Elpub buttonEP Topic News: 4th July 2002

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Analytic 10 published
FP6 Calls for Expressions of Interest (EoI)
Web services news
ETSI's VoIP Quality Report
EU-funded training for technology start-ups
ETSI addresses mobile signatures
Corpora development using XML
Internet standards developments
Applying XML, resources
Visual Net Server 4.3 for XML
Term catalogues with XML technology
ElCel C++ XML Toolkit
Web intelligence and agents CFP
VoIP set-top boxes
M S Exchange Server mail tools
After Effects 5.5 plug-in
RDF Gateway Beta 3
Stylus Studio 4.0 free
"Perl & XML" from O'Reilly
XML conformance test suite
UK help for FP6 proposals
GoXML Transform 3.0 released
Ubiquitous Integrated Teamwork Environment
Problems of online privacy exposed
P2P file-sharing report
Java Web Services Developer Pack
PKI Research Workshop papers
Open Mobile Alliance

Analytic 10 published

El.pub Analytic Number 10, entitled: "IP, managing digital rights and content - RTD problems and opportunities" has been published on El.pub. The analysis considers the inter-related, indeed tangled, relationships between digital content and intellectual property rights (IPR), content management and digital rights management. The growth of digital content has upset the status quo. Copying is now easy and very cheap for PC owners. Distribution has been made easy through the growth of the Internet. IP owners want to exploit these changes for their own profit, but fear that consumers will end up destroying the revenue stream. Read the full analysis on El.pub and comment on the conclusions.

Subscribe free to El.pub Analytic - a free email containing the latest issue of El.pub Analytic as soon as it's published in the format of your choice.

URL: El.pub Analytic Number 10 analytic10.htm
URL: analytic subscrition page http://www.elpub.org/

FP6 Calls for Expressions of Interest (EoI)

We suppose that some readers of El.pub will have entered expressions of interest to the Commission in response to the recent call. It is unlikely that the Commission will publish the EoIs in the near future. We understand that they will publish a report on the contents of the EoIs when they have finished analysing the response, but have not yet decided on whether to publish any of the EoIs received. Some of you may wish to publicise your EoIs in order to find collaborators.

The INFORM project are prepared to help by publishing any EoIs you wish to advertise in the area of digital content. We propose publishing EoI texts you send us on a special section of the El.pub web site, the purpose of which would be to:

• publicise the particular EoIs,
• highlight the areas of R&D of particular interest to our readers,
• enable interested parties from within our community to contact each other, with the possibility of joining or forming consortia.

We would also publicise this EoI section in the El.pub Weekly newsletter in order to stimulate dialogue and maximise exposure of the EoIs.

If you would be interested in publishing your EoI on El.pub, please contact David Hitchcock of the INFORM project, who acts as the webmaster for the El.pub web site, via the email below. You need to send a copy of the EoI and a request to publish it on the El.pub web site, together with an e-mail contact address.

Email: mailto:david.hitch@dial.pipex.com
URL: El.pub http://www.elpub.org/

Web services news

Web Services Interoperability Forum

Several companies, central to the commercial development of software in the web services arena, including IBM and Microsoft, have joined together to form the Web Services Interoperability Forum (WSIF). The goal of the forum is: "to accelerate the development and deployment of interoperable web services across a variety of platforms, applications and programming languages".

URL: WSIF http://www.ws-i.org
URL: W3C Web Services Workshop http://www.w3c.org/2001/01/WSWS

Web services portal

webservices.org is a site dedicated to providing news, articles and software information on web services, there is also a free bi-monthly email update service, subscribe on the site.

URL: http://www.webservices.org

ETSI's VoIP Quality Report

A report has been published by the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Project Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonisation Over Networks (EP TIPHON). The report analyses the results of a special test event for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) speech quality, and confirms that VoIP voice quality can apparently "live up to the expectations of today's telecom users". The report is based on the results of a testing event organised by the Plugtests Service of ETSI, organised under the European Union's eEurope Initiative, which is charged with ensuring that "Next Generation Networks" will interoperate. Next Generation Networks (NGN) are described by ETSI as "new packet networks which support a variety of additional and multimedia services, and which are starting to replace traditional switched circuit networks (SCN)". Copies of the report are available for download.

URL: report http://www.etsi.org/plugtests/04History/2002_voipsqa.htm
URL: EP TIPHON http://www.etsi.org/tiphon
URL: Plugtests Service http://www.etsi.org/plugtests/
URL: ETSI http://www.etsi.org/

EU-funded training for technology start-ups

TRAIN-IT is an Accompanying Measure in the European Commission's IST Programme which provides training programmes for (future) entrepreneurs who plan to start-up a business in Information Society Technologies.
Course participation is free of charge for participants of finished or ongoing IST and related projects (eg. ESPRIT, e-Content). At the next 6-day intensive training course, scheduled for 21-27 July, 2002, participants receive expert support in writing a winning business plan:

• lectures and individual coaching from high-profile international experts
• hands-on training by experienced entrepreneurs
• presentational training: "elevator pitch"
• writing sessions at individual, state-of-the-art PC stations
• small course groups: limit of 10 business cases
• continuous follow-up support and access to business and financial networks

Courses are held on a regular basis in the facilities of IZET Innovationszentrum Itzehoe/Hamburg, Germany.

URL: Course programme http://www.train-it.org/html/events/courses/programme.htm
URL: Course dates http://www.train-it.org/html/events/courses/upcoming.htm
URL: Experts http://www.train-it.org/html/supportzone/experts.htm
URL: Application http://www.train-it.org/html/events/courses/application.htm
URL: TRAIN-IT home page http://www.train-it.org/
URL: IZET http://www.hightech-itzehoe.de

ETSI addresses mobile signatures

A Special Task Force (STF) has been formed by ETSI to support the work of its M-Commerce Project which is working on the development of mobile signatures. The work centres on providing electronic signatures for authenticating business transactions carried out on mobile phones. The STF will produce technical reports and specifications specifically aimed at defining a precise architecture and protocols between service providers and the signature gateway and general security requirements to enable interoperability between the various entities involved in the mobile signature architecture. The STF plans to work closely with the European Electronic Signature Standardisation Initiative (EESSI).

URL: ETSI http://www.etsi.org/
URL: EESSI http://www.ict.etsi.fr/eessi/EESSI-homepage.htm

Corpora development using XML

CLaRK is an XML-based software system, implemented in Java, for corpora development. The main aim behind the design of the system is the minimisation of human intervention during the creation of language resources. According to its developers, the software incorporates several technologies:

• XML technology for document management, storing and querying, chosen because of its popularity and its ease of understanding. The core of CLaRK is an XML Editor, which is the main interface to the system. Besides the XML language itself, an XPath language has been implemented for navigation in documents and an XSLT language for transformation of XML documents.

• for multilingual processing tasks, CLaRK is based on an Unicode encoding of the information inside the system. There is a mechanism for the creation of a hierarchy of tokenisers. They can be attached to the elements in the DTDs and in this way there are different tokenisers for different parts of the documents.

• the basic mechanism of CLaRK for linguistic processing of text corpora is the cascade regular grammar processor. The main challenge to the grammars in question is how to apply them on XML encoding of the linguistic information. The system offers a solution using an XPath language for constructing the input word to the grammar and an XML encoding of the categories of the recognised words.

• whilst several mechanisms for imposing constraints over XML documents are available, the following types of constraints are implemented in CLaRK: regular expression constraints, number restriction constraints, and value constraints.

Further information is available via the URL below.

URL: http://www.BulTreeBank.org

Internet standards developments

The Internet Society publishes The Internet Report, a series of daily and weekly summaries of current standards development work being carried out under the auspices of the Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF). Subscription information is available via the URL below.

URL: http://www.isoc.org/ietfreport

Applying XML, resources

We have been informed of a number of descriptions of applying XML in different context during the past week, these include:

"Introduction to ebXML" - Based on XML, ebXML provides a methodology for businesses to determine what information they should exchange and how, as well as a set of specifications to allow automation of the process. This tutorial gives an overview of the language, explaining how all of the pieces fit together.

URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/education/r-xebxml.html?n-x-6132

"Better mobile interfaces with XML" discusses how to provide information for mobile devices as well as discussing how to improve content interfaces on handhelds.

URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wi-tip15/?n-wi-6132

"Editing XML Data Using XUpdate and HTML Forms" is an article which shows how XSLT and XUpdate can enable generation of HTML forms for web applications that need to let the user edit XML data through the browser.

URL: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/06/12/xupdate.html

Visual Net Server 4.3 for XML

Visual Net Server 4.3, from CNet Sweden, is described as "an application server and integrated development environment for XML publishing and syndication applications". The company claim that the software enables developers to build "large-scale, highly interactive and content-rich, cross-media publishing applications at a low cost". The new version supports SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), XML Schema and is apparently fully integrated with existing scripting languages (JScript and VBScript), at the same time offering on-the-fly conversion of a large number of different data sources into XML - including SQL, Word, text files, HTML documents, web pages, and delimited files.

URL: Visual Net Server http://www.visualnetserver.com
URL: CNet Sweden http://www.cnet.se

Term catalogues with XML technology

CNet Sweden has also launched Termado, a tool for the management and publishing of term catalogues, lexicons and dictionaries. Using XML and web service technology, Termado consists of a termbase management system (for creating and managing a catalogue with terms) and a termbase publishing engine (based on XML) to allow a term catalogue to be published to parallel media such as web or paper. A term catalogue produced using Termando can be exported as a Web Service which can be accessed by different applications, such as translation systems or help systems, over the Internet. Termado 1.0 is available for immediate delivery, more information and downloads are available via the link below.

URL: Termado http://www.termado.com
URL: CNet Sweden http://www.cnet.se

ElCel C++ XML Toolkit

ElCel Technology have released a C++ XML Toolkit which contains a validating XML parser with a SAX 2.0 interface. The toolkit is being offered as an extension to another new product from ElCel Technology called Celios, a cross-platform C++ development library.

URL: C++ XML Toolkit http://www.elcel.com/products/xmltoolkit.html
URL: Celios http://www.elcel.com/products/celios/
URL: ElCel http://www.elcel.com/

Web intelligence and agents CFP

"Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal (WIAS)" is an official journal of the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), an international organisation dedicated to promoting collaborative scientific research and industrial development in the era of web and agent intelligence. WIAS is a peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year (in both electronic and hard copies) which aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between web technology and intelligent agent technology.

The journal features high-quality, original research papers (including state-of-the-art reviews), brief papers, and letters in all theoretical and technology areas that make up the field of WIAS. It is currently looking for complete and original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration for another journal or conference. Further detials of how to submit manuscripts are available from the consortium's web site.

URL: http://wi-consortium.org/

VoIP set-top boxes

Nortel and Motorola are collaborating on voice-over-IP technology for set-top boxes with the intention of providing users of their technolgy with cheap Internet phone calls.

URL: http://www.nortelnetworks.com/corporate/news/newsreleases/2002a/02_04_02_motorola_voip.html

M S Exchange Server mail tools

GFI Mail essentials for Exchange 7, is described as a product that "adds essential email tools to Microsoft Exchange Server, including anti-spam, disclaimers, mail archiving, Internet mail reporting, server-based auto replies and POP3 downloading".

URL: http://www.gfi.com/

After Effects 5.5 plug-in

The Plug-In Power Pack for Adobe After Effects 5.5, incorporates 16 new motion graphics and visual effects for film, video, multimedia, and the web. It also provides a set of controls to create Windows Media streaming video content. Users can apparently: "customise settings, embed metadata, create multi-stream movies, and independently optimise audio and video". A full list of features has been published online.

URL: Plug-in Power Pack features http://www.adobe.co.uk/aftereffects
URL: Adobe http://www.adobe.com

RDF Gateway Beta 3

RDF Gateway Beta 3 (v0.95), available for free download, is described as "a platform for Semantic Web development, combining the capabilities of an RDF data management system with a full-featured web server. An ASP-like server-side scripting environment with a built-in deductive database provides an ideal platform for developing applications that gather, query, organize, transform, and deliver information. RDFQL, the language of RDF Gateway, is based upon ECMAScript (JavaScript) and includes SQL-like extensions for querying RDF data". Find out more via the link below.

URL: http://www.intellidimension.com/RDFGateway/beta3/

Stylus Studio 4.0 free

Excelon Corporation has released Stylus Studio 4.0, which is described as an XML integrated development environment (IDE) for developers creating XML, XSLT, XML Schema and DTD files. A free, no time limit, and fully functional promotional version of Stylus Studio is apparently available to members of the XML related discussion list (xml-dev). Further details available from Adam Abrevaya, eXcelon Corporation.

To join the XML developers list (xml-dev), visit the web site below to sign-up. Weekly digests and an archive are available. The traffic is brisk, I estimate around 70 postings per day, on average.

URL: http://www.exln.com
URL: Stylus Studio 4.0 http://www.exln.com/news/pressreleases/releases/020605_stylus40.shtml
Email: Adam Abrevaya mailto:adama@exln.com
URL: XML-DEV list http://www.xml.org/xml/xmldev.shtml
URL: OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org/

"Perl & XML" from O'Reilly

"Perl & XML" from O'Reilly Associates has been written for Perl programmers who need to work with XML documents and data. According to publicity notes the book, "comprehensive tour of the landscape of Perl and XML, making sense of the myriad of modules, terminology, and techniques". The last two chapters give complete examples of XML applications, pulling together many of the tools currently available. Chapter 3, "XML Basics: Reading and Writing", is available free online.

URL: Chapter 3 free online http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perlxml/chapter/ch03.html
URL: book information http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/perlxml/index.html

XML conformance test suite

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has released the the second edition of its XML 1.0 Conformance Test Suite. The suite, built in cooperation with NIST contains over 2000 test files and is available as a free download to developers wishing to test software conformance to the W3C's XML Recommendation (standard).

URL: test suite http://www.w3c.org/XML/Test/
URL: W3C home http://www.w3c.org

UK help for FP6 proposals

The UK department of Trade & Industry's (DTI) European Funding support initiative, UKISHelp (UK Information Society Help) is urging UK organisations interested in submitting project proposals to the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme (FP6) to register on the UKISHelp web site. According to UKISHelp the site, "has been designed to offer UK organisations a head start as FP6 takes shape. Visitors to the website can access a user-friendly overview of the new funding opportunity - updated as more details are revealed". The website also explains which UK organisations should consider applying for funding and features advice for prospective participants. Those registered on the site are being promised "priority email updates".

URL: UKISHelp http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/

GoXML Transform 3.0 released

XML Global have announced the latest release of their integration product, GoXML Transform 3.0. Visit their website and select the "Downloads" link to review details and obtain a trial copy. The company is also running a continuing series of online Webinars demonstrating the company's products. GoXML Transform 3.0 includes new or improved support for the HL7, EDI HIPAA, and SWIFT formats; improved performance; improved W3C schema support; and an improved Project Wizard.

URL: http://www.xmlglobal.com
URL: Webinars http://www.xmlglobal.com/news/webinars/ws_rev.jsp

Ubiquitous and Integrated Teamwork Environment

Fraunhofer-Institute for Secure Telecooperation has released details of the Ubiquitous and Integrated Teamwork Environment (UNITE), which it describes as: "a user-focused cooperation platform enabling virtual teams to co-operate more effectively". Backed by the European Commission, a consortium of eight industrial and academic partners from Europe and Israel has worked on this € 4.5 million R&D project to deliver an advanced Internet-based collaborative work environment.

According to the announcement, the UNITE Project has developed "a user-focused cooperation platform enabling virtual cooperative workplaces to be created and customised. Regardless of team members’ physical location, a UNITE workplace features seamless and instantaneous interaction, secure access to project information, and dynamic adaptation to facilities, devices, and tools available". The UNITE cooperation platform attempts to act as a framework for integrating a variety of existing and future software components and for linking team members’ physical workplaces and devices. Integration of third-party software is achieved by means of a novel interface technique and intelligent agents. A prototype platform has been developed. It is being evaluated by users, the lessons learned informing the development of a second, enhanced platform.

The UNITE consortium is led by IBM France (F), for project management, and the Fraunhofer SIT Institute (D), for technical direction. The Fraunhofer IAO Institute (D) and Coventry University (UK) are co-operating on user requirements elicitation and user evaluation, with the primary user input throughout coming from consultancy company Penta Scope (NL). Together, Fraunhofer-SIT, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory (IL), ADETTI (P), and Steria (F) are developing the platform architecture and prototype.

The UNITE project is part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) Research and Development Programme established by the European Commission for 1999-2002. Further information is available from the UNITE web site.

URL: http://www.unite-project.org

Problems of online privacy exposed

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Privacyactivism has launched an interactive video game designed to educate players about their privacy and fair use rights. The game attempts to highlight how, according to the EFF, "those rights are being trampled by digital rights management (DRM) technologies, online spyware, and data profiling servers". In Episode 1 of the 'Carabella Game - The Quest for Tunes', "players follow Carabella as she tries to find music by her favorite band while dodging privacy perils and threats to her ability to use and enjoy music that she's bought". The game is designed to show players how they may forfeit privacy and fair use rights while accessing music online, and how they can protect those rights.

"Individuals aren't always aware that they are releasing personal information when they download software from the Net, or subscribe to a particular service," said Privacyactivism Executive Director Deborah Pierce. "Privacy policies are often vague, and leave users in the dark as to their data collection practices, so the game is designed to spotlight some of these trouble areas and provide tools so people can protect their privacy."

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a leading US-based civil liberties organisation working to protect rights in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF actively encourages and challenges industry and government to support free expression, privacy, and openness in the information society.

Privacyactivism was founded in the US to "help enable people to make well-informed decisions both on a personal and societal level about the importance of privacy".

URL: press release http://www.eff.org/carabella/20020619_eff_drm_pr.html
URL: Carabella Game http://www.eff.org/carabella
URL: EFF page on copyright and fair use http://www.eff.org/carabella/copyright-faq.html
URL: EFF home page http://www.eff.org
URL: Privacyactivism http://www.privacyactivism.org

P2P file-sharing report

"Usability and privacy: a study of Kazaa P2P file-sharing", is a report (in pdf format) published by Hewlett Packard, which analyses the usability of the Kazaa file sharing interface. During the research the authors of the report discovered that the majority of the users in the study were unable to tell what files they were sharing, and in some cases, that they were not aware they were even sharing files. The report acts as a useful reminder of the potential draw-backs, to user security, of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems.

URL: http://www.hpl.hp.com/shl/papers/kazaa/KazaaUsability.pdf

Java Web Services Developer Pack

The Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) is described as "an integrated toolset that in conjunction with the Java platform allows Java developers to build, test and deploy XML applications, Web services, and Web applications". According to Sun, the Java WSDP provides Java standard implementations of existing key Web services standards including WSDL, SOAP, ebXML, and UDDI as well as Java standard implementations for Web application development such as JavaServer Pages (JSP pages) and the JSP Standard Tag Library. These Java standards allow developers to send and receive SOAP messages, browse and retrieve information in UDDI and ebXML registries, and build and deploy Web applications based on the latest JSP standards.

Further information or to download the Java WSDP, visit the web site below. There is also a brief article on what the pack includes and and how it can help in developing Java applications on the Sofwaredev web site.

URL: Java WSDP download http://java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservicespack.html
URL: Sofwaredev article http://softwaredev.earthweb.com/java/article/0,,12082_1368801,00.html

PKI Research Workshop papers

Proceedings from the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Research Workshop held in the US in April 2002 and co-sponsored by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been published online. The purpose of the workshop was to discover why to a large extent, the hoped-for public key infrastructure has not "happened yet". Pre-proceedings have been published, and a more complete web record, including presentations, is under construction.

URL: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~pki02/

Open Mobile Alliance

Nearly 200 mobile operators, device and network suppliers, information technology companies and content providers from around the world have announced the formation the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). The Open Mobile Architecture initiative and WAP Forum have joined to form the foundation for this new organisation and the Location Interoperability Forum (LIF), MMS Interoperability Group (MMS-IOP), SyncML Initiative Ltd. and Wireless Village initiative, through Memorandums of Understanding, have announced their intent to consolidate with the Open Mobile Alliance. The Alliance plans to "collect market requirements and define specifications" for interoperability in the mobile marketplace.

URL: Open Mobile Alliance http://www.openmobilealliance.org
URL: SyncML Initiative http://www.syncml.org
URL: Location Interoperability Forum http://www.locationforum.org
URL: The Wireless Village Initiative http://www.wireless-village.org

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