EP Topic News: 8th May 2003
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A new language Water has been launched to simplify web service creation. Claimed as simpler than Java, VB and other languages, it is object oriented XML programming. Whether it is what it claims, probably depends on what your problem is. The syntax is relatively simple but then so is REBOL and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast. There is a free download with IDE for anyone interested in trying it out.
Scholarly EP Bibliography latest
Version 48 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is available online and presents over 1,850 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. The bibliography is available in both HTML and PDF formats.
URL: HTML http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
URL: PDF http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf
According to a press release NEC and Siemens Information and Communication Mobile (Siemens mobile) have completed the first phase of Europes first commercial 3G radio network for Hutchison 3G UK, trading as 3.
URL: Siemens mobile http://www.siemens-mobile.com
URL: Siemens http://www.siemens.com
URL: NEC Corporation http://www.nec.com
AutoVue from Cimmetry now supports AutoCAD 2004 - this is available immediately as a service pack for AutoVue users under maintenance and will be included in the upcoming release of AutoVue 17.1. According to Cimmetry, AutoCAD 2004 "delivers faster performance, a more intuitive interface and valuable data management tools, allowing users to create and share design data more efficiently than ever before". With AutoVue, users can view DWG files created in AutoCAD 2004 and provide feedback by marking up, redlining, and collaborating in real-time on that data.
AutoVue provides a single point of access and common UI allowing users to view and markup over 200 different formats including: CATIA, UG, Pro/E, JT, Inventor, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, AutoCAD, MicroStation, HPGL, Cadence Allegro, Mentor Board Station, Orcad, EDIF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, TIFF. To see a complete list of supported formats and to download a full-featured evaluation version of AutoVue visait the web site below.
The European Commission's Entreprise DG has released two publications which provide assessments of the development of e-business in Europe.
The European E-business Report provides a summary of previously published studies of e-business practices in 15 sectors of the EU economy. It assess the maturity and economic impact of e-business in the sectors and discusses the policy issues raised. The full title is: "The European e-Business Report 2002/2003: A portrait of e-business in 15 sectors of the EU economy. 1st synthesis report of the e-Business W@tch, March 2003"
The Pocketbook of E-business Indicators is based on a survey of around 9,200 enterprises in the same 15 sectors - providing an assessment of e-business implementation within them. The full title is: "A pocketbook of e-business indictors, 2002-2003 edition. A portrait of e-business in 15 sectors of the EU economy".
Both publications are available from the CORDIS document library, where a search is required. To access: "The European E-business Report" we suggest using the term: "The European e-Business Report 2002/2003" and for "The Pocketbook of E-business Indicators", use the term: "A pocketbook of e-business indictors, 2002-2003 edition".
URL: http://dbs.cordis.lu/search/en/simple/EN_DOCS_simple.html
IST Results is a web based news service which reports on the potential applications for research projects carried out within the IST section of the the European Commission's Framework Programmes. The site includes feature articles and news bulletins which are aimed at researchers and potential exploitation partners and investors.
Parlay Group - network API specs.
The Parlay Group is a multi-vendor consortium formed to develop "open, technology independent API (application programming interface) specifications that enable network operators, independent software vendors and service providers to write applications across multiple networks and multiple network technologies".
The Parlay Group have been working with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) to ensure interoperability between the Parlay and ETSI's OSA APIs. A testing event organised by the ETSI Plugtests service was held in Sophia Antipolis on April 14-17, 2003.
URL: Parlay Group http://www.parlay.org
URL: ETSI http://www.etsi.org
URL: Plugtests service http://www.etsi.org/plugtests/home.htm
XStreamDB Version 3.0 is the latest major upgrade to Bluestream's native XML database. Bluestream claim that it includes features: "designed to help developers and integrators collaborative content management Bsolutions through combining XML and binary data". It supports both the Corel XMetaL and Altova XMLSpy XML editors and runs under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris.
Peer-to-peer vendors celebrate
EFFector the newsletter from the Electronic Frontier Foundation includes a report that a court in the US has ruled that companies providing peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing software cannot be held liable for copyright infringement by users of the software. Effector stated: "The ruling is a striking victory for the makers of the Morpheus and Grokster software products. In the court's words: 'Grokster and Streamcast [the company that provides Morpheus software] are not significantly different from companies that sell home video recorders or copy machines, both of which can be and are used to infringe copyrights'."
"Over 61 million Americans use peer-to-peer systems - more than voted for our President," added EFF Executive Director Shari Steele. "It's time we found a way to ensure that artists get paid without killing off this tremendous new technology."
URL: press release http://www.eff.org/IP/P2P/MGM_v_Grokster/030425_morpheus_win_pr.php
URL: courts decision http://www.eff.org/IP/P2P/MGM_v_Grokster/030425_order_on_motions.php
URL: subscribe to EFFector http://action.eff.org/subscribe/
The European Library questionnaire
Gabriel, the World Wide Web service of the European National Libraries, acts as a gateway to the holdings of 41 European National Libraries from 39 members of the Council of Europe. Gabriel's mission is: "to provide information about Europe's National Libraries, their collections and their services in order to facilitate access to them, and to foster the development of new services based on a shared infrastructure."
In addition, Gabriel plays an important role in the development of The European Library, a project aimed at developing a pan-European library that will allow users to find and download books and other collections from various European libraries.
In order to obtain a better understanding of what users expect from the Gabriel web site, and to learn more about their online behaviour, the Gabriel Team has produced an online questionnaire. This questionnaire is divided into 5 sections: about you, your Internet usage, you and the library, you and the current Gabriel web site, you and the future Gabriel web site.
The project is requesting that readers of El.pub complete the questionnaire; there are 29 questions, mostly multiple choice, and the questionnaire should only take about 5 minutes to complete. The results of the research will be made available on the Gabriel web site following completion of the survey.
URL: Gabriel web site home http://www.kb.nl/gabriel/
URL: Gabriel web site home http://www.ddb.de/gabriel/
URL: Gabriel web site home http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/gabriel/
URL: Gabriel web site home http://nuk.uni-lj.si/gabriel/
URL: Gabriel web site home http://www.bl.uk/gabriel/
URL: The European Library http://www.europeanlibrary.org/
CEN/ISSS standardization newsletter
The second edition of the CEN/ISSS IT Standardization Newsletter has been published and includes news on a number of meetings concerned with standardisation in the areas of: eAccessibility, e-Invoicing, network and information security, eAuthentication, and e-Business.
In addition there is an announcement concerning a new journal on ICT standardization: The International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research (JITSR) which aims to present and discuss the broad variety of aspects that make up IT standards research. This includes contributions from the disciplines of computer science, information systems, management, business, social sciences (especially science and technology studies), economics, engineering, political science, public policy, sociology, communication, and human factors/usability. In particular, the journal wants to both support and promote multi-disciplinary research on IT standards.
URL: JITSR http://www-i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~jakobs/standards_journal/journal_home.html
URL: JITSR http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=497
URL: CEN/ISSS newsletter http://www.cenorm.be/isss/newsletter/
The latest version of Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) has been released by ITU. Updates include enhanced Extensible Markup Language (XML) support and a new feature - Encoding Control Notation (ECN) - allowing greater compatibility with legacy protocols. "ASN.1 has a strong installed base, and it is constantly evolving to meet industry demands. We are seeing increased interest from many new industry sectors. And the adoption of ASN.1 in biometrics standards and mobile applications is strong evidence of the value of our work," said Professor John Larmouth, ITU-T Rapporteur of Study Group 17. ASN. 1 is increasingly being used outside the telecommunication industry in areas such as security, transportation, banking or genetic research.
Envision 8 - GIS visualisation
Autodesk Envision 8 software (formerly Autodesk Onsite Desktop) is a geographic information system (GIS) design tool for mapping, engineering and land-use professionals to "visualise, analyse, edit and publish 2D and 3D spatial data in complex scenarios". The latest version adds support for Microsoft .NET, the Tablet PC, and AutoCAD 2004 Design Web Format (DWF) files.
The WebReference web site runs a feature article: "Enterprise Content Management: The Next Frontier" which introduces the concepts of enterprise content management, identifies how web content can be integrated into a unified content strategy, discusses what tools and technologies required to support enterprise content management.
URL: http://www.webreference.com/internet/enterprise/index.html
Agent-based computational economics
The April 2003 news notes on agent-based computational economics (ACE) have been released online. ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents. The news notes include announcements regarding a new ACE interactive computer demo site, books, journals, software, web sites, and news items of interest to ACE researchers in particular and to computational social science researchers in general. These notes are also archived (along with all past distributed news notes) on the ACE web site.
URL: ACE notes http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace0403.htm
URL: ACE home http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
The Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) has opened its online service platform - a Geeklog based installation offering various online community functions - for registration. DiGRA is a non-profit, international association dedicated to the study of digital games. DiGRA is an interdisciplinary association and promotes collaboration between academic and other research institutions, as well as with commercial organisations, trade associations, independent members of the games industry and policy makers.
Most of the www.digra.org content will be available for DiGRA members only. The 2003 membership fees are: Regular member: 40 €, Student member: 30 €. DiGRA is hoping that the site will offer multiple ways for the global research community to communicate, accumulate knowledge and create informed critique and shared language of key games research questions. Some of these features are:
submission of news articles to inform the community about new publications, upcoming events and other news of notice,
calendar that will keep track of all aforementioned events in one place;
database of file downloads for accumulation of a research repository of working papers, conference abstracts and full papers made available for DiGRA members;
gather and maintain a categorised collection of web links to interesting organisations, projects, publications and researcher home pages;
discussion forum to announce and debate general news, academic and theoretical, as well as applied games industry related issues, or to announce job opportunities in dedicated fora;
possibility to conduct various polls, search functions and other, to-be-added functionalities in this association portal.
UK company, SoftLite Ltd has released SoftLite ScriptWorx.NET 5.5, which it describes as "a development tool for web applications and web services, leveraging the power of the .NET Framework". According to its developers, the latest version offers:
a visual web services development environment,
close integration with the OpenWave SDK for mobile web applications,
integration with the .NET Framework,
improved speed, performance and reliability for enterprise developers.
Open Forum on Metadata Registries
Alan Kotok reports from the recently held sixth annual Open Forum on Metadata Registries, where participants could evaluate various methods and options for representing metadata.
URL: http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/922/1/24/
Euromap Language Technologies newsletter
The last normal edition of the Euromap Language Technologies monthly newsletter was published in April 2003. The EUROMAP Language Technologies project came to an end during April, and so with it the newsletter. There will be one final special edition, focusing on EUROMAP's final report which compares HLT progress in European countries and assesses the options for future actions in supporting and promoting language and speech technologies for the information society. The HLTCentral.org web site will remain live for the rest of the year at least, possibly longer.
URL: http://www.hltcentral.org/euromap
URL: newsletter http://www.hltcentral.org/newsletter
Journal of Digital Information April
The April 2003 issue of the Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) has been published and includes the following articles:
"Towards a Core Ontology for Information Integration";
"An Evaluation of Document Keyphrase Sets";
"Web Page Layout: A Comparison Between Left - and Right-justified Site Navigation Menus";
"Macro Approaches to Digital Searching and Secondary Research";
"Adaptive User-Centered Organization of Tabular Data for Display";
"Towards a General Relation Browser: A GUI for Information Architects".This issue also includes an an editorial reflecting on the impact of JoDI papers. From the editorial:
"One of the indicators of papers, themes and issues that appeal to users are the journal's web logs - an intriguing feature is how quickly the logs reflect the most popular papers in an issue. Higher initial downloads are typically sustained over longer periods. Good examples of this are the papers that were downloaded most in the year from February 2002 to January 2003 ..."
The next issue of JoDI will focus on Economic Factors of Managing Digital Content and Establishing Digital Libraries. JoDI is an electronic journal published only via the web and is currently free to users thanks to support from the British Computer Society and Oxford University Press
IBM have been developing The Business Process Execution Language for web services specification (BPEL4WS) for some months now. The specification has been updated to BPEL4WS version 1.1, a document that defines a language for the formal definition of business processes and business interaction protocols based on web services.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-bpel/?ca=dnt-416
"Programming .NET Components", published by O'Reilly, provides an introduction to the new Microsoft .NET component model, focusing on the aspects of .NET that make it ideal for building reusable, maintainable, and robust components. The book provides practical, expert advice on effective .NET development techniques and devotes a chapter to each of the following features critical to component development: resource management, versioning, events, asynchronous calls, multithreading, serialization, remoting, component services, security. Chapter 1, "Introducing Component Oriented-Programming," is available free online.
URL: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pnetcomp/
URL: Chapter 1 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pnetcomp/chapter/index.html
Ektron CMS300 is an web content management system (CMS) designed for enterprise use. The software is described by its developers as a "browser-based XML CMS offering XSLT support, XML validation through DTDs and Schemas, multi-step workflow and an open API for extendibility". The company claims that: "users with little technical knowledge can create XML content in a word-processor, forms-like environment".
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