in a CVE?

Potential workshop participants are being requested to submit a 2-4 page position paper that addresses the topic of the workshop, by September 6, 2002 The workshop participants will be selected based on these position papers. Acceptance of applications will be based on the quality of the work proposed for presentation and its relevance to the workshop. Participants will be limited to 20-25 people.

URL: http://www.cve2002.org/cve2002-storytelling.html
Email: paper submissions mailto:cve2002-storytelling@fit.fhg.de

Mobile security workshop

PAMPAS '02 - Workshop on Requirements for Mobile Privacy & Security is scheduled to take place in London, UK on September 16-17, 2002. The workshop, organised by the PAMPAS project, has the objective of gathering the broadest possible inputs on privacy and security requirements for future mobile systems and applications, taking into account end-user requirements as well technological, economic and legal/regulatory views. It should also help to establish a constituency to contribute to and monitor the work of the project.

PAMPAS aims at establishing a roadmap for future European research on mobile privacy and security within the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The project runs a mailing list, subscribe via the web site.

URL: http://www.pampas.eu.org/

Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0

Microsoft have released it's SOAP Toolkit 3.0. The latest version (approx. 5MB) is available for free download from the MSDN web site download area.

URL: http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp

Content and Metadata Management Seminar

"Content and Metadata Management with TeXtML Server" is the title of a seminar which will take place at the Austrian National Library, Vienna on August 5, 2002. The seminar will give an overview about the TeXtML Server of IXIASOFT, an introduction into XML technology and demonstrations of possible field of application. Demonstrations include the applications developed for EU funded projects CULTIVATE, COVAX, REGNET. Target groups are users and developers of cultural databases as well as database developers in general.

URL: http://www.cscaustria.at/events/ws0201.htm

Internet Librarian Int. 2003 CFP

A Call for Papers is open for Internet Librarian International's 2003 conference programme (17-19 March 2003, London, UK) which has a theme this year of "Connecting Content and Technology". Choose from one of the themes below, or suggest a topic, panel, or case study you think will be of interest. The key requirement is for a knowledgeable and focussed approach to practical issues and implementation strategies. Themes include:

Web Search Strategies & Tools
• Resources and Tools: Business, Sci-Tech, News, Medical/Healthcare, News, Competitive Intelligence, Market Research
• Government Sources and Resources/Support
• Intranets and Portals
• Web Design and Development
• Content Management Tools and Technology
• Digital Libraries and E-Resources
• E-Content Issues and Strategies

The deadline for submissions is September 9, 2002.

URL: CFP http://www.internet-librarian.com/submissions.htm
URL: http://www.internet-librarian.com/

4th VNET5 Workshop

The 4th VNET5 workshop is scheduled to take place at ETH Zürich, Switzerland on October 7-9, 2002. The workshops provide hands-on coaching, knowledge sharing and exchange of experience in user-centred product creation.

VNET5, a "thematic network" project, run under the Interactive Electronic Publishing sector, is committed to providing usability support to IST projects. VNET5 is very keen to hear from projects who are undertaking usability excercises and would like to discuss the progress of these with usability experts who make-up the project. In addition the VNET5 web site aims to provide projects with a number of expert resources on usability testing. Contact VNET5 for further information.

URL: workshops http://www.vnet5.org/pub/events.html
URL: home page http://www.vnet5.org/

MILIA 2003 - New Talent Competition

The organisers of MILIA 2003, have announced that they will be running their "New Talent Competition" at the 2003 event to be held in the Palais des Festivals, Cannes from 4-6 February 2003. Students from all over the world are invited to submit new media projects for possible inclusion in the new Interactive Campus at the event next year. An exclusive panel of experts will judge the projects covering such diverse domains as games, art, culture, education and experimental across all platforms. For each selected project, the students are invited to present their work at MILIA 2003. Further information is available from the event web site.

URL: http://www.milia.com/

D-Lib July/August 2002

The July/August 2002 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available and includes six full-length features, several smaller features in D-Lib Magazine's 'In Brief' column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'. The articles are:

"A Framework for Evaluating Digital Library Services";
"Interdisciplinarity: The Road Ahead for Education in Digital Libraries";
"Federated Digital Rights Management: A Proposed DRM Solution for Research and Education";
"Learning Lessons Holistically in the Glasgow Digital Library";
"Digitizing Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for a Full Color, Publicly-accessible Collection";
"My Library at Virginia Commonwealth University: Third Year Evaluation".

URL: D-Lib http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july02/07contents.html

MPEG licensing agreed

MPEG LA and patent holders to the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License, MPEG-4 Systems (without MPEG-J) Patent Portfolio License and MPEG-J Patent Portfolio License reached agreement on final licensing terms following their meetings in San Francisco on June 25–26, 2002. According to a press release making the announcement, in the interest of one-stop convenience, users will be offered the opportunity to sign up for a license under patents that are essential for any or all of these standards. The official licenses are scheduled for issue in September 2002.

Both the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License and The MPEG-4 Systems Patent Portfolio License (without MPEG-J) include essential patents owned by a wide array of leading technology companies and organisations active in research. The licensing terms therefore take into consideration views, interests and concerns of prospective licensees made known to MPEG LA and patent holders.

MPEG LA Chief Executive Officer Baryn S. Futa said, "MPEG LA is pleased to be able to offer innovative one-stop licenses for the MPEG-4 Visual and Systems standards that encourage wide use of these important new technologies by making them accessible across all business models and to all users, large and small. By affording access to patents that are essential not only to the Simple and Core profiles but also to additional MPEG-4 Visual profiles without additional royalties, the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License provides convenience to the marketplace and adapts seamlessly to marketplace change. It tells users they are welcome here for the long haul as the technology develops and applications migrate to other MPEG-4 Visual profiles".

MPEG LA is attempting to successfully pioneer one-stop technology standards licensing, starting with a portfolio of essential patents for the international digital video compression standard, MPEG-2, which it began licensing in 1997. MPEG LA believe that: "one-stop technology standards licensing enables widespread technological implementation, interoperability and use of fundamental broad-based technologies covered by many patents owned by many patent holders".

URL: MPEG LA http://www.mpegla.com
URL: MPEG’s home page http://www.cselt.it/mpeg
URL: MPEG-4 Industry Forum http://www.m4if.org

MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) welcomes the announcement

In a separate announcement The MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) welcomed the moves by MPEG LA on behalf over 20 patent holders, noting that the viability of the license needs to be proven in the market. According to M4IF, "the usage fee concerns have been substantially addressed. Other positive aspects are the inclusion of terms for MPEG-4 Systems and the fact that newer MPEG-4 Profiles, eg. Advanced Simple, are covered by the license at no extra cost, offering the industry a one stop shop for licensing MPEG-4".

Rob Koenen, President of M4IF said: "I am delighted that terms are finally known. This rings the starting bell for the whole broadcast and multimedia industry to start releasing MPEG-4 products and services. The licenses are the long-expected prerequisite for MPEG-4 being fully accepted and deployed".

M4IF hosts a discussion on issues relating to the adoption of MPEG-4, including MPEG-4 licensing, subscribe to this open mailing list via the URL below.

URL: mailing list http://www.m4if.org/public/publiclistreg.html
URL: MPEG-4 Industry Forum http://www.m4if.org

KA II latest news on FP6

"The European R&D Insider" is a newsletter published by the European Commission's IST Programme (Key Action Line II) with the intention of enhancing access to information on New Methods of Work and e-Commerce issues in the IST Programme. Issue No. 17 (July 2002) focuses on the preparations for the 6th Framework Programme, providing links to official Commission resources along with details of preparatory actions and events. The newsletter is available as a free subscription service and is delivered by email in either MS word or .pdf formats. Use the email address below to subscribe.

Email: subscribe mailto:IST-ka2-subscribe@topica.com
Email: unsubscribe mailto:IST-ka2-unsubscribe@topica.com

ARTISTE prototype improved

El.pub announced in April 2002, a prototype version of ARTISTE, from which the developers received some useful feedback. Since then the interface has been improved and some new search capabilities added. The project is therefore requesting that El.pub readers again have a go and report back what you think. Users will have to re-register but apparently now the the system automatically selects the correct algorithm for you according to which type of search you are performing, these are:

• Pattern/texture matching, a new algorithm can find images that have a similar pattern to the image submitted. Matching is based on the texture (ie. repeating patterns) in the whole image.
• Faxed image search, a variation on that algorithm can analyse a faxed image and search the museum collection for an item that matches.
• Colour picker, a new colour-picking tool allows you to define one or more colours that you want to use as the basis of a search. The algorithm identifies the precise shade of the colour(s) and searches for that in the image collection.

The project is asking for comments from all users.

URL: trial site http://artiste.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk/
URL: ARTISTE site http://www.artisteweb.org

DigiCULT.Info Newsletter published

The DigiCULT.Info Newsletter is available free by subscribing via the web site. The first issue (July 2002) includes items on digital preservation, digital asset management systems, news, projects, products and events.

URL: subscribe http://www.digicult.info/pages/subscribe.html
URL: newsletter http://www.digicult.info/pages/newsletter.html

Portal for museum professionals launched

The UK's Museum Documentation Association (mda) has launched a pilot portal for the museum sector. Once fully operational the portal will be a one-stop-shop for the collection and dissemination of standards, experience and opinion relating to collections information management.

mda (formerly the Museum Documentation Association) is a UK-wide body which supports museums and other collections holders in the management of their collections and specifically with documentation and information management. Established in 1977 it celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The pilot portal can be accessed via the mda website.

URL: http://www.mda.org.uk

Bluetooth alternative?

Canadian company, Eleven Engineering has announced that initial shipments of its SPIKE Wireless Development Kit (WDK). The kit is the first of its kind to enable developers of products for video game control to incorporate xiSPIKE ("SPIKE") wireless RF performance into their products. SPIKE is described as "a real-time, multipoint, low-cost, radio frequency technology", and is considered by some industry watchers as an alternative to Bluetooth. Specifications and white papers describing the technology are available from SPIKE section of the company's web site.

URL: WDK http://www.spikewireless.com/links/spikedev.asp
URL: SPIKE technology http://www.SpikeWireless.com/
URL: Eleven Engineering http://www.elevenengineering.com/

Virtual world assessed

"Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier", published in The Gruter Institute Working Papers on Law, Economics, and Evolutionary Biology: Vol. 2, considers the development of a cyberworld called "Norrath". The article suggests that "virtual worlds are making money - with annual revenues expected to top $1.5 billion by 2004 - and if network effects are as powerful here as they have been with other Internet innovations, virtual worlds may be the next step in the evolution of internet (and possibly human) culture". Judge for yourself by reading the article.

URL: http://www.bepress.com/giwp/default/vol2/iss1/art1/current_article.html

Online Educa Berlin

The 8th Online Educa Berlin, described as Europe's largest international gathering of e-learning professionals, takes place from November 27-29, 2002 in Berlin. The event, which features pre-conference workshops, conference and exhibition, attracts more than 1200 e-learning experts from government, industry, business and the higher education sectors from over 60 countries. The event is supported by: The European Commission's DG Information Society and DG Education and Culture.

URL: http://www.ffi.co.uk/icwe/index.htm

VR and haptics CFP

A call for papers has been issued for "IEEE Virtual Reality 2003 (VR2003) Conference" and "11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems". Scheduled for Los Angeles, California, USA on March 22-26, 2003 - the Haptics Symposium takes place March 22-23, 2003. The event also features a major exhibition. Technical papers in all areas of virtual reality within either research or applied categories are being solicited.

Research papers should describe results that contribute to advancements in state-of-the-art virtual reality software, hardware, 3D Compuer Human Interface (CHI), or systems development. Applied papers should address prototype or fielded virtual reality systems and include a concise description of the application area, insight into the relevant VR system implementation issues, and discuss the effectiveness of the VR system with respect to the application area. Papers concerning haptic interfaces may be presented in the main conference or in the Haptics Symposium. The call also includes requests for panels, tutorials, workshops, videos, exhibits and project demonstrations with a deadline of September 4, 2003.

URL: VR2003 http://www.vr2003.org/
URL: Haptics2003 http://www.hapticssymposium.org/

WIPO's Domain Name database live

A database containing detailed information on thousands of cases of "cybersquatting" handled by the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) became available online on July 5, 2002 The WIPO Center is the leading dispute resolution service provider of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) - a low-cost and speedy alternative to litigation in the drive to resolve cases of "cybersquatting". The database is equipped with a search engine that enables users to filter and access targeted information on "cybersquatting" cases handled by WIPO. The multilingual search engine - available in English, French and Spanish - provides multiple options for the selection of required information.

URL: announcement http://www.wipo.int/pressroom/en/releases/2002/p320.htm
URL: cybersquatter database http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/search/
URL: WIPO http://www.wipo.int/

EU probes Microsoft Passport

The EPIC Alert newsletter (Volume 9.13, July 11, 2002) published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), has a news item stating that European Union (EU) officials "have issued their first official confirmation of an investigation into the Microsoft Passport identification and authentication service". According to EPIC, the Article 29 Working Party (WP) has issued a statement outlining legal issues raised by the Passport system, and confirming that "the Working Party will inquire into whether Microsoft is giving individuals adequate notice of information processing and transferring of data; whether adequate consent from the individual is being obtained; whether Passport affiliates have adequate privacy protection rules; whether Passport's use of a unique identifier is necessary; the quality of data collected by the system; the rights of individuals to access or delete their Passport profile; and the security risks in the Passport system".

EPIC highlights concerns related to Microsoft's plans to implement a Digital Rights Management Operating System called "Palladium" which if implemented could be "used to identify individuals and eliminate anonymous communication". At the same time it warns similar concerns could be leveled at a competing identification system, called Project Liberty, which also under development in competition to Microsoft's Passport.

URL: EU Article 29 WP report (via EPIC web site) http://www.epic.org/redirect/eu_redirect.html
URL: EU Article 29 WP report (.pdf format) http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/dataprot/wpdocs/wp60_en.pdf
URL: EPIC's Passport Investigation http://www.epic.org/privacy/consumer/microsoft/passport.html
URL: EPIC Alert http://www.epic.org/alert/EPIC_Alert_9.13.html

OASIS Web Services Security TC

A new OASIS technical committee - The OASIS Web Services Security Technical Committee (WSS TC) is being formed, "to support of security mechanisms in the following areas":

• Using XML signature to provide SOAP message integrity for web services;
• Using XML encryption to provide SOAP message confidentiality for web services;
• Attaching and/or referencing security tokens in headers of SOAP messages;
• Carrying security information for potentially multiple, designated actors;
• Associating signatures with security tokens;
• Representing specific forms of binary security tokens as defined in WS-Security specification.

Each of the security mechanisms will use implementation and language neutral XML formats defined in XML Schema. Specifically the OASIS Web Services Security TC will:

• Accept as input the Web Services Security (WS-Security) specification published by IBM, Microsoft, and VeriSign on April 11, 2002.
Produce as output a specification for Web Services Security. This specification will reflect refinements and changes made to the submitted version of WS-Security that are identified by the WSS TC members for additional functionality within the scope of the TC charter.
• Liaise and/or forge relationships with other Web services efforts to assist in leveraging WS-Security as a part of their specifications or solutions.
• Coordinate with the chairs of the other OASIS security related groups via the Security Joint Coordination Committee.
• Oversee ongoing maintenance and errata of the WS-Security specification.

URL: WS-Security Specification http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-secure/
URL: WS-Security Specification (.pdf format) http://www.verisign.com/wss/wss.pdf
URL: Web Services Security Roadmap http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-secmap/
URL: Web Services Security Roadmap (.pdf format) http://www.verisign.com/wss/architectureRoadmap.pdf

User Interface Markup Language

An OASIS Discussion List is being launched whose purpose is to discuss the creation of an OASIS Technical Committee on User Interface Markup Language (UIML). The discussion list opened in early July and will operate for about three months.

The TC intends to focus on the examination and standardisation of UIML for use in building user interfaces for e-business applications. UIML is a declarative, XML-compliant, and device independent meta-language for describing user interfaces (UIs). The design objective of UIML is to provide a vendor-neutral, canonical representation of any UI suitable for mapping to existing languages (eg. HTML, WML, VoiceXML, Palm API, Java, Python), thus making it possible to reduce the work needed to deploy UIs to multiple platforms and devices. The UIML specification (currently in version 3) is being proposed now for standardisation because a variety of organisations have experience implementing the language for use with different target devices.

Examples of possible applications for UIML include e-commerce applications, automobile navigation systems, and ubiquitous delivery information systems (information systems accessible anywhere, anytime, from the device on hand).

URL: list subscribe http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl
Email: list subscribe mailto:uiml-discuss-request@lists.oasis-open.org (with the word "subscribe" as the body of the message)
URL: list archives http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/

IC Online's XML Resources Pages

The IEEE Internet Computing publishes an online XML resources section in which the author, Lisa Rein, has attempted to provide a general overview of the current state of the rapidly expanding world of XML technology, including:

"Companies Developing XML Tools" page presents a table of more than 50 companies arranged alphabetically and by product categories in 21 subjects ranging from authoring and development tools to e-commerce, graphics, knowledge management, and P2P.
URL: http://computer.org/internet/xml/xml.cos.htm

"XML Products" page takes a closer look at some toolkits, parsers, and other products used in P2P applications, Web services, document management, publishing, and wireless.
URL: http://computer.org/internet/xml/xml.prod.htm

"Great XML Links" page includes a collection of relevant W3C core, RDF, XSL, E-commerce, Graphics and Multimedia, Document Object Model, and Accessibility standards - along with links to other notable specifications for developments in the XML technology space including SOAP, XSet, and WAP.
URL: http://computer.org/internet/xml/xml.links.htm

"Extending Your Markup", is a tutorial (in .pdf format) which examines the XML specification, examples of how to apply it, and where things are headed in the next phase of development.
URL: http://computer.org/internet/xml/xml.tutorial.pdf

URL: XML update http://computer.org/internet/xml/xml.intro.htm
URL: IEEE Internet Computing http://computer.org/internet/index.shtml

Multicast Working Group

The Internet2 project runs a Multicast Working Group which is focused on the deployment of one-to-many communication in the Internet2 infrastructure - including backbones, connectors, gigapops, and member institutions. With a stable multicast infrastructure, Internet2 offers its members the opportunity to develop, deploy, test, and use multicast-based applications.

Whilst aimed at developers working as part of the Internet2 development effort the site provides useful resources to all those interested in Multicast implementation including technical recommendations, best practices, tutorials, FAQs, presentations, product and book reviews.

URL: http://www.internet2.edu/multicast/

Oracle mobile integration kit

The Wireless and Voice Integration Kit for Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS), available for free download and evaluation, is, according to Oracle, "designed to provide sufficient detail on key features and methodologies to enable developers and partners to integrate their mobile products and services with Oracle9iAS". The kit includes code samples, documentation and a set of standard integration Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and is aimed at supporting integration in four key areas: core server, voice, messaging and location-based services.

URL: http://www.oracle.com/
URL: http://www.oracle.com/tellmemore/?1389307

Automated taxonomy generation

Quiver, is a developer of categorisation software for enterprise and online content, has released the second product in the Quiver Knowledge Suite, QKS Topic Advisor. QKS Topic Advisor is described as a "hybrid taxonomy topic generator" which scans a corpus of documents and generates suggested topics for human review and approval. Uses include, automating taxonomy implementation or enhancing live directories, enabling users to implement the "most useful and relevant taxonomy for end user information retrieval, improving productivity and information sharing".

URL: QKS Topic Advisor http://www.quiver.com/products/topicadvisor/index.html
URL: Quiver http://www.quiver.com/

IPv6 network demo in Japan

Using Kasenna's MediaBase MPEG-4 server which implements the Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA) 1.0 specification, Sony Broadband Solutions showcased an end-to-end IPv6 network in a technology demonstration funded by the Japanese government. IPv6 is the next generation protocol designed to replace the current IPv4 to enable growth of the Internet and wireless devices, especially outside the US where there is a growing shortage of IPv4 addresses.

In the technology demonstration, SBS created a real-time, interactive virtual world with video on demand where online "personas" could interact and collaborate. For example, users could watch a movie on demand together in a virtual theatre and simultaneously chat with each other about the film. SBS's IPv6 network included one data centre to feed the material and 300 end user installations in homes, as well as a few showrooms for group demonstrations. Kasenna's MediaBase powered the distribution and delivery of the video content.

URL: Kasenna http://www.kasenna.com/
URL: ISMA http://www.ism-alliance.org/

eBook Reader optimised for Tablet PC

The Microsoft Reader Tablet PC version 2.5, is the latest version of the electronic reading application that takes full advantage of the Tablet PC platform and includes the following features:

• A large screen for increased readability;
• Support for rich digital inking, making it easy to annotate, mark up and edit electronic books and documents;
• Screen rotation between portrait and landscape modes for more natural, comfortable reading;
• Pan and zoom capabilities for embedded graphics.

Microsoft Reader is available as a free download from Microsoft and will be shipped with many Tablet PC models when they become commercially available.

URL: http://www.microsoft.com/
URL: Microsoft Reader home page http://www.microsoft.com/reader/default.asp

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