EP Topic News: 12th December 2002
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The December 2002 issue of El.pub Analytic (number 12 in the series) has been published and is entitled: "Future of digital content: reader study". In June 2002 the INFORM project launched a request for readers of the El.pub Weekly newsletter to take part in a study of the future of digital content. The methodology chosen was a Delphi study where respondents give their views, the views are aggregated and fed back to the respondents for further comment. The resultant study report (El.pub Analytic No. 12) provides a fascinating insight into how a number of industry experts see the future for digital content. A balanced approach is maintained throughout by highlighting both optimistic and pessimistic views on how a wide variety of drivers may, or may not, make significant contributions to digital content's future.
INFORM would like to thank all the respondents who took part, for putting so much effort into the study.
Pascal Jacques, Head of Sector Interactive Electronic Publishing, European Commission DG INFSO/D1 has sent us an announcement that the call for expression of interest for experts to assist the Commission in Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) tasks has been published. All those that are interested should "send their candidature urgently" by referring to the URL below. The closing date is 31 December 2002.
The latest issue of Euroabtracts, published by the European Commission, which focuses on the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) is available on CORDIS.
An e-Business Watch survey based on interviews with 9,000 companies across the EU in June/July 2002 presents a portrait of e-business take-up in Europe. e-Business Watch has also published a series of seven sector-specific studies, the key findings of which are summarised in a newsletter. The full reports and newsletters are available for download via the link below.
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/ict/studies/publications.htm
O'Reilly's: "Dreamweaver MX: The Missing Manual", provides step-by-step annotated tutorials to guide readers through the construction of a state-of-the-art commercial web site, complete with Flash buttons, Cascading Style Sheets, and dynamic databases. The book is also enlivened with examples that let the reader see and test, on the Internet, real web pages that follow the development progress of the book's chapters.
e-arbitration software, developed by the E-Arbitration-T project, funded under the European Commission's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme, aims to provide an online platform for arbitration and mediation centres, such as the CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The project intends to unveil the software in January 2003 and claims that "it will provide specific and intelligent support for dispute resolution alongside an appropriate legal framework".
Commenting on the software, Dr. Tony Elliman from Brunel's Department of Information Systems and Computing explained: "The software is designed specifically to be cost effective for centres with low case loads and where the parties are SMEs. The E-Arbitration-T platform is a technological innovation that will provide Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tribunals and centres with a set of integrated applications to give control over procedures and operational processes, with complete case management tools".
A study by Frost & Sullivan reports that "the powerful return on investment (ROI) equation of using the Internet as a communications backbone for the corporate world" will lead to the launch of new applications which "will drive the IP virtual private networks (VPN) gateway industry through the various stages of market maturity".
The international market consultancy values revenues in the European IP VPN hardware and software gateway market at €428 million in 2001, set to reach €1.2 billion in 2006. The research apparently shows that the growth in IP VPNs will mirror the growth in use of the Internet for remote working extending corporate LANs into essentially private WANs. The report (Code: B094) is published during December, 2002 and is priced at € 5,000.
URL: http://frost.com
The eGov Monitor Weekly newsletter is an e-zine being provided on a complimentary basis to relevant groups of ICT and other professionals. This useful newsletter provides coverage of public sector ICT in the UK and international events. The launch issue, published November 27, 2002 provided concise news items on a variety of projects and initiatives aimed at the the introduction of electronically enabled government and public services in the UK with a few items of an international nature. It also includes a brief events section.
iDTV Weekly is the free information service from eGov Monitor covering the "activity in the world of interactive digital television". Subscribe to both eGov Monitor Weekly or iDTV Weekly via the links below.
URL: eGov Monitor http://www.egovmonitor.com/newsletter/signup.asp
URL: iDTV Weekly http://www.egovmonitor.com/idtv/signup.asp
The Uzilla suite is a set of tools for web based usability testing. Its developer's claim that the suite should "decrease the time and effort required set up and do usability testing while increasing the accuracy and power of the data collected during testing".
URL: http://uzilla.net/
With the release of the Spring 2003 issue, The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) will be published by Columbia University Press and will be re-launched with a new design, augmented content, enhanced search capabilities, and a new home address on the Columbia University Press web site.
The University of Michigan Press has published JEP since its inception in 1995 and the two publishers have agreed that all archives of the journal will be moved to Columbia, and calls to the old URL addresses will be automatically redirected to JEP's new home. The journal will continue to be published three times a year: April, August, and December on free subscription. According to the publishers it currently has around 1,700 subscribers, mostly in the publishing industry, libraries, and academe.
URL: http://www.press.umich.edu/jep
URL: relaunch details http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/08-01/CUPAnnouncement.html
The Appliance Studio, a UK-based company has announced the txTboard - a slim self-contained device built around a colour touch-screen that displays SMS text messages sent to it from mobile phones. Development of the device is based on the results of research carried out over the last two years by the Appliance Studio into how individuals interact with mobiles phones on behalf of Orange, o2, T-Mobile, Vodafone and the University of Surrey.
Carried out by Professor Richard Harper, Director of User Understanding at The Appliance Studio, he identified primary user communication traits that extend the accepted wisdom of mobile communication, which emphasises person-to-person connectivity. He believes that: "these traits point to the need for a 'virtual post-it note' - SMS text messaging system in the home which would complement person to person communication with person to place - the ability to leave a message for someone to find in a particular place". The company claims that txTboard took four weeks to prototype from the initial concept; and that their next step will involve "evaluating the values that the txTboard gives to real users".
URL: Appliance Studio http://www.appliancestudio.com
Watchfire has released version 2.0 of Watchfire WebXM. According to its developers WebXM, "automates web site testing and analysis to help detect and manage content quality, privacy and accessibility issues on large enterprise web sites". The accessibility testing module of the software is apparently based on the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Watchfire has also developed a web service interface and associated software development kit (SDK) to enable integration with the content management systems from other vendors including Documentum, Microsoft, Vignette and Interwoven.
Metrowerks has announced CodeWarrior Wireless Studio 7, PDA Edition, which enables Mobile Java application developers to create applications for PDAs based on the J2ME and Personal Java platforms. The software is expected to be available towards the end of December 2002 priced at US$ 399.
URL: http://www.metrowerks.com/MW/Develop/Wireless/Wireless_Studio/CWWSPDA.htm
The IPR Bulletin No. 5 for November 2002 has been published online by the European Commission sponsored IPR Helpdesk and includes articles entitled:
"A European patent insurance scheme - a major need exists"
"Intellectual Property and the Common Law"
"Community Patent Regulation - Background and current status"
"The legal scope of mentions in copyright"
"Do SMEs have to choose between copyright and a patent to protect their software?"
"Alternative dispute resolution for infringements of SMEs' IP rights in WIPO"URL: http://www.iprhelpdesk.org/controlador.jsp?cuerpo=cuerpo&seccion=newsletter&len=en
Much has been written on the mainstream activities to be funded under the 6th Framework Programme (FP6). Details have been published on CORDIS concerning the "New and Emerging Science and Technology" (NEST) programme - a new activity area under FP6. Standing slightly apart from other Framework Programme activities, NEST aims to support unconventional research that has the potential to open up new fields for European science and technology. Researchers could find this one of the more flexible funding opportunities under FP6. There is further information on CORDIS including brief introductions to likely funding instruments to be used and estimated dates for calls.
According to a new study, "3G Alternatives: 3G vs. Wi-Fi vs. 4G" from Visant Strategies, 4G cellular technologies may be deployed as soon as mid-2003 in the US. 4G, (defined as IP-based cellular systems), are available from, or are in beta testing by, "several wireless vendors". The study, which is available for purchase, defines global growth in 2.5G, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi with subscribers, market share and sales of infrastructure from 2002 through 2007. The press release (link below) gives further estimates concerning market growth to 2007 for various mobile technologies.
The Semantic Web Log provides some interesting links to resources (both technologies and techniques) concerned with the sematic web. There are also also links to web logs offering related information.
VREfresh reports that NBC Enterprises and ShopNBC plan to test an i3D product zone created using Cycore Cult3D software on the web. Cycore will work with the two companies to offer visitors to ShopNBC.com a 3D view of NBC merchandise.
URL: http://www.shopnbc.com/nbcstore
URL: http://www.cycore.com
ParallelGraphics has released Cortona Movie Maker 1.0. Virtual Manuals can now be delivered in video format by using Cortona Movie Maker. Virtual Manuals are more flexible than traditional training materials and are key tools in the delivery of customer support, training and maintenance activities. Cortona Movie Maker creates high-resolution movies based on VRML models by capturing all the movements, animations and user actions and then recording them as a digital movie. According to the developers "popular video formats - including streaming video", are supported.
The latest issue of the FP6 digital content newsletter published by the INFORM project was mailed on December 6, 2002. It announced:
that the main page for FP6 news on CORDIS is now:
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/home.html
IST FP6 news is published at:
URL: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/fp6/fp6.htm
Europa (research) main page on FP6
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.html
a new draft workplan for IST is available on the UK ISHELP web site. Dated 21/11/02, the draft covers all the IST subject areas and gives the content and timing of the calls in the first two years. The first call opens 17/12 2002, closes 24/4 2003. The second call opens 17/6/2003, closes 15/10/2003. The first call for "Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment" is scheduled for the second call.
URL: http://www.ukishelp.co.uk/framework6/07Documentation.php
URL: ftp://ftp.ukishelp.co.uk/Download/EventFiles/WP_2003-2004_draft_21-11-02.doc the latest versions of the model contracts are available at:
URL: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/working-groups/model-contract/index_en.html
The intention of this occasional free newsletter is to act as a focus for people who hope to take part in FP6 with a digital content related project. If you would like to subscribe please send an email to the address below.
World Intellectual Property Organization's (WIPO) Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) held its eighth session on November 25-29, 2002, to consider revised provisions of the draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT). The draft SPLT covers a number of basic legal principles relating to the grant and validity of patents in different countries. It aims, in particular, at ensuring that applicants in all contracting parties, are subject to the same substantive conditions for the grant of patents and the invalidation of granted patents, and at contributing to the reduction of duplication of search and examination work in patent offices.
According to a WIPO press release, "The SCP made further progress towards a common understanding on several issues arising from differences that exist among patent systems". The next session of the SCP is scheduled to take place on May 12-16, 2003.
URL: WIPO http://www.wipo.int
Handspring has launched the commercial availability of its Treo Mail service for customers throughout Europe. European Treo customers are being offered a 90-day free trial which will enable them to "securely access desktop email from a Treo communicator while you are away from the office".
According to Handspring, Treo Mail supports both Outlook/Exchange and Lotus Notes R5 corporate email as well as POP3 Internet email accounts. Other features include direct access to URLs, email addresses and phone numbers from within an email. The new Treo Mail client which has also been localised for French and German can be downloaded via the links below. Following the trial period and annual subscription will cost US$ 49.99 for the Internet Edition and US$ 99.99 for the Corporate Desktop Edition.
URL: UK http://www.handspring.co.uk
URL: Germany http://www.handspring.de
URL: France http://www.handspring.fr
URL: corporate http://www.handspring.com
The Java OLAP Interface Specification is nearing its final draft following a public review carried out under the "Java Community Process (JCP)". The next stage in the process of developing the specification is the production of a "proposed final draft," a "Reference Implementation (RI)" (a proof of concept, model implementation), and a "Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK)" (a piece of licensable software used in verifying specification conformance).
JOLAP defines a new, platform-independent standard for querying and managing both data and metadata in OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) servers and databases, within the Java technology environment. Developed under the JCP, the community-based process for developing Java technology, the draft was made available online for public review and comment from June 20 through August 22, 2002 and remains accessible. JOLAP has received the endorsement of a number of vendors and the Object Management Group (OMG).
URL: JOLAP http://jcp.org/jsr/detail/69.jsp
URL: Object Management Group http://www.omg.org/
Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has formed the Digital Policy Group, a new corporate level organisation designed to "address the challenges and opportunities arising with the digital distribution of entertainment product(s)". According to a press announcement:
"The Digital Policy Group will develop and implement policies that promote the protection of SPE content in a digital world. It will review new technologies that secure digital recording and distribution; synchronize SPE divisions to ensure a consistent approach to digital formats and distribution; represent SPE's position in cross-industry negotiations, legislative and regulatory matters, and other public forums; and partner with fellow Sony companies to advance the development and implementation of a secure digital infrastructure".
URL: Sony Pictures Entertainment http://www.spe.sony.com/
Sony Pictures Digital and AT&T Wireless have announced that content from the library of Sony Pictures Entertainment is now available to AT&T Wireless mMode customers. AT&T Wireless is the first US carrier to launch an array of content from Sony Pictures Digital, including screensavers, ring tones, games, news and reviews. John Bunyan, senior vice president of AT&T Wireless Mobile Multimedia Services said: "We view this relationship as an opportunity for both companies to further capitalise on hit movies and TV shows, and stimulate mass appeal for new wireless services."
URL: mMode services http://www.attwireless.com/mmode
URL: Sony Pictures Digital http://www.sonypictures.com
URL: AT&T Wireless http://www.attwireless.com
TRUSTe, the non-profit organisation known for its privacy certification and seal-of-approval programme has launched an International Privacy Service to certify privacy policies and offer its dispute resolution services in foreign languages for United States-based companies with global operations. At the launch TRUSTe confirmed that Microsoft is the first company to make use of the service for its 14 foreign language MSN web sites serving the European Union.
URL: TRUSTe http://www.truste.org
The IBM developerWorks Newsletter (technology edition) of December 5, 2002 includes details of an article, "Thinking XML: Manage metadata with MusicBrainz" in which columnist Uche Ogbuji introduces MusicBrainz, a project for managing digital media metadata. According to the article, "MusicBrainz uses RDF in its core data formats and, in so doing, offers some important technical advantages over its predecessors".
URL: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-think14.html?n-x-1252
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