EP Topic News: 19th December 2002
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The first call of the 6th Framework Programme (Call 1 of the IST priority FP6-2002-IST-1) was published on 17 December 2002. This webpage contains:
the call text
the workprogramme 2003-2004
an "FP6 in Brief" paper
"guides for proposers"According to the Commission, some additional texts will be available only in January 2003. These include:
Guidelines on Proposal Evaluation Procedures
Guidelines for evaluators
Model Contracts
Financial guidelines
Negotiation guidelines
XML.com has published a feature article which it describes as a detailed exposition of Microsoft's .NET Schema Object Model (SOM). The .NET SOM is an API for programmatic manipulation of W3C XML Schemas. As the preamble explains, the author "provides plenty of example code in his explanation of the SOM, and shows how to create, navigate, and amend schemas".
Stibo Catalog, has released STEP version 4.6, a turn-key solution to enable manufacturers, suppliers and distributors to receive e-catalogs from suppliers, containing both complex and rich data, in a variety of file formats and store them in a media neutral relational data repository. According to the company, "this data can then be organised and published both internally to ERP and CRM applications, and externally to web, digital and print media with a single key stroke".
URL: Stibo Catalog http://www.stibocatalog.com
The December 2002 issue of the Euromap Language Technologies monthly newsletter has been published. The free e-zine, browsable on the web, covers the latest developments in the field of Human Language Technologies from Europe covering project developments, upcoming events and EC Research calls.
URL: newsletter online http://www.hltcentral.org/newsletter
URL: Euromap http://www.hltcentral.org/euromap
In December 2002, the first call for proposals within the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) will be published. "Preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage" will be part of it. It will be addressed by the Strategic Objective: "Technology enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage". DigCULT is planning to hold a second open information event entitled: "Access to Cultural Heritage in the European Research Area: preparing for the first call of FP6". Scheduled to take place on the afternoon of January 27, 2003 in Luxembourg, the Commission unit responsible for the sector "will be able to present the definitive work programme, procedures and future plans".
The event aims to address "the research community, ICT and software industry, SMEs, public organisations, our traditional sectors in Libraries, Museums and Archives, as well as players from related sectors" by providing Information on FP6, its new instruments, rules and requirements.Presentations on various aspects of the new Framework Programme will be given by Commission officials. There will be no presentations from participants, though attendees interested in finding partners will be offered the opportunity of poster sessions and will be able to network during the meeting.
Attendance is free on a "first-come first-served basis". To attend send an email to the address below with "27 Jan 2003 - Open Information Event" in the subject line.
Apache Cocoon 2.0.4 is the latest release of this "XML framework that raises the usage of XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level. Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX processing, Cocoon offers a flexible environment based on the separation of concerns between content, logic and style. A centralised configuration system and sophisticated caching top this all off and help you to create, deploy and maintain rock-solid XML server applications".
This release of Cocoon is a maintenance release focusing on improved performance and robustness. In addition some bugs were fixed and new features have been added.
The Saferinternet Newsletter for December 2002 based on information from the Safer Internet News Service published by the European Commission has been published. Along with a range of news items related to "safer use" of the Internet policies from countries around Europe, this issue also provides descriptions of three recently started European Commission supported Awareness projects under the Safer Internet Action Plan (IAP):
Educaunet2 which aims to educate younger users of the Internet in correct evaluation of the value online resources. It builds on work carried out under Educaunet1 and will attempt to adapt and tailor the methods and tools that derived from this project and disseminate these in seven partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Portugal and the UK.
SAFEBORDERS is a multinational, multichannel and multipurpose awareness campaign which aims to establish a cohesive European network to raise awareness of Internet-related risks to protect children and teenagers using the Internet, taking into account cultural and linguistic diversity.
URL: http://www.saferinternet.org/awareness/safeborders.asp
SAFT (Safety and Awareness for youth) which will conduct a large pan-European survey, with two sub-surveys, one for children and one for parents. The project members believe that the results of the survey will enable them to target "specific problem areas". After its completion, the results from the survey will be made public and the survey itself will also be available for use in other countries. The most immediately visible part of the project is the set up of national coordination centres in the participating countries.
URL: newcomer projects http://www.saferinternet.org/projects/index.asp
URL: Safer Internet News http://www.saferinternet.org
URL: news archives http://www.saferinternet.org/news/archive.asp
We have received a note from the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education's (AACE) conference division promoting the availability of CDs containing proceedings from the ED-MEDIA, SITE, and E-Learn conferences. According to the publishers, "each fully searchable CD contains approx. 1000+ peer-reviewed papers consisting of 2,500+ pages". The conferences are described as multi-disciplinary forums for the discussion and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications on their respective fields related to Information Technology in Education/Learning. The conference proceedings collections available include:
ED-MEDIA - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications: ED-MEDIA 2002, Denver, CO, USA; ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, Finland; ED-MEDIA 1999, Seattle, WA, USA
URL: conference http://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia
SITE - Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference: SITE 2002, Nashville, Tenn., USA; SITE 2001, San Diego, CA, USA
URL: conference http://www.aace.org/conf/site
E-Learn - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education: E-Learn 2002, Montreal, Canada; WebNet 2001 (predecessor to E-Learn), Orlando, FL
URL: conference http://www.aace.org/conf/elearn
The CDs can be ordered via the AACE Store web site, see URL below.
URL: AACE Store http://www.aace.org/store
We have received a call for participation to a half day workshop entitled: "Adopting and Augmenting X3D for Efficient 3D Content Production: Concepts and Tools" to be held at the Web3D 2003 Symposium (8th Int. Conf. on 3D Web Technology) to be held on March 9 - March 12, 2003 in Saint Malo, France. The aims of the workshop are to:
broaden the X3D view to the support of higher-level concepts and dedicated tools.
discuss a production process for 3D applications based on X3D using modern component and framework concepts.
develop visions on how to use, improve and extend X3D for an efficient production of 3D applications and Mixed Reality applications.
develop ideas on the actual usage/employment of X3D, and its integration with other web solutions and (media) standards and tools associated with it.
establish contacts among people with similar interests.Those who wish to participate are being encouraged to submit a position statement, addressing one of the following topics:
what does efficient 3D application production with X3D look like?
which tools could support an X3D based production?
how does X3D need to be extended in order to accommodate modern authoring methodologies?Position statements will be reviewed by the organization committee of the workshop. Accepted position statements will be presented at the beginning of each plenary and will provide the basis for the discussion in each of the three sessions. Position statements can be submitted to the email address below up until February 23, 2003. Further information via the workshop web site.
Email: position statements mailto:web3d@agc.fhg.de
URL: http://www-mmt.inf.tu-dresden.de/web3d2003/
The O'Reilly Network web site carrys a number of resources relating to the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) including:
a special Weblog "to capture developments related to DMCA, copyright, patents and open source, and so on".
URL: http://public-net.blogspot.com/
an article entitled: "Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution." In which Tim O'Reilly draws from his own lessons as a book publisher and talks about how some of these experiences may apply to the music- and film-publishing world.
"DMCA Up for Review" in which experts "offer advice on how to persuade the Federal Government to allow exemptions that change access controls on digital media."
URL: The O'Reilly Network http://oreillynet.com
Corel plans to launch XMetaL 4 "early in 2003". This latest version of its XML authoring suite comprises of four modules: XMetaL Author, XMetaL for ActiveX, XMetaL and XMetaL Central. The XMetaL Central component has been designed as a plug-in for the Microsoft .NET Visual Studio, for developers working on web services.
The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) has released its XML Process Definition Language, XPDL 1.0. The aim of XPDL is to provide a framework for implementing business process management and workflow engines in multiple environments.
The December 2002 issue of DigiCULT.Info is available to download in .pdf format. Entitled: "Digital Asset Management Systems for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector", this Issue highlights the fact that a cultural heritage organisation's ability to harvest, re-use and realise the value of its assets, will only ever be as good as the mechanisms that it can put in place for storing and retrieving assets from the media vault.
URL: low res., 1.2MB http://data.digicult.info/download/thematic_issue_2_021204_low_resolution.pdf
URL: high res., 12MB http://data.digicult.info/download/thematic_issue_2_021204_high_resolution.pdf
A workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Information Access, and Mobile Computing is being run as part of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-03) in Acapulco, Mexico, on August 11, 2003. The main goal of the workshop will be to create a forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researches and developers concerned with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Information Access (IA) with mobile devices. The organisers are hoping that the workshop will serve to foster the development of an international community interested in the workshop themes. A call for papers is open (a full list of suggested topics is available on the web site) and electronic submission is required via email in PDF or postscript format before March 9, 2003.
Email: submissions mailto:ai2ia@dimi.uniud.it
URL: submission guidelines http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/macros-link.html
URL: workshop http://www.dimi.uniud.it/workshop/ai2ia/
URL: IJCAI 03 http://www.ijcai-03.org/
A column on the "Editor & Publisher" web site takes as its theme "media convergence" and its affects on content creators. The column considers the experiences of a growing minority of reporters who "not only understand what convergence means, they practice it on a daily basis - reporting and producing content for print, the Internet, radio, and/or television".
A number of resources which concentrate on implementing web services are available on IBM's DeveloperWorks web site:
"Implementing Web services with the WSTK: Part 1" is a tutorial which previews the use of IBM's Web Services Toolkit for designing, deploying, and utilising web services.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/education/r-wstk33a.html?n-ws-12122
"Finding your way through Web service standards, Part 3" considers the problems associated with the lack of interoperability between varying implementations of web services standards. As the author explains: "the interaction between SOAP, WSDL, XML Schema, HTTP, etc. can become very complicated".
URL: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-stand3.html?n-ws-12122
November 2002 developerWorks Journal, available free, is a compendium of articles on web service development using the latest technologies. It has a bias towards IBM-developed technologies but most developers working in this field should find something of interest.
Version 46 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 1,750 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. An article about the bibliography has been published in The Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP).
URL: HTML http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
URL: .pdf http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf
URL: JEP article http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/07-02/bailey.html
The December 2002 issue of First Monday (volume 7, number 12) is available online, and includes the following articles and a number of book reviews:
"Beyond 'Couch Potatoes': From Consumers to Designers and Active Contributor";
"Posthuman Law: Information Policy and the Machinic World";
"The Uses of Networking for Promoting Sociological Research";
"Web-based Surveys: Changing the Survey Process";
"Users with Disability Need Not Apply? Web Accessibility in Ireland, 2002".URL: http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_12/
URL: book reviews http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_12/reviews/
IMAX Corporation, in association with movie maker Playtone, has begun active development on a film called Magnificent Desolation which charts the experiences of the 12 me who have actually walked on the moon. According to an announcement made by the companies, "this unique new 3D film which will allow moviegoers to explore the moon as if they were traveling alongside the 12 extraordinary voyagers. The project will detail what these men saw, heard, felt, thought and did while on the surface of the moon".
The film will be shot in the giant 15/70 format using 3D IMAX cameras and will be released exclusively in IMAX theatres. As of September 2002, there were more than 225 IMAX theatres operating in 30 countries.
URL: IMAX Corporation http://www.imax.com/
Electric Rain, has released Swift 3D MAX Version 2.0, the next generation plug-in allowing Discreet 3ds max and Autodesk Viz users to render scenes to Macromedia's Flash (.swf) file format as both vector and raster output. Swift 3D MAX enables 3D content developers working with 3ds max to create web-optimised output in the SWF file format, as well as AI, EPS, SVG and Toon Boom's PNT format.
The software, available on the Windows platform, is compatible with Discreet 3ds max and Autodesk Viz versions 3.0 and above and is priced at US$ 295 for the full version and US$ 149 for the upgrade.
URL: Electric Rain http://www.erain.com
URL: Discreet http://www.discreet.com
In the US, Gateway has announced all Gateway consumer desktop PCs will be pre-loaded and shipped with the Gateway Music Vault by pressplay application. Consumers can purchase a Mega Pack or Genre Pack of pre-loaded songs as an upgrade to their new PC. For an additional US$ 149.99 purchasers can opt for the Mega Pack for which users receive a 90-day free subscription to the service, which includes 2,000 songs pre-loaded, as well as 20 free portable downloads. Following the free period, consumers are expected to subscribe to the pressplay music service with subscriptions costing from US$ 9.95 per month. Full details on Gateway Music Vault by pressplay options and pricing are available via the link below.
Launched in December 2001, pressplay is an equally held joint venture between Sony Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group (a unit of Vivendi Universal). Music companies, including BMG, EMI Recorded Music, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group, as well as a number of independent labels, separately provide their content to pressplay on a non-exclusive basis.
URL: Gateway Music Vault http://www.gateway.com/pressplay
URL: pressplay http://www.pressplay.com
URL: Gateway http://www.gateway.com/
Creator 2.6 form MultiGen-Paradigm is expected to be released "early in 2003". Described as a comprehensive toolset, the software is used in the generation of optimised object models, high fidelity terrain and synthetic environments for use in realtime 3D visual simulation, urban simulation and other visualization applications.
The December 2002 issue of El.pub Analytic (number 12 in the series) has been published and is entitled: "Future of digital content: reader study". In June 2002 the INFORM project launched a request for readers of the El.pub Weekly newsletter to take part in a study of the future of digital content. The methodology chosen was a Delphi study where respondents give their views, the views are aggregated and fed back to the respondents for further comment.
The resultant study report (El.pub Analytic No. 12) provides a fascinating insight into how a number of industry experts see the future for digital content. A balanced approach is maintained throughout by highlighting both optimistic and pessimistic views on how a wide variety of drivers may, or may not, make significant contributions to digital content's future.
INFORM would like to thank all the respondents who took part, for putting so much effort into the study.
Texas Instruments (TI) has launched the Bluetooth Starter Kit, which is described as a "evaluation and development platform". Aimed at developers the kit should enable designers to add Bluetooth functionality to a range of handheld devices including mobile phones and PDAs. The kit was developed by TI in collaboration with Teleca Systems AB of Sweden.
URL: TI Bluetooth solutions http://www.ti.com/bluetooth
URL: press release http://focus.ti.com/docs/pr/pressrelease.jhtml?prelId=sc02291
URL: Teleca Systems http://www.teleca.com/
Workshare Metawall addresses the potential problems associated with transferring hidden metadata in Microsoft Word documents. Described as a document control tool, the software is designed as an enterprise solution to clean documents of unwanted metadata before they are sent out via email to external parties. The product fully integrates with and enhances Microsoft Outlook and can be used alongside document management systems. According to Workshare, Metawall is being used by an increasing number of Law firms in the UK and US to ensure that: "no document will ever leave the firm containing unwanted metadata".
URL: Workshare http://www.workshare.com
URL: product overview http://www3.workshare.com/products/pr_metawall_overview.htm
URL: Metawall http://www.metawall.com
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