EP Topic News: 2nd January 2002
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Localisation Technical Committee
Sun's wireless development site
Language Technologies newsletter
RLG DigiNews December
Agent-based computational economics
XMetaL 3.0 announced
IBM resources for developers
Mobile technology news
Scholarly EP Bibliography available
XML Schema technologies
German online chemistry education
EUSIDIC Spring Meeting 2002
Multilingual domain names
Web technologies news
D-Lib Magazine Dec. 2001
WebSphere Studio demo
Distributed systems topologies
Collaborative image proofing
E-content newsletter latest
3D animation book
Acrobat Distiller Server 5.0
XML 1.1 and Unicode
Model Driven Architecture
NVIDIA Personal Cinema
Certified PDF - French support
The formation of a new OASIS Technical Committee has been proposed focussing on XML Localisation Interchange File Format. The purpose of the XLIFF TC is to define a specification for an extensible localisation interchange format that will allow any software provider to produce a single interchange format that can be delivered to and understood by any localisation service provider. The first phase is to create a working specification based on work previously carried-out by the Yahoo! DataDefinition Group.
That group has produced a white paper, a specification, and a DTD, which were made public through that group's site. This specification will be submitted for approval as the XLIFF 1.0 specification in the first meeting. The archive for previous discussions, the white paper, the specification, and the DTD can be found at the URLs below. The proposed list of deliverables expected within 6 months following the TC's inaugural meeting in January 2002, includes the XLIFF 1.1 Specification, DTD and Schema. The Committee is being chaired by Tony Jewtushenko of Oracle. To access further information it is necessary to sign-up to the group.
URL: DataDefinition archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DataDefinition
URL: white paper/specification/DTD http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DataDefinition/files/Final
Email: TC Chairman, Tony Jewtushenko mailto:tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com
Sun is running a web site for developers, providing software tools for designing, building, and marketing wireless applications. Details via the "wireless" link on Sun's Java site.
The Euromap Language Technologies monthly newsletter, is an email-based service covering the latest developments in the field of Human Language Technologies from Europe along with news of upcoming events and Commission Research calls. Subscribe or view the newsletter online via the links below.
The December, 2001 issue of RLG DigiNews is now available and includes:
an FAQ section which considers image search engines.
This bimonthly web-based newsletter
focuses "on issues of particular interest and value to managers of
digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale".
URL: December 2001 issue http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/diginews5-6.html
URL: home page http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/
The news notes on agent-based computational economics (ACE) for December 2001 are now available online.
ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents.
The December 2001 ACE news notes include announcements regarding a new ACE survey paper, journals, books, software, web sites, and miscellaneous news items that might be of interest to people interested in ACE-related research. An archive of previous notes is also available via the ACE web site.URL: News Notes http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace1201.htm
URL: ACE website http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
SoftQuad has announced XMetaL 3.0, an upgrade to its XML content creation software, will be released in January 2002. The latest version apparently includes collaborative authoring capabilities (through support of WebDAV), preview in HTML and PDF, greater integration with Microsoft Office modules and support for both W3C Schema and DTDs. The software has a listed price of US$ 495, with an upgrade listed at US$ 195.
The IBM developerWorks newsletter (technology edition) includes links to a couple of features which may be of particular interest to El.pub readers:
- "Introduction to Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)", an XML-based architecture for authoring, producing, and delivering technical information. A new version of the DITA files is now live, and in line with this the article, has been updated, and includes the link to the new release of the DITA files (as well as the original release). This article serves as a roadmap to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture: what it is and how it applies to technical documentation for print, PDF, online help, and so on.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-dita1/?n-x-12131- "Deploying Web services with WSDL" is an article which attempts to guide readers through the major technical aspects of creating, deploying, and publishing web services. The first in a proposed series, part one focuses on WSDL authoring.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-intwsdl/?n-ws-12131URL: developerWorks newsletter http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/?n-12131
El.pub readers looking for a weekly summary of mobile technology news may wish to consider subscribing to the free, "Thinkmobile Headlines" email service. Nicely brief, the one line summaries include links back to the full news items on the Thinkmobile web site. A typical recent issue included news items such as:
- Interactive Intelligence releases wireless application gateway
- Wingcast And Verizon Wireless join forces
- Summus demonstrates first 2G-based color image transmission
- Phone vendors complete latest 3G standards test
- Mobile entertainment tops in Nokia 3G study
If you would like to receive the newsletter on a regular basis, sign up at Thinkmobile.com.
Version 40 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 1,500 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. It is available in HTML, PDF or Word 97 formats.
The HTML document includes three sections not found in the Acrobat or Word files: an archive (prior versions of the bibliography); a list of scholarly electronic publishing resources (related web sites); and a scholarly electronic publishing weblog (frequently updated list of new resources). The resources available range from: coverage of the economic, legal and publishing issues; through to the history of electronic books, texts and serials; and on to the technicalities of images, digital preservation and standards. An article about the bibliography has been published in "The Journal of Electronic Publishing".
URL: http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
URL: archive http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/archive/sepa.htm
URL: related web sites http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepr.htm
URL: weblog http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepw.htm
URL: Journal of EP article http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/07-02/bailey.html
"Survey of XML schema languages" is the title of an article published in XML.com, and based on a paper presented at the XML 2001 conference in Orlando, Florida (in December 2001). Apparently the talk on which it is based was one of the most well attended at the event, and as Edd Dumbill the Editor of XML.com explains, "there is a healthy ecology in XML schema technologies: ranging from DTDs, through the W3C's XML Schema Definition Language to newer entrants such as RELAX NG and Schematron". The article, provides a timeline of how XML schema languages have developed and compares the strengths of each of these technologies.
VS-C is described as "a huge German project to develop a web-based education system for chemistry education". FIZ CHEMIE, Berlin made its interactive teaching and learning modules from its project "Network for Chemistry Education" available on a trial basis via the web. On each day during December a new module was made available as a kind of Electronic Advent Calendar based on VS-C products.
The "Vernetztes Studium Chemie (VS-C)" or Network for Chemistry Education project is a major R&D initiative funded by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) to the tune of 41 million Deutschmarks (we received the news release prior to 01/01/02!) over a 5-year period and in which 16 academic groups working in 13 universities in Germany have been developing electronic teaching aids for chemistry since the project's start in 1999.
The project is co-ordinated by FIZ CHEMIE Berlin which is also contributing some of the developmental work. By making the learning modules available for trial via the Internet, the project partners were hoping not only to demonstrate the latest results obtained by the project but were also hoping to reach a wide audience of prospective users. Full English versions are planned for early in 2002.
URL: VS-C http://www.vs-c.de
URL: FIZ CHEMIE http://www.chemistry.de/
The Spring Meeting of the European Association of Information Services (EUSIDIC) is being held at the Université Marne-la Vallée near Paris on 11-12 March 2002. The international conference with the title: "e-Content: Divide or Rule" will provide an assessment of the current solutions and tools for Content Management and will present case studies and experiences of development and implementation in organisations by experts and specialists from the information sector. The EUSIDIC Conference is aimed at knowledge workers and managers, content owners, information providers, digital publishers, information specialists, consultants and all those who need to keep abreast of current ideas, strategies and techniques available for content management. The core of the meeting will be sessions exploring:
- e-content: status and current developments;
- integration of external and internal content;
- content syndication and aggregation;
- content ownership - legal aspects.
EUSIDIC, the European Association of Information Services provides a forum for member organisations which include publishers, online/Internet vendors, learned societies, database producers, information brokers, research services and representatives from a wide range of private and public companies throughout Europe - a complete spectrum of today's information sector. More information about the conference and the booking form are available on our web site.
A symposium, organized jointly by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in association with the Multilingual Internet Names Consortium (MINC), on December 6-7, 2001 reviewed the technical, legal and policy issues relating to enlargement of the domain name space to support scripts of languages other than English to be used in domain names, as well as the intellectual property implications of such developments.
It is estimated that by 2003 two-thirds of all Internet users will be non-English speakers; however, a significant barrier remains for many of these potential users as Internet domain names are in a restricted set of Latin characters, most commonly used to write English. A number of commercial and private organizations have proposed solutions that would enable multilingual domain name use but no de facto or technical standards that would guarantee interoperability have yet emerged from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). For further information, contact Robert Shaw, Internet Strategy and Policy Advisor, International Telecommunication Union.
Email: mailto:robert.shaw@itu.int
URL: ITU http://www.itu.int/
The Webreference Update Newsletter provides useful guidance on emerging technologies for web development. Delivered as a free email update service, the issue from December 17, 2001 includes items on:
- "Exploring XML: Business Basics: A Common Business Language" which examines the heritage of the newly to-be-developed Universal Business Language, the XML Common Business Library (xCBL).
URL: http://www.webreference.com/xml/column45/- "ACSS: Aural Style Sheets" an article which considers adding "a standards-compliant voice" to web pages".
URL: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/acss.htmlSubscribe to the news service from the Webreference home page.
URL: newsletter http://www.webreference.com/new/
URL: home page http://www.webreference.com/
The December 2001 issue of D-Lib Magazine includes four full-length articles, a report on the American Society for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting (ASIST 2001), several smaller features in the "In Brief" column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in "Clips and Pointers". The December 2001 articles include:
- "Distributed Interoperable Metadata Registry";
- "How Do Physicists Use an E-Print Archive? Implications for Institutional E-Print Services";
- "A Framework for Building Open Digital Libraries";
- "Implementing Digital Sanborn Maps for Ohio: OhioLINK and OPLIN Collaborative Project".
The ASIST 2001 conference, for which ther is a report was subtitled: "Information in a Networked World: Harvesting the Flow".
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
URL: table of contents http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december01/12contents.html
IBM's developerWorks site is hosting a free trial version of WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) for Linux and Windows. The demo version focuses on capabilities for XML development. The XML tools are largely comprised of a series of editors for XML and related artifacts, including editors for XML source, schemas, XML mapping editor, XSL trace editor, RDB/XML mapping editor, and DTD files. These editors allow you to create, edit, and validate the various file types.
There is also a series on how to build and publish a weather forecast Web service using WebSphere Application Server (WSAD), and the UDDI test registry. A 20% discount is available for those wishing to buy the software. Also available, an article on "Using CSS2 to display XML documents", which provides an alternative to the use of XSLT.
URL: WSAD http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/offers/wsad.html?open&l=136,t=gr,p=wsad
URL: CSS2 article http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipcss2/index.html?open&l=136,t=gr,p=css2
According to the lead-in to an article on the O'Reilly Network, peer-to-peer (P2P) computing has been applied to a variety of networking patterns. "Distributed Systems Topologies, Part 1," explains the differences among P2P networks, illustrating four primary P2P configurations (centralised, ring, hierarchical, and decentralised).
The author of the article refers to each of these as "topologies", and includes a diagram with each explanation enabling the reader to visualise how the nodes are connected. The article then maps out three common hybrid configurations demonstrating how fluid this technology really is. The second part of the series, will analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each of these topologies.
URL: http://openp2p.com/pub/a/p2p/2001/12/14/topologies_one.html
After several months of intensive beta-testing, imaging specialist, RealTimeImage, has developed a browser-independent version of its RealTimeProof client plug-in. RealTimeProof, aimed at imaging specialists, is on-line proofing software that enables users to stream high resolution images over the Internet for collaborative proofing. A demo version is available for evaluation online.
URL: RealTimeProof http://www.realtimeproof.com/
URL: RealTimeImage http://www.RealTimeImage.com/
The e-content newsletter on cultural content and digital heritage (Volume 2, Issue 5 October - December 2001) has been published online. This issue includes:
- an article on "The Berlin Conclusions", the latest report on trends and future developments in ICT for culture and science which it is hoped will feed into discussions relating to development of "the cultural part" of the 6th Framework programme (6FP).
- "Democracy in Europe" - news that the European Commission has presented its White Paper on European Governance to the wider public online. The Paper contains a set of recommendations on how to enhance democracy in Europe and increase the legitimacy of the institutions.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/governance/index_en.htm- an announcement that a leaflet entitled "Managing the Digitisation of Library, Archives and Museum Materials" is available for download free of charge from the UK's National Preservation Office web site.
URL: http://www.bl.uk/npo/You can subscribe free to the e-content newsletter (which is emailed as a Word document) by sending a message to the email below or view it online.
Email: subscribe mailto:digicult@cec.eu.int
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka3/digicult/en/newsletter.html
"Creating Interactive 3D Actors and their Worlds, without writing code" is a new book and CD-ROM by Jean-Marc Gauthier which aims to helps artists create virtual worlds with animated characters for the web or offline by using reusable modular behaviours instead of writing code.
The book is devoted to the growing number of tools that let you achieve sophisticated results using drag-and-drop code modules and provides tutorials with Lightwave, 3DMax, Virtools, DeepPaint3D, LifeForms and Macromedia's Director 3D 8.5. The accompanying CD includes full-featured, time-limited copies of Life Forms 3.9 (Mac and PC), Virtools 2.0 (PC), and Deep Paint3 D (PC). You also get all the files relating to the book's 22 tutorials-including 3D models, textures, behaviors, and motion files-plus links to a rich selection of software and user resources on the web. Online demos from the book are available, via the link below.
Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server 5.0 is a new product which provides a centralised, server-based solution for high-volume Adobe PostScript to Adobe PDF file conversion. Aimed at developers wishing to incorporate Distiller software as part of a document management system, benefits cited include: greater control over large-scale Adobe PDF creation through enhanced document security options; sophisticated font and language support; tools for simplified administration, and support for XML. It is expected to ship by the end of January 2002 in English, French, German, and Japanese versions for Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 5 or 6, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and in English for Sun Solaris 2.6, 7 and 8, and Red Hat Linux 6.x and 7.1.
The release of the first working draft of XML 1.1, which has apparently been designed to resolve issues created by the relationship between XML and Unicode, is the subject of an article on XML.com. Leigh Dodds, the author, summarises the reaction to the draft in the XML community.
The Object Management Group (OMG) has recently announced its new strategic initiative, called Model Driven Architecture (MDA). OMG describes MDA as "a new architectural approach that provides companies with the tools necessary to integrate various middleware technologies (such as CORBA, EJB, XML, SOAP and .NET), languages and application types they now support".
MDA will be presented at a number of OMG Information Days scheduled for 14 European cities during February and March 2002. Visit the web site for identify the information day nearest to you.
URL: OMG Days Europe 2002 http://www.ltt.de/omg-days.2002/
NVIDIA Personal Cinema is being marketed across Europe through Creative Labs Europe retailers. Personal Cinema, features an NVIDIA 64MB GeForce2 MX 400 graphics board, a video-in/video-out module, a TV tuner, an external TV/AV unit (which connects to the PC via a single nine-pin cable) and a multifunction remote for controlling all Intelligent TV and DVD playback features. "Personal Cinema is more than just a TV for your PC," claimed Alain Tiquet, European marketing director for NVIDIA. "With the launch of this new
product NVIDIA has changed the way consumers think of their desktop PC".Judge for yourself, full product details are available from the Creative Labs web site.
Sicogif, The French National Association of the Graphical Communication and Printing Industry, have adopted Enfocus Software's Certified PDF as one of the standards for its graphical environments. The professional association has defined two series of standard Certified PDF parameters: one for four colour printing work and the other for Pantone colour printing work.
Enfocus Certified PDF has also been adopted as the standard for the exchange of digital advertising material in Belgium (Medibel+) and the Netherlands (DAL/TC), and by the Belgian Graphical Industry Federation (FEBELGRA) for all exchanges in the commercial printing sector.
Sicogif offers its members advice and support in the creation of digital prepress files that conform to its choice of standards. Sicogif still recommends the Tiff-IT format, alongside Enfocus Certified PDF.
URL: Sicogif http://www.sicogif.com/
URL: Enfocus http://www.enfocus.com/
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