EP Topic News: 24th October 2002
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At the recent London Effects and Animation Conference, Willms Buhse of Digital World Services, Bertelsmann's subsidiary selling DRM services, delivered a fascinating paper on The Future of Digital Music. The paper looks forward to a variety of successful business models but also contains interesting data on recent trends in subscriptions to online services such as FT.com and other news services. The paper also suggests some base rules for converting core offline users/fans into online subscribers for sports, news and music services. Whilst these are lower than many might wish they are based on real data and include figures for individual music artist services.
Thanks to Willms for giving us permission to publish the presentation slides on the El.pub web site. They are available as a downloadable .pdf document of just over 1MB.
A new study from NFO WorldGroup shows that 31% of US Internet users change their e-mail address each year and that 53% of those people lose touch with friends and business contacts as a result. This will no doubt explain to many of you why the main source of lost members on mail lists are simply bounces that give a "user name unknown" or similar message.
The main way we lose members from our El.pub mail lists is simply people changing address (usually company or university) and failing to let us know their new address, even when they have been subscribed for several years. According to the study loss of contact with valued web sites and news letters is the most frequent consequence of changing address. In the US, Return Path provides an e-mail change of address service that can reconnect users with friends and business contacts. (Source: Newstream)
Two events which focus on music and new technologies are scheduled to take place in Darmstadt, Germany in December.
WEDELMUSIC2002, the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music 2002 takes place on December 9-11, 2002.
Music Network - Open Workshop takes place on December 11-12, 2002.
Further information on both, including agendas and online booking forms are available via the event web sites.
URL: http://www.wedelmusic.org/wedelmusic2002
URL: http://www.interactivemusicnetwork.org
CASA 2003 - the 16th Int Conf. on Computer Animation and Social Agents is scheduled to take place at Rutgers University on May 7-9, 2003. A call for papers and tutorial is open until November 30, 2002. A full list of suggested topics is available via the call pages on the conference site.
SMORE (Semantic Markup, Ontology, and RDF Editor v2.0b) is described as a semantic web markup editor which "allows users to markup their documents in RDF/XML using web ontologies in association with user-defined terms and elements". (Source: AgentWeb)
Version 45 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 1,700 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.
URL: HTML http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
URL: .pdf format http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf
SwetsWise, from Swets Blackwell, is a web-based global subscription service that now offer users a single platform for both web-based management of subscriptions and access to electronic journals. The latest version of the service offers users access to content from many of the world's leading publishers and boasts over 12 million searchable references and links to full-text articles available from publishers such as Elsevier Science, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, OECD, Blackwell Publishing, John Wiley, MIT Press and Springer-Verlag.
URL: SwetsWise http://www.swetswise.com/
URL: Swets Blackwell http://www.swetsblackwell.com/
EPIC Alert (Volume 9.18, October 7, 2002) published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, D.C. reports that a landmark conference in Brussels with leading privacy experts, industry leaders, and data protection officials, ended with support for the continued implementation of the European Union Data Directive, but noted areas where implementation could be improved and new opportunities for privacy protection pursued. According to the report, the conference explored a wide range of issues related to the implementation of the Data Directive, the growth of the Internet, the processing of sound and image files, and international issues including data transfers, applicable law, and jurisdiction. In conclusion the conference reported that the European Commission would consider several proposals for future Community action, including:
the simplification of notification requirements;
reduction of divergences in Member States practices;
a more determined effort to promote privacy enhancing technologies;
more flexible arrangements for the transfer of personal data to third countries, together with a clearer and more uniform interpretation of the rules;
promotion of self-regulatory approaches and in particular Codes of Conduct that can contribute to the free movement of personal data.A report from the Commission is expected later this year.
URL: European Commission, Data Protection http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/dataprot/
URL: Data Protection Conference http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/dataprot/lawreport/
URL: EPIC Alert http://www.epic.org/alert/EPIC_Alert_9.18.html
The Euromap Language Technologies monthly newsletter for October 2002 has been published. The newsletter covers the latest developments in the field of Human Language Technologies from Europe providing information of upcoming events, European Commission Research calls and other useful information.
URL: newsletter http://www.hltcentral.org/newsletter
URL: Euromap http://www.hltcentral.org/euromap
URL: subscribe English version http://www.hltcentral.org/lists/subscribe.php
Email: subscribe French version mailto:euromap@elda.fr
The October 2002 issue of The R&D Insider the monthly newsletter published by the European Commission IST Programme's Key Action II has been published. The newsletter provides a useful range of news and sources of developments relating to the Key Action and is sent free by email in a variety of formats to registered readers.
The latest report from Van Dusseldorp & Partners, "SMS-TV: Interactive TV Reinvented" considers how SMS text-messaging is being used by television broadcasters and producers to provide the interaction between viewers and broadcast programming. It considers how SMS-TV may provide the opportunity for profitable new revenue streams and the a generation of entirely new television formats such as "tv chat". In particular the report, which is available in both print (Euro 500) and electronically (as a .pdf download, Euro 450), covers the sustainability and division of the substantial revenues generated, the complex value network and the changing roles therein.
The report assesses and analyses the balance of power and the tensions between the SMS application developers and providers, the telecommunication networks, the TV concept developers, production companies, production distribution companies and broadcasters. The report is around 100 pages long and also includes case-studies and a directory of "the major players in the SMS TV sector".
A report from News.com confirms that "The Massachusetts Institute of Technology launches an ambitious programme to put materials for all of its 2,000 courses online, for free", through it's OpenCourseWare project. (Source: News.com)
URL: http://news.com.com/2100-1023-961563.html
URL: OpenCourseWare project http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html
European Commission sponsored, PROACTe, has produced a report based on the results of a telephone survey of the projects involved in the development of the Advanced Training Systems (ATS) Action Line. The purpose of the interview was to publicise the emerging results and also the challenges and obstacles encountered to potential end-users and also to the wider research and policy community, offering projects an opportunity to disseminate their findings.
The PROACTe team contacted all projects involved in the development of Advanced Training Systems (ATS). Answers received from the projects were generally positive, of 11 projects contacted 8 provided a reply (ADAPT-IT, AITRAM, CORONET, KITS, INVITE, MOPLE, TELENET, VIRTEPPE), demonstrating a keenness to exploit this service to highlight and disseminate information about their activities and key points. The eight interviews conducted by the PROACTe team enabled important conclusions to be drawn. These conclusions have provided a fertile platform from which it will be possible to enhance further developments in the field of Advanced Training Systems.
The report is now available in the PROACTe website.
URL: report http://www.proacte.com/projects/
URL: report "PROACTE IST programme documentation" http://www.proacte.com/infocentre/documents/ist/index.asp
Internet2 will be netcasting various sessions from its Fall 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting in Los Angeles, from October 28-30, 2002. Sessions to be netcast include the opening and closing plenary, a live, multi-site, interactive demonstration of remote surgery which will serve as the launch for the California Orthopedic Research Network (CORN), and the performance event, "Cultivating Communities: Dance in the Digital Age" where live performers on stage will interact with performers at remote locations in real-time. For more information visit the web site below.
URL: http://www.internet2.edu/activities/html/fall-02-netcast.html
The Game On Conference is sub-titled: "Exploring the Potential of Computer Games in Learning" an will take place on November 20-21, 2002 at the Royal Museum, Edinburgh, UK. The conference is being organised by Learning and Teaching Scotland and the National Museums of Scotland. It will explore the potential role of computer games in the learning environment. Recognising that digital play captivates young people who may have to "power down" when entering the school gates, the two day conference will investigate how developers can build on the learning experiences associate with computer games, drawing on the inspiration, insight and evidence provided by leading experts in both learning and games technology.
Speakers include Chris van der Kuyl, VIS Entertainment plc, Kurt Squire, Research Manager, MIT Boston/Indiana University and Russell Kay, Visual Sciences. The cost of the conference is 149.99 (UK pounds) + VAT.
For a full conference programme and registration form visit the conference web site.
The Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), the recently formed international association for the research of games, has issued a call for proposals for a committee and location to host the associations inaugural conference in 2003. The selection process will be undertaken in two stages. First a preliminary proposal (no more that 4 pages) must be submitted to DiGRA by December 1, 2002. This should provide an overview of the planned event and conditions for its realisation. Based on a review of these confidential outlines, DiGRA will invite full proposals from chosen institutions. The DiGRA Executive Board will make the selection and announce the host for the first international DiGRA Conference early in 2003. The key aims of DiGRA are to:
support digital games research as an interdisciplinary field;
encourage dialogue between researchers, practitioners, commercial organisations and policy makers;
support digital gaming students and curriculum development;
disseminate work produced by the associations community.DiGRA is currently in the process of establishing its formal organisation and finalising its agenda (the organisation will be officially launched in 2003).
Further details concerning this call and the organisation itself are available on the web.
URL: http://www.digra.org/
Email: proposals mailto:conference@digra.org
The Library Link Newsletter for October 2002 has been published online and has articles entitled:
"Developing Digital Collections - Do We Know What We Are Doing?";
"Web Information Monitoring: An Analysis of Web Page Updates"
"Dynamic Web Pages: Data-Driven Information on the Web";
"Creating an Integrated Periodicals Listing Using Microsoft Access and ASP Scripts".To view the articles visit the Library Link web site and follow the links to the articles.
DigiCULT.Info is a free electronic newsletter published with the support of the European Commission which reports on cultural and scientific heritage sector. Issue 2 includes:
reviews of conferences and workshops including the 2002 Digital Resources in the Humanities
Conference and the Pistoia Meeting on Creativity in Technology R&D.
a new section on challenges, strategic issues and new initiatives beginning with an interview with Jon Ipplito of Guggenheim's Variable Media Initiative and an examination, by Gregory Crane, of the specific needs of cultural heritage digital libraries.
a review, by Hans Hofman, of the Preservation Metadata and the OAIS Model is the first of a series of forthcoming investigations of key technological topics.URL: DigiCULT.Info http://www.digicult.info
URL: newsletter, issue 2 download http://data.digicult.info/download/digicult_info2.pdf
XML.com has published a feature article which provides an introduction to the W3C's XQuery 1.0 language. XQuery is designed to enable the query and formatting of XML data and this article, "What is XQuery?", provides an overview of XQuery's features and resources for learning more.
IBM have published a number resources of possible interest to El.pub readers. Details of resources such as these, along with links to many others are sent free to the subscribers of a number of DeveloperWorks e-zines. Subscribe via the links on the sites given with the selection below.
"Deep into VoiceXML, Part 1" is the latest in a series of tutorials on VoiceXML. An introductory tutorial is available on the site, but this is part one of a two-part tutorial for more advanced developers. (Registration is required)
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/education/r-wivxml/?n-wi-10172
"Shedding light on PRISM" - Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata (PRISM) is a standard for metadata related to publishing which allows the formal description of content and related resources by providing standardised properties, controlled vocabularies, and extensibility mechanisms for users to define their own controlled vocabularies. This article intends to introduce PRISM by example.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-think13.html?n-x-10172
"Tips & tricks: IMPS" - The Wireless Village formed last year to create the specs for mobile Instant Messaging and Presence Service. This article reviews how they have effected interoperability between mobile devices and services and 'Net-based instant messaging.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wi-tip24.html?n-wi-10172
SCI 2003 - The Seventh World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, is scheduled to be held in Orlando, Florida, from July 27-30, 2003. A call for papers is open until December 18, 2002.
A conference being organised by the Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia (IAT) on November 28-29, 2002 in Seville, will consider financing innovation and technology-based companies in Europe. The objectives of the conference include:
presentation of successful examples of financing innovation models in Europe;
exploration of existing mechnisms for the creation of technology-based companies;
discussion with entrepreneurs and investors on the innovation financing process;
identification of "best practice" in the development of financing innovation strategies.Further information is available from the IAT web site.
URL: http://www.iat.es/
CORDIS, the European Commission's research and development information service, offers a free weekly online newsletter of latest news and developments relating to European R&D including: FP6 (Sixth Framework Programme), innovation policy, national and regional information, calls for proposals and tenders, and events. Registered users can now sign-up to a free email version of the service which will be sent out every Friday morning free of charge.
LightSurf IV Instant Imaging Platform is described as a suite of advanced imaging applications for multimedia messaging. According to LightSurf, the technology allows users to capture, view, annotate and share PictureMail messages with any other handset or e-mail address, regardless of device, file type, or network operator. LightSurf IV also offers content services that provide users with news, finance, sports, and other time sensitive visual updates containing syndicated third-party image and audio content. The Instant Imaging Platform has been deployed globally with customers such as Sprint, Kodak, Yahoo! Japan, KDDI, Bandai and Motorola. According to a recent report from Strategy Analytics, quoted by LightSurf, "16 million camera phones will be sold worldwide in 2002, growing strongly to 147 million in 2007 surpassing sales of conventional digital cameras".
URL: http://www.lightsurf.com/
URL: Sprint picture applications http://www.sprintpcs.com
LexisNexis, the legal, news and business information services provider, has released HotDocs 6.0, a software suite that combines automation for PDF graphical forms, template authoring tools, an intuitive user interface, and an open COM API (application program interface) for improved integration with other office systems. The suite is available in Standard or Professional editions.
HotDocs 6.0 transforms text and PDF graphical form documents into interactive templates that prompt users for answers or that can query a database for answers. Templates are then used to create individual customised documents such as contracts, court forms, real estate forms, sales proposals, loan applications and other legal and business documents.
URL: HotDocs http://www.hotdocs.com/
URL: LexisNexis http://www.lexis.com/
"A global Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) repository is unlikely part of web services in short term", says US research firm IDC. According to IDC, "the need for a UDDI repository is apparent at the corporate level, but on a global scale it is difficult to envision how a repository could be policed such that it serves as a benefit, rather than hazard, to business". These statements were the result of research carried-out for the report "UDDI in the eMarketplace: The Right Role for a Repository?" which is available for purchase from IDC.
URL: http://www.idc.com/
The Siemens SX56, which will be launched on the AT&T Wireless network in the US reportedly combines the functionality of a mobile phone, PDA and Pocket PC in one product. It features pocket versions of the M/S Office Suite.
URL: http://www.my-siemens.com/
URL: http://www.usa.siemens.com/
RSA Security and Microsoft plan to work together to incorporate RSA security solutions into Microsoft applications. The first initiatives will centre on the licensing of RSA Security's RSA SecurID two-factor authentication software and the development of an RSA SecurID Software Token for the Microsoft Windows Pocket PC.
RSA Security was one of the original companies to support the submission of WS-Security to the OASIS standards organization in July 2002. WS-Security is a set of SOAP extensions that supports, integrates and unifies several popular security models, mechanisms and technologies, allowing a variety of systems to interoperate in a platform - and language-neutral manner in a secure Web services context.
URL: Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/
URL: RSA Security http://www.rsasecurity.com/
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