EP Topic News: 4th January 2003
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The first call of the 6th Framework Programme (Call 1 of the IST priority FP6-2002-IST-1) was published on 17 December 2002. This web page contains:
the call text
the workprogramme 2003-2004
an "FP6 in Brief" paper
"guides for proposers"According to the Commission, some additional texts will be available only in January 2003. These include:
Guidelines on Proposal Evaluation Procedures
Guidelines for evaluators
Model Contracts
Financial guidelines
Negotiation guidelines
According to news from CORDIS, the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service, is planning to provide "a comprehensive list of the forthcoming calls" in its FP6 Calls service. The announcement states that through the service:
"Users are able to have a quick overview of the calls, with access to key information such as budget, time frame and potential restrictions as well as the relevant instruments. As of 17 December, the service will offer direct access to key documents - the call texts, work programmes, guide for proposers and further explanations on FP6. The documents will be downloadable and/or sent directly by e-mail. In addition, users will have quick access to search features to identify partners interested in the same topics and local National Contact Points".
CORDIS expects that user demand for the service immediately following the first calls is likely to very high affecting the speed of downloads adversely. All call announcements published on 17 December will be bought together in the first edition of CORDIS Focus in 2003. CORDIS Focus is published online and is also available as free printed publication.
The University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communications Institute for New Media Studies and New Directions for News (specifically Nora Paul and Christina Fiebich) have created a web essay on the elements of digital storytelling. The orientation is to news stories and in addition to several layers of analysis there are numerous examples and links to research papers. The site has only recently been set up so the all the examples and links are current.
The British Computer Society (BCS) is holding a series of six evening session on Web Services at IBM South Bank, London, UK during January through to March 2003. The series will include expert speakers from IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Sun and will cover a wide variety of perspectives including the basic underlying technology (XML / SOAP), tools, frameworks, corporate strategies and offerings and experience reports.
The series would suit a technical audience: software architects, project managers, development team leaders, software developers and technically inclined managers. In addition to presentations, it is envisaged that there will be plenty of demonstrations of various technologies and tools. Aspects covered in the series include: XML, SOAP, Apache AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, Microsoft .NET platform, IBM WebSphere support, Oracle 9i AS capabilities, Sun Java platform support. Further information via the link below.
We have received a request from Gerry McKiernan of Iowa State University concerning online public access catalogues. Gerry writes:
"New Age OPACs: Innovative Public Access Systems - after a hiatus of two years, I will be reliving one of my early web obsessions devoted to innovative online public access catalogs. Back in the late 1990s, I established a clearinghouse focused on Innovative Public Access Systems called Onion Patch. Over the course of the next few months, I will be reviewing and updating Onion Patch and am interested in identifying and incorporating additional novel/ingenious OPACs that are not presently profiled. I am also interested in any relevant articles, reports, papers, web sites, and other publications for inclusion in the associated bibliography".
Gerry is requesting readers of El.pub forward any contributions, suggestions, comments, queries, critiques, concerns to him via the email below.
Email: Gerry McKiernan mailto:gerrymck@iastate.edu
URL: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/Onion.htm
The November 2002 issue of the IPR-Bulletin from the IPR-Helpdesk has been published online. Accessible via the web, register users (registration is free) are sent email notification, along with a direct link to the latest issue as soon as it is published online.
The IEEE Internet Computing magazine (v6n6, Nov/Dec 2002) includes an article: "Jena: A Semantic Web Toolkit". The Jena toolkit, developed by HP Labs, aims to make the development of applications that drive a sematic web easier. Described as a Java application programming interface (API), the software is available as a free download under an open source license. (Source: UMBC AgentNews)
URL: http://dsonline.computer.org/0211/f/wp6jena.htm
URL: UMBC AgentNews v7n19 http://agents.umbc.edu/07/19/
URL: AgentWeb http://agents.umbc.edu/
The Online Community Report is a free e-zine which provides news clips, feature articles, job listings (predominantly US-based), and links to related news items from other publishers online. The December 16, 2002 issue for example provides links to:
a News.com article, which could have significant implications for online communities: "an Australian court has ruled to hear a libel case involving information posted in New York by an American publication". Coincidentally there is a feature in NUA Internet Surveys which also considers the implications of the case.
URL: News.com http://news.com.com/2100-1023-975618.html
URL: NUA Internet Surveys http://www.nua.ie/surveys/analysis/weekly_editorial.html a number of resources relating to Swedish software firm MindArk who is launching the virtual world Project Entropia January 30, 2003 - which will run using "real cash".
URL: Project Entropia http://www.project-entropia.com/
URL: Slashdot http://slashdot.org/articles/02/12/11/0233252.shtml?tid=127
URL: New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993180 a news items on Genecast which "provides a gateway to integrate RSS news feeds from Weblogs into a Usenet news reader instead of having to use dedicated 'news aggregator' software".
The Online Community Report is published twice a month, both via email and on the web, by Forum One Communications. Forum One provides "web strategy, web development and online community consulting services for organisations looking to use the Internet more effectively".
URL: Online Community Report http://www.OnlineCommunityReport.com
URL: Forum One Communications http://www.ForumOne.com
Financial products Mark-up Language (FpML) version 2.0 has been re-published as a Trial Recommendation on December 13, 2002. This version incorporates feedback on the FpML Trial Recommendation published on August 30, 2002. The version is available for review during the Trial Recommendation period which ends on January 31, 2003 after which the FpML Standards Committee will consider moving this to a Recommendation.
The FpML Standards Committee invites implementation feedback, both in the form of comments on the standard and confirmation of its successful implementation. All documents can be found on the FpML web site, with comments and reports of successful implementations via the links below.
URL: FpML documents http://www.fpml.org/spec/2002/tr-fpml-2-0-2002-12-13/index.asp
URL: comments and reports http://www.fpml.org/issues/
URL: comments archive http://www.fpml.org/issues/archive.asp
The Webreference Update Newsletter of December 16, 2002 includes a feature by Michael Classen entitled: "XMLMap: Charting the XML Territory" which attempts to provide an "overview of the fundamental XML building blocks".
URL: article http://www.webreference.com/xml/column70/
URL: Webreference Update http://www.webreference.com
The last issue of the PROACTe Newsletter was published during the week begining December 16, 2002. Since 1999, PROACTe - Promoting Awareness and Communicating Technologies in Education - has provided a web service for projects covering educational and training technologies under the European Commission's IST programme. The service aimed to give users access to information about educational technologies and research across Europe.
The PROACTe web site will continue running for a few months, in order to give its team the time to develop its last tasks of evaluation and reporting. The project are requesting that users of the service participate in an online survey, designed to evaluate the service provided. The December 2002 issue is available online
URL: survey http://www.proacte.com/ol_news_survey.asp
URL: PROACTe Newsletter http://www.proacte.com/latestnews/news.asp
UKISHELP is planning a free IST Information Day, in London, on the February 11, 2003. The event will cover the new IST programme as a whole as well as the 1st Call in particular. Speakers are expected to include Commission officials and the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the IST programme. The draft programme for the day includes sessions on: the new instruments, partnership and consortium agreements, 1st Call strategic objectives, proposal submission and evaluation, partner search.
Potential delegates are invited to inform UKISHELP, in advance, of areas of concern they would like to see addressed at the event. The organisers will attempt to make every effort to include these in the developing programme for the day, but if we are unable to do so, the Open Forum at the end of the event will provide a suitable platform for airing these matters. If you have particular matters that you would like addressed on 11 February, please email details to Nina Kitson, via the email below, by January 10, 2003.
UKISHELP, a DTI funded service for UK organisations seeking project funding under European Information Society Programmes, plans to circulate a full programme and registration form by email in mid-January 2003, subscribe via the web site below.
Email: Nina Kitson mailto:framework6@glasgows.co.uk
URL: http://www.ukishelp.co.uk
oXygen XML Editor 1.2.4 is the latest release, which according to its developers "improves most of the oXygen features and adds new ones like configurable document templates and plugins". Further information is available via the product web site. The editor can be freely evaluated for 30 days and costs US$ 65 or US$ 25 for academic use.
URL: http://www.oxygenxml.com
URL: download http://www.oxygenxml.com/download.html
For those readers interested in how Office 11 supports XML Microsoft have published white papers describing the XML features of Office 11 for developers and business decision makers, and a preview of Visual Studio Tools for Office.
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/office/developer/preview/default.asp
The December 2002 issue of D-Lib Magazine has been published online and includes five articles, an opinion piece, a conference report, several smaller features in D-Lib Magazines "In Brief" column, excerpts from recent press releases, and news of upcoming conferences and other items of interest in 'Clips and Pointers'. The opinion piece is entitled: "A Framework for Digital Library Research: Broadening the Vision", and the articles are entitled:
"Uncovering Information Hidden in Web Archives: A Glimpse at Web Analysis Building on Data Warehouses";
"Towards Continuous Web Archiving: First Results and an Agenda for the Future"
"The Open Video Digital Library"
"After Migration to an Electronic Journal Collection: Impact on Faculty and Doctoral Students"
"Who Is Reading On-line Education Journals? Why? And What Are They Reading?"The Conference Report is is from "eLibrary@UBC 4: Research, Collaboration and the Digital Library - Visions for 2010".
URL: http://www.dlib.org/
The Gilbane Report, a subscription-based information service focusing on content management, XML, and enterprise content-oriented applications, also publishes a free email based news service. Sent out weekly the email includes ten items, usually relating to product announcements or market news concerning companies active in the content management sector. Sample news items in a recent issue included:
Raining Data Corporation announced availability of the developer release of its TigerLogic XML Data Management Server (XDMS) V1.0 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
URL: http://www.rainingdata.com
Ephox announced the general availability of EditLive! for Java 2.0, the next generation of its web-based content authoring application, aimed at "non technical" users.
URL: http://www.ephox.com
Subscribe to the free e-zine via the link below.
BSkyB has announced that Digital Bridges' SMS and Java mobile entertainment content is now available to BSkyB subscribers (quoted as 6.3 million households) in the UK and Ireland via Sky Active. According to BSkyB the new service "allows users to download games to their chosen mobile phone using the Sky remote". This is the latest in a range of mobile and messaging services being offered via the "Sky Active portal".
URL: Digital Bridges http://www.digitalbridges.com/
URL: SkyDigital http://www.sky.com
3D development specialist, Superscape and video games publisher THQ Wireless expect the first 3D game for mobile phones, produced under a joint development agreement, to be published "early in 2003". The game is a 3D version of the Java game, "Astrosmash!", and has been designed to run on ARM 9 and Java-enabled mobile phones.
The companies have used its Superscape's Swerve technology to build the game. Swerve, available under license to Java developers wishing to build 3D applications, comprises three components: a client, an authoring module and an a series of pre-configured applications.
Jive Software have released Jive Forums Version 3.0 the latest in its series of products for organisations wishing to build discussion forum applications. Alongside this the company has also released a beta version of Jive Knowledge Base, an application for searching and browsing support documents. The company is aiming the products at organisations wishing to build "self-service and collaborative support environments".
2bAnywhere has released a beta version of 2bAMail, its new wireless email service, on "free trial" basis. According to the company the service will support Treo Communicators, Visor PDAs from Handspring, Palm PDAs, iPAQ Pocket PC from HP, and the Nokia 7650. 2bAnywhere expects to begin selling subscriptions for the commercial version of 2bAMail in 2003. Find out more via the company's web site.
Macrovision's latest DRM solution (MacroSafe) has been integrated into InterVideo's WinDVD player. The two companies plan to co-market this secure solution to the video on demand market. According to the companies, the MacroSafe client in combination with the WinDVD player is able to:
recognise content that has been encrypted and protected using the MacroSafe system
determine if the user has the right to view the content
enable easy playback of the content, if appropriate
inhibit unauthorised peer-to-peer file sharingInterVideo's WinDVD 4 is currently shipped pre-installed on Dell, HP, Sony and IBM PC among and others. In addition to playing DVDs, WinDVD can also play MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and DivX content from files, such as those that might be downloaded from an Internet movie rental site.
URL: InterVideo http://www.intervideo.com
URL: Macrovision http://www.macrovision.com
BT has announced a new multimedia contact centre service targeting the corporate market. Called BT Multimedia Contact Center (MCC), the service, according to BT, "brings together voice, video and online customer interactions on to an IP platform hosted in the network and available globally". BT believes that MCC will enable organisations to add web capabilities, such as online chat and web cams, to their contact centre "so that all communications with customers, including voice, can be filtered in to a single virtual queue and managed globally". The service is being offered through BT Ignite, the company's business services and solutions division.
URL: BT Ignite http://www.btignite.com/
MapPoint .NET version 3.0, is the latest version of Microsoft's web service platform designed for providers of mapping and location-based services. Version 3 includes a broader geographic coverage and expanded street-level data for a greater number of European countries. Further information via the link below.
The December 2002 Netcraft Web Server Survey provides a very useful overview of how the company views the development of the web worldwide during 2002. The survey monitors, on a monthly basis, the development of the web in terms of the sites hosted worldwide and the top development platforms. The publisher of the survey has used these monthly reports to provide an aggregated view of key developments. Other interesting snippets in the December survey include:
the assertion that that the fastest growing scripting language on the web (measured in percentage terms) was Java server pages (JSP). The report concludes that whilst ASP and PHP dominate as general purpose scripting languages, "JSP has found a worthwhile niche at the top end of the market in tandem with the application servers".
.Net "finds favour in the Linux community".Read more in the survey online, where you can also subscribe to free monthly email updates.
The news notes on agent-based computational economics (ACE) for December 2002 are available online. ACE is the computational study of economies modelled as evolving systems of autonomous interacting agents. The December 2002 ACE news notes include announcements regarding books, journals, software, web sites, and miscellaneous news items that might be of use to people interested in ACE-related research. These notes are also archived (along with all past distributed news notes) at the ACE web site.
URL: December notes http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace1218.htm
URL: ACE web site http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/ace.htm
"Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Survey of Issues" published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) aims to provide a view of current developments.
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