EP Topic News: 22nd November 2001
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from Comdex
VoiceXML support
eContent second call
Ford uses XMetaL
WWW2002 Conference
Universal Business Language TC
JILT latest issue
EU research opportunities for SMEs
Internet2 Virtual Meeting
Agentcities Agent Network
Intelligent automatons
Commercialising academic computer research
Educational Technology Review
Content syndication technology
Usability - paper prototyping
XML Web Services Inspection Spec.
What is C#?
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Library Link Newsletter
Authentication for Wireless Networks
Microsoft web service resources
Managing sites with Perl
Safer Internet - EU Call
Wiley launches OnlineBooks
CORBA 2.3 Test Suite
The 16 November edition of the El.pub VR news features a report from the recent COMDEX event on the USA. Visit the web page on El.pub and subscribe to the weekly email information service, VREfresh, from the current news page.
URL: VR News on El.pub base02vt0175.htm
URL: VR News archive base02vta.htm
Following release of the working draft of the VoiceXML 2.0 specification from the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3), the VoiceForum Newsletter No. 29 (Tuesday, November 6, 2001) includes a number of related announcements (with links) including:
- Public Working Draft of VoicexML 2.0
URL: press release http://www.w3.org/2001/10/voicexml-pressrelease
URL: draft http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-voicexml20-20011023/- VoiceGenie announcing a VoiceXML gateway with full support for VoiceXML 2.0
URL: http://www.voicegenie.com/30200.html- Motorola's next generation VoiceXML 2.0 browser.
URL: http://developers.motorola.com/developers//wireless/Further information on the the useful free email news update service from the Voice Forum via the URL below.
The eContent programme launched its second call for proposals on 1 November, 2001. The call, with a total fund of around 30 million Euros, will be presented at a number of Information Days across Europe. The central eContent Information Day of the European Commission, will be held 22 November in Brussels. This is the occasion for those who wish to present and discuss ideas for proposals with Commission officials in due time before the call closes 1 February 2002.
A list of Information Days is available via the eContent web site which also features the registration information for the central Information Day in Brussels. The call documentation, including a new guide for proposers (procedures have been modified so potential proposers are advised to read the new guidelines), is also available online.
URL: Information Days http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/events.htm
URL: Call documentation http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/calls.htm
URL: eContent Programme http://www.cordis.lu/econtent/
Ford Motor Company, Europe, has selected SoftQuad XMetaL, the XML content authoring software to help streamline production of its vehicle manuals. Ford's content management system, Odyssey, is used to create repair and training manuals in 22 different languages and dialects, with approximately 6000 to 10,000 pages per manual, per vehicle in a variety of formats and medias. XMetaL is used by authors to create, submit, review and assemble content in XML.
Latest information concerning the Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference, WWW2002 (formerly WWW11) - scheduled for Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on May 7-11, 2002 - is available online. Key dates, detailed submission procedures, area/track descriptions and programme committee members have been added for several of the Refereed Papers and Alternate Tracks. Poster Submission information has also been linked in. The event web site under goes almost daily changes, so for the latest information visit the site - the organisers also run an email information update service.
URL: Call for participation http://www2002.org/cfp.html
URL: http://www2002.org/
At the first meeting of the OASIS Universal Business Language Technical Committee, members formed several subcommittees (SCs) to accomplish their goal of defining a common XML business document library. In keeping with the open nature of the OASIS TC process, the work of each subcommittee can be monitored through its public mail list archive.
- The OASIS UBL Library Content SC will develop standard XML business library content by taking an existing library as a starting point and modifying it to incorporate the best features of other existing business and core component libraries.
URL: LCSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-lcsc- The OASIS UBL Context Methodology SC, will develop a methodology and tools for applying context to the core library of generic business information entities (BIEs) in order to produce contextualised BIEs and to develop initial machine-readable descriptions of context rules in the service of helping the Library Content SC do its work.
URL: CMSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-cmsc- The OASIS UBL Context Drivers SC, will work on improvement and further development of the context drivers and their values.
URL: CDSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-cdsc- The OASIS UBL Naming and Design Rules SC, will recommend to the TC rules and guidelines for normative-form schema design, instance design, and markup naming and will be responsible for further maintenance of the design principles that were specified in the report of the UBL Group Planning Committee.
URL: NDRSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc- The OASIS UBL Tools and Techniques SC, will evaluate and recommend to the TC tools and techniques to be used in the development, quality assurance, documentation, maintenance, and revision of the UBL XML data formats, and will write and maintain guidelines reflecting these recommendations.
URL: TTSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ttsc- The OASIS UBL Liaison Subcommittee, will receive requests for input from SCs, negotiate review schedules with cooperating organisations, collect and organise formal input from cooperating organisations, convey input to the requesting SCs, and propose policies regarding the relationship of the UBL TC to other organisations for consideration by the TC.
URL: LSC archive http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-lscMinutes of the first OASIS UBL TC meeting can be found via the URL below. XML.com features an Interview with Jon Bosak entitled: "High Hopes for the Universal Business Language" which considers UBL, its aims, and its relationship to OASIS's other high-profile e-business activity, ebXML.
URL: UBL TC meeting http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/200111/msg00005.html
URL: XML.com interview http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2001/11/07/bosakubl.html
The Journal of Information Law & Technology (JILT) 2001 No. 3 is now available online from the Electronic Law Journals Project at Warwick University, UK. There is a wide range of papers on law and IT issues, and international authors write on such diverse topics as cryptography, databases and data protection, domain name disputes, e-commerce, Microsoft and spam law.
The main focus of this edition, however, is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in legal education, and there are four papers offering quite distinct perspectives on how ICT has been used to enhance the teaching of law, along with an editorial comment.
URL: Electronic Law Journals Project http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/
URL: JILT Issue 2001 (3) http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/01-3/
SME TechWeb is a new web site from the European Commission's Cordis service for small and medium-sized companies (SME). It plans to offer a single point of contact for on-line information and advice about EU research for SMEs. Providing information on the Specific Measures for SMEs of the Fifth Framework Programme, the aims to guide SMEs through all the steps of a research project, from initial identification of needs and how to submit research proposals to the commercial exploitation of results. The SME TechWeb is a direct replacement for the previous Cordis SME web site and went live on 30 October, 2001.
The Internet2 project held a virtual meeting for its members on October 2-5, 2001. The proceedings, including preestations as html and PowerPoint presentations (ppt) are available online. Internet2 is a US consortium being led by over 180 universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet. The primary goals of Internet2 are to:
- create a leading edge network capability for the national research community;
- enable revolutionary Internet applications;
- ensure the rapid transfer of new network services and applications to the broader Internet community.
URL: virtual meeting http://www.internet2.edu/activities/html/vimm.html
URL: Internet2 http://www.internet2.edu/
The Agentcities experimental agent network has been launched in 14 locations around world. The network is based on software platforms implementing the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) agent standard and represents world's first global open network of standards-based agent systems. The deployment was carried out by the 14 partners of the European Commission 5th Framework IST funded research project Agentcities. Interaction in the network is currently limited to basic message exchange but will be built up over the coming months to include federated directory and naming services.
Access to the network is open to anybody and network nodes can communicate using standard protocols and communication languages (HTTP, IIOP, FIPA-ACL, XML). The hope is that open collaborative experimentation will help mature the technologies involved, highlight important research / technical issues and enable the widest possible participation in development of the network.
URL: Agencities network http://www.agentcities.net/
URL: Agentcities projects http://www.agentcities.org/
URL: Agentcities.RTD http://www.agentcities.org/EURTD
A French e-zine entitled: "Automates Intelligents" (Intelligent automatons) is available online.
The US's Computing Research Association has issued a Best Practices Memo entitled "Commercialization Oversight for Computer Research Departments" to address issues relating to the commercialisation of academic computer research. According to the Memo, the relentless pressure to innovate in the information technology (IT) industry has drawn university researchers and graduate students into entrepreneurial situations to an increasing degree. The trend affects the academic enterprise in diverse ways, both favourable and unfavourable.
This news item first appeared in the US-based Computing Research Association semimonthly electronic bulletin (CRA Bulletin November 9, 2001). The news service is intended as a news digest for computing researchers. Previous issues can be viewed on the CRA web site.
URL: Best Practices Memo http://www.cra.org/reports/commercialization.html
URL: CRA Bulletin http://www.cra.org/cra-bulletin/
URL: CRA Bulletin Nov. 9 http://www.cra.org/cra-bulletin/2001/11.9.01.html
The first online issue of Educational Technology Review has been posted online. This peer-reviewed online periodical is devoted to the issues and applications of educational technology to enhance learning and teaching. The publication is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss all aspects of educational technology in all learning environments. Papers are invited which address the issues and applications of educational technology and e-learning. Feature articles in the premier issue are entitled:
- "Defining Distance Learning and Distance Education";
- "Models of Distance Higher Education: Fully Automated or Partially Human?";
- "Pedagogical Challenges for the World Wide Web";
- "The Laptop University: A Faculty Perspective";
- "Traditions to Transformations: The Forced Evolution of Higher Education".
There is also: a conference report from the SITE 2001 conference; a list of conference announcements and calls for papers for journals and conferences; and a list of new resources featured on the web site.
The Europemedia.net weekly newsletter, published by Van Dusseldorp & Partners Research, is a free weekly news round-up covering developments in online markets around Europe. A recent issue includes an article entitled: "Content syndication technology has a bright future". Based on an interview with Willem-Jan Schutte, CEO of BackStream, a content management and syndication software company, the article attempts to define the current state of the content syndication market. To subscribe to the newsletter link to the web site below.
URL: http://www.europemedia.net/showfeature.asp?ArticleID=6424
URL: Europemedia.net http://www.europemedia.net/newsletter.asp
The IBM developerWorks Newsletter of November 8, 2001 (Vol 2, Issue 45) includes an article on "paper prototyping". While it may seem counterintuitive to test an interface without using a computer, according usability specialist Carolyn Snyder contends that paper prototyping enables developers to "get maximum feedback for minimum effort ... and saves lots of headaches before you even start coding".
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/us-paper/?n-us-1181
The Web Services Inspection specification, from IBM and Microsoft, defines how an application can discover an XML Web service description on a web server. According to its proponents the specification complements the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) global directory technology by enabling the discovery of services on web sites not listed in the UDDI registries. The IBM developerWorks web services zone has also published information about the WS-Inspection specification including:
- a Web Services Inspection language overview;
- the full WS-Inspection Language specification;
- the WS-Inspection and UDDI relationship.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/news-alert/20011109/winsp/
URL: developerWorks resources http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices
C# is the latest programming language introduced by Microsoft. This article, on Internet.com's WebDeveloper.com News (Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2001) excerpted from Sams, "Teach Yourself C# in 21 Days", provides an overview of what C# is and why it is important.
URL: article http://webdeveloper.earthweb.com/webjs/article/0,,12721_922211,00.html
URL: WebDeveloper.com http://webdeveloper.com/
El.pub readers wishing to monitor the progress on the developments in the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) may wish to participate in the European Commission's web consultation. The Cordis page linked to below also includes a draft of the Commission proposal, a tentative time line, the IST priorities, and other related information.
Library Link Newsletter for November 2001 includes articles which consider developments in library and information management services and technology. The technology column considers "New Developments in Integrated Library Systems", one strand in a full Library Information System (LIS) which also includes online databases, digital libraries, and e-books.
URL: technology column http://www.emeraldinsight.com/librarylink/technology
URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/librarylink
According to the author of "NoCatAuth: Authentication for Wireless Networks", even an open community wireless network needs to keep track of who's using it, to prevent abuse. NoCat uses a system that authenticates users and grants privileges based on user class. This article publicised in the O'Reilly Network Newsletter should appeal to all readers who are interested in 802.11b connectivity, especially those building "open networks".
URL: article http://oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2001/11/09/nocatauth.html
URL: O'Reilly Network Newsletter http://oreillynet.com/
Microsoft publishes a free periodic email-based newsletter which it styles as, "resources for service providers", which includes useful information on the development of Microsoft-driven web services initiatives. Amongst recent announcements:
- Windows .NET server Beta 3, for providing web services infrastructure
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/news/net_beta_3P112398.asp- Next-generation mobile computing is here - leading companies unveil much-anticipated new tablet PC prototypes.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/news/next-generation_mobileP112400.asp- Confirmation that the Bluetooth SIG has qualified the Bluetooth implementation in Windows CE .NET, the next version of the Windows CE operating system, as compliant with the Bluetooth specification.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/news/win_ce_bluetoothP111464.aspTo subscribe to the Microsoft Service Providers news service, visit the URL below.
O'Reilly's book, "Perl for Web Site Management" is not a book about learning Perl; it is about learning to use Perl to write CGI scripts, incorporate search engines, convert multiple text files to HTML, monitor log files, and track visitors. Chapter 8, Parsing Web Access Logs is available free online.
URL: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perlwsmng/
URL: Chapter 8 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perlwsmng/chapter/ch08.html
The European Commission's Safer Internet initiative publishes a newsletter which provides news on actions being taken at a European level concerning child protection and pornography on the Internet. Issue 8 published during November 2001, includes:
- The European Commission publishes a new call for proposals on 1 November for actions to raise awareness of a safer use of the Internet. The call is for broadly-based projects intended to promote awareness of safer use of the Internet. Preference will be given to proposals characterised by a definite transnational dimension. The indicative budget available for this call amounts to 4.2 million Euro. To be eligible, proposals must reach the Action Plan office at the European Commission by 31 January 2002. Proposals are also invited under the open call for hotlines, particularly from new hotlines in Finland, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg and Portugal.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/information_society/programmes/iap/index_en.htm- a news item, "EU: Tackling harmful content on the Internet", which reports that the European Parliamentarians Internet Group convened a meeting at the European Parliament, Brussels, to discuss the issue of tackling harmful content on the Internet. The minutes and presentations have now been made available.
URL: http://www.eping.org/minutes.htmlFurther information on the Safer Internet Action Plan, the project responsible for the publishing the newsletter and associated web site via the URL below.
Wiley InterScience OnlineBooks, is an extensive database of scientific, technical, and medical (STM) content that will be available as part of the global publisher's Wiley InterScience online service. This announcement represents the latest step in move of Wiley's printed content online. The company claim that they are delivering to customers: "a fully searchable and browseable database that integrates the complete content of its scientific, technical, and medical books with that of its online journals and reference works".
The database will integrate the content of Wiley InterScience journals and reference works with more than 200 of Wiley's scientific, technical, and medical titles by the end of 2002. Access to the content will be based on a subscription model. Free trial access will be available until 31 December 2001.
URL: Wiley http://www.wiley.com/
URL: Wiley InterScience OnlineBooks http://www.interscience.wiley.com/
CORVAL2, the European Commission funded CORBA test suite development project, has announced the availability of its CORBA 2.3 test suite. CORBA is the Common Object Request Broker Architecture of The Object Management Group (OMG). The VSOrb 2.3 test suite ensures correct and consistent interfaces and functionality for CORBA 2.3-conformant ORBs. Thus, applications can use the features and services of CORBA, without change, across all CORBA-conforming products.
CORVAL2 have also announced that a Beta version of VSOrb 2.3 for C++ is available for free download from the CORVAL2 web site.
URL: CORVAL2 http://www.opengroup.org/corval2
URL: VSOrb 2.3 info http://www.opengroup.org/testing/testsuites/vsorb2_3.htm
URL: VSOrb 2.3 beta download http://www.opengroup.org/corval2/download.html
URL: Object Management Group (OMG) http://www.omg.org/
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