EP Topic News: 13th February 2003
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The results of the annual El.pub User Survey, carried out during January 2003, have been published online. These results are for the fifth survey of El.pub Weekly newsletter subscribers. Surveys which have been carried out on a regular basis since the first survey in May 1999. Previous participants in the survey will have noticed a similar pattern to the questions asked - this provided us with a continuity of data on which to base our decisions. We would like to thank all those readers who took part in the survey, for helping us keep the site aligned with user requirements. Read the survey online via the link below.
Norbert Specker the Founder Interactive Publishing GmbH has sent us a note concerning the publication of the "IP Zurich Report". He describes its purpose thus:
"The group vision of 20 leading online publishers from Le Monde to the WallStreet Journal, from VG to Spiegel, from the Guardian to La Stampa: Where will this industry go between now and 2005? What are the key stumbling blocks, what are the definite success factors? This group of influential and successful online publishers provide insights, success stories and concepts. The report offers practical help to position your online efforts within your company - and within the future of integrated media."
The full report costs Euro 830 (or Euro 630 for members of "a publishers' association"). There is also a free executive summary for download and the full report comes with a "money back guarantee".
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) published the first issue of Volume 6 on January 31, 2003. JASSS is an electronic, refereed journal devoted to the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. It is freely available online, with no subscription. There are four refereed papers, a forum section which includes opinion pieces, and reviews of five recent books on topics related to social simulation. The next issue will be published at the end of March 2003 for which submissions are welcomed.
URL: JASSS http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS.html
URL: submissions http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/admin/submit.html
EXYSTENCE, is a European Commission supported "Network of Excellence" for Complex Systems. It runs a web site accessible via the link below.
WebServices.Org Newsletter is a free e-zine based on the news published on this web services industry portal. The information published is wide an varied and includes feature articles along with a blog-like list of links to related web services news pieces published on other sites. Recent features, for example, include:
"Business processes and Web services", which provides a history and overview of business processes and advancements within EDI, XML B2B standards such as RosettaNet, and new initiatives such as the newly formed Web Services Choreography Working Group.
URL: http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/859/1/24/
"What's New in UDDI 3.0", the first in a series of articles that will provide an in-depth review of the most recent UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) web service registry standard.
URL: http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/871
Subscribe to the e-zine via the portal home page.
Jasc Software, a developer of digital imaging and management software, has announced the latest versions of its family of Paint Shop products which are "designed to help consumers create, organise, and share digital images". The Paint Shop family includes Paint Shop Pro for image manipulation, and Photo Album enabling users to create, organise, and share digital images and comes with free technical support.
URL: Jasc Software http://www.jasc.com/
Visions for Museums/Interactive Institute together with the Museum Associations in the Nordic countries, with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers have established Nodem - Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums. Nodem intends to become point of reference for know-how and methods for implementing new media in museum communication. The aim is to facilitate exchange of experiences and promote Nordic excellence.
The forum will be launched during the Swedish Museums' week in Helsinborg in March 2003, also presenting an award for best digital application in a museum/gallery/heritage setting: fixed installations, multimedia/web, immersive/mixed reality or portable application.
The organisers have invited readers of El.pub Weekly to take part in the event, by presenting any of your current projects in a and opportunity to become nominated for the award. Contact Camilla Irenmark, Project Assistant, Visions for Museums/Interactive Institute via the email below by 14th February 2003.
Email: Camilla Irenmark mailto:camilla.irenmark@tii.se
URL: http://www.museif.a.se/
URL: http://www.tii.se/v4m
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Summit on Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Economy, will be taking place on April 24-26, 2003 in Beijing, China. The Summit will bring together heads of government and other top officials, industry leaders, academics, civil society, and other interested parties to talk about the increasing importance of intellectual property in today's knowledge-driven economies. The Summit and Industry and Private Sector Forum will take place in a series of joint and parallel sessions and a detailed programme has been published online.
An XML Matters column on the IBM DeveloperWorks web site has an interesting article on reStructuredText, a document format that has been adopted as one of the official source formats for Python documentation, but which is also useful for other types of documentation. The article takes a look at this format and shows you how existing tools can transform reStructuredText into several XML dialects (docutils, DocBook, OpenOffice), along with other useful formats like LaTeX, HTML, and PDF.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-matters24/?ca=dnt-45
A couple of software tools announced on the xml-dev mailing list over the past week, both developed by Syntext, Inc:
Dtd2Xs Version 1 - "Complex & Modularized XML DTD to XML Schema Converter". According to its developers the software allows users to "convert complex, modularised XML DTDs and DTDs with namespaces to XML Schemas". There are examples of Dtd2Xs conversion capabilities including a DocBook XML Schema generated from XML DocBook DTD V4.2, and an XSL-FO Schema generated from XSL-FO DTD. The software will run on Windows and Linux, and is free for "non-profit activities".
URL: Dtd2Xs http://www.syntext.com/products/index.htm#Dtd2Xs
Syntext XslGen Version 1 - "XSLT/XML Aid for Web Site Content Management". XslGen is described as "a simple, but effective tool for web site creation and web content management, enabling you to seamlessly fuse your HTML templates and complex XML content into a sophisticated web site". Apparently the Syntext web site is generated using the tool. Platforms include both Windows and Linux and the software is available free for "non-profit activities"
URL: XslGen http://www.syntext.com/products/index.htm#XslGen
URL: Syntext http://www.syntext.com
The Sonaris Newsletter (formerly known as Music for New Media), February 2003, Issue 059 has been published. The newsletter covers news and developments in the multimedia arena and is aimed principally at professionals working in the content delivery field, and more specifically to those working with audio. Published as a free e-zine the content is also available online and provides a handy monthly update of developments in digital audio.
The February 2003 issue of the Safer Internet Newsletter, published by the European Commission's Safer Internet Action Plan, is available. The newsletter is delivered free by email as an Acrobat (.pdf) or Word (.doc) document and is also published on the project web site. News is a compendium of news stories published in other media around Europe relating to "safer use on the Internet" with a particular emphasis on the control of pornography on the Net throughout Europe.
URL: http://www.saferinternet.org
URL: archive http://www.saferinternet.org/news/archive.asp
According to a news release sent to us by Janice Richardson of the eLuxembourg Task Force, within the framework of its integrated programme "Making democratic institutions work", the Council of Europe conducted a hearing on 25th March 2002 on "Education and Awareness in order to Increase Internet Literacy". The meeting aimed at defining educational strategies to increase Internet literacy and clarify the role of inter-national co-operation in the drive to raise public awareness and responsibility to the impact of new media on society.
ActiveX is a popular method of implementing downloadable applets for use in Internet Explorer. WebReference has recently updated its list of ActiveX links which it believes will get developers "up to speed with this key Microsoft technology".
A review from the Scout Report highlights a white paper (available in Acrobat .pdf format) from Sun Microsystems, published in August 2002, which examines technology trends in digital libraries. Providing a rounded discussion of the fundamentals of building and maintaining a digital collection, the paper uses several different sites as examples to describe how digital libraries are implemented. Future technologies and their potential impact on the creation and development of digital libraries is also covered. (Source: Scout Report)
URL: http://www.sun.com/products-n-solutions/edu/whitepapers/pdf/digital_library_trends.pdf
Also feature in the Scout Report, a brief review of SlimBrowser 3.45, the latest version of multiple-site browser based on a tab-page interface. According to users we have spoken to, tabbing visited pages enables easier web navigation. SlimBrowser is compatible with all systems running Windows 95 or higher. (Source: Scout Report)
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reports that the European Union, have required Microsoft to modify Passport, its online authentication system that identifies Internet users and enables the transfer of personal information between various Web sites around the world. The European Union Working Party on Data Protection ("WP29") issued a Report that found Microsoft's Passport system violated several EU data protection rules.
The WP29 Report requires Microsoft to better inform users of their privacy rights under European laws and more fairly collect and process their personal data. The Report also discusses competing online authentication systems, such as the Liberty Alliance Project, without mandating specific changes at this point. (Source: Epic Alert)
URL: WP29's Working Document http://www.epic.org/redirect/eu_pdf.html
URL: EC press release http://www.epic.org/redirect/ec_release.html
URL: WP29 press release http://www.epic.org/redirect/wp_release.html
URL: EPIC's Microsoft Passport Investigation http://www.epic.org/privacy/consumer/microsoft/passport.html
URL: EPIC Alert http://www.epic.org/alert/EPIC_Alert_10.02.html
SPARC (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition, Washington, DC) has published the comprehensive "SPARC Institutional Repository Checklist & Resource Guide", by Raym Crowe. The guide considers the development of institutional repositories for providing open access to the peer-reviewed research literature online, providing a "strategic response to systemic problems in the existing scholarly journal system".
URL: http://www.arl.org/sparc/IR/IR_Guide.html
URL: http://www.arl.org/sparc
XMLmind.com has released XMLmind XML Editor Version 2.1 which can be downloaded from the link below.
URL: download http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/download.shtml
The XML Cover Pages created by Robin Cover and published on the XMl.com web site provide a weekly update on news relating to XML, its on-going development and implementation. Items from the most recent issue include:
OAGI Releases Open Applications Group Integration Specification Version 8.1-Beta-1
OASIS XML Common Biometric Format Moves Toward Standardization
W3C Announces Creation of a New XForms Activity
ISO Working Group Publishes Committee Draft for DSDL Standard, Part 4
OGC Working Group Issues Draft Specification for Sensor Model Language (SensorML)
CORDIS, the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service, now has added an archive facility for its free weekly online newsletter. The newsletter, CORDIS Express, provides a weekly insight into the latest and most topical European research and innovation developments. It offers a selection of CORDIS information, including a review and summaries of the latest news on the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), innovation policy, national and regional information, calls and events.
The new archive section enables users to review recent trends in European research and development (R&D) and innovation. CORDIS Express followed the development and launch of FP6, and the archive offers a week-by-week overview of policy and practice since August 2002. CORDIS Express is available on the web or can be received directly by e-mail free of charge. To subscribe, visit CORDIS Express via the link below.
The Xerox Research Centre of Europe in Grenoble, France have developed an experimental programming language for transforming documents and data between specific formats so that documents can be read no matter what application or device is used. The new language, Circus-DTE, is aimed at content management applications where multiple document transformations may be required for delivery to multiple device types.
URL: http://www.alphaAve.com
URL: http://www.lac.rit.edu
URL: http://www.parc.com
Digital Photo Librarian Image Editor 4.0 is aimed at users working with extensive collections or catalogues of digital photos. Designed to run on Windows, the software provides image management and editing capabilities and supports a variety of image formats.
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