EP Topic News: 11th October 2001
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Siemens mobile gaming
Internet usage in Europe
Finland most technologically advanced?
Links between Science and Arts
IST 3G Applications Call
FpML Version 2.0
European Investment Forum
Mobile Messenger text messaging
Games consoles in learning
Mirage Enterprise 3.0
Apache Cocoon 2.0 third release
Agent-based computational economics news
XML database - dbXML
Digital content syndication
ACTIVE-AD research project
Semantic Web Symposium proceedings
IST Programme 8th Call
Cultivate Interactive No 5
OASIS Provisioning Services TC
Picture Publisher 10
Mobile handset manufacturer Siemens Information and Communication Mobile (ICM) has chosen to work with MobileWay, a leading provider of global wireless access and content distribution, to facilitate the rollout of global interactive gaming for use on its latest mobile phone, the C45/2118.MobileWay and Siemens have worked together since December 2000.
The main project under development is Battlemail Kung Fu game, making use of MobileWay's unique network of 2-way SMS connections and revenue sharing agreements with mobile operators around the world. The Siemens C45/2118 is believed to be the first example of this fully animated multiplayer game working in a multiplatform environment. The interactive game can be initiated by sending a short message; then the game can be played from the mobile handset or a computer via the Internet.
URL: MobileWay http://www.mobileway.com/
Cordis Focus (the Commission's news and information service on research and innovation) reports on a number of surveys which suggest that whilst Internet usage is growing rapidly in the UK, growth is far more modest in France. One survey apparently shows that around 60% of the UK population has used the Internet this year whilst a French survey reveals that 20% of the French population is online at home.
This apparent disparity in Internet usage is being addressed by a Commission sponsored initiative, eEurope, which is aiming to open-up more varied, cheaper and better quality access to the Internet across Europe. Central to this aim is the concept of "unbundling the local loop", in the hope that this will allow non-incumbent telecoms operators to offer services without having to build their own separate infrastructures.
URL: eEurope http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/index_en.htm
URL: CORDIS Focus http://www.cordis.lu/news
According to a recent report from the United Nations Development Programme, Finland is the world's most technologically advanced country in the world. The report compared 72 countries, using a "technological achievement index" as the basis of the comparisons. This index was based on factors such as: technological skills of the citizens, use of technology within the economy, penetration of the Internet.
The intention of the report was to explore the thesis that information technology could have an impact on reducing poverty. The full report is available online in pdf format.
URL: http://www.undp.org/hdr2001/completenew.pdf
Cordis Focus (the Commission's news and information service on research and innovation) reports on research carried out by the UK's Council for Science and Technology (CST) which calls for links between the scientific and arts communities to be strengthened. The report entitled: "Imagination and Understanding" stresses the need for broader educations systems in order to encourage students to study both arts and scientific disciplines.
URL: http://www.cst.gov.uk/cst/imagination.htm
The European Commission has announced a call for proposals for "indirect RTD actions" under the IST programme, specifically related to 2.5 3G mobile applications and services. proposals are being sought for trial services and applications and support measures such as clustering activities and networks of excellence. Further information on the 2.5 3G initiative is available online.
URL: (follow links) http://www.cordis.lu/ist/calls/200103.htm
FpML.org has published the FpML (Financial Products Markup Language) Version 2.0 Working Draft. This version extends the standard to include interest rate options (Swaptions, Caps/Floors) and extends the coverage of swaps (FX Resetables, Cancellables, Early Termination Provisions). This version has not been released as a Last Call Working Draft and as such will be subject to change based on feedback received. It is anticipated that a Last Call Working Draft incorporating any feedback will be published in November 2001.
The European Commission has issued an invite to all IST project participants to the European Investment Forum which will take place in Brussels, Belgium in November 7-9, 2001, as a part of the IST 2001 Programme. The European Commission supports the European Investment Forum in order to facilitate the access of companies to venture capital, notably those participating in the IST Programme.
If your organisation is planning to raise venture capital or growth finance for business, the event provides the opportunity for you to:
Among all the applicants, the 36 best companies will be selected to present at the European Investment Forum, details from the Forum web site.
URL: http://www.e-unlimited.com/investmentforum/
Connection Software's Mobile Messenger is a free, PC-based application which integrates with Microsoft Office enabling users to send text messages to the mobile phones of contacts listed in Outlook or Outlook Express address books. According to its developers, Mobile Messenger can be used to send messages to mobile phones on over 100 networks world wide including all of the UK mobile phone networks.
The software is available for free download from the company's web site - the company charges a message delivery fee of around 4 Euro per message, with discounts available for high volume users.
URL: Connection Software http://www.csoft.co.uk/
John Kirriemuir of Ceangal has informed El.pub that he is carrying out an investigation, commissioned by a UK funding body, into the use of gaming consoles in learning and research scenarios, especially in the education sector. By gaming consoles he is referring to both monitor or TV-based systems such as the (Sega) Dreamcast and (Sony) Playstation2, and mobile gaming-oriented devices such as the (Nintendo) Game Boy Advance.
The scope of the investigation includes:
If readers of El.pub are involved in research relating to one of the above, or is planning/thinking about doing so, then John would be very interested in hearing about it.
URL: Ceangal http://www.ceangal.com/
Email: John Kirriemuir mailto:gaming@ceangal.com
Alchemedia is the US developer of Mirage Enterprise 3.0, digital rights management (DRM) software designed to "combat the theft of corporate intellectual property by insiders". By way of endorsement of its approach the software was named as one of 30 "Hot Picks" by Seybold.
Mirage stops the unauthorised redistribution of sensitive and proprietary information by authorised users, prevents information from being copied, saved, emailed, printed, and screen captured, and protects confidential information against unauthorized use. The software comprises of three components:
URL: Alchemedia http://www.alchemedia.com/
The Apache Cocoon team have announced the 3rd release of Apache Cocoon 2.0, a complete rewrite of the Cocoon XML publishing framework. For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.0rc1, visit the project's web site.
URL: http://xml.apache.org/cocoon2
The September 2001 news notes on agent-based computational economics (ACE) are now available online. Featured items include journal, book, software, research group, on-line course, and conference announcements. Items of more permanent interest have been incorporated into the ACE web site. ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents and is run by the Department of Economics at Iowa State University, USA.
URL: news notes http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace0901.htm
URL: ACE web site http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
The dbXML project has made available the second beta of the dbXML Core XML database for download. The dbXML Core is an Open Source native XML database designed to manage large collections of small XML documents. The server supports XPath queries and provides an implementation of the XML:DB XML Database API for development of client applications.
The software can be: embedded into existing applications; reconfigured and is extensible. The source code has been released under an Apache style open source license. El.pub readers interested in the use or development of dbXML are being encouraged to join the project mailing lists.
URL: dbXML project http://www.dbxml.org/
URL: project mailing lists http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=7824
"The Changing Face of Europe's Digital Content Syndication Market" is the title of a report sponsored by BackStream and TopicalNet Europe, and authored by Van Dusseldorp & Partners. The report examines the growing move towards self-syndication by content originators. What this will mean for the established syndicators and whether their business models can adapt in time to prevent being squeezed out of the value chain - is a key focus of the report. For further information on the coverage, and to order the report follow the links below.
URL: report http://www.vandusseldorp.com/publications/syndication.asp
URL: online orders http://www.vandusseldorp.com/publications/order.asp
Under the auspices of IST project, ACTIVE-AD, (an Interactive Electronic Publishing sector project) Van Dusseldorp & Partners is carrying out a research study on interactive advertising in Europe. The project is currently attempting to identify innovative interactive advertising campaigns for wireless, interactive television, Internet as well as cross-media campaigns in order to include these as case studies.
Readers of El.pub are encouraged to send suggestions and offers of help with this research to the project via the email address below. Further information, including a factsheet explaining the ACTIVE-AD project in more detail, and downloadable in pdf format, is available on El.pub.
Email: mailto:activead@vandusseldorp.com
URL: ACTIVE-AD factsheet http://www.elpub.org/base12.htm#iep
Presentations made at the ACTIVE-AD Workshop provide an overview of the current interactive advertising landscape in Europe. Innovative initiatives in the shape of case studies were presented, which explored the unique possibilities of the Internet, wireless and iTV platforms. The presentations are available via the link below.
URL: http://www.vandusseldorp.com/activead/presentations.asp
The complete proceedings as well as slides from invited talks and tutorials from the Semantic Web Working Symposium are available online. The Symposium, held in July 2001 at Stanford University covered all aspects relating to concept of the semantic web. According to its proponents, the semantic web provides the key technologies for building an automated and integrated web-based information infrastructure.
URL: http://www.semanticweb.org/SWWS/program/index.html
UKISHELP is organising an event for the Eighth Call of the Fifth Framework IST programme on 27 November in London. Commission Officials will focus on all the core areas to be supported in the Eighth and final Call. The presentations will be detailed and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
David Broster from the European Commission will also provide an overview of the emerging plans for the Sixth Framework, providing potential proposers to prepare for the funding opportunities available from 2003.
Further information, on this and other IST related events in the UK, from the UKISHELP web site. UKISHELP is a DTI funded service for UK organisations seeking project funding under European Information Society Programmes.
URL: http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/index.cfm?PathID=98021374&TypeID=0
The October 2001 issue of Cultivate Interactive, a news and information service from the Digital Cultural Heritage Sector (IST Programme KA line III - Multimedia Content & Tools) has been published. Feature articles are entitled:
There is also: a report from ECDL 2001, the 5th conference in the series of European Conferences on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries; an introductory guide to audio and video encoding; and a detailed list of content management and web publishing systems.
URL: Cultivate Interactive Issue 5 http://www.cultivate-int.org/issue5/
URL: Cultivate Interactive home http://www.cultivate-int.org/
The OASIS Provisioning Services Technical Committee (PSTC) has been proposed by a number of members of OASIS. The purpose of PSTC is to define an XML-based framework for exchanging user, resource, and service provisioning information. The Technical Committee plans to "develop an end-to-end, open, provisioning specification developed from Provisioning specifications including the following: Active Digital Profile (ADPr); eXtensible Resource Provisioning Management (XRPM); Information Technology Markup Language (ITML).
The PSTC will produce a set of one or more Committee Specifications that will cover the following: Use cases and requirements; Information model; Protocol(s); Bindings; Conformance. The goal is for the PSTC to submit a Committee Specification to the OASIS membership for its approval by September 2002.
URL: OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/
Micrografx, who recently signed a definitive agreement for Corel to acquire them, are launching two new versions of their Picture Publisher 10 software Professional (Pro) for business users and Digital Camera Edition (DCE) for enthusiasts. The Pro version is priced at £99.99 including VAT whilst the DCE version will be £29.99 including VAT. Upgrade to PP10 Pro from earlier versions of PP is available at RRP of £49.99 including VAT.
URL: Micrografx http://www.micrografx.com/uk
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