EP Topic News: 11th July 2002
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displays move closer
"Java and SOAP"
Ultra Wideband Working Group
Computer generated music TC
Trillion-bit data storage
Online security resources
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version 6
Electronic Sources of Information
UK e-Business Transformation Awards
Digital copyright views
WebSphere SDK for web services
Researcher for modelling resource
BizTalk.org is closing
IBM's resource for developers
The Eclectic Journal reviewed
Music Information Retrieval paper
Web Service usage scenarios described
Research into "mobile learning"
Digital preservation conference
ITU to hold IP/Optical Workshop
EUSIDIC Annual Conference 2002
JASSS June 2002 issue
BPML 1.0 released
Troubles at ICANN
Web interface for Content@
Home DigitaLibrary in beta
New technologies unveiled by Universal Display Corporation at their annual meeting promises a new generation of brighter, full-color, ultra-slim displays. Highlights included the demonstration of a full-colour, active-matrix OLED cell phone prototype produced by Samsung SDI using the Company's proprietary phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED) technology. The cell phone has a bright, vibrant, power-efficient, 2.2-inch display screen. The Company's proprietary PHOLED materials, currently being offered in evaluation kits and manufactured by its materials partner, PPG Industries, were also on exhibit. In addition, a conceptual prototype of the Company's "Universal Communication Device" using its signature roll-up flexible OLED (FOLED) display technology was shown. (Source Newstream.com)
URL: http://www.universaldisplay.com
URL: click here for photo of cellphone and display screen
"Java and SOAP" is a book from O'Reilly and Associates considers how to build Java-based web services based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Chapter 5, "Working with Complex Data Types," is available free online.
URL: Chapter 5 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasoap/chapter/ch05.html
URL: "Java and SOAP" http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasoap/
The Ultra Wideband Working Group has been established in the US, "as an unofficial association of industry leaders and scholars with interest in UWB technology, as well as issues related to commercialisation". The site provides a good overview of what UWB is ("Ultra Wideband radio is a revolutionary wireless technology for transmitting digital data over a wide spectrum of frequency bands with very low power"), how it compares with other technologies, possible applications, and the current regulatory position concerning its use worldwide.
URL: http://www.uwb.org/
The Technical Committee (TC) on Computer Generated Music (TCCGM) concentrates on software and hardware that can be applied to problems of computational music and musicology, and is supported by practitioners and researchers working in the field. The TC acts as a forum for the exchange of ideas and project results, aiding in the the promotion of the tools and techniques associated with computer generated music.
For those readers of El.pub that may have missed the press coverage of IBM's "Millipede" project, we have provided a link to the press release below. Using nanotechnology, IBM scientists have apparently demonstrated a data storage density of a trillion bits per square inch - 20 times higher than the densest magnetic storage available today. According to IBM this storage density is enough to store 25 million printed textbook pages (or 25 DVDs) on a surface the size of a postage stamp. Find out more by reading the press announcement, or the most recent technical report on the Millipede project is published in the June 2002 inaugural issue of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
URL: http://www.research.ibm.com/resources/news/20020611_millipede.shtml
The US-based CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) is a centre of Internet security expertise, at the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development centre operated by Carnegie Mellon University. The Center studies and reports on Internet security vulnerabilities, publishes security alerts, researches long-term changes in networked systems, and develops information and training to help users improve communications security. The Center runs email lists providing up to date information on research and news posted on the site.
URL: CERT http://www.cert.org/
URL: Software Engineering Institute http://www.sei.cmu.edu
URL: Carnegie Mellon University http://www.cmu.edu
Dragon NaturallySpeaking v6, is the latest release of speech recognition software, aimed particularly at home and small business users. The software aims aiding users to "create documents, navigate Microsoft Windows-based programs and surf the Web - all by voice". The software is available in three separate versions of varying complexity.
URL: http://www.ScanSoft.co.uk
URL: http://www.scansoft.co.uk/naturallyspeaking/
We have received an announcement that the July 1, 2002 edition of the "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information" is available online. According to the announcement, the page-specific "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information" and the accompanying "Electronic Sources of Information: A Bibliography" (listing all indexed items) deal with all aspects of electronic publishing and include print and non-print materials, periodical articles, monographs and individual chapters in collected works. This edition includes over 1,400 titles. Both the Index and the Bibliography are continuously updated. there is an introduction to the resource, which includes sample search and instructions how to use the Subject Index and the Bibliography.
URL: introduction http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze/SUB_INT.HTM
URL: Index and bibliography http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze/SUBJIN_A.HTM
The UK's Institute of Directors (IoD) is running its e-Business Transformation Awards (eBTA) for the third year and is requesting organisations to enter. The eBTAs were created in order to "recognise those organisations which are genuinely improving business performance by developing and implementing e-business initiatives". The awards are open to individuals and organisations of all sizes in the public and private sectors, within national or global markets, wishing to raise the profile of technology from a business angle and to encourage others by their achievements. Register interest or download an application form via the URL below.
The Filter, an electronic information service from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School provides links to a couple of recent webcasts on digital copyright issues:
"Digital Entertainment: Rights and Responsibilities"
URL: http://makeashorterlink.com/?D20862221"Digital Copy Protection: Mandate It? Ban It? Or Let the Market Decide?"
URL: http://www.cato.org/events/020612pf.htmlIt also features an item announcing: "Copyfight: The Politics of IP", a co-sponsored Berkman Center / Corante.com weblog column on intellectual property law, politics, and technology on the Net. "Written by Filter Editor Donna Wentworth, the blog explores the nexus of legal rulings, Capitol Hill policy-making, technical standards development and technological innovation that creates, and recreates, the networked world as we know it". Recent topics have included Microsoft's "Palladium" DRM scheme, Disney's trademark challenge against a library's "Book Mouse" mascot.
URL: Copyfight http://www.corante.com/copyfightSubscribe to the free email newsletter online.
URL: The Filter http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/filter/
The IBM WebSphere SDK for Web Services aims to provide a single package for developers wishing to design, build, and test Java-based web services for implementation in IBM's WebSphere environment. The SDK available for free download includes a Java technology SDK, a runtime environment, a private UDDI registry, tools, samples, and documentation.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/nlredirects/r-w125b.html
The Stockholm Environment Institute's (SEI) Oxford Office seeks to recruit a skilled modeller to develop multi-agent simulations. The Institute is running several projects in the arena of water management, agriculture and ecosystems, involving understanding responses to climate outlooks at a variety of time scales. They are looking to recruit someone with experience of multi-agent simulation of social systems. The minimum qualification is a high level of skill in programming (Java is likely to be our preferred environment) and acquaintance with existing multi-agent platforms (Swarm, RePast or others). Additional expertise, which is desirable includes: familiarity with social simulation, including cognition, decision making and social networks; understanding of climate change, climatic hazards and risk management; background in resource management-water, agriculture and ecosystems.
The position, available immediately, is to support three existing projects and develop new proposals and projects. Salary scale is likely to be equivalent to a post-doctoral university appointment. Potential applicants should send a cover note of their career goals, current salary and short CV (two pages maximum) to Tom Downing via the email below.
Email: Tom Downing mailto:Tom.downing@sei.se
URL: SEI http://www.sei.se/oxford
BizTalk.org was created in September, 1999, to encourage the exchange and definition of XML-based documents. According to a recent posting to the XML-dev list, "now that XML is a ubiquitous format, the need for this site has diminished. Furthermore, there are other repositories now for XML schema (for example XML.org)". For these reasons, Microsoft will be shutting down the BizTalk.org web site on July 19, 2002.
There are a number of resources available from the IBM developerWorks site which may be of interest to readers of El.pub including:
"Usability for component-based portals" by Tom Myer describes how usability is key when building a portal, because all of the components have to work together. This article explains that a solid methodology (and the correct tools) are required when developing the different aspects of a portal, and presents a case study.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/us-portal/?n-us-6272
"Create a printable and searchable version of your online documentation", walks the reader through using Adobe Acrobat to convert an existing Web site or online documentation into one PDF file that "users can print, download, and easily search".
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/wa-web2pdf/?n-wa-6272
"XML Watch: Finding friends with XML and RDF" in which Edd Dumbill, the editor of the excellent XML.com web site, explores an XML and RDF application known as Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF). FOAF apparently allows the expression of personal information and relationships, and provides a useful building block for creating information systems that support online communities. Code samples demonstrate the basics.
URL: http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-foaf.html?n-x-6272
URL: IBM developerWorks http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/
"E is for Everything: The Extra-Ordinary, Evolutionary [e-]Journal" is an article by Gerry McKiernan "Extra-Ordinary Librarian" at the Iowa State University Library, which reviews the features, functionalities, and content of The Eclectic Journal. The article examines the current evolution of the scholarly journal and reviews the emergence of functionalities that expand and extend the conventional electronic journal. It explores additional e-journal enhancements and considers new forms and formats of scholarly communication likely to arise in the not-so-distant future.
The article appears in a special issue of "The Serials Librarian", entitled: "E-Serials Cataloging: Access to Continuing and Integrating Resources via the Catalog and the Web" which also includes the following articles:
"E-Serials Cataloging in the 1990's: A Review of the Literature";
"ISBD(ER) and Its Role in the Management of Electronic Resources";
"Web Resources for Cataloging Electronic Serials and Continuing Resources: An Annotated Bibliography";
"On Pins and Needles: Using Structured Metadata for Collocation and Browsing Capability";
"Improving Access to E-Journals and Databases at the MIT Libraries: Building a Database-Backed Web Site Called 'Vera'";
"The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek: A Successful Library Service for Electronic Journals in Germany"URL: table of contents http://www.ameshomeschool.org/serialslibrarian/sl_41n3-4.htm
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/SLv41n3-4.pdf
"Whither Music IR Evaluation Infrastructure: Lessons to be Learned from TREC", a keynote presentation by Dr. Ellen Voorhees, of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), to the Music Information Retrieval/Music Digital Library (MIR/MDL) evaluation workshop to be held at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. (Portland, Oregon, July 14-18, 2002). The paper, available in pdf format, discusses whether it is possible to apply Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) evaluations and methodologies in developing an MIR/MDL evaluation framework.
AgentNews has announced that the W3C's Web Services Description Working Group has released a document which describes a number of usage scenarios for Web Services which will guide its development work. "The Usage Scenarios guiding the development of the Web Service Description specification" is available on the W3C's web site.
AgentNews is an electronic newsletter published at the UMBC Lab for Advanced Information Technology which provides news and resources relating to developments in the agent and agent-supported computing.
URL: usage scenarios http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-ws-desc-usecases-20020604/
URL: AgentWeb http://agents.umbc.edu/
The MOBIlearn project is exploring new ways to use mobile environments to meet the needs of learners, working by themselves and with others. Partly funded by the European Commission IST Programme, and drawing on the experience of project partners around the world, the project aims to demonstrate how:
"A new m-learning architecture will support creation, brokerage, delivery and tracking of learning and information contents, using ambient intelligence, location-dependence, personalization, multimedia, instant messaging (text, video) and distributed databases. Field trials cover 'blended learning' (as part of formal courses); 'adventitious, location-dependent learning' (during visits to museums); and 'learning to interpret information sources and advice' (acquiring medical information for everyday needs)."
Project partners include Universities and public bodies, the mobile operators of four countries, leading European software and learning technologies companies, mobile device manufacturers, market analysis consultants, publishers and content providers. There is a great deal of further information available via the project's web site.
The School for Scanning is an International Conference focusing on "Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets". Scheduled for The Hague in the Netherlands on October 16-18, 2002, the conference, which will be presented entirely in English, is funded in part by The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and is co-sponsored by the European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The National Library of the Netherlands).
The conference attempts to provide the latest information for collections managers who are seeking to create, manage, and preserve digital assets. Conference content will include, sessions which consider the "digital future", coveing topics such as: quality control and costs, copyright and IPR, content selection for digitization, metadata, digital asset management, standards, digital longevity and preservation, text and image digitization. Registration information and a detailed agenda can be found at NEDCC's website.
URL: conference http://www.nedcc.org/hague/hague1.htm
URL: ECPA http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/
The ITU is holding an "IP/Optical Workshop" on July 9-11, 2002 in Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan. Internet Protocol (IP) is seen by many as the underlying infrastructure for all future information delivery systems. The architectural choices for the interaction between IP and optical network layers, particularly the routing and signalling aspects are key to the successful deployment of next generation networks.
This workshop will focus on the technical and strategic issues relating to routing IP over optical networks as well the business case for doing so. All sessions for the three-day workshop are free and open to non-ITU members. The workshop is aimed at "anyone involved in the implementation or development of fibre-optics at whatever level". Further information is available on the ITU web site.
URL: Workshop http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/ip-optical/index.html
URL: ITU http://www.itu.int/newsroom
EUSIDIC, the European Association of Information Services, is holding its Annual Conference in Lisbon, Portugal on September 22-25, 2002. The international conference: "Virtual Communities - Making Technology Work for You" aims to throw light on new, and highly innovative developments in virtual information communities. According to EUSIDIC the development of today's virtual communities has often been led by forward-looking businesses not always associated with the traditional areas of information access, learning and computing. The conference attempt to integrate ideas from these disparate groups, and review best practice in constructing learning and sharing communities for enhanced effectiveness. Some of the topics covered will include:
Communities: status and current developments
Business models for the new age
Building virtual communities: new strategies to market information
Virtual Communities and the Semantic Web
Web-based financial services
E-Publishing and E-business
Virtual libraries and portals
Open standardsMore details about EUSIDIC and the conference, including conference venue, hotels and social programme are available on our web site, which is regularly updated.
EUSIDIC, serves the international information community by bringing together professionals - users and suppliers - and by providing a forum where they can meet and work together. EUSIDIC member organizations include publishers, online / Internet vendors, learned societies, database producers, information brokers, research services and representatives from a wide range of private and public companies throughout Europe.
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) published the third issue of Volume 5 on June 30, 2002. JASSS is an electronic, refereed journal (available free online) devoted to the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. The latest issue includes six refereed articles, a forum section which includes discussion papers and "work in progress", six book reviews and an events section.
The Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI.org) has released a working draft of the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) Specification Version 1.0. The BPML specification provides an abstract model for modeling executable end-to-end business processes. BPML defines a formal model for expressing abstract and executable processes that address all aspects of enterprise business processes, including activities of varying complexity, transactions and their compensation, data management, concurrency, exception handling, and operational semantics. BPML also provides a grammar in the form of an XML Schema for enabling the persistence and interchange of process definitions across heterogeneous systems and modeling tools.
BPML 1.0, developed as a semantic superset of previous releases of the BPML specification, as well as the WSFL specification developed by IBM and the XLANG specification developed by Microsoft, is available for download from BPMI's web site. Further resources relating to the specification and its development are published on The XML Cover Pages (XML resource pages) published on the OASIS site.
URL: BPML 1.0 spec. http://www.bpmi.org/bpml-spec.esp
URL: BPMI.org http://www.bpmi.org
URL: BPML on the XML Cover Pages http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2002-06-26-b.html
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the worldwide "manager" of the Internet Domain Name System, seems to be an increasingly beleaguered organisation. In an attempt to subvert the accusations levelled at it, and reported by organisations such as "ICANN Watch", ICANN has published two papers in quick succession: "Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN" and a "Blueprint for Reform". For those new to the potential ramifications of ICANN's actions on the development of the Net worldwide, ICANN Watch provides a good starting point.
URL: Recommendations for the Evolution and Reform of ICANN
URL: Blueprint for Reform http://www.icann.org/committees/evol-reform/blueprint-20jun02.htm
URL: ICANN Watch http://www.icannwatch.org/
XyEnterprise has developed a browser-based interface to its Content@ XML content management software which is aimed at users, system integrators and developers working in "technical documentation, financial, e-Learning, and other publishing-related industries".
XyEnterprise http://www.xyenterprise.com/
US-based Pioneer Electronics has announced its DigitaLibrary home networking product will begin beta testing with 100 consumers during July 2002. The DigitaLibrary which supports Windows Media Audio and Video formats is aimed at home users wishing to "manage and distribute multi-media content including music, video, photos and Internet content, wirelessly or through wired connections throughout the home". Delivery of a commercial product is expected towards the end of 2002.
URL: Pioneer Electronics http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/
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