EP Topic News: 20th December 2001
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broadband report
eLibrary looking for collaborators
Netherlands - PDF exchange of ads
xreferplus - digital reference service
Use Cordis to promote
UDDI Business Registry version 2
Optical networking standards
Safer Internet Awareness Days
Document delivery in Germany
Cyberspace as a "global commons"
Conference on the Public Domain
Introduction to dbXML
Web design exhibit
Agentcities information day
FP6 Discussion Forum - Manufacturing
Agent news
Advanced Encryption Standard
XrML 2.0 released
TeamXML - XML repository
Large-scale image management
XYZFind native XML database
Education and Training InfoDay
DRH 2002 - call for papers
Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing
Networking Industry Awards 2002
Forrester have released a new report "Turning On Broadband Users", based on research in 13 European countries. The report finds that: "Three types of applications benefit most from broadband access: media sharing, entertainment information, and what Forrester terms 'snacking' activities - short, frequent spells of online activity". File sharing sees the largest broadband effect, while the uptake of MP3 and software downloads and online games also increase significantly. Broadband's always-on, call-charge-free model encourages 'snacking' communication applications like SMS, chat, instant messaging, newsgroup participation, and free email. And broadband facilitates access to entertainment content like magazine and entertainment sites, movie information sites, and gambling due to the rich media experience made possible by broadband's additional capacity." More information in the press release.
URL: http://www.forrester.com/ER/Press/Release/0,1769,665,00.html
eLibrary, described as a software tool for scientific publications based on advanced search methods, is seeking collaborators to form a joint venture agreement or to provide financial support. Developed in Poland, the software includes a database of scientific publications (bachelors, graduates, doctors, qualifying for professorship, conference materials, articles and other scientific publications) offering online purchase of scientific papers and a locally operating bibliographic programme connected to the database.
- The main option of the eLibrary is integration with the locally operating bibliographic programme linked to the database (helping the process of writing scientific publications).
URL: of the library http://www.prace.naukowe.plThis library was set up using: Borland C++, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), SQL (Simple Query Language), Java, SSL (Secure Socket Layer). The company is looking for partners interested in further development and companies (scientific, commercial or free libraries), for testing of new applications as well as joint venture partners. Results of demonstration trials are available. Main advantages for the systems are:
- Ease of entering, searching for and obtaining the information.
- Low price of the programme.
- Potential for wide (Internet but not only) application.
Innovative aspects include:
- Database of scientific publications: instant addition of texts to the databases by authors; collection of a wide range of scientific papers including those that are not available in bookshops and libraries; facilities searching for complete texts of publications/documents.
- Compatibility of the bibliographic programme with the text editor MS Word, helping in all aspects of scientific work documentation, convenient archives and data transfer.
Further details are available from Artur Kubik, Kracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, Krakow, 31-155 Poland.
Email: mailto:akubik@smok.wis.pk.edu.pl
URL: http://lajkonik.wis.pk.edu.pl/femirc
DAL TC, the Dutch technical commission governing digital supply of data files, has decided to allow the Enfocus Certified PDF data file as a standard for digitally exchanging advertisements. This agreement means that "it is possible to exchange PDF files between newspaper publishers, graphic companies and other players in the world of advertising in a completely reliable and manageable way".
xrefer has launched xreferplus, a subscription-based digital reference service that provides libraries of all types and sizes with access to an aggregated and integrated collection of 100 reference books from some of the world's leading publishers. Content includes a wide range of general reference books together with an extensive collection of subject specific works covering everything from the arts to atlases and science to Shakespeare.
All content is integrated using xrefer's unique system of cross-referencing that connects related information spanning the whole digital library. Subscription rates are determined by library size, and start at Euros 1,800. Libraries can take xreferplus for an in-depth test-drive by signing-up for a one month no obligation free trial (see the link below).
URL: free trial http://www.xreferplus.com/trial/signup.jsp
URL: xreferplus http://www.xreferplus.com/
URL: xrefer http://www.xrefer.com/
Many EU research and development projects promote their results on the CORDIS Technology Marketplace. El.pub readers have been invited by Cordis to do the same, several reasons are given for doing this, including the fact that Cordis:
- is the Commission's official R&D information service;
- is known by its users as the one central place where you can see all R&D together;
- has millions of accesses every month so you have the maximum chance of finding an application for your technology;
- is free to you and the user.
The service will publish any genuine research results or technologies that are offered for exploitation - they do not have to come from EU co-financed projects. The application can be commercial, scientific, or societal. You can offer the technology for sale, for licence, as a consultancy package, or simply seek partners for finance, marketing or manufacturing.
If you want to submit your own results or technologies for free publication please go to directly to the Marketplace link below.
URL: Cordis Marketplace http://www.cordis.lu/marketplace
URL: Cordis homepage http://www.cordis.lu/
The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) project has made available the UDDI Business Registry V2 beta, featuring enhanced support for deploying public and private web service registries. Enterprises can deploy private registries to manage internal web services, and give access to internal web service information to a private network of business partners.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/news-alert/20011130/wsvztudi/
The ITU's Telecommunication Standardisation Sector has reached agreement on new global standards for equipment and management of the next generation optical network. The new standards support carrier-grade ultra-high capacity transport networks capable of supporting fully transparent wavelength services. In particular, they support efficient transport of popular data protocols such as Ethernet and Fibre Channel, together with other wideband and broadband services including SDH/SONET, ATM, Frame Relay, Audio/Video, and IP based services. The standards are part of the Optical Transport Network (OTN) series which are agreed by Study Group 15.
The Safer Internet Newsletter published monthly by the European Commission's Safer Internet Action Plan includes a report and extracts from the Safer Internet Awareness Days Minutes held on 25 October, 2001. The report includes details of projects being funded by the sector along with links to resources published on the web. To subscribe to the newsletter, delivered in in pdf format, visit the Safer Internet web site.
FIZ Karlsruhe and Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) Hannover are creating a full-text supply system for technology and natural science. The new offering called "GetInfo" will be put into service in the first half of 2002. GetInfo will provide a portal for all questions relating to the delivery of electronic and print literature in technology and natural science.
An important part of GetInfo will be the set-up and operation of a full-text server offering access to electronic documents and metadata. Literature of relevant specialist publishers as well as so-called grey literature will be centrally provided via this server. Authors and publishers will be given the opportunity to store their documents on the GetInfo server and have them marketed professionally by GetInfo.
This project is supported by the German research ministry (BMBF) as part of its "Digital Library" programme. The programme was initiated by the German federal government in order to help set up a well-functioning infrastructure for electronic information supply.
URL: http://www.getinfo-doc.de/
URL: press release http://www.getinfo-doc.de/news/PressReleases
In the spring of 1998 Berkman Center Faculty Director Charles Nesson greeted attendees at Harvard's Second International Conference on Internet & Society with a challenge. "Is cyberspace to be a global commons or just a mall?" asked Nesson. The Filter Newsletter from the Berkman Center reports that, "at the time few appeared to listen; after all, conventional wisdom said that there was infinite 'space' on the Internet in which to freely create, and that the private sector would continue to lead and further, to nurture, innovation".
Now Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig has published "The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World", in which he elaborates upon the notion of a shared digital commons. "Under the guise of protecting private property, a series of new laws and regulations are dismantling the very architecture that made the Internet a framework for global innovation," writes Lessig in an article summarising key arguments from the book. "[T]he Internet took off precisely because core resources were not 'divided among private owners.' Instead, the core resources of the Internet were left in a 'commons.' It was this commons that engendered the extraordinary innovation that the Internet has seen."
URL: http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/future/
URL: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/issue_novdec_2001/lessig.html
URL: The Filter http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filter/
The Filter also reports that on November 9-11, 2001 Professor James Boyle of Duke convened the "Conference on the Public Domain," at which participants discussed the full range of issues surrounding digital property rights and the public domain. Among the presentations was a roundtable discussion on "The Creative Commons," a new project headed by Boyle, Lessig (see news item above), MIT's Hal Abelson, Villanova Law School's Michael Carroll, and Berkman Center Executive Director Eric Saltzman. The news item provided the links below to the webcast archive of the conference and the conference focus papers.
URL: http://www.law.duke.edu/pd/
URL: http://www.law.duke.edu/pd/papers.html
URL: The Filter http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filter/
XML.com provides an introduction to dbXML, an established open source native XML database. The dbXML database offers XPath-based query over collections of semi-structured XML documents. The site also features a previous article by the same author which provides an introduction to native XML databases, explaining the character and uses of specialised XML databases.
XML.com also features a very handy XML news headlines page, from the The XML Cover Pages by Robin Cover, providing up-to-the-minute news on the latest developments relating to XML, the surrounding "standards" and their implementation. You can subscribe to an email-based news alerter service via the link below.
URL: dbXML http://xml.com/pub/a/2001/11/28/dbxml.html
URL: XML Cover Pages http://xml.com/pub/a/coverpage/newspage.html
URL: XML.com http://xml.com/
From 30 November 2001 to 21 April 2002, the Design Museum in London, UK is staging an exhibition dedicated to web design. "Web Wizards: Designers Who Define the Web" spotlights what the museum terms "the new generation of superstar designers who have created the most technically and aesthetically innovative sites of recent years. Web Wizards offers insights into the work and inspiration of these new design stars ...".
It also features landmarks in the history of computer and games console design, including some vintage games.
An Agentcities information day will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on February 7-8, 2002 just before the 24th FIPA meeting. The meeting will provide and introduction to the Agentcities initiative, specifically:
- an overview of Agentcities activities worldwide;
- details of the support available in Europe through Agentcities.NET (IST2000-28384);
- tutorials and support for getting started in the network;
- opportunities for those interested in participating in the Agentcities projects to meet, share interests and establish collaborative work plans.
Participation is free and open to anybody interested in participating in the project. A limited number of travel support grants are available for Agentcities.NET project members.
URL: http://agents.umbc.edu/cgi-bin/raw?url=http://www.agentcities.org/EUNET/index.php?target=lausanne
The UK-based MANIST project is launching a "Discussion Forum" for interested parties to share views and provide feedback to the Commission with regard to Manufacturing within Framework Programme 6. Particular points on which the project is seeking responses are the concepts of: Networks of Excellence (NOE) and Integrated Projects (IP) which will make the FP6 Programme differ significantly from FP5. Comments can be made online via a simple form on the MANIST web site.
UMBC AgentNews, an email based information service which summarises information posted on the AgentWeb site from the previous three weeks, reports on:
- Colony a "knowledge management" system based on "the theory of self-organizing systems" which is available for evaluation.
URL: http://www.trycolony.com/- XML in 10 points (from the W3C web site) which attempts to capture the basic concepts of XML for the uninitiated
URL: http://www.w3.org/XML/1999/XML-in-10-points- "Living with CLASSIC: When and How to Use a KL-ONE-Like Language", an introduction to knowledge representation languages, which provide the basis for semantic web languages such as DAML and OIL.
URL: http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/papers/living-with-classic-abstract.html- "Signs, Processes, and Language Games - Foundations for Ontology", a paper presented at ICCS'2001.
URL: http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/signproc.htmSubscribe to the very useful AgentNews via the links below.
Agent News December 9 http://agents.umbc.edu/06/32/
URL: AgentWeb http://agents.umbc.edu/
AES or Advanced Encryption Standards, is a cryptographic cipher that is responsible for a large amount of the information security that users enjoy on a daily basis. The Best VPN have recently put together a comprehensive introduction and guide on AES. Thanks to Chris Paddle, Senior Editor at TheBestVPN.com e-safety department, for this link.
The Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC), is part of the US National Instuitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) charged with facilitating the broad sharing of information security tools and practices, providing a resource for information security standards and guidelines, and identifing key security web resources to support users in industry, government, and academia.
CSRC is the primary gateway for gaining access to NIST computer security publications, standards, and guidelines plus other useful security-related information.
ContentGuard, a US developer of digital rights language technology, has launched version 2.0 of its eXtensible rights Markup Language (XrML). XrML defines: "a universal method for specifying rights and conditions associated with the use and protection of digital content and services. Originally developed at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), the specification facilitates the creation of an open architecture for rights management of digital content."
The company has also released version 2.0 of its software developer's kit (SDK) aimed at enabling developers to build XrML-based Digital Rights Management (DRM) software. ContentGuard plans to "hand control of XrML to an international standards organization ..." and "The company is currently in discussions with several standards organizations about accepting this governance role" in an attempt to ensure XrML's future development and broad industry participation. The XrML 2.0 specification is available free via the link below, whilst the XrML 2.0 SDK is available for download via the ContentGuard site.
URL: XrML http://www.xrml.org/
URL: ContentGuard http://www.contentguard.com/
SmartVerse is a platform for creating simulated 3D environments. The developers of the software claim that its modular framework, contains a large set of reusable software components, making it suitable for creating a wide range of "virtual worlds" for use in many different applications. The software also includes a number of communication tools to enable user interaction.
Interwoven has released TeamXML its XML repository. Conceived and built as a "hybrid architecture", the software has been designed to handle legacy content formats as well as XML-based content. The announcement stated: "TeamXML allows customers to migrate individual web assets, or even components of assets, to XML as circumstances dictate".
URL: Interwoven http://www.interwoven.com/
URL: press release http://www.interwoven.com/news/0612teamxmlpr.html
Equilibrium, a US developer of automated imaging solutions, has released MediaRich 2.0. The software is targeted at corporations wishing to dynamically generate, update and deliver visual content to Internet-enabled devices. New features in version 2.0 include key advances in data integration for XML, ODBC and Metadata sources, increased font rendering capabilities, support for Unicode international character sets, ICC colour profiles and enhanced Photoshop 6.0 support.
According to the company, the latest enhancements allow MediaRich to integrate with different environments and applications such as digital asset management, and e-commerce applications. The server-based software starts at US $35,000, hence the focus by Equilibrium on "corporations", as the likely end-users.
URL: http://www.equilibrium.com/products/MediaRich/index.jsp
URL: Equilibrium http://www.equilibrium.com/
XYZFind has announced the general availability of XYZFind Server version 2.0, a native XML database aimed at providing: "reliable, scalable storage, with search and query functionality for a wide range of business applications".
"Our server is designed for commercial, enterprise, and web developers that require a pure XML persistence and query solution, and for those that cannot anticipate the types of XML their application will manage", said Bob Lord, VP for Product Development. The software runs under Linux, Solaris, and Windows NT/2000/XP.
Under the framework of the IST programme, an Information Meeting will take place in Luxembourg, 8 January 2002. This event aims to present the actions in Education and Training sector for 2002 dealing with the assessment of impacts of the research work carried out so far, with the analysis of the E&T activities' performance, with dissemination as well as with the preparation of future research activities.
The next call will be the last opportunity to submit proposals under the Fifth Framework Programme (proposal submission deadline is 21 February 2001). This meeting will allow face-to-face meetings with EC representatives to get at first hand, information on the activities and plans for Education and Training accompanying measures. For further details and to register for the event visit the web site below.
URL: http://www.proacte.com/meetings/infoday_Jan2002/index.asp
The annual Digital Resources for the Humanities conference is the major forum for all those involved in, and affected by, the digitisation of our cultural heritage:
- the scholar creating or using an electronic resource to further research;
- the teacher gathering web resources into an online learning environment;
- the publisher or broadcaster integrating print or analogue with the digital to reach new audiences;
- the librarian, curator or archivist wishing to improve both access to and conservation of the digital information that characterizes contemporary culture and scholarship;
- the computer or information scientist seeking to apply new developments to the creation, exploitation and management of humanities resources.
DRH 2002 will be held at the University of Edinburgh, UK, from 8-11 September 2002. A call for papers is open until 1 March, 2002 - further information is available on the web site.
The first part of the two special issues from the EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing on "Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing" has been published online. There is a list of forthcoming special issues scheduled to appear in EURASIP JASP which include:
- Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
- 3G Wireless Communications and Beyond
- Signal Processing for 3D Imaging and Virtual Reality
- Systems for Multimedia Internet Communications
- Digital Audio for Multimedia Communications
- Multimedia Human-Computer Interface
- Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks
- Object-Based and Semantic Image and Video Analysis
URL: Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing http://asp.hindawi.com/volume-2001/issue-4.html
URL: details of special issues http://asp.hindawi.com/si/
The 9th Annual Networking Industry Awards 2002, sponsored by Network News, will take place on 25 June 2002 in Birmingham, UK. For the first time "Most Innovative European Network Project" category is introduced to this year's awards. Judges will be looking particularly for projects that have met the customers business needs and where entrants can deliver evidence of a genuine business advantage to the customer as a result. Any voice and/or data project completed by a service provider anywhere in Europe will be considered - the project must have been completed successfully between 1 April 2001 and 31 March 2002.
Other award categories include: Network Professional of the Year, Network Project of the Year, Most Innovative Product. For a full list of all categories visit the awards web site - the closing date for entries is 1st April 2002.
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