EP Topic News: 28th September 2001
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First Monday September
D-Lib Magazine September
3TL wireless authoring
Wireless gaming report
VAST2001 Conference
Avalon Framework 4.0 released
Spanish DOM Level 1 Spec.
Commission studies on digital resources
New media advertising trends
E-tendering pilot launched
e-TERM goes live
Interactive Entertainment Audience Award
Digital heritage contacts
Open Source & Perl Conf. reports
XML Spy 4.0 beta testing
XML-based programming language
Apache and IBM parser updates
Perl 6 latest
Electronic Commercial Agents
The September 2001 issue of First Monday (volume 6, number 9) is now available online. The latest issue includes articles entitled:
- "Exploring Users' Experiences of the Web";
- "Can Navigational Assistance Improve Search Experience? A User Study";
- "What Next for Internet Journals? Implications of the Trend Towards";
- "A Historical Overview of the Effects of New Mass Media Introductions on Magazine Publishing During the 20th Century";
- "Problems and the Epistemology of Electronic Publishing in the Arab World: The Case of Lebanon";
- "Copyright in a Frictionless World: Toward a Rhetoric of Responsibility".
The issue also includes a number of book reviews.
The September 2001 issue of D-Lib Magazine is also available online and features five full-length articles, several smaller features in D-Lib Magazines "In Brief" column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in "Clips and Pointers". The September 2001 articles include:
- "Linking to the Appropriate Copy: Report of a DOI-Based Prototype";
- "Preserving Scholarly E-Journals";
- "Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: Bridging the Gaps for Global Access" (in two parts);
- "HILT - High-Level Theasaurus Project: Building Consensus for Interoperable Subject Access across Communities".
Irish company 3TL Ltd has launched WBuilder Professional software for creating web-based content (in HTML and WML) for distribution to wireless handsets. The company claims that the software: "simplifies authoring tasks, including content creation, management, manipulation, conversion, validation and distribution".
Priced at US$199, the company claims that the code created is "compatible with all wireless devices". A free 30 day trial version is available for download.
URL: http://www.3TL.com/
A new report shortly to be published by the UK independent market analyst Datamonitor estimates that by the year 2006 440 million people around the globe will be playing some kind of wireless game. According to predictions from the report, Global Wireless Gaming, combined revenues from the US, Europe and Asia Pacific markets will grow, from an estimated $950 million in 2001 to $17.5 billion in 2006. Asia Pacific dominates, accounting for 87% of revenues, however by 2006, the US and Europe will have acquired a sizable slice of this share - 40% - compared to just 13% today. Currently estimated at $105 million, Europe's wireless gaming market will grow to $4.2 billion in 2006. By comparison, that in the US will grow from just $20 million today to $3 billion in 2006.
Forming part of Datamonitor's Digital Gaming programme, the report covers both mobile phones and PDAs, and includes:
- appropriate business models for wireless gaming;
- market sizes, forecasts and user bases, segmented by wireless networks and business models;
- profiles of industry-leading companies;
- usage identification and consumer profiling.
Further information from Krishna Rao of Datamonitor.
Email: krao@datamonitor.com
URL: Datamonitor http://www.datamonitor.com/
URL: Digital Gaming programme http://www.datamonitor.com/sppdetail.asp?id=198&pa=TC
The VAST2001 (Virtual Reality, Archaeology, and Cultural Heritage) Conference is scheduled to take place on 28-30 November 2001 at Glyfada, Near Athens, Greece. Organised in association with ACM SIGGRAPH (The ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Graphics), EUROGRAPHICS (The European Association for Computer Graphics) and ISPRS (the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) the event also has the support of four Fifth Framework Projects:
- ARCHEOGUIDE: Augmented Reality-based Cultural Heritage On-site Guide;
- CHARISMATIC: Cultural Heritage Attractions featuring Real-time Interactive Scenes and Multi-functional Avatars as Theatrical Intelligent Characters;
- 3D-MURALE: 3D Measurement and Virtual Reconstruction of Ancient Lost Worlds of Europe;
- TOURBOT: Interactive Museum Tele-presence through Robotic Avatars.
Papers presented will address the applications of technology in the analysis, archiving, publication, dissemination and representation of cultural heritage in its widest sense for applications ranging from archaeological scholarship and visualisation techniques to education, tourism, and entertainment. This includes technology applied to potential exploitation of cultural heritage as a source of financial support to the field. A detailed list of suggested topics and more information about the event is available via the conference web site.
The Avalon team has announced the final release of the Avalon Framework 4.0, Apache's Java Server Framework. Avalon developments are separated into six sub projects: Framework, Excalibur, LogKit, Cornerstone, Phoenix, and Testlet.
The framework's purpose is to simplify server side programming for Java based projects. It formalises serveral best of breed practices and patterns for server side programming. Further information is available from the project web site.
URL: Avalon http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon
URL: Avalon Framework 4.0 http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/framework
URL: Avalon Framework 4.0 downloads http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-avalon/release/framework/latest
The DOM Level 1 Specification, Version 1.0, has been transalted into Spanish and is available on the web.
URL: DOM Level 1 original document http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/
URL: Spanish translation http://html.conclase.net/w3c/dom1-es/cover.html
The European Commission's DG Information Society has just announced a call for tender for three studies on digitisation, research agendas and inclusiveness issues regarding digital content, cultural and scientific heritage and associated institutions. Further information from the electronic version of the Commission's Official Journal.
A news item in the Active-Ad newsletter reported that the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers have launched a tracking study to chart the size and trends of expenditure in the latest marketing channels opened-up by SMS, wireless, iTV and email advertising. The research is apparently being launched in response to calls by advertisers to "create trackable benchmark data that focuses on the number of participating companies, the effectiveness of each platform, and the amount of advertising expenditure". The results of the research will be endorsed by the Advertising Association and will be included in the Advertising Statistics Yearbook.
The Active-Ad newsletter, a regular free news service, provides excellent coverage of the advertising opportunities presented by "emerging technologies".
URL: IAB http://www.iab.net/
URL: Active-Ad http://www.vandusseldorp.com/activead
TrustMarque International has announced the successful completion of the first government supply tender processed via OGC TenderTrust as part of the UK's Office Of Government Commerce's (OGC) e-tendering pilot. The TenderTrust pilot, is claimed to be one of the first smartcard Internet-based, secure electronic tendering systems.
The pilot used the latest in PKI security & encryption techniques, and state of the art digital certificates, held on smartcards provided and guaranteed by The Royal Bank of Scotland. The system apparently enables purchasers and suppliers to manage the entire tendering process, from the creation of the Invitation to Tender (ITT) and its publication, through to receipt of Tenders from Suppliers, their analysis and award.
OGC TenderTrust has been specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of both public and private sector tendering. The tender is part of the pilot involving ten UK government departments and hundreds of suppliers. Successful completion of the pilot will lead to the award of a four year contract to roll-out TenderTrust across UK Central Government departments and agencies. Further details from the pilot website.
URL: pilot web site http://www.ogctendertrust.com/
URL: TrustMarque http://www.trustmarque.com/
e-TERM is a project to develop a European programme for Training in Electronic Records Management. The aim of the project is to design a trans-national vocational training course in the management of electronic records to meet the needs of administrators, information professionals, archivists and records managers.
e-TERM is initially targeted at educators and training managers, it is expected that e-TERM will eventually offer benefits to anyone who is involved in the creation, use or maintenance of electronic records. The end products will include: full description for a model training course; teaching notes and guidelines on course delivery; teaching materials (texts, case studies and a glossary); a pilot of the model in two regions. Phase 1 of e-TERM has been funded by the European Union's Leonardo da Vinci programme.
URL: e-TERM web http://www.ucl.ac.uk/e-term/
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has chosen leading online retailer Amazon.co.uk to sponsor the inaugural Audience Award at its annual Interactive Entertainment Awards to be held in London on October 25th 2001. The public will vote for the winner of the award, drawn from a shortlist of Amazon.co.uk's ten best-selling PC & Video games from September 1 2000 - August 31 2001.
The voting ballot will be run online via Amazon's UK web site commencing on September 3 2001. Voting will continue until October 22 and the winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony.
URL: Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/
URL: BAFTA http://www.bafta.org/
CULTIVATE is a pan-European network for the digital cultural heritage community including policy makers, libraries, museums, archives, galleries, non-profit organisations, information professionals, researchers, managers. Some 30 key network contacts at national level have been included in the CORDIS searchable contact database service.
According to a note from CULTIVATE, members listed can help regarding digital heritage and cultural content research activities funded under the Information Society Technologies (IST) programme. They can provide assistance and advice about the programme and innovative projects and help with information on calls for proposals, partner searches, bids preparation, dissemination of results as well as links to other cultural services.
URL: http://dbs.cordis.lu/search/en/simple/EN_CONT_simple.html
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/digicult/home.html
The O'Reilly Open Sources Convention and Perl 5 Conferences focused on Perl, Linux, Apache, Python, open source business strategies, Mozilla, PHP as well as other emergent technologies such as peer-to-peer technology and bioinformatics. Details, including reports and announcements made at the events are now available on the web.
Developers are being sought to take part in the second stage of the beta testing phase for the upcoming XML Spy 4.0 product line. The XML Spy 4.0 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) adds expanded ODBC database access functionality, enhanced user interface customization, a new plug-in architecture for 3rd party developers, as well as support for the final XML Schema Recommendation for both graphical XML Schema editing and validation of XML instance documents based upon XML Schema.
To participate in the public beta program, use the URL below to access the 4.0 product line preview page on the XML Spy web site, which contains a more detailed introduction to the new 4.0 product line as well as the download link for the actual XML Spy Suite 4.0b2 software release.
MetaL is described by its developers as: "meta-programming language technology based on XML ... a programming language on which the source code is XML. MetaL compiler can transform MetaL XML commands into source code of virtually any other programming language". Further information is available from the web site below.
New versions of the Apache XML Project's Xerces parsers released in June support the W3C XML Schema Recommendation. The new Xerces for Java supports the XML Schema spec; Xerces for C++ implements a more limited subset of XML Schema. IBM also released updates to the alphaWorks parsers (XML4C and XML4J) that correspond to the Xerces parsers. A table outlines the XML Schema features supported in this release of the parsers.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-parup?open&l=136,t=grx,p=xApache
In an article on the Perl.com website, "The State of the Onion 5", Larry Wall (Perl's inventor) gives his annual summary of the state of the Perl world. This year, the major focus is on Perl 6 and its major elements. Perl.com offers a free email-based news update service, subscribe at the site.
URL: Perl 6 news http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2001/07/25/onion.html
URL: Perl.com http://www.perl.com/
The Electronic Commercial Agents (ElComAg) project at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology which is focused on facilities for trading of knowledge by electronic commerce, including:
- conceptual modeling of knowledge and trading process,
- the design of sale-sites (electronic marketplaces),
- the design of agents for serving the trade process,
- information system architecture for knowledge trade.
The site also includes resources relating to agent-mediated e-commerce including a page listing conferences, workshops and other events.
URL: ElComAg home http://www.elcomag.com/
URL: events http://www.elcomag.com/calendar/
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