EP Topic News: 4th October 2001
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Safer Internet awareness day
eContent Programme Info Day
EC research - UK info days
CHILDE web site
VR and 3D news
Sony/Ericsson mobile collaboration
TEDIP project website
Digital Millennium Copyright Act report
Picture editor help
Nokia music player
Proforma web sites
Safari Tech Books Online
Using XForms
Internet Explorer 6 and XML
Agent news resources
SoftQuad's XMetaL in use
The European Commission is organising an Awareness Day on Thursday 25 October 2001, in Luxembourg, to stimulate the "Safer Internet Awareness Exchange" improve coordination among European awareness activities, and disseminate results from ongoing awareness projects.
On Friday 26 October there is an information day on the new Awareness call for proposals, due for publication in October/November 2001 (closes on 31 January 2002). The Awareness Day will provide an opportunity potential partners for consortia to meet and discuss collaboration. A clustering meeting for current Safer Internet Awareness projects will be held on Friday afternoon. There will be interpretation in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. A draft agenda for the meeting has been published.
URL: Safer Internet Awareness Exchange http://www.saferinternet.org/
URL: register online http://www.saferinternet.org/registration.asp
The European Commission has issued an invite to all interested parties to attend the eContent Programme's session "Information Day & Financing Possibilities for Digital Content" at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Europaroom Hall 4-0, 10 October, 2001 at 15.00-17.00 hrs. The meeting will be followed by an informal cocktail.
At the event representatives of the European Commission will give an overview of activities and financing possibilities in the field of digital content. In addition, participants will be provided with practical information on the eContent Programme's forthcoming call for proposals on digital content on global networks, to be launched on the 1 November, 2001. The call's total fund is likely to be in the order of EUR 30 million. Speakers representing key industry players and research, will address digital content and services for the emerging 3G mobile platform, which is one of the call's key themes.
URL: eContent programme events http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/events.htm
URL: eContent Programme http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/
e-mail: eContent Programme mailto:econtent@cec.eu.int
UKISHELP, a UK sponsored initiative, is also planning to hold information days relating to the eContent and the Trans-European Telecommunications Networks programmes, along with a number of other information days.
- the eContent Programme (see news item above) information afternoon is scheduled for 16 November, 2001 in the DTI Conference Centre, London. Further information and a registration form can be found on the UKISHELP web site.
URL: events http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/index.cfm?PathID=98021374&TypeID=0- The Trans-European Telecommunications Networks programme (TEN-Telecom) aims to aid in the launch of new services based on communications networks. It can provide financial support to help organisations write a convincing business plan, demonstrate the commercial feasibility of a project or contribute towards the costs of a project's initial investment. The Commission is planning to launch a new call for proposals in October, with a closing date of 31 January, 2002. UKISHELP is organising an information afternoon in London on 5 November, 2001. In addition, the Commission is organising an information day in Brussels, which is expected to take place on 20 November 2001.
URL: events http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/index.cfm?PathID=98021374&TypeID=0
The CHILDE web site, which is the culmination of the European Commission funded CHILDE project, has now been launched. This site contains, among other things, a searchable library of over 1,000 digitised images from the project partners collections of historic children's books. This is the first site of its kind in Europe, bringing together images, bibliographic and other data from various collections across the continent. The project is requesting views and comments via the Contact Us page on the site.
URL: CHILDE http://www.bookchilde.org/
VREfresh reports that:
- Turbo Squid has launched a new version of its free software for the Mac community. A beta version developed to be compatible with OS X is now available for download. The new software enables Mac users to browse the asset collection comprised of over 75,000 3D models, motion capture files, textures and shaders available through Turbo Squid's online marketplace. Turbo Squid is an all-digital marketplace where 3D artists and animators can buy and sell content online. The Turbo Squid software is free and membership only requires a password and an email address. Artists can host their work on the Turbo Squid system free of charge, maintain control of their work, and receive royalties monthly for the sale of their individual assets.
URL: http://www.turbosquid.com/- Logitech has formed a new company, 3Dconnexion, whose focus will be on developing and marketing input devices for 3D motion control. The company combines the resources of LogiCAD 3D and Labtec's 3D peripheral business. Logitech has recently acquired majority control of LogiCAD 3D. LogiCAD 3D's signature product, the Magellan controller, is used in fields such as automotive design and the aerospace industry. Labtec's 3D peripheral business became part of Logitech with the company's acquisition of Labtec earlier this year. Since its introduction, the Labtec 3D controller (Spaceball) has found support among 3D application vendors and workstation OEMs worldwide.
URL: http://www.logitech.com/
URL: http://www.3Dconnexion.com/The latest edition of VREfresh, providing news and resources on virtual reality and interactive 3D (I3D), is available on El.pub. In addition you can subscribe to a free weekly news update service.
URL: VREfresh news pages base02vt.htm
URL: VREfresh news archive base02vta.htm
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, the joint venture between Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson and Sony Corporation, has received final approvals from the European Commission and other regulatory authorities to start trading. The new company is aiming to become a dominant supplier of mobile multimedia products within 5 years. Further information on the company and its aims is available via the company web site.
URL: (Flash site) http://www.sonyericssonmobile.com/
Technology, Economics and Diversity in the Periphery (TEDIP), an Interactive Electronic Publishing project (supported by the European Commission's IST programme) is exploring how the development towards the Information Society and the Knowledge Economy is progressing within six European peripheral regions: Wales in the UK, Catalunya in Spain, Carinthia in Austria, East Savo in Finland, the west of Ireland and Székesfehérvár in Hungary.
Metrics for progress towards these goals devised by the project will be used to establish a technology watch for these regions. The project's initial web site has recently gone live and El.pub readers are being encouraged to visit. If you wish to know more about the TEDIP project and all the other projects sponsored by the Interactive Electronic Publishing Sector of KA Line III (Multimedia Content and Tools) - the sponsors of this site - visit the project pages on El.pub.
URL: TEDIP site http://tedip.joensuu.fi/
URL: Interacive Electronic Publishing projects on El.pub base12.htm
The Scout Report of September 7, 2001 includes an item concerning a US Copyright Office/ Library of Congress report reviewing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) as it relates to the storage and use of copyrighted works being distributed electronically. The report includes public commentary from the library community, publishers, and private citizens. You can subscribe to the Scout Report free of charge via the web. The report always includes a number of interesting clips and pointers to news and resources available online, though not exclusively related to electronic publishing.
URL: copyright report http://www.loc.gov/copyright/reports/studies/dmca/dmca_study.html
URL: Scout Report 7 Sept. http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sr/2001/scout-010907.html
URL: Scout Report current issue http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/sr/current/
Picdar, a developer of Digital Asset Management (DAM) software, has introduced E-loader, a new feature for picture editors using its Picdar FastFlow workflow management system. E-loader has been designed to scan incoming emails for images and automatically save them into the FastFlow database.
Evidence of increasing convergence, the Nokia Music player has a 32MB removable memory card on which up to one hour of AAC or MP3 music files can be stored. CD's can be encoded into high-quality AAC format using the Nokia Audio Manager software included with the Music Player. The player includes a hands-free headset so users can make and answer telephone calls without even touching their phone. The manufacturers also claim that if users are in the middle of a music track when the phone goes the Music Player will automatically pause the song, and resume again when the phone call is terminated. The Music Player is compatible with the Nokia 3310, 3330, 8210, 8850 and 8890 mobile phones.
WETbuild, is billed by its developers, dmnetix Ltd, as an online browser-based web site building and editing tool. Users choose an "off-the-shelf site" based on a range of design templates, and use the Web Editing Tool (WET) server-side software to edit their pages. Judge for yourself whether such web site design templates are a viable option, via the company's online demonstrations.
O'Reilly & Associates has announced the formation of a joint venture with the Pearson Technology Group, a division of Pearson Education, to produce Safari Tech Books Online This joint venture brings O'Reilly into a partnership with the largest publisher of technology content in the world. Pearson's imprints include: Addison Wesley Professional, New Riders, Prentice Hall PTR, Peachpit Press, Macromedia Press, and Adobe Press.
Through this alliance, Safari Tech Books Online, is aiming to become "a standard platform for delivery of premium technology information online". "Safari is fundamentally different from e-books," claimed Jon Udell, Safari architect. "In the e-book model, typically, you buy a book, own it forever, and use it offline. With the Safari Tech Books Online, you subscribe to an information service. You rent the content of the books, and you use them online. But you're not committed to any fixed selection of books. Think of your subscription as bandwidth. You can pay a little for a skinny pipe into Safari, or more for a fat pipe. What runs through the pipe is up to you." Further details are available via the web site, safari.oreilly.com.
XML.com features an articles which highlights the W3C's XForms technology, which aims to solve the problem of difficult-to-code and hard-to-use forms interfaces on web pages. The latest of these, "Interactive Web Services with XForms", shows how the common core of XML between XForms and web services simplifies the creation of user interfaces. There is also an itroductory article, "What Are XForms?" by the same author published on the site.
URL: "Interactive Web Services with XForms" http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/09/26/xforms.html
URL: "What Are XForms?" http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/09/05/xforms.html
According to notes in the XML.com newsletter, Microsoft's release of Internet Explorer 6 has attracted criticism for its deprecation of the Netscape plugin API. A column published on the site takes a look at IE6's XML support, and relates how community criticism has been met with a positive response from Microsoft.
URL: http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/09/19/being-too-generous.html
UMBC AgentNews a newsletter highlighting additions to the AgentWeb web site provides links to:
- "Markup Languages: Comparison and Examples" - a comparison table identifying the tradeoffs and differences among web markup languages. It compares XML, RDF, and DAML by showing a description and examples of how each language addresses common knowledge representation requirements.
URL: http://trellis.semanticweb.org/expect/web/semanticweb/comparison.html- news that the latest release of the Open Agent Architecture (OAA) 2.1.0, is now available from the OAA Web site. OAA a research framework for constructing agent-based systems, makes it possible for software services to be provided through the cooperative efforts of distributed collections of autonomous agents. Communication and cooperation between agents are brokered by one or more facilitators, which are responsible for matching requests, from users and agents, with descriptions of the capabilities of other agents.
URL: http://www.ai.sri.com/~oaa/Subscribe to the useful periodic news service from the AgentWeb site.
URL: AgentWeb http://agents.umbc.edu/
L'Equipe, a leading French sporting newspaper, has selected SoftQuad's XML authoring solution, XMetaL, to simplify and accelerate the publication of news and articles to its web site. According to SoftQuad, L'Equipe is marking-up and storing content in XML for delivery via multiple channels including the the web, mobile (to PDAs and WAP devices) and interactive TV.
SoftQuad has also announced that Business Europe, a pan-European news service offering business advice and ecommerce services for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is also using XMetaL as component of its information generation activities.
URL: L'Equipe http://www.lequipe.fr/
URL: Business Europe http://www.businesseurope.com/
URL: SoftQuad http://www.softquad.com/
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