EP Topic News: 24th April 2003
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The Commission has published the Evaluation Manuals which will be used by experts in the evaluation of proposals submitted to its current call under the FP6 IST Priority. The two documents are:
"Guidelines on Proposal Evaluation and Selection Procedures", which describes the evaluation process which will be used for all proposals under the new Sixth Framework.
"Guidance Notes for Evaluators", which provides additional information essential for the evaluation of proposals submitted to the IST priority. This also includes details of the marking scheme that the evaluators will use.These documents may be downloaded from the CORDIS via the link below (click on the "Additional Documents" links).
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is holding a series of one day events across Europe from June 10 to 24, 2003. The goal of this W3C Semantic Tour is to promote W3C technologies bringing to the Web the idea of having data defined and linked in a way that it can be used for more effective discovery, automation, integration, and reuse across various applications.
The Tour will visit Rome, London, Munich, Athens and Brussels. All events are open to the public and free of charge. These events may be seen against a background of comment from industry of the value of the semantic web in W3C activities: "Analysts have criticized the Semantic Web for being everything from a pie-in-the-sky artificial intelligence scheme to a legitimate idea that's too far ahead of its time to warrant the consortium's resources as it struggles to get basic Web services standards published", says an article on CNET News.
URL: http://www.w3.org/2003/03/semantic-tour.html
URL: http://news.com.com/2100-1032-995916.html
Poynter - News University online
The Poynter Institute is a US school dedicated to teaching and inspiring journalists and media leaders. It promotes excellence and integrity in the practice of craft and in the practical leadership of successful businesses. The Institute has now announced that it will develop News University, an online training portal for journalists.
"Poynters approach to distance learning will be markedly different from earlier efforts of distance learning. Rather than have groups of trainees enroll and complete a course simultaneously, Poynters NewsU lessons will be self-taught, at whatever pace an individual chooses. On completion of a course, the individual will be certified by Poynter", they say. Some courses may start as prototypes later this year with a formal launch in 2004.
URL: http://www.newsu.org/
URL: http://www.poynter.org/
Ideas for the IST 2003 Conference
The organisers of the IST 2003 Conference have launched a "Call for Ideas" - requesting that project participants contact them with feedback concerning suggested topics to be covered by the event along with suggestions for workshops and tutorials. The event takes place in Milan on October 2-4, 2003 and projects are also being invited to take part in the exhibition area as part of the IST booth. "IST 2003: The Opportunities Ahead" will be held in partnership with SMAU, one of the largest ICT exhibitions in Europe and will cover both IS research and policy. There are a number of ways projects can get involved in - and benefit from - this event:
Propose conference workshops and exhibits (the call is open until May 5, 2003).
Propose networking sessions (the call will open in June).
Contribute to conference workshops and networking sessions (suggest speeches and topics - via the web site).URL: IST 2003 http://europa.eu.int/information_society/istevent
Multi-Agent Based Simulations models
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) is planning to publish a special issue on modeling Multi-Agent Based Simulations, the so-called: Model-to-Model Special issue. A call for papers is open based on work originally discussed at a workshop on the practical and theoretical issues involved in the comparison of Multi-Agent Based Simulations (MABS) models held in Marseilles on March 31 - April 1, 2003 (M2M Workshop). Papers presented at the workshop will go forward for consideration for inclusion in the special issue, though prior to the selection of papers for the special issue the editors are making a final call for additional or revised contributions. New or revised submissions should be emailed to David Hales via the email below not later than May 1, 2003.
URL: JASSS http://www.soc.surrey.ac.uk/JASSS/
URL: M2M Workshop http://cfpm.org/m2m
Email: David Hales mailto:dave@davidhales.com
URL: JASSS submission guidelines http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/admin/submit.html
FP6 E-culture Special Newsletter
The European Commission unit responsible for the development and support of research in the cultural heritage and digital content arena has published a special FP6 newsletter. The online newsletter concentrates on the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and includes useful information for those organisations considering participation in FP6 in the broad area of digital cultural heritage and its wider exploitation.
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/digicult/newsletter.htm
URL: download pdf ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/ist/docs/digicult/finalfp6special.pdf
At the Tokyo AGM ISDA officially released the first working draft for version 4.0 of the FpML standard. This version covers additionally to the IRD and FX products covered in previous versions, Equity Derivatives, including Equity Swaps, Loan and Deposits and Credit Derivatives. 4.0 has a messaging framework defined and is the first schema based version. A press release and the working draft specifications have been published online and comments can be posted via the URL below.
URL: press release http://www.fpml.org/press/press-releases/PR-2003-04-10.asp
URL: specifications http://www.fpml.org/spec/2003/wd-fpml-4-0-2003-04-04/index.asp
URL: Comments http://www.fpml.org/issues
URL: archive of the comments http://www.fpml.org/issues/archive.asp
Incentives for digital preservation
OCLC Researcher Brian Lavoie has published an analysis of the incentives for digital preservation. Appropriate incentives are fundamental to the development of economically sustainable digital preservation activities. This white paper identifies the key decision-making roles in the digital preservation process, characterises a core set of organisational models under which decision-makers might undertake digital preservation, and examines the implications of these models for the incentives to preserve digital materials. The report, "The Incentives to Preserve Digital Materials: Roles, Scenarios, and Economic Decision-Making", is available online in PDF format (747K, 51 pages)
URL: http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/digipres/incentives-dp.pdf
Email: Brian Lavoie mailto:lavoie@oclc.org
OpenURL registry framework test
OCLC have announced that they are supporting an OpenURL registry framework test. OCLC staffers Jeff Young and Phil Norman worked with LANL's Herbert Van de Sompel to bring up the new OpenURL registry using OCLC's open-source software. According to a news release published by OCLC, "this innovative approach broadens the narrow view of OAI as a harvesting protocol and demonstrates its potential as an application framework".
URL: LANL http://lib-www.lanl.gov/
URL: OpenURL registry http://openurl.info/registry
URL: OCLC's OAICat http://www.oclc.org/research/software/oai/cat.shtm
URL: http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/openurl/
URL: OpenURL http://library.caltech.edu/openurl/
URL: OCLC Research http://www.oclc.org/research/
The latest free trial downloads of alphaWorks emerging technologies from IBM include:
Emerging Technologies Toolkit (ETTK) - a software development kit for designing, developing, and executing emerging autonomic, Web services, and grid-related technologies. The ETTK provides an environment in which to run emerging technology examples that showcase recently announced specifications and prototypes from IBM's emerging technology development and research teams.
URL: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/ettk?Open&ca=daw-flts-041003
XML for Tables - provides an XML view of relational tables and a query of those views as if they were XML documents. Written in Java, the software enables the publishing of XML documents from relational data,
thereby satisfying the requirements of Internet (business-to-business) applications and other XML-based applications while taking advantage of relational database technology and current storage of business data.URL: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xtable?Open&ca=daw-flts-041003
SheetPages is described as a technology that provides a simple HTML front end for complex spreadsheets. With the template deployed in a Java Server Page (JSP), spreadsheets can be made available either in view or update mode for multiple users, as needed. Provided are a simple Java application for creating spreadsheets and a sample JSP file that illustrates how to deploy the spreadsheet in the server.
URL: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/sheetpages?Open&ca=daw-flnt-041003
P3P Policy Editor is a visual tool for creating a Web site's privacy policy in the P3P language,
which can be interpreted by web browsers and other user agents. P3P allows users to automate the acceptance or rejection of a web site's requests for information, based on user preferences set in browsers or client devices.URL: http://www.alphaWorks.ibm.com/tech/p3peditor?Open&ca=daw-fllt-041003
To subscribe to the free alphaWorks electronic newsletter send a blank message to the email address below.
Email: alphaWorks subscription mailto:alphaworks-subscribe@ibm.email-publisher.com
The oXygen XML Editor version 2.0 has been released and is available for a free 30-day evaluation. The cost following evaluation is US$74 or US$48 for academic use.
URL: download http://www.oxygenxml.com/download.html
URL: further details http://www.oxygenxml.com
Anark and discreet have joined forces to offer Anark Studio / Discreet plasma as a bundled solution. The companies believe that the software provides artists, designers and developers with a range of tools to create 3D and multimedia content including corporate multimedia communications projects, interactive learning projects, as well as entertainment presentations which can be delivered via a variety of mediums such as DVD, CD-ROM, kiosks, and the web. Anark Studio and plasma artists can leverage cross-product integration, sharing 3D models - as well as interactive 3D, video, audio and 2D images.
URL: Anark http://www.anark.com/
URL: Discreet http://www.discreet.com/
Flash Communication Server MX 1.5
The Macromedia Flash Communication Server MX 1.5 is designed to provide the platform for enabling interactive, rich media audio/video applications such as on-demand video, live event broadcasts, webcam chat, and recorded video messaging. The latest version adds a number of enhanced features including: support for HTTP Tunneling, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Linux, and MP3s; enhanced audio support and administration; and a new, improved model for adding capacity. Further information on the update which is available for download via the link below.
WebKing 4.0 from Parasoft is described as a comprehensive tool that automates the most critical error prevention practices for web development teams: static analysis, functional testing and load testing. The software enables organisations to automatically verify the functionality, performance and accessibility of their web sites and applications, as well as verify specialised requirements, without the requirement to author specialised scripts.
URL: Parasoft http://www.parasoft.com/
Automating dynamic site development
The Query Wizard Tool from developer Advanced Extensions is an add-on Macromedia Dreamweaver MX to automate the creation of dynamic web pages. According to Advanced Extensions, the software, "automates SQL query-building that speeds and simplifies the creation of dynamic Web pages in Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Unlike existing solutions that require knowledge of SQL, Advanced Query Wizard simplifies web application development by enabling designers and developers to insert dynamic data, such as information on sales, pricing, or availability, via an intuitive graphical and menu-driven interface. The extension automatically generates the correct SQL code necessary to perform extracts, joins, filters, groups, summaries, and other complex selection criteria quickly with a simple, click-and-drag process".
Advanced Query Wizard supports all server technologies (including ASP, ASP.Net, Cold Fusion, JSP, PHP) that are supported by Dreamweaver MX and runs under Microsoft Windows 98 SE, NT (4.0 or higher), 2000, and XP. It is priced at US $129.95.
URL: Advanced Extensions http://www.advancedextensions.com
The Macromedia Flash Player 6 for Pocket PC 2002 is available for download. Developers interested in delivering executable Macromedia Flash projectors can license this version of the player for US$ 499. There is no cost to end users. A free developer kit has also been released which includes a content development kit, an interface design policy kit, and a set of optimised user interface components for the Pocket PC.
URL: player http://www.macromedia.com/go/fp6_ppc/
URL: developer kit http://www.macromedia.com/go/devkit_fp6_ppc/
eMeta Corporation has released the latest version of its eRights Suite composed of the following products:
RightAccess 3.0 an access control engine,
RightCommerce 3.0 an e-commerce engine,
RightServices 1.0 a rights and asset management module.The products are available bundled as a suite or can be purchased individually for integration into a users own specific environment.
URL: eMeta http://www.emeta.com/
Xerox selects Dralasoft workflow
Xerox has licensed Dralasoft Workflow for inclusion into DocuShare, its web-based document and content management software. Xerox believes that embedding the Dralasoft Workflow engine into DocuShare will help users to route documents more efficiently across their enterprises. Users will be able to use Dralasoft modeling tools to create workflows that automate and map customer business processes.
URL: Dralasoft http://www.dralasoft.com/
URL: Xerox DocuShare http://docushare.xerox.com/
Plum Voice Portals, provider of VoiceXML IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and computer telephony systems, has announced the inclusion of an information management package as an add-on component of Plum VoiceXML 2.3 IVR platform software. The new package is primarily intended for call center managers who seek to use Plum VoiceXML IVR systems to provide automated answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) via phone. The Plum IVR Information Management package provides a web-based user interface for building and changing call trees, for uploading wav files of questions and answers, and for employing text-to-speech engines to provide dynamic information. While native VoiceXML applications are easy to change, many call center managers prefer to use an information management GUI for the management of FAQ applications.
VoiceXML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation (standard) for building and deploying automated voice systems and applications.
URL: Plum Voice Portals http://www.plumvoiceportals.com/
The Museums of the World web site provides information on activities (events, exhibits, lectures) being held in museums around the world. A useful aide memoire for researchers working in the cultural heritage field. (The Scout Report)
Safer Internet Newsletter No. 24, published by the European Commission's Safer Internet project team, has been published online. The newsletter is available in HTML or PDF and in English, French and German. See the link below for past and present issues.
The April 2003 issue of First Monday (volume 8, number 4) is now available and includes the following articles:
"Clustering and dependencies in free/open source software development: Methodology and tools",
"Consumers on the Web: Identification of usage patterns",
"The impact of cybercafes on information services in Uganda",
"Managing Internet gambling in the workplace",
"Belonging and diaspora: The Chinese and the Internet".
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