EP Topic News: 29th November 2001
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EC Research Projects
Cultural Heritage Info Day
RADICAL Conference invite
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative
Safer Internet partner search
Telecoms industry set for rebound
Rational Suite v2002
Renardus News Digest
UDDI web broadcast
Wiley InterScience and Celera link
Internet and virtual communities
Combating threat of software patents
The Once and Future Web Symposium
Embedded computing report
Influencing EC decisions
CULTIVATE looks East
Pan-European libraries
PULMAN Network of Excellence
Hyperwave knowledge management system
E-commerce and Europe
Philips MP4Net
D-Lib Magazine November
European Schoolnet portal
PowerXML Pro 2.1
MLPublication - formerly XMLPublish
Singleimage is running a "Managing EC Research Projects" workshop on 11 December 2001 in Prague. To qualify for a free place readers must:
- be looking for partners for a proposal to the IST Programme (Call 8);
- bring an outline of the idea;
- present the idea in 2 minutes using 2 slides, to your fellow delegates;
- be in Prague at the Hotel Diplomat at 9am - for the start of the workshop.
If this is of interest to you, please contact Sue Greig of Singleimage Limited, as soon as possible. If you are looking for partners but are unable to attend the workshop, please let Singleimage know and they will consider presenting your idea for you.
Email: Sue Greig mailto:sue.greig@singleimage.co.uk
URL: http://www.singleimage.co.uk/
Cultural Service Centre Austria is organising an Regional Information Day for Libraries, Archives, Museums on 12 December 2001 in Innsbruck (Tyrol). The day is supported by the projekt.service.buero of the University of Innsbruck, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture and is being organised within the framework of the EU accompanying measure CULTIVATE. Detailed information on the event and registration is available via the web sites below.
URL: http://www.cscaustria.at/events/eu0008.htm
URL: http://www.cultivate.at/
The first annual conference of the RADICAL project (Research Agendas Developed in Creative Arts Labs) will take place on the 10 December at lInstitut National de lAudiovisuel (INA) in Paris. Project members from throughout the IST programme are invited to join digital artists, cultural organisations, researchers, developers, publishers and broadcasters to find out more about creative research in the European Framework Programmes.
RADICAL is funded under the IEP sector of the European Commission's IST programme. It aims, through a programme of residential creative labs, to help create sustainable working relationships between the creative community, represented by digital practitioners, content developers and creative micro-enterprises, and the research and development community, comprising of researchers, software developers and publishers.
The conference programme has been structured to provide delegates with:
- insights into European activities in the field of digital expression, content creation and interactive publishing;
- details of how creativity is being viewed in relation to the impending 6th Framework Programme.
Places are free but limited, so if you wish to attend, please send an email to the Conference Organiser, Kieran O'Hea, stating your organisational and contact details and he will confirm your attendance in due course.
Email: Kieran O'Hea mailto:kjohea@eircom.net
URL: RADICAL project http://www.get-radical.net/
The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) is a consortium of scholars and information technology specialists building a distributed digital library of research indexed by time and location. Based in Berkeley, USA the initiative's membership and interests are global.
They are running a conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, on December 2-4, "Digital Technologies and the Sharing of Cultural Resources" which focuses on the interoperability of digital resources across institutions, disciplines, and national boundaries.
URL: http://www.ecai.org/
URL: conference details http://www.pnclink.org/
The Safer Internet web site, sponsored by the European Commission, has launched a partner search service. The service is designed for all those interested in raising awareness about safer use of the Internet and in telling others about their activities. It is open to all organisations, not just those funded under the Safer Internet Action Plan or seeking funding, and can be used by organisations from all over the world, whether based in the European Union or not.
The service can be used specifically for the open calls for proposals under the Action Plan: awareness and hotlines. Proposals must be made by the next deadline of 31 January 2002 and funding is restricted to organisation based in the European Economic Area (the 15 Member States of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). Further information concerning the calls are available via the web site below.
URL: Safer Internet partner search http://www.saferinternet.org/partner
URL: Calls http://europa.eu.int/information_society/programmes/iap/call/2002/index_en.htm
According to a study from US-based Shosteck Group the telecommunications industry, currently in the "doldrums", will begin to recover in the first quarter of 2002. The 150 page study analyses when the telecoms industry will turn around and what it will take to move it forward. It concludes that sequential sales will begin to climb in Q1, 2002.
"From the First Quarter of 2002, vendors of telecommunications equipment can expect increasing revenues. This will be especially the case for the wireless segments", states Jane Zweig, Chief Executive Officer of The Shosteck Group. For further information on the study, "Strategic Implications of the Telecoms Collapse: Unseen Profit Opportunities", contact Peter Bartels, Marketing Manager, Cartagena Capital Research.
Email: mailto:peter.bartels@new-research-report.com
URL: http://www.new-research-report.com/
URL: press release http://www.new-research-report.com/shosteck1/press.html
Rational Software have added a module, ProjectConsole, to their Rational Suite v2002 project management software. The module automates the publication of a "project status" web site based on information generated by the Rational Suite project management software.
News has been received of the latest Renardus News Digest (Issue 10: November 2001). Renardus is a collaborative project that aims to improve academic users' access to a range of existing Internet-based information services across Europe. It is funded under the European Commission's IST Programme.
An IBM webcast, "UDDI: Discovering Web Services", on 5 December aims to provide an in-depth look at the registry for Web services - Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). Topics include an overview of UDDI, the Private UDDI, and the WebSphere UDDI Registry.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/news-alert/20011119/wbsttudi/
Plans have been announced to develop links between cited article references, abstracts, and full-text articles available on the Wiley InterScience online service and the Celera Discovery System (CDS). According to the companies this agreement will provide subscribers of both services with "more direct access to a broad range of bioinformatics data, full-text articles, and abstracts". The content on Wiley InterScience, which includes journals such as Cancer, Proteomics, and Human Mutation, will be linked with the content on CDS, which includes the Human Genome Database, Human Gene Index, Drosophila Genome Database, Drosophila Gene Index, Mouse Genome Reference Database, and SNP Reference Database.
"This is the start of Celera's strategy of directly linking literature to genomic and biological databases. We believe the cross analysis of these key databases will significantly accelerate breakthrough discoveries", claimed Celera.
URL: Wiley http://www.wiley.com/
URL: Celera http://www.celera.com/
"Online Communities: Networks that nurture long-distance relationships and local ties" is a report, (available online and as a downloadable .pdf file), from The Pew Internet & American Life Project which focuses on the role of the Internet in creating virtual communities or supplementing local communities. The study is based on a survey of around 1,700 Internet users and found that the Internet, through the provision of virtual communities has aided in enhancing the role of physical communities.
The Pew Internet & American Life Project's mission statement is to "create and fund original, academic-quality research that explores the impact of the Internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. The Project aims to be an authoritative source for timely information on the Internet's growth and societal impact, through research that is scrupulously impartial".
URL: http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=47
URL: Pew Research Center http://www.pewinternet.org/
One way that developers can avoid the threat of a rival patenting a software area they are working in is to ensure that their basic ideas are in the pubic domain. Ip.com has a web site where technical disclosure and lists of prior art can be put in the public domain as a defense against "obvious" and "non-novel" inventions being given an easy ride by the US Patent Office and forcing developers into unnecessary legal costs. The site includes teach yourself modules on technical disclosure and other aspects of prior art.
URL: http://Ip.com/
The Once and Future Web Symposium is being held on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the first US web site at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center on December 3-4, 2001 in Menlo Park, USA. The symposium will not just be a celebration of the accomplishments of the past decade, but will also provide a serious look forward at the technologies and issues spawned by the web revolution.
Speakers include many web and Internet luminaries including: Tim Berners-Lee, Nathaniel Borenstein and Robert Cailliau amongst many others. Further details from Maura Chatwell via the email below or via the symposium web site.
Email: mailto:webanniv@slac.stanford.edu
URL: http://www-project.slac.stanford.edu/webanniv/
The US Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) has released a report: "Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of embedded Computers". The report explores the potential of networked systems of embedded computers and the research challenges arising from embedding computation and communications technology into a multitude of arenas. It describes the many ways in which these emerging networks operate under unique constraints not present in more traditional distributed systems such as the Internet.
The research, funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), concludes by providing a comprehensive, systems-oriented research agenda along with recommendations to major US federal funding agencies.
URL: http://www4.nationalacademies.org/cpsma/cstb.nsf/web/pub_embedded?OpenDocument
The European Commission has launched a web site: "Your voice in Europe" which is aiming to provide a mechanism by which European citizens, consumers and businesses can be actively involved in the Commission's policy-making process. The web site, available in all European languages, provides coverage of all areas of policy that the Commission is involved in forming or influencing.
CULTIVATE Central and Eastern Europe (CULTIVATE CEE) is a new addition to the Cultivate Cultural Heritage Applications Network which supports cooperation between institutions (archives, libraries and museums) under the European Commissions Information Society Technologies programme (IST).
CULTIVATE CEE brings to the network ten new nodes in the Accession countries which will aim to raise awareness and promote cooperation between cultural heritage institutions leading to the development of innovative cultural heritage applications.
Europe's national libraries have important digital and other collections of the cultural and scientific publications of their respective countries at their disposal. As global networks grow in significance it is becoming more important to share knowledge and standards. By combining the resources of some of Europe's national libraries the idea of a single European Library has moved a step closer to becoming a reality.
This new "virtual library" will allow users to search for, and access, digital and other collections from all the participating libraries. The European Library (TEL), a 30-month cooperative project will provide the groundwork on which to build a pan-European service. The project uniting ten European partners as a consortium will make recommendations on how to improve interoperability across national boundaries. TEL is largely being funded by the European Commission as an Accompanying Measure under the cultural heritage applications area of Key Action 3 of the Information Societies Technology (IST) research programme.
URL: TEL project http://www.europeanlibrary.org/
URL: Cultural Heritage http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/digicult/home.html
URL: IST Programme http://www.cordis.lu/ist/
The PULMAN Network of Excellence has been launched under the European Commission's research programme for a User-Friendly Information Society (DG Information Society). The PULMAN Network will stimulate and promote sharing of policies and practices for the digital era, in public libraries and cultural organisations which operate at local and regional level. Initial membership of the PULMAN Network includes representatives of 26 European countries and the activities and plans of the Network are to:
- Compile and publish Digital Guidelines Manuals covering all aspects of innovative public library service provision, such as support for access to culture online, lifelong learning, social inclusion, digital literacy and e-government.
- Host concensus building conferences, to promote collaboration and obtain input into the Digital Guidelines Manuals.
- Encourage Europe-wide awareness, collaboration and dialogue on digital initiatives and best practice.
- Organise a policy conference in 2003 targeted to senior policy makers, practitioners and national representatives of public libraries, museums and archives.
- Issue a Policy Manifesto designed to drive forward future phases of collaboration and innovation in the work of local public cultural organisations.
- Promote an International Cooperation Agenda intended to disseminate the work of the PULMAN Network internationally.
- Sponsor training workshops on innovative practice for public library managers, to be held in Centres of Excellence across Europe.
- Publish and maintain a web-based Distance Learning Registry to offer improved access to high quality distance learning materials for professionals working in local public libraries, museums and archives.
Further information is available via the Network's web site, along with a sign-up form for the Pulman express newsletter.
Hyperwave Information Management has launched eKnowledge Infrastructure, which the company claims is "a suite of modular collaborative knowledge management systems integrating content and document management, information search and retrieval, workflow, collaboration, and e-learning capabilities". The suite of software replaces the company's Hyperwave Information Server (HIS) and Hyperwave Information Portal (HIP) products.
The electronic commerce team is a team of experts, who are keen to ensure that the European Union remains at the forefront of electronic commerce, both in terms of research and development and in the successful implementation of new ideas. Their mission is to keep Europe at the forefront of the global digital economy via facilitating innovation, creating value in the electronic marketplace and cooperation with leading edge organisations. They run a web site providing constantly updated information from within and without the European Commission.
The site also features "interactive communication points", such as discussion lists, feedback and Dr. Ecommerce, providing a discussion forum on every aspect of electronic commerce. Innovation support sources provide potential projects with information concerning funding and other support services. The site also features links to: research projects, research institutes, papers, law and e-commerce, technologies, statistics, publications, events, policy papers.
MP4Net provides information on Philips' MPEG-4 products for creating and delivering streaming audio, video, and graphics content over todays Internet as well as emerging broadband and mobile IP networks. The MPEG-4 international standard combines streaming audio, video, and graphics with interactivity and allows delivery to multiple platforms including personal computers, Internet appliances, and wireless devices. MPEG-4 also ensures interoperability between vendors and across platforms and provides maximum quality over low-bandwidth delivery channels.
Philips' first product line WebCine, is currently available for IP-based networks. Future enhancements include the deployment of digital rights management and, with the adoption of MPEG-4 technology by 3GPP, delivery of MPEG-4 based multimedia to 2.5G and 3G mobile devices.
URL: Philips MP4Net http://www.mpeg-4player.com/
URL: WebCine http://www.mpeg-4player.com/products/encoder/index.asp
URL: 3GPP http://www.3gpp.org/
The November 2001 issue of D-Lib Magazine is now available. In this issue, there are five full-length articles, several smaller features in D-Lib Magazine's "In Brief" column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in "Clips and Pointers". The November 2001 articles include:
- "The NSF National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program: New Projects and a Progress Report";
- "Lessons Learned: The Development of Electronic Reserves at the University of Calgary";
- "A Challenging Future Awaits Libraries Able to Change: Highlights of the International Summer School on the Digital Library";
- "DISA: Insights of an African Model for Digital Library Development";
- "Organizing Ready Reference and Administrative Information with the Reference Desk Manager".
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november01/11contents.html
European Schoolnet has unveiled a portal for teachers called eSchoolnet. Teachers all over Europe are being invited to try out the newest activities and services. The official launch will take place on 29 November 2001.
URL: European Schoolnet http://www.eun.org/
URL: eSchoolnet portal http://www.eschoolnet.org/
Wizen Software has released PowerXML Pro version 2.1 which is described as enabling data interchange between XML and non-XML data sources. Sources include files, databases, applications, web sites, mainframes, and web-services. PowerXML is based on XML, XSLT, and XPath technologies, with key advantages listed as:
- Ability to work seamlessly with non-XML (native), XML, and HTML data.
- Speed with which visual 'data pipelines' can be built.
- Ability to work with existing applications, programmable interfaces, and data formats - without requiring modification to the underlying system.
A free 30-day fully-functional version of PowerXML Pro v2.1 is available on the Wizen website.
MLPublication (formerly XMLPublish) is described as a set of tools to generate web pages from desktop documents or other structured documents. It is a command-line tool aimed at users with "large volumes of word processor files with a regular structure, or table data, to put on the web". Its developers claim it is able to "cut big documents in Web pages, creates customisable multi-index". The software makes use of XML techniques and particularly XSLT and Ant and is available under GNU Public License. Background information on the software is available in French and English.
URL: http://wwbota.free.fr/XMLPublication/doc/index.html
URL: http://XMLPublication.org/
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