EP Topic News: 3rd October 2002
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The second concertation meeting of the Interactive Electronic Publishing (IEP) sector will be held in Luxembourg on October 23-24, 2002. The closed concertation meeting for members of IEP projects will take place on the afternoon of October 23. The meeting, open to all members of current IEP projects, will feature presentations from new IEP projects, present administrative issues concerning projects and start discussions concerning the 6th Framework programme (FP6) and the DG INFSO reorganisation.
In parallel to this closed concertation meeting, an information day on FP6 matters will also be running on October 23-24, 2002 in Luxembourg (see item below), to which IEP project members are also welcome to attend.
A full agenda for the concertation meeting has been circulated to project coordinators and is also available from Pascal Jacques, Head of Sector Interactive Electronic Publishing. IEP Projects wishing to make a presentation at the closed concertation meeting should contact Pascal via the contact points below.
Contact: Pascal Jacques, European Commission DG INFSO/D1, Head of Sector Interactive Electronic Publishing, EUFO1195, 10, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg
Tel : +352 4301 38034
Fax : +352 4301 38069
E-mail: pascal.jacques@cec.eu.int
The European Commission's Information Society Directorate General has announced an "Information Day on the early stages of implementation of the IST programme within FP6" in Luxembourg, 23-24 October 2002.
Discussions regarding the IST successor programme 2002-2006 are approaching completion. The first call for proposals is expected to be launched towards the end of the year. Following the successful FP6 workshop held on 15-16 May 2002, an Information Day is planned for 23-24 October next. The purpose of the Information Day is to provide participants with first-hand information on the likely scope and content of the calls for proposals that will be launched in the first year of operation of the new programme.
The Information Day will consist of two sessions, addressing RTD topics relating to Interface Technologies and Cognitive Systems on day 1, and Knowledge Technologies and Cross-media Digital Content on day 2.
Please note that the above sessions will be open to all interested parties on a 'first-come first-served' basis. This preliminary announcement is being sent to registered participants in the mid-May workshop, to organisations that submitted an expression of interest in response to the call launched in March last, and to coordinators of ongoing IST projects in the above areas.
Please book the above dates in your diary pending the final agenda and invitation, which will be circulated / published on a suitable web site in the second week of September. Early declaration of your intention to participate in this event can be sent to Joseph Kirsch (via the email below) specifying name, affiliation, email address and the Day / RTD topics you are most interested in. The preliminary agenda is as follows:
Interface Technologies and Cognitive Systems - 23 October, 2002
Welcome and introduction
IST within FP6, overview and state of play
New instruments, administrative provisions governing cost-shared projects, call roadmap
Q&A Interface Technologies
- Intended scope and focus in 2003
- Partnerships and intended use of new instruments
- Hints and tips for prospective proposers
- Q&A
Cognitive Systems
- Intended scope and focus in 2003
- Partnerships and intended use of new instruments
- Hints and tips for prospective proposers
- Q&A Informal discussions
Knowledge Technologies and Cross-media Digital Content - 24 October, 2002
Welcome and introduction
IST within FP6, overview and state of play
New instruments, administrative provisions governing cost-shared projects, call roadmap
Q&A Cross-media Digital Content
- Intended scope and focus in 2003
- Partnerships and intended use of new instruments
- Hints and tips for prospective proposers
- Q&A
Knowledge Technologies
- Intended scope and focus in 2003
- Partnerships and intended use of new instruments
- Hints and tips for prospective proposers
- Q&A
Informal discussionsEmail: Joseph Kirsch mailto:Joseph.Kirsch@cec.eu.int
In last week's edition of El.pub Weekly (No. 214, dated 27 September, 2002) we included a note entitled: "Internet Action Plan Awareness Day". As one of our readers has pointed out this awareness day took place in October 2001. The correspondent also confirmed that he was not aware of any further IAP Calls until the new programme is approved.
This awareness day is completely unrelated to the "IST within FP6 Information Day", which will take place as advised on October 23-24, 2002 in Luxembourg.
We apologise to our readers concerning this editorial oversight.
URL: IST within FP6 Information Day http://www.elpub.org/base02t0084.htm
Microsoft's Windows CE for Automotive, its software platform designed to deliver in-car communication and information systems, is being used for in-car telematics devices used by "G-BOOK," Toyota's information network service. "G-BOOK," is an information network service which will be implemented by Toyota during October 2002 and will enable not only hands-free communication and navigation, but a variety of value-added services such as real-time diognostics and Internet access. Windows CE for Automotive, is a derivative of Windows CE technology, that Microsoft believes will enable "new categories of in-car computing systems".
URL: Windows CE for Automotive http://www.microsoft.com/automotive/
A collective of European universities and publishers have established FIGARO, an academic publishing project (supported under the European Commission's IST Programme) that will create a European network of institutions providing e-publishing support to the European academic community. FIGARO will investigate new business models for scholarly publishing and will stimulate open access to the publications produced and distributed with its infrastructure, making scholarly publishing faster, cheaper and simpler.
Technical solutions enhancing the FIGARO co-operation model include support for standard document models expressed in XML and related authoring tools, the shared use of a WWW-based workflow steering engine, support for generic authentication and authorization methods and for heterogeneous, distributed content management functions including persistent pointing technologies and printing on demand services. While some of these components will be developed as part of the FIGARO project work, most of them will be based on standard and mostly open source WWW-technology; the bulk of the work in this area will be concerned with integration rather than development.
Further information about FIGARO is available via the project's web site.
URL: FIGARO http://www.figaro-europe.net/index.html
URL: news release http://www.figaro-europe.net/index2.html?news.html
The International Telecommunication Union has released its first Mobile/Internet index as part of a 240-page research report entitled "Internet for a Mobile Generation". The Index measures how each of more than 200 economies are performing in terms of mobile and Internet technologies and how likely they are to be able to take advantages of new developments in this field. The report gives an in-depth technical background to the history and current development of the mobile Internet including an analysis of market and regulatory trends. It contains the latest data on the licensing and deployment of third-generation mobile systems and services. Individual country case studies serve to illustrate these various aspects. The report contains an 80-page statistical annex with data on more than 200 economies worldwide. For more information on the report consult the web site below.
URL: Mobile Internet Report http://itu.int/mobileinternet
URL: ITU http://itu.int/
The Internet Streaming Media Alliance (ISMA) and the MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) are to engage in joint interoperability testing, starting with a joint interoperability-testing event of ISMA v1.0-based products and services in October. The ISMA v1.0 specification defines an end-to-end, implementation agreement for streaming ISO-compliant MPEG-4 video and audio over IP (Internet Protocol) networks.
ISMA is a non-profit corporation founded by Apple, Cisco Systems, IBM, Kasenna, Inc., Philips and Sun Microsystems formed "to accelerate the market adoption of an international ubiquitous open implementation specification for streaming rich media over the Internet Protocol (IP) that encompasses scalability, ease of use and effectiveness".
M4IF acts as a representative of around 100 companies worldwide and focuses on promoting the adoption of MPEG-4.
URL: http://www.m4if.org/public/documents/vault/m4-out-20026.php
URL: ISMA http://www.isma.tv
URL: M4IF http://www.m4if.org/
ARTISTE project supported under the European Commission's IST Programme that has developed integrated content and metadata-based image retrieval across several major art galleries in Europe. Collaborating galleries include the Louvre in Paris, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and the National Gallery in London. A public version of the ARTISTE system is available for use online.
To address issues of interoperability between digital image collections and other important resources of digital cultural information such as digital library collections and the emerging semantic web, ARTISTE also supports open standards of information retrieval. There are therefore two new interfaces to the public system, the first using the Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol, and the second using the Z39.50 Search and Retrieve Web Service.
The project have issued an open invite to readers of El.pub to use these points of access to ARTISTE. Information about both the protocols and the dedicated ARTISTE clients available access the system using OAI and z39.50 SRW can be found on the ARTISTE information pages which also provides links to documentation about the ARTISTE project and details of future work.
The project particularly welcomes your feedback on accessing the ARTISTE system through these new interfaces.
URL: ARTISTE public version http://artiste.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk/
URL: ARTISTE information http://www.it-innovation.soton.ac.uk/artiste/
WebJet 2.1 from Transfinity Corporation is an updated version of its software that apparently "improves Internet performance for customers using traditional dial-up lines". It does this by caching and compressing data, thereby increasing the data throughput of dial-up connections. A free trial version is available for download. WebJet is sold to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), who then offer it as a premium service to their subscribers. The server component of WebJet is deployed by ISPs in their network, while the client component is delivered to subscribers, who install it on their home or mobile computer.
A feature on Slate in which the editors debate the cultural impact of blogging, focusing on two new books: "We've Got Blog" and "The Weblog Handbook".
David Penfold, Chairman of the British Computer Society Electronic Publishing Specialist Group has advised us that: "the trAce Online Writing Centre web site has been redesigned and features four articles every month plus a new discussion forum". For September 2002:
"A lot of the images in my work are a kind of visual diary of places I've been", Francesca da Rimini interviewed by Randy Adams
No Visible Means of Support - Is there any money in new media writing? by Sue Thomas
The End of Books? J. Yellowlees Douglas' influential study of interactive narratives reviewed
by Kate Pullinger
Tools of the Trade - Tell us your favourite web tools and techniquesView the latest edition and also sign up to the new Forums and vote in the Poll - "Is it w or W?"
URL: trAce http://trace.ntu.ac.uk
URL: http://tracewritingschool.com
The new second edition of O'Reilly's "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web" attempts to show how to blend aesthetics (design) and mechanics (technical issues) through the adoption of a framework that holds the two together. The book provides ideas and practical advice for anyone involved in building or maintaining a large, complex web site or intranet. Chapter 8, "Search Systems", is available free online.
URL: Chapter 8 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/infotecture2/chapter/index.html
URL: further information http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/infotecture2/index.html
Xara3D 5 has just released. Xara3D is a 3D graphics program that allows you to: create 3D headings and titles, animated gifs and Flash files, screensavers, cursors, icons and buttons.
Linksys has released a 802.11b Instant Wireless Ethernet Bridge (WET11), which according to its developers enables: "Ethernet-equipped devices such as PCs, print servers, workgroup switches, and even gaming consoles and entertainment devices to connect to 802.11b wireless network devices". The company believes that the device will used both corporate and home users. Linksys Director of Marketing Mike Wagner said, "For the first time ever, devices with an Ethernet port can be hooked up to your wireless network. Be it a cash register, PlayStation 2, or process control system ... ". WET11 is available at an estimated street price of Euro 129.
IBM has published details of a number of resources of potential interest to El.pub readers.
"Get ready for XForms" - find out how XForms will allow you to build online forms that are extensible and suitable for any platform. Traditional HTML forms violate many of the tenets of good markup language design, frequently mixing presentation and data. This article introduces XForms, an extension of XHTML that represents the next generation of Web forms. Though XForms is still in an embryonic state, it holds great promise: For example, a form written with XForms can be written once and displayed in optimal ways on several different platforms.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-xforms/?n-x-9122
"XML Matters: Roundup of XML editors, Part 2" This second part of columnist David Mertz's XML editor roundup looks at Windows-based products - specifically, Altova's XML-Spy, Wattle Software's XMLwriter, NetBryx Technologies' EditML Pro, and Corel's XMetal. In the year and a half since David's last look at this category of tools, they have progressed from largely cosmetic wrappers around text editors to fleshed-out development environments that greatly ease working with XML-oriented technologies.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-matters22/?n-x-9122
"Human-facing Web services, Part 1" As Web services move further into the mainstream, business users are starting to make their voices heard on their future directions. One venue for this discussion is the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), a not-for-profit group that is driving the adoption of the Web Services Experience Language (WSXL) specification. In this article, Judith M. Myerson explains how WSXL will aid the development of Web services that better serve user needs. Through the WSXL component model, developers will be able to adapt Web services on the fly and create new aggregate portals to provide users with the functionality they need, when they need it.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-adapt.html?n-ws-9122
Members of the OASIS standards consortium have formed a technical committee to facilitate distributed systems management over the Internet. The work of the new OASIS Management Protocol Technical Committee will enable businesses to manage their own Web services and oversee their interaction with services offered by other companies. The OASIS Management Protocol will be designed to manage desktops, services, and networks across an enterprise or Internet environment.
OASIS is reviewing a number of Web services standards and operations for potential use in the Management Protocol, including XML, SOAP, Open Model Interface (OMI), and the Distributed Management Task Force's Common Information Model (CIM).
The Management Protocol joins several Web services standards currently being developed within OASIS. Other specifications include UDDI for discovery, ebXML for electronic business commerce, WS-Security for secure Web services, WSIA for interactive Web applications, WSRP for remote portals, and others.
Participation in the OASIS Management Protocol Technical Committee remains open to all organizations and individuals. OASIS will host an open mail list for public comment, and completed work will be freely available to the public without licensing or other fees. Information on joining OASIS can be found on the OASIS web site.
URL: joining OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/join
URL: OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org
Now in its third year, the "TNS Interactive - Global eCommerce Report 2002" is a syndicated marketing information study designed specifically to assess the current impact of the Internet, and in particular e-commerce, in 36 key countries globally.
The Report covers: Internet Penetration, ecommerce penetration, products purchased online, reasons for not purchasing products online, eCommerce Spend and contains 3 years worth of trend data for most countries. The study can be viewed online or downloaded free of charge. You can also subscribe to an eNewsletter which covers future TNS Interactive reports, general announcements, email newsletters, press releases, and up and coming seminars.
After five years of research and development effort the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) has announced the completion of a framework to support the distribution of massive files to multiple users without disrupting the Internet's overall performance. The IETF's Reliable Multicast Transport (RMT) Working Group is chartered to standardise reliable multicast transport protocols for "one-to-many bulk data" transport. There is further information on the Working Group's web pages and also on a related RMT page.
URL: IETF RMT page http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/rmt-charter.html
URL: RMT additional information http://rmt.motlabs.com
URL: IETF home http://www.ietf.org
The WiMedia Alliance is described as a not-for-profit industry association formed to "promote personal-area range wireless connectivity and interoperability among multimedia devices in a networked environment". The Alliance develops and adopts "standards-based specifications" for connecting wireless multimedia devices including, application, transport, and control profiles; test suites; and a certification program to accelerate wide-spread consumer adoption of "wire-free" imaging and multimedia solutions. WiMedia Alliance was founded on September 3, 2002, by nine companies representing the wireless-networking, consumer-electronic, and semiconductor industries: Appairent Technologies, Eastman Kodak, HP, Motorola, Philips, Samsung, Sharp Laboratories, Time Domain, and XtremeSpectrum.
The first WiMedia Alliance Member & Guest Meeting will be held October 22-23, 2002, at the Philips Silicon Valley Center in Sunnyvale, CA, USA The first day, Tuesday, October 22, will be open to all interested parties. (All sessions on October 23 will be closed to non-members.) There is no meeting fee required for those who pre-register by Friday, October 18, 2002.
URL: WiMedia Alliance http://www.wimedia.org/
URL: meeting http://www.wimedia.org/events/meet102202/index.asp
jEdit is a programmer's text editor written in Java, and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Some of jEdit's features include:
Built-in macro language (BeanShell).
Extensible plugin architecture, with more than 60 plugins available.
Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature.
Syntax highlighting for 70 languages.
Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode.
Auto-indenting of source code.
Folding (indent and 'marker' based).
Word wrap.
Unlimited undo/redo.It's developers claim that jEdit has "every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor". The software will run under Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
URL: http://jedit.org/
URL: http://javaboutique.internet.com/demoIDEs/jEdit/
Elsevier Science, the international publisher of scientific information, have announced in conjunction with Fast Search & Transfer ASA (FAST), a developer of search and real-time filtering technologies, a new release of Scirus, the Web search engine dedicated to science. Apparently the new version improves the user experience with more subject-specific content and features like expanded information types, dynamic teasers which highlight the search terms within the search result list, and improved relevance ranking.
The index now contains over 107 million science specific pages, with new full-text additions like NASA reports, CogPrints pre- and postprints, and preprints from the Chemistry and Mathematics Preprint Servers. Scirus now offers over 17 million proprietary records that cannot be found using generic search engines.
As part of this new release, Scirus also includes a news feed with the latest science headlines provided by the Lexis Nexis Web Publisher News Database.
URL: Scirus http://www.scirus.com/
URL: Elsevier Science http://www.elsevier.com/
URL: FAST http://www.fastsearch.com
Search Engine Watch, a site (and electronic newsletter) focusing on developments in search engine technologies and strategies, has published a number of resources that should be useful to anyone who is a German speaker or interested in German search engines.
URL: http://searchenginewatch.com/sereport/02/09-german.html
The Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of world-wide scientific research and industrial development in the era of web and agent intelligence. The WIC specialises in the development and promotion of new WI-related research as well as technologies through collaborations among world-wide WI research centres and organisational members, technology showcase at WI conferences and workshops, WIC official book and journal publications, WIC newsletter, and WIC official releases of new industrial solutions and standards.
Web Intelligence (WI) is described as a new direction for scientific research and development that explores the fundamental roles as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced Information Technology (IT) on the next generation of Web-empowered products, systems, services, and activities.
The Cultural Heritage Applications Unit of the European Commission's DG Information Society has forwarded an announcement concerning a special session at the IST 2002 conference entitled: "The Business of Heritage - from Local to Global". Billed as a networking session, the workshop will present key RTD and policy initiatives in the cultural heritage sector and look to the priorities for the 6th Framework Programme (FP6). It will pay special attention to digital services delivered at local level to meet the needs of ordinary citizens in line with the goals of e-Europe 2005, especially e-inclusion and to the spreading of forward-looking cross-domain agendas, strategies and service applications in culture, the economy, education, e-government across Europe.
Among the key issues which this workshop will discuss and help define are how to:
develop friendly on-line services which meet user needs and are accessible to all;
support a sense of localisation and personal engagement in a globalised world;
unlock, disclose and make accessible local digital content, including that currently held by archives and museums;
develop interoperability and provide seamless access to cross-domain content through a wider range of channels;
enhance citizens' ability to link up the present and the past;
increase opportunities for industry and SMEs to contribute to the development and delivery of new services;
get the best out of semantic web applications, moving towards the eventual emergence of an ambient environment.Peter Bruck of ICCM New Media is acting as the coordinator of the event. Details of how to take part are published on the IST 2002 Conference web site (see link below), though the exact date and location have yet to be published. Alternatively contact either Ian Pigott or Christine Michaut of the DG INFSO organisers of this workshop. The detailed conference programme as well as the online registration form for the IST2002 "Partnerships for the Future" Conference is now available.
URL: http://2002.istevent.cec.eu.int/
Email: Ian Pigott mailto:ian.pigott@cec.eu.int
Email: Christine Michaut mailto:christine.michaut@cec.eu.int
The 2nd International Seminar on Knowledge Management (KM) and eLearning will be held on 21-22 October 2002 in Florence, Italy. The aim of the event is to discuss models and strategies for identifying the economic advantages that effective KM can provide in different sectors (both public and private) with a focus on the linkages between strategic capabilities, innovation, learning and managing knowledge.
The Seminar is a part of a strategy aimed at promoting new initiatives in the field of eLearning by Università di Firenze co-ordinated by C.S.I.A.F., Centro Servizi Informatici dell'Ateneo Fiorentino. C.S.I.A.F is also the coordinating Partner of the European Commission IST project: ROCKET (Roadmap to Communicating Knowledge Essential for the indusTrial environment). ROCKET is committed to prepare a strategic roadmap for future developments in organisational learning relevant to the education of engineers and knowledge workers.
The full report of the Active-Ad IST research project under the title "Interactive Advertising - a Guide to Success" is now available. It complements the Executive Summary which is available free of charge and provides detailed information on the following items:
advertisers and ad agencies aspirations for interactive advertising;
practical research methodology and study results;
interactive advertising case studies;
research suggesting new organizational models;
resource and funding proposals for an ongoing web site on interactive advertising.In addition the report provides appendices describing the literature survey and questionnaire used in the active-ad project together with specimen material of the active-ad newsletter, details of some European top online advertisers, a bibliography and a glossary of interactive advertising and digital media terms.
In addition, those purchasing the report will be able to discuss its contents with those engaged in the original research investigation - thereby obtaining "an objective view on interactive advertising at this time". The project believes that the report and subsequent consultation could provide the basis for those concerned with interactivity in the advertising supply chain to develop an understanding of profitable exploitation in the context of the total advertising marketing mix of the future.
The 500 page report is available from the project coordinator, IEPRC, priced at €795. Members of project partners associations can claim the concessionary rate of €645. Further information can be obtained via the email below. The Executive Summary, is available free via the IEPRC web site.
Contact: IEPRC - International Electronic Publishing Research Centre Limited, PO Box 83, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7AZ, UK
Email: further information mailto:admin@ieprc.org
URL: http://www.ieprc.org
ABS4 - Agent-Based Simulation 4 will be held in Montpellier, France, from April 28-30, 2003. This workshop is intended to offer a forum for people interested in agent-based simulation to discuss methodologies, techniques and applications. A call for papers is open in the following areas:
design, implementation and validation methodologies, including participative protocols;
modelling languages and platforms;
agent architecture either for biophysical or for social simulations;
interaction protocols including with humans;
multi-level simulation and emergence of global phenomena (including norms and institutions);
time and space representation including multiple scales;
comparison with centralized models, relationship between individual-based versus aggregative models;
conceptual and epistemological analysis.Examples of application domains include: ecology and environment; psychology and cognitive science; social simulation; economical models; industry, manufacturing and logistics; robotics; and virtual reality.
The paper submission deadline is December 16, 2002.
TRAIN-IT, an Accompanying Measure in the IST Programme of the European Commission, provides EU-funded training for IST technology start-ups. The next course is due to take place on November, 17-23, 2002, (there will be a further three courses before the project finishes). In a 6-day intensive training course, participants receive expert support in writing a winning business plan:
lectures and individual coaching from high-profile international experts
hands-on training by experienced entrepreneurs
presentational training: "elevator pitch"
writing sessions at individual, state-of-the-art PC stations
small course groups: limit of 10 business cases
continuous follow-up support until finalisation of the business plan
access to business and financial networksParticipants of finished or ongoing IST and related European cooperation projects receive free training and pay a fee of Euro 350 for course materials and refreshments. The regular participation fee is Euro 3,000.
The course venue is IZET Innovationszentrum Itzehoe, Hamburg, Germany. Additional information on the course programme, the venue, and upcoming courses is available via the links below.
URL: IZET http://www.hightech-itzehoe.de
URL: course dates http://www.train-it.org/html/events/courses/upcoming.htm
URL: course programme http://www.train-it.org/html/events/courses/programme.htm
URL: profiles of TRAIN-IT experts http://www.train-it.org/html/supportzone/experts.htm
The 2nd Open Archives Forum Workshop, will be held in Lisbon on 6-7 December, 2002. The objective of this workshop is to bring together organisations that work in the archival and library fields in order explore whether, and under what conditions, the open archive approach is viable for these organisations. It also intends to promote the establishment of new collaborative links aimed at building interoperable infrastructures for supporting the dissemination of both archival and library resources. A tutorial on the implementation of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) will be held the afternoon before the workshop for those people who are not familiar with this protocol.
The workshop will consist of both presentations given by invited speakers and small groups' breakout sessions where the participants can discuss key issues, such as:
How far OAI-PMH is applicable to the electronic records of traditional archives, whether historical or "born digital".
To what extent OAI-PMH and Dublin Core have been tried out and accepted in the library community.
Can OAI-PMH enable innovative ways of cross-domain collaboration between archival and library communities?
How far OAI-PMH crosses over with other interoperability standards and concepts, such as Z39.50 and web services.
sagasnet, a non-profit training initiative to further content development for interactive media supported by the European MEDIA Programme, is running an event entitled: "Developing Interactive Narrative Content" on October 8-14, 2002 in Munich, Germany. The event boasts a number of international speakers who will present papers and workshops covering issues such as:
the Game development process,
how to pitch a interactive narrative project successfully
financing models for interactive projects
secrets of creating realistic dialogue and scene flow
"Beyond Structure," described as "the most popular screenwriting workshop in America"
How to formulate your story and how to tell it to others - the concept development documentMore information and application forms are available for download from the sagasnet web site.
Describing itself as, "the web services industry portal" and sponsored by a number of commercial companies, www.webservices.org publishes news on the developing web services market including product releases and market developments. A free e-zine is also available, the latest issue of which, for example, included over 30 news clips.
URL: http://webservices.org/newsletter
URL: http://webservices.org/
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